Sure enough, Grandpa Shen was up from his nap. He was practicing calligraphy in his study.

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“Grandpa” Shen Qinglan knocked on the door and called out.

“Didn’t you say you were going out for a walk? Why did you come back so soon?” Master Shen smiled and waved at the three of them and they walked in.

“It’s a little cold outside so it’s better to stay at home. There’s nothing to do so we just came over to talk with you”

Old Master Shen looked at Shen Qinglan with a smile, “It’s rare for your friends to come to the house. What’s the point of accompanying an old man like me?”

Fang Tong smiled, “Grandpa Shen, we wanted to come up and see you. This is a rare opportunity.”

Yu Xiaoxuan nodded, “That’s right. It’s the first time I’ve seen a real General alive.”

Grandpa Shen laughed, “General? I’m an old man now. It’s a young man’s world today.”

“Grandpa Shen, I heard that you’ve actually been to war. Can you tell us the story of how you went into battle and killed the enemy?” Yu Xiaoxuan looked at Old Master Shen with blatant admiration in her eyes.

Old Master Shen was very pleased at the news, “If you don’t mind my old experiences, I’ll tell you all about it.”

“Good.” Fang Tong nodded with a smile, obviously in high spirits.

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Master Shen started to tell stories about how he led the army to fight the devils back then. He had seen a lot of war and numerous heroic scenes. Although Grandpa Shen’s speech wasn’t impassioned, both Fang Tong and Yu Xiaoxuan could imagine the scene.

(Devils = wartime term insult for Japanese)

Even though it was just for a short time, the two of them listened with pleasure until Sister Song came up to call them to dinner. They still wished Grandpa Shen would continue his stories.

After an afternoon together, Master Shen’s fondness for these two girls had become a little more sincere. When they were eating, he kept asking them to eat more.

Halfway through the meal, Shen Xitong, who hadn’t uttered a word, suddenly said, “I wonder what the two of you do at home?” and although she was smiling, there wasn’t the slightest hint of laughter in her eyes.

As soon as the words left her mouth, a brief silence fell over the table.

Yu Xiaoxuan said, “My father is a small businessman who opened his own garment processing factory.” Although Yu Xiaoxuan knew that Shen Xitong had ill intentions, she didn’t care in the slightest. Her family background was nothing to be ashamed of.

“My father is just an employee in an institution.” Fang Tong added.

“That’s really a coincidence, I also have a clothing company under my company, so there’s a chance we can work together.” Shen Jun Yu said warmly, breaking the awkward atmosphere in the air.

Originally wanting to embarrass Yu Xiaoxuan and the others, but being interrupted by Shen Junyu’s words, Shen Xitong was very unhappy in her heart. She wanted to retaliate, but she was glared at by Chu Yunrong, which implied dissatisfaction and Shen Xitong was too shocked to open her mouth.

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Chu Yunrong simply felt that tonight Shen Xitong was rude. After all Fang Tong and Yu Xiaoxuan were guests and she should not be so rude to them.

Without Shen Xitong stirring the pot, the dinner was a pleasure for both the host and the guest. Originally, Master Shen wanted to Fang Tong and Yu Xiaoxuan to stay the night, but they refused to do so.

(TN: Stirring the pot/To stir the pot = is to agitate a situation to cause a reaction or trouble.)

“Then Jun Yu, you should take Xiaotong and Xiaoxuan back to school. Be sure to drive them safely.” Master Shen instructed.

“Okay, Grandpa.” Shen Jun Yu promised.

But Shen Qinglan said, “No, Grandpa, I’m going back to school too. So, I’ll just drive back.”

“You don’t have classes tomorrow. Why you don’t stay at home?” Master Shen was a bit reluctant.

“It’s easier if I stay at school for the internship defense which is scheduled for next Monday ”

“Then it’s better to have your brother drive you. It’s not safe to drive at night.”

Shen Jun Yu: …

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“It’s not safe for your granddaughter to drive at night, but it’s safe for me to drive? Grandpa, is it right for you to be this biased?” he replied while sulking.

Dropping the three of them off at the school, Shen Jun Yu watched as they walked inside the school gates and left without getting out of the car.

Yu Xiaoxuan started browsing the forum after taking a shower. She hadn’t visited the forum for a long time. She said, “Qinglan, the forum said that our school recently had a loli beauty.”

Fang Tong asked, “A new student?” as she wiped on her skin care products.

“Doesn’t seem to be. Supposedly an international student studying for a PhD. Seems to be a H country beauty.” Yu flipped through the forum and looked at the comments below. There was a picture of a girl online, but it seemed to be a distant sneak peek. It was not clear.

“Who took this photo? It’s so blurry. God is the only one who can tell from this photo that the person is beautiful.” Yu Xiaoxuan’s mouth twitched.

Fang Tong leaned over to have a look, “H Country beauties are artificial. There is nothing to look at. Is the natural one in our dorm not enough? Look at her.”

Yu Xiaoxuan blinked and nodded in agreement, “Yes, any beautiful woman standing beside Qinglan would be dull in comparison. Qinglan is simply… Beauty Killer.”

Fang Tong said, “It’s not like it’s the first day you know. This must be just some boring person posting a tease. Don’t look at it. By the way, are you going to go to Sheng Xuan after the internship defense?”

When Yu Xiaoxuan heard this, she collapsed on the table, listless and Fang Tong looked at her strangely, “What’s wrong? Don’t you want to be an entertainer? Do you regret it now?”

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“No way, I’m the one who’s going to become a big star, so I won’t regret it. This afternoon, Mrs. Song’s Jiuniang were delicious. So, I took a picture and sent it to my friends but I forgot that Sister Linda was also in my friend list. And then calamity struck and Sister Linda said that as soon as my internship defense ends on Monday, I must report to the office to start a three-month closed training. If the meat on my face doesn’t say goodbye to me after three months, she will have to say goodbye to me.”

Fang Tong blinked and suddenly looked at Yu Xiaoxuan with sympathy. One could imagine how miserable the future would be, but this was in accordance with the saying, do or die.

Yu Xiaoxuan once again recalled the friend circle status she had sent and said that she wanted to cry.

When Shen Qinglan came out of the bathroom and saw was a listless look of Yu Xiaoxuan’s face. She immediately looked at Fang Tong. Fang Tong gave her a mischievous smile, pointed at Yu Xiaoxuan’s face, then pointed at her chin. Shen Qinglan understood the situation and a hint of a smile flashed in her eyes.

Shen Qinglan looked at Yu Xiaoxuan and said, “Starting tomorrow morning, you’ll go jogging with me.”.

Yu Xiaoxuan wailed, “Qinglan, don’t.” She hated running. Running eight hundred meters for her gym class exams would reduce her life by half.

“And there’s only two days. How can it help?” Yu Xiaoxuan shook her head.

Shen Qinglan replied, “With your current physique, are you sure you can stand Linda’s devastation?”

As soon as she heard of Linda, Yu Xiaoxuan went quiet and Shen Qinglan took her silence as acceptance.

The next day, at six in the morning, Yu Xiaoxuan was still in her bed playing chess with Zhou Gong. She was woken up by Shen Qinglan. Yu Xiaoxuan crawled out of bed with her eyes half closed and drowsily walked to wash and change clothes. Then she followed Shen Qinglan and glided down the dormitory floor.

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