On the way, Fang Tong met a girl from the dorm room next to theirs, gloating, “I said Fang Tong, Shen Qinglan is so shameless, do you know that? You guys are in the same dormitory, so you know more or less.”

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Fang Tong looked at her and their eyes met but she did not get angry. Instead, she said in a recluse way, “It’s not something you have seen with your own eyes or something you’re going to stop talking about. When the times come, I’ll slap you in the face and it will be very painful.”

That girl knew that Fang Tong was not an easy person to mess with. She secretly glared at Fang Tong and snorted, “What’s there to be arrogant about, it might be ‘The jackals of a hill’, huh.”

(T/N: The jackals of a hill = Birds of a feather flock together. They are all just as bad as each other.)

Fang Tong quickly finished buying breakfast and when she entered the dorm room, she saw that Shen Qinglan was planning to go out, “Qinglan, where are you going?”

“I just got a call from the counselor, saying that Qinglan should go to the principal’s office.” Yu Xiaoxuan explained, looking worried.

Fang Tong was puzzled, “How did the principal come to know about this?”

Fang Tong put the breakfast on the table and said, “Qinglan, I’ll go with you.”

“No, I’m just going to check. It’ll be fine, don’t worry.”

But Yu Xiaoxuan and Fang Tong were still uneasy and wanted to follow her, especially Fang Tong. Her father was an influential man in Lin City. The principal knew who she was and would give her a little consideration.

“There’s really no need. I’m just going through the formalities.”

Shen Qinglan left and went to the principal’s office alone. Fang Tong and Yu Xiaoxuan stayed in the dorm room, looking at each other speechless.

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Suddenly, a cell phone started ringing the room.

Yu Xiaoxuan said, “Your phone is ringing, answer it.”

Fang Tong replied, “It’s not mine.”

The two of them looked at Shen Qinglan’s desk, and indeed saw Shen Qinglan’s cell phone on the desk, which was ringing happily at the moment. Shen Qinglan actually forgot to take her cell phone with her.

The ringing soon stopped. But it started again. Fang Tong originally did not want to pay attention to it, but was worried that the person on the other side might have to relay some urgent matters. So, she picked up and noticed that the caller ID said “Fu Hengyi”.

“Qinglan,” a low alluring voice came from the other end of the phone. Fu Hengyi’s voice was laced with a hint of tiredness and yearning.

Fang Tong was stunned. She pulled her phone away from her ear and looked at it. Snapping out of it, she moved the phone towards her ear, “Sorry, Qinglan is not here right now. I’m her roommate. If you have a message and it’s urgent, you can tell me and I’ll relay it for you. But if it’s not urgent, you can call back in half… in an hour.”

She originally wanted to say half an hour, but thought that it wouldn’t be over that quickly on Shen Qinglan’s side. So, she changed her mind and said an hour instead.

The unfamiliar voice made Fu Hengyi pause, “Where did Qinglan go?”

His voice had returned to normal.

Fang Tong hesitated, unsure of the other person’s relationship with Shen Qinglan. But the other person’s familiar tone made it seem like he was on good terms with Shen Qinglan.

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After thinking about it for a while, Fang Tong replied, “She had to do something so she went out but she left her phone in her room.” She did not want to tell him the reason.

“When she comes back, please tell her to call me back.” Fu Hengyi said.


Fu Hengyi hung up the phone and rubbed his forehead. He had just returned from a military exercise and he hadn’t contacted Shen Qinglan in three days and he felt something amiss. Suddenly, he rubbed his forehead again, looked at his phone and dialed back.

Again, the call was answered by Fang Tong.

“Is something wrong with Qinglan?” Fu Hengyi asked. It’s true that Shen Qinglan might not have her phone with her at all times when she’s at home, but when she went out, she would definitely take it with her.

Shen Qinglan walked towards the principal’s office, gaining countless obvious and obscure stares along the way, as well as incoming comments. But her appearance remained unchanged, not taking those people’s gazes to heart at all.

Right after she turned a corner, a figure blocked her way and Shen Qinglan stopped.

It was a man, not very tall, with mediocre features. He was the kind of person who couldn’t be recognized if he fell into the sea of people.

The man, with a light smile on his face, gave Shen Qinglan a once-over, “Say, how much?”

Shen Qinglan paused; her eyes turned cold.

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“I know you’ve been with many men, but I don’t mind. Name a price, as long as it’s not too high, I can cover you. Although I’ll not pay as much as those old men, I’m younger than all of them. So, if you are willing to follow me, I’ll be more satisfying than them.”

His gaze lingered on Shen Qinglan’s face for a while before finally stopping at Shen Qinglan’s chest.

Shen Qinglan’s calm face was cold, looking at the other man. Her sight was icy and her red lips uttered, “Get lost.”

The man’s face changed, “Don’t make an ashamed face. After all your face is a part of this deal too. You don’t need to show false nobility. I’m willing to cover you that’s because I think highly of you! And let’s not even look at how many times you’ve been through this.”

The man’s words were flithy, but the chill in Shen Qinglan’s eyes was even greater. She had just been sparring with the hacker for half a day, and although it had been difficult to tell the difference, in the end, the other person was still slightly better, and she had retreated. It had been a long time since she had tasted frustration and she was not in a good mood right now.

“I’ll say it one last time. Get lost.” Her voice was cold.

This Translation Belongs to Centinni

The man wanted to raise his voice, but instantly quietened when he met Shen Qinglan’s eyes and he escaped.

Shen Qinglan continued to walk towards the principal’s office. She did not meet anyone who wasn’t watching this time.

In the principal’s office, not only was the principal present, but also their department heads, class teachers and counselors, all of them were here.

As soon as Shen Qinglan entered, everyone’s gaze fell on her with a serious measure and examination.

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The atmosphere in the office was heavy, but Shen Qinglan seemed unaware of it, standing in the middle with her spine straight and a calm demeanor.

“Fellow student Shen Qinglan, you should know why we’re looking for you, right?” The counselor was the first to speak.

“I don’t know.” Shen Qinglan faintly spat out three words, causing the others in the office to stiffen.

The counselor pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, “Then let’s get straight to the point. Is what was said in that post in the school forum true or not? ”

Shen Qinglan looked at him, her eyes clear and cold, “Do all teachers like to listen to rumors nowadays and don’t investigate the truth?”

The counselor’s face stiffened, and the principal’s face didn’t look good either. He had never met such an arrogant student before.

“Watch your words, Shen Qinglan. We just want you to explain things clearly.”

“What do you want me to explain about something that hasn’t been done?” Shen Qinglan said innocently, with a bit of impatience in his tone.

The class teacher and the department head looked at each other, and the class teacher spoke up, “Headmaster, I also think that this matter is just a misunderstanding. Shen Qinglan, I understand, is a very good student, a first-class scholarship winner every year. She also acts in a very disciplined manner on a normal day and would never do such a thing.”

The head of the department added, “Teacher Li is right, I am the supervisor of her graduation thesis and I can also guarantee her character. Those online photos may not be real. After all, there are a lot of people who can photoshop, and it’s really easy to photoshop a few dubious pictures.”

I don’t know that My Editor Jo sent this chap to me, my bad >︿<

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