For three days in a row, they lived like this. The woman would come in and bring them food at mealtime, with buns for every meal. There was a water jug in the room for those who were thirsty, and a spittoon. And if they wanted to go to the bathroom they had to settle for the room, which was filled with an unpleasant smell.

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To be honest, they couldn’t go anywhere but this room.

For three days, the boy spoke to Shen Qinglan every day, and although Shen Qinglan wanted to go home and was still afraid, the fear in her heart gradually subsided a little.

“We can’t get out now. When we can get out, I’ll find a way for you to escape. You go to the police uncle, okay?” This was a sentence that the boy often told her. Shen Qinglan would nod her head obediently every time she heard it.

Shen Qinglan found a small hole in the corner, very small. From this small hole one could see the next room.

There was a bed in the next room, which seemed to be occupied by someone. And every night, that room would make strange noises; mmmm, ahhh. There was always a man who liked to lie on a woman’s body, and then nibble on that woman. And then that bed would shake, and it would take a long time before it would stop.

It was at night that she heard strange noises before she found that hole.

Shen Qinglan thought that the boy would stay with her for a long time, but within two days, the boy was taken away.

When those people wanted to take him away, the boy refused, struggling and unwilling to go. Shen Qinglan watched as they took out a handkerchief and covered the boy’s mouth. Then the boy was taken away, and from then on, Shen Qinglan never saw him again.

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The boy who said he would protect her and help her escape, disappeared from her life.

Along with that boy, there were several other boys and two girls who were taken away.

The only ones left in the room were the girl who came at the beginning and Shen Qinglan.

She wanted to go home, but she couldn’t escape. The door was locked, and there was only one small window in the room, but it was so high that she couldn’t reach it even if she stood on her tiptoes.

The room next door still made strange noises every night. Shen Qinglan was used to it. She laid down on the straw to sleep. She was sleeping on it these days.

The straw was uncomfortable, and there were little insects that always bit her. She was covered in little red bumps because of the bugs.

Shen Qinglan slept uneasily and woke up when the door to her room was opened and she looked in horror at the tall, thin man who came in.

“Yo, sweetie, you’re awake. Do you want to play a game with uncle?” The lean man’s gaze rested on Shen Qinglan’s tender face, his face coveted.

At that time, Shen Qinglan didn’t know what that gaze represented. She was just afraid and she stepped back.

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The skinny man rubbed his hands, “Little baby, don’t be afraid. Uncle is going to play a game with you.”

Shen Qinglan shook her head and kept backing away.

The other girl also woke up and just watched all of this, holding her legs and hiding in the corner without making a sound.

At that moment, the woman came in and pulled the man “Lao San, can you change your temperament? These children are kept for sale. You can’t sell it if you spoil it”

The man, whose name was Lao San, said, “It’s a waste of money. You might as well play with me.”

The woman slapped Lao San’s hand with a good amount of force. Pointing at Shen Qinglan, she said, “Don’t move this. The boss said that this face is the most marked one in this batch, and he expects to sell it for a good price. If you ruin it, see how the boss will deal with you.”

Lao San twitched his mouth and  looked at Shen Qinglan with regret. “If you say don’t touch it, then I won’t touch it. The other one is ok. Anyway, it hasn’t been sold for half a year. You’ll lose your money if you hit her.”

“Don’t- don’t come over.”

Ignoring the girl’s screams, the woman walked away, not forgetting to instruct Lao San to lock the door as she left.

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Lao San waved his hand perfunctorily, pulled the girl up and dragged her out of the room, and then the door slammed shut. Shen Qinglan quickly walked over, but heard a sound of a key turning and the door being locked.

Shen Qinglan retreated to the corner and sat quietly, hands on her knees.

Soon, Shen Qinglan heard the girl’s cries coming from next door. She slowly moved to the small hole and took a look inside.

The girl was dragged to the bed by the skinny man and she backed away in fear until she reached the corner, unable to retreat.

The skinny man rubbed his hands, “Although you are not as pretty as the little girl, your face is pretty good to look at. At first, I didn’t want to touch you, But it’s been six months since I asked for you. Now accompany your uncle to have a good time, and when uncle is satisfied, uncle will give you delicious food.”

The skinny man said as he took off his trousers, and soon there was only a pair of underpants left on him.

The girl wanted to run. But this room wasn’t big, and she wasn’t as strong as the man. So where could she even run to? And soon as she was pressed down on the bed by the man, he tore her clothes off.

Shen Qinglan saw the man lying on the girl’s body like before, not knowing what he was nibbling on. The girl let out a violent cry, and such a tragic scream, made Shen Qinglan’s heart tremble.

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She covered her ears with her hands, not looking, not listening, and hid in the corner, trembling softly. But even then, the creak of the big bed and the girl’s cries still made its way into her ears.

After a while, the other room quieted down. Shen Qinglan carefully moved to the small hole and took a look inside. She wanted to know how the little girl was doing, but she didn’t see the girl in the room.

Soon, the sound of a key opening the door came from the door. Shen Qinglan was busy lying down and pretending to sleep. The door was opened and a figure was thrown in like a broken rag. It fell on the floor and made a clinking sound.

The door was quickly locked again. Shen Qinglan quietly opened her eyes, and because of the moonlight from the window, she saw the girl. She was lying on the floor, not moving, and Shen Qinglan didn’t know if she was still alive or not. She didn’t even have any clothes on her.

Shen Qinglan was scared. She wanted to cry, but she didn’t dare, afraid that she would draw that terrible man over. She carefully moved her feet and crawled to the little girl’s side.

The little girl’s eyes were tightly shut, her face was full of tears, and because of the moonlight, Shen Qinglan saw that there seemed to be blood on her legs.

She was afraid and took a few steps back, not daring to move.

She just sat beside the girl and watched her motionlessly until her body couldn’t support her anymore. Then she laid down on the ground and slept.

Sorry, Last night was raining and the connection quite bad >﹏<

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