Chapter 18 – Goodbye

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The next day when she woke up, the redness and swelling on Shen QingLan’s face had faded a lot. But there was still a faint red mark on it. She looked at herself in the mirror and applied some make up on it. She covered the trace until no one didn’t even notice that there was some redness or even the makeup itself.

If there was anyone here they certainly would be amazed how adept she was when applying make up, as well as how high her skill was. She obviously very used to do it.

It was just that sprain on her for that still wasn’t heal much. Before he left last night, Fu HengYi found a bottle of medicated oil and helped her to massage it on her injured foot for a while. So it wasn’t hurt that bad.

But the little pain was completely negligible for Shen QingLan. So when she went to school no one didn’t even notice the injuries on her.

“QingLan, the exam is finally over, let’s go to the bar i told you last time okay?” Holding her arm, Yu XiaoXuan cutely blinked her eyes.

Yu XiaoXuan’s eyes were in the shape of crescent moon so it looked very cartoony and shone brightly, her face also still retained her baby fat. It made her looked very adorable especially when she try to act cute. Anyone would had a hard time trying to refuse her.

Today was their last exam in this semester. After the test they would be free to go to have their holiday. Shen QingLan thought for a moment then she nodded.

“Yes, you’re the best QingLan, muah.” Yu XiaoXuan cheered loudly.

Wu Qian, what about you, do you want to come with us?” Yu XiaoXuan asked Wu Qian who still engrossed in reviewing.

Wu Qian glanced at Yu XiaoXuan slightly. “No.”

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She was very indifferent towards them.

Yu XiaoXuan’s mouth was twitching, although she knew this would happen. She had been knowing Wu Qian as roommate for the last three years, but Wu Qian still wasn’t able to blend well with the rest of them. Everyday if she didn’t have a class she would always had a part-time job, or if she didn’t have something to do she always stays in their room. Especially when exam was approaching.

When they invite her to go out with the she would always refuse it. Even if the one who invited her was Yu XiaoXuan she would also refuse it.

Yu XiaoXuan’s character was very lively, she also could communicate well with many people. Even Shen QingLan who had a cold temper, and didn’t have many friend couldn’t help but became very fond of Yu XiaoXuan. So Wu Qian was the only exception.

“Fang Tong, what about you, do you want to come with us?”

Fang Tong who was still applying some makeup when she heard Yu XiaoXuan’s question her movement didn’t even stop. “Tonight i will go with my boyfriend to watch a movie. So i will not join you bunch of single dogs.”

“Ah you keep accompanying your boyfriend Fang Tong. Can you be more a little independent?” Yu XiaoXuan call out at her.

“Why would i need to be more independent, you would just want to bite me off.” Fang Tong sneered and glanced sideways at Yu XiaoXuan.

The two of them were just like a quarrelsome but loving couple, if they didn’t throw some shade towards another they probably would fall ill.

Shen QingLan still quietly looked at the both of them. Her eyes filled with a slight smile. She actually very fond of this kind of livelihood.

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In the end at night, Shen QingLan and Yu XiaoXuan’s adventure to the bar didn’t even have a start.

Shen QingLan looked at the block of a man in front of her, her gaze was full of confusion.

Yu XiaoXuan also looked at him with her eyes opened wide. Wasn’t this… wasn’t this man…

Fu HengYi didn’t explain why would he appear at her school gate. But he looked at Yu XiaoXuan and said. “I need to talk to QingLan for a moment. Can i borrow her for a second.”

His low and deep voice was sounded very beautifully. When XiaoXuan heard this voice, it was like a divine voice. She immediately nodded her head hard like pecking chick. While she walk out of the school, she didn’t forget to wave her hand towards Shen QingLan. “Umm QingLan, I’ll go back first, you enjoy hangout with the handsome man.”

She recognize this handsome guy was the one who help them on the restaurant accident few days ago. But still QingLan said she didn’t know this man, why would someone she didn’t know coming to the school. Humph… QingLan you’re liar ahh.

Yu XiaoXuan thought angrily, she looked back at the traitor behind.

Ahh, these two people’s appearance together were indeed extremely compatible ahh.

As the unrelated person already left, Fu HengYi’s warm and gentle expression faded a little. He frowned his brows and looked at Shen QingLan’s foot. “You’re foot was injured you should have rested, what are you doing running around outside?”

His voice was stern, like an older brother who nagged at his rebel younger sister.

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“I’m fine.” Shen QingLan was immersed at Fu HengYi’s gaze, she couldn’t fully adapt in it.

Fu HengYi was looking at Shen QingLan in her campus because he want to personally look at her injured foot. And knowing the state of her injury even iron man wouldn’t be able to heal so quickly. But looking at her walking manner just now, he wouldn’t even know that she had injured her foot last night.

“Why do you have to be so stubborn on yourself?” Fu HengYi sighed softly, and talked in relax voice.

Hearing Shen QingLan’s words made him somewhat uneasy. Actually she was too habitually to say it like that, not because she was forced or try to act strong. Compared to what she used to feel before, this kind of pain wouldn’t able to hinder her.

Looking at Shen QingLan’s silent appearance, Fu HengYi’s heart became more helpless. He couldn’t help but to become more curious about what kind of experience this little girl had experienced in the past years before. The reasons why her character had changed into this cold and tenacious.

“I’m going back to the army, so today i come here to tell you that.” Fu HengYi was to the reason why he was here.

So, he was here to say goodbye to her? Shen QingLan realized what he meant. But were they that close to each other? If he was going to return to the army why would he need to go to her campus just to tell her that?

Shen QingLan’s eyes showed slightly her moods, but Fu HengYi could still easily see her bafflement. Actually he was also somewhat baffled by his own action. When he returned yesterday from the Shen’s house he somewhat still wasn’t relieved by her condition. So he eventually came here to see her.

Fu HengYi rubbed his forehead to smoothen down his frown. “There is something i want to say but don’t want to say it on the phone. Furthermore i want to request something to you.”

So there was something he needed her help.

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“What is it?”

“My grandpa is always alone at the Fu’s house, i couldn’t always come back for him. I could see that he is very fond of you, so i hope that you can sometimes accompany him.”

Fu HengYi’s voice was very serious, Shen QingLan could easily hear his concern for Grandpa Fu.

“Ok.” Shen QingLan answered without a bit difficulty. She also like the stubborn old man very much.

“Thank you so much.”

After Fu HengYi finished speaking, he quickly turned and walked away. He unexpectedly didn’t send off Shen QingLan back to her dorm. Rather it was because he truly didn’t have time right now. Originally he didn’t have to go back to the army so quickly, but today he just received some notice. One that required him to attend some urgent mission. His meeting with QingLan now happened because he squeezed hard his time.

He actually had called her before coming here, but Shen QingLan had an exam today so she turned off her phone. After she came out of the exam room she still forgot to turn it back on again. So Fu HengYi couldn’t help but to come and search for the person himself.

After walking for a few steps, Fu HengYi actually turned back again to her. He stuffed something in her hand. “Don’t neglect your body just because you’re still young. You should carefully take care of your injured foot. This kind of massage oil will help your blood circulation and will help your swelling. Remember to apply it on your injury.”

This time, Fu HengYi was really gone.

Shen QingLan watched Fu HengYi approaching the military of-road vehicle that parked at the corner of the street. She watched him to get on the car, and the car started to disappear into the corner. Then she raised her hand to hail a taxi.

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