The next day, Shen Xitong was woken up early in the morning, and she reluctantly followed Shen Junyu and Shen Qian out. Chu Yunrong didn’t follow, but stayed at home.

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Shen Junyu separated from Shen Qian as soon as he went out. He went to pick up the Li family couple. When he arrived at the hospital, someone was already waiting at the door and greeted the visitor, but Shen Qian didn’t get out of the car.

“Get out of the car, I’ve already made arrangements at the hospital.” Shen Qian said to Shen Xitong in the back seat.

Shen Xitong’s face was full of reluctance, “Dad.”

Shen Qian smiled gently, “It’s just a paternity test, everything will be okay, don’t worry.”

Seeing that he didn’t have any intention of changing his mind, Shen Xitong got out of the car helplessly, and just after getting out of the car, she saw the Li family couple. It was still like yesterday when seeing her, both of them had smiles on their faces, but this smile looked ugly in Shen Xitong’s eyes.

Without greeting them, Shen Xitong turned and left.

“Let’s go.” A man who looked like a doctor said, the Li family couple followed behind, and Shen Junyu also followed behind with his hands in his pockets.

After the blood was drawn, Shen Xitong left without even saying a word to Shen Junyu, and Shen Junyu didn’t care.

The Li family followed behind Shen Junyu, and when they got outside, Shen Qian’s car had already left, Shen Junyu opened the back seat door of his car and said, “Get in the car, I’ll take you back, it will take a few days for the paternity test results to come out.”

The Li family couple obediently got into the car, and waited until they got out of the car at the entrance of the hotel. Shen Junyu looked in the rear-view mirror and saw Tian Cuifang’s expression of hesitation, thinking that they were worried about the hotel room fee.

“I’ve already paid for the hotel room for a week, you just need to live with peace of mind.”

Tian Cuifang nodded repeatedly, with a grateful expression on her face, “Thank you, thank you. It’s just…” She was full of embarrassment.

“Is there anything else?” Shen Junyu asked.

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Tian Cuifang hesitated, “That’s right, we spent all the money to find Sanya…”

Shen Junyu understood in seconds, so he took out a few banknotes from his wallet, and handed them to them, “This money should be enough for the two of you to live for a few days.”

Tian Cuifang took it gratefully, thanked him repeatedly, and then got out of the car with Li Datou.

After Shen Junyu’s car left, Li Datou asked Tian Cuifang, “How much did he pay?” His tone was a little eager.

Tian Cuifang counted, “One thousand.”

Li Datou curled his lips, and curled his mouth, “It’s true that the richer people are, the stingier they are, he only gave one thousand yuan. This is just to send a beggar away.” As he said this, he snatched the money from Tian Cuifang’s hand, and kept it in his coat pocket.

“Let’s go in quickly, it’s freezing.”

“But we haven’t eaten yet, why don’t we go buy something?” Tian Cuifang shouted from behind him, but Li Datou ignored her and went straight up.

Tian Cuifang had no money, so even if her stomach was growling with hunger, she could only go up. Fortunately, there was still some dry food in her bag.

Fu Hengyi woke up early in the morning, but instead of getting up early as usual, he rested his head on his hands and just looked at Shen Qinglan.

Shen Qinglan felt someone looking at her in her sleep, and when she opened her eyes, she met Fu Hengyi’s gentle gaze.

“Morning.” Shen Qinglan said, with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth.

Fu Hengyi lowered his head, kissed her on the lips and smiled gently, “Morning.”

“Are you going to get up?”

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Fu Hengyi shook his head, and said unintentionally, “Why do you think I applied to be transferred to the Beijing military region?”

The smile on the corner of Shen Qinglan’s mouth disappeared, and she looked at his expression. Seeing that he didn’t seem to be joking, she also took a serious expression, sat up, but was embraced by Fu Hengyi in his arms, and Shen Qinglan let him go, “Why did you suddenly want to be transferred to the Beijing Military Region?”

“Now that I’m getting older and my physical strength is not as good as before, if I still stay there, would it not be a typical example of occupying a latrine and not shitting.”

What he said was vulgar, but Shen Qinglan didn’t believe the reason he said, remembering the time he came back a year ago and this New Year’s Eve, and how Grandpa Fu had talked to him alone, she asked, “Did someone tell you something?”

Fu Hengyi had to sigh in his heart that she was so sensitive, “No, you think too much, it’s purely my own thoughts.”

Shen Qinglan sat up from his arms, turned to face him, and said seriously, “Fu Hengyi, you are a soldier, I know you love the army, and the brothers who fought side by side with you, you are born to belong to the army, you just do what you want, and I will support you silently behind your back.”

Fu Hengyi chuckled, and looked at Shen Qinglan with gentler eyes, “Where did you go, I don’t intend to retire, I just wanted to transfer back to the Beijing military region since it is closer to home, and if there is anything wrong with the family, I can take care of it.”

“Fu Hengyi, you don’t need to worry about me at home. I don’t have what you want. You are so fragile, you don’t need to make such a sacrifice for me. I know you have responsibilities on your shoulders. I have seen your brothers before, and I can see that they have deep feelings for you. They won’t let you leave, and you won’t want to leave them either.”

“But I also don’t want to leave you.”

Shen Qinglan smiled slightly, with warmth in her eyes, “Fu Hengyi, remember, I am your wife, no matter what you do, I will support you, even if it is for you, I will take care of myself and not let you worry, I have only one request for you.”

Fu Hengyi looked at her, and Shen Qinglan said word by word, “Don’t let yourself get hurt, I will be distressed and sad.”

Fu Hengyi only felt a hot current passing through his heart, scalding his heart.

He held Shen Qinglan in his arms like she was a rare treasure, “Shen Qinglan, how many good deeds did I have to do in my previous life to marry you in this life?”

Shen Qinglan hugged him back, buried her head in his arms, took a deep breath, and smelled the familiar and nostalgic smell from the tip of her nose. The tip of her nose seemed a little sour. He had been with her for nearly half a month, even Shen Qinglan had become used to it, now that he suddenly had to leave, her heart was full of reluctance.

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But the man she fell in love with was an eagle, an eagle soaring in the sky, and shouldn’t be trapped in this small world.

She didn’t know who started it. In the end, the two slept until noon again.

Seeing the two of them coming down the stairs, Mr. Fu, instead of being unhappy, smiled like a chrysanthemum, and glanced at his grandson with admiration, okay, he had raised a good grandson, hehe, okay.

“Well, Xiao Zhao, girl Qinglan has already woken up, she hasn’t eaten breakfast, she must be hungry, you fill her a bowl of soup to cushion her belly.” Mr. Fu said to Aunt Zhao.

“Okay.” Aunt Zhao replied with a smile.

Fu Jingting glanced at the young couple ambiguously, but did not make fun of them.

It was not the first time for them being made fun of by the elders, so Fu Hengyi had long become calm, but Shen Qinglan still felt a little embarrassed.

Especially when she met Fu Jingting’s playful eyes, the tips of her ears turned red.

Mr. Fu gave his daughter a hard look. If you scare my granddaughter-in-law away, I will never let you get away with this.

Fu Jingting received the old man’s gaze, and shrugged helplessly. Everyone married their wives and forgot their mothers. Fortunately, you have a granddaughter-in-law so you don’t want your daughter.

“Grandpa, aunt, I’m sorry, I overslept.” Shen Qinglan was a little apologetic. The elders got up so early, but she didn’t get up until noon. It didn’t look like what a good wife would do.

“It’s not too late, you are young people, why don’t you sleep more to make up your body.” Old Master Fu waved his hands, smiling so hard that his eyes could not be seen. It was better to get up later, even if they slept for three days and three nights, Old Master Fu won’t say a word.

“At noon, I’ll ask Xiao Zhao to stew you soup. Both of you should drink some. Young people, your body is your capital.” Mr. Fu said happily.

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Aunt Zhao who just came out heard this, and immediately answered, “Okay, I’ll start stewing it now, and you can drink it in two hours. It just so happens that Hengyi returns to the army in the afternoon, so he can drink it before leaving.” She said, and put the things in his hands on the table, and hurried into the kitchen.

There was a thin blush on Shen Qinglan’s face, which was really pretty.

Fu Jingting watched with smiles in her eyes, but she stopped joking.

There was still some time before lunch. Seeing that Fu Hengyi had finished his breakfast in two or three bites, Mr. Fu greeted Fu Hengyi and went to the study. Shen Qinglan glanced at the back of the two of them leaving, her eyes flickered slightly, she looked away, and continued to drink porridge.

In the study, Mr. Fu looked at his grandson in front of him, without the slightest smile on his face, he just continued looking at Fu Hengyi.

“How did you think about what I said sometime ago?”

Fu Hengyi knew what he was talking about, and he didn’t pretend to be stupid, and said slowly, “Grandpa, I still want to stay in the army.”

He was afraid the old man would misunderstand, so he hurriedly added, “The current army.”

Mr. Fu didn’t have the slightest disappointment on his face when he heard the words, as if he knew that his grandson would say this, “Have you discussed this with Qinglan?”

Fu Hengyi had a warm smile in his eyes, and his cold expression softened a bit, “Well, I told her, and she said she supports my decision.”

“Does she know the danger of your job? What if…” Mr. Fu couldn’t continue, this was his only grandson, the only blood his son left in this world, even if it was just a hypothesis, he didn’t dare to think about it.

“Grandpa, Qinglan is stronger than we think, and knows more than we think.” Fu Hengyi said softly.

Mr. Fu was startled slightly, and sighed softly, “Hengyi, you married a good wife, you must treat Qinglan well, if you dare to let her down, let alone your Grandpa Shen, even I will not let you go.”

Fu Hengyi looked at Mr. Fu with a serious and firm expression, “Grandpa, there won’t be that time. Besides, I promised her that I would never let myself get hurt. I know my responsibility, so Grandpa, don’t worry about me.”

Mr. Fu said nothing, took a deep look at his grandson, and patted him on the shoulder.

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