“Qinglan, how about this dress?” Chu Yunrong came out of the fitting room, looked at Shen Qinglan and asked, Shen Qinglan looked her up and down and nodded, “Not bad, it fits your temperament very well.”

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Chu Yunrong was very happy, “Then I’ll buy this one?”


Chu Yunrong went in to change into her own clothes, Shen Qinglan continued to wait, and then got a call from Fu Hengyi, Fu Hengyi asked where she was and Shen Qinglan reported the address.

“You and mom have a good time there now, I’ll be there in about an hour.” Fu Hengyi glanced at his watch and said.

“Are you finished?” Shen Qinglan asked softly, a trace of tenderness softening her cold face.

“Well, it’s over. It’s a holiday in the afternoon. I’ll pick you up.”

Knowing that the matter was over, Shen Qinglan didn’t stop him, and hung up the phone after making an appointment with him.

Chu Yunrong had already changed her clothes and handed the clothes in her hand to the clerk, “I want this one, bill it for me.” Then she pointed to the other two dresses on the shelf, “Wrap us these two for me as well. Just follow my daughter’s size.”

Her finger pointed to Shen Qinglan, and the clerk glanced at Shen Qinglan, but didn’t come up to measure the size, nodded, took the clothes and left.

“Mom, I still have a lot of clothes, I don’t need to buy more.”

Shen Junyu was a very tasteful person, and he would get her new ones every season, so Shen Qinglan’s clothes were quite a lot, many of which even went out of date without being opened.

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“Mom knows, but your clothes are too plain, and they’re all casual clothes. You’re married now, and you’re still a girl. You have to dress up occasionally. Although these two are dresses, the colours are not very bright, the pattern is also simple, you go back and try it, maybe Hengyi will like it.”

Shen Qinglan swallowed her words of refusal after hearing Chu Yunrong’s last words.

“I saw a men’s clothing store just now. The clothes in it were very good. Do you want to choose two for Hengyi?” Chu Yunrong asked Shen Qinglan for her opinion.

Shen Qinglan originally planned to buy clothes for Fu Hengyi, so naturally she would not object. She followed Chu Yunrong into the clothing store. The clothes in this store were really good, both in design and tailoring. Shen Qinglan bought three sets in one go.

When Fu Hengyi arrived, he saw Shen Qinglan and Chu Yunrong with many big bags and small bags. He stepped forward and took the bag from Shen Qinglan’s hand naturally, and then took Chu Yunrong’s.

“Mom, it’s still early, do you want to have a meal together first?” Fu Hengyi asked.

Chu Yunrong shook her head, “I won’t go, you go with Qinglan, I have to go to see a friend later, just drop me at the intersection ahead.”

It was rare for the young couple to be together, Chu Yunrong didn’t want to be a light bulb either, and she really had something to do later.

Fu Hengyi was not reluctant, he dropped Chu Yunrong down at the intersection ahead, called her a taxi, and then left with Shen Qinglan.

“Why did you buy so many things today?” Fu Hengyi looked at Shen Qinglan with a smile. She didn’t like to buy things. She bought so much today that even the back seat was almost full, so he was wondering if it was Chu Yunrong who bought it.

“Seeing that some clothes are good, I bought some more for you. You try it on to see if you like them when we go back.”

Fu Hengyi smiled, “I will definitely like the ones you bought.”

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Shen Qinglan’s face turned slightly hot, and she had found that since getting married, this man’s skin had become thicker and his mouth had become sweeter.

Now that his mother-in-law had made room for them to be together alone, Fu Hengyi would naturally not disappoint the kindness of his mother-in-law, and drove Shen Qinglan to the seaside.

There were not many people on the beach this season, and the humid sea breeze blew on the face, with dampness and the unique fishy smell of sea water.

Fu Hengyi held Shen Qinglan’s hand, and held her shoes in the other hand. Shen Qinglan walked barefoot on the beach, feeling the soft and delicate touch on her feet.

“It’s good to walk for a while. But the weather is cold now, and it’s not good to catch a cold.” Fu Hengyi said slowly, with a hint of pampering.

Shen Qinglan nodded with a smile, tilted her head and looked at him, “Fu Hengyi, do you think you are raising a daughter?”

Daughter? Fu Hengyi didn’t understand at first, but when he understood, he glanced at her body, especially a certain part, and smiled wickedly, “Why don’t you call me ‘Daddy’?”

He lowered his head and leaned against Shen Qinglan’s ear. Then, he said softly, “You can try it at night.”

Shen Qinglan’s face blushed completely in an instant, and she glared at a certain outspoken person, whose face was almost invulnerable.

Walking a few steps quickly, she walked in front of Fu Hengyi. Fu Hengyi followed behind her, looking at her slender back with a gentle smile.

This was not the first time for Shen Qinglan to come to the beach. It could be said that she grew up watching the sea. The devil’s base was on an isolated island in the ocean, surrounded by water. She was even thrown into the sea in winter for training. Struggling in the sea water, she was almost swallowed by a shark.

Every time she faced the sea, she actually didn’t have the slightest liking for it in her heart, but at this moment, feeling the eyes on her from behind, she suddenly felt that the sea in front of her was so beautiful.

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The sea breeze was blowing on her body, blowing her long hair. Shen Qinglan turned her head and looked at Fu Hengyi with a smile. A real smile slowly bloomed around her mouth. Her eyes looked straight at him, with stars twinkling inside. Behind him was the deep blue sea, reflecting the sky.

She said, “Fu Hengyi, I love you.”

The sudden confession made Fu Hengyi stunned for a moment, then he smiled softly and dotingly, stepped forward quickly, and hugged her in his arms, “I love you too.” The voice was gentle and tender.

The romantic and warm beginning of the kiss, they didn’t know who raised the camera and recorded the beautiful picture at this moment.

After the kiss was over, Shen Qinglan and Fu Hengyi panted slightly, and Shen Qinglan snuggled into Fu Hengyi’s arms, “Fu Hengyi, let’s get married after I graduate.”

Fu Hengyi nodded, “Okay, I will give you a grand wedding.”


Unexpectedly, Shen Qinglan shook her head slightly, “I don’t want a grand wedding, just a simple and warm one, with a few relatives and friends.”

“Okay, it’s all up to you.” Fu Hengyi’s eyes sparkled with stars.

“How do you feel recently?” The psychiatrist Dr. Zhou asked Chu Yunrong. This was Chu Yunrong’s third psychotherapy session.

Chu Yunrong leaned back on the chair, closed her eyes, and smiled, obviously in a hypnotized state, “My relationship with her is much better, she is now willing to chat with me, and today she went shopping with me.”

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Dr. Zhou smiled and spoke softly, “This shows that your relationship is improving. Do you still feel pain when you are alone with her?”

Hearing this, the smile on Chu Yunrong’s face faded, “I have never had anything for her. It’s all guilt, just thinking about it makes me miserable. If it wasn’t for my negligence back then, my daughter wouldn’t have suffered so much. Doctor Zhou, you don’t know. The person she liked the most was me back then, if she didn’t see me, she used to cry, even if I go to the bathroom, she liked to follow me.”

Speaking of Qinglan’s childhood, the smile on Chu Yunrong’s face became stronger, she said the words she never told others, even to Shen Qian, she never said it so thoroughly, if she hadn’t been hypnotized, maybe she would never have said it.

Dr. Zhou listened quietly, with a gentle expression and without a trace of impatience.

“She was very good when she was a child, and she seldom cried. Sometimes when I went to a performance, she would follow her grandparents and call me when she missed me. She would not go to sleep until she heard my voice. I didn’t plan to take her out that day. Yes, but she kept pestering me and even cried. She just looked at me pitifully with her big eyes wide open. I took her out when my heart softened for a moment, and I didn’t let the nanny follow me. If my heart could have hardened that day, and I had let the nanny follow us, then that incident wouldn’t have happened.”

Chu Yunrong shed tears, Shen Qinglan was lost that day, even after so many years, she still remembered it clearly.

“I held her hand and kept holding it, but there were a lot of people on the street that day. I don’t know why there were so many people. A bus stopped and a group of people got off. I didn’t pay attention to my daughter. She was gone, I couldn’t find her, and I couldn’t find her even after searching for a long time.” Her emotions gradually became agitated, and her body trembled slightly.

Seeing this, Dr. Zhou spoke softly, with a gentle voice, “Don’t get excited, your daughter has come back, she has returned to your side, and she is married now, and has a husband who loves her very much, she is now very happy.”

Chu Yunrong burst into tears and shook her head, “It’s different, she is no longer the daughter who liked to cling to me, you don’t know that when she saw me for the first time, she looked at me like she was looking at a stranger, even after so many years, she has always been polite when talking to me, I know I broke her heart.”

“Why do you think you broke her heart?” Doctor Zhou asked softly.

“Because I didn’t find her in time, I caused her to suffer so much, and even adopted a girl, and gave that child the love that should have been given to my daughter, but if I knew that things would happen like this, I definitely wouldn’t have adopted that child.”

“I know they all say that I am partial to my adopted daughter, and I am not as good towards my real daughter as I’m towards my adopted daughter, but that is not the case, I just don’t know how to face Qinglan, and Xitong, when she was a child, she was very similar to Qinglan, very clingy to me, I…”

She couldn’t continue, but she loved her daughter, Qinglan was her life, if Qinglan was in danger and she was asked to exchange her life, she would willingly do it. It was not that she only loved her adopted daughter and disliked her biological daughter as they said, it was not like that.

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