Yu Xiaoxuan felt that Han Yi had been acting very strange recently, he went to the company every day to report, not to mention, often appearing in front of her eyes.

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“President Han, why are you here again?” Yu Xiaoxuan looked at Han Yi helplessly.

Han Yi’s face turned dark, this dead girl, I came to see her, but what does her disgusted expression mean?

Han Yi put a bag heavily on the table, and replied angrily, “Can you be full?” He shouldn’t have lined up for an hour to buy food for this girl.

Yu Xiaoxuan shrugged her nose and her eyes lit up, “Zhang Shengji’s pan-fried buns, are they for me?”

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and opened the bag in front of her eyes, and the rich fragrance immediately spread in the space. She was immediately hungry.

“I feed the dog.” Han Yi said maliciously, Yu Xiaoxuan bared her teeth, but she didn’t refute. Han Yi sent her food all the way, and her attitude just now was really not good, so she had to be considerate of others.

Well, her lord had a lot, so she didn’t care about him.

Her nose was fine. Han Yi secretly complained, watching Yu Xiaoxuan pick up a steamed stuffed bun and stuff it into her mouth, eating with a happy face, Han Yi’s eyes were full of smiles.

When his grandfather was still alive, he once heard his grandfather say that a person’s happiness could be seen by the way he eats, and Yu Xiaoxuan was a lucky type. When he watched her eat, he felt that his world was really very happy, being alive was a very happy thing, watching her eat, even people who had no appetite would become very hungry.

Seeing Yu Xiaoxuan eating happily, Han Yi said with a smile, “I’m hungry too, why don’t you give me one?”

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Yu Xiaoxuan raised her head, with half a fried bun in her mouth, she looked very cute.

“I said I’m hungry too, and I want to eat too.”

Yu Xiaoxuan chewed hard on the pan-fried buns. She wanted to talk, but she couldn’t now. But she still showed a “I don’t want to share” expression.

Han Yi pointedly looked at the chopsticks in her hand, Yu Xiaoxuan suddenly realized, and handed the chopsticks to him, but Han Yi didn’t take it.

Yu Xiaoxuan frowned, and swallowed the bun in her mouth, “Don’t you want to eat it?”

“You pick it up for me,” Han Yi said.

Yu Xiaoxuan frowned even tighter, “You don’t have hands, can’t you pick up yourself?” A big man needed to be fed, was he hypocritical?

Han Yi’s black face, this dead girl who didn’t understand the style, why did he fall in love with her.

“I’ve been waiting in line for such a long time, it’s not too much for you to feed me a bun, right?”

“Young Master Han.”

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With a smile in his eyes, Han Yi took a bite, um, the taste is really good, no wonder this girl loves to eat, he could buy more next time, then like now, he could take a bite.

Han Yi thought cheerfully to himself, while Yu Xiaoxuan frowned and looked at him, eating a bun was so slow, it took him a long time to finish a bite.

Han Yi swallowed the bun in his mouth, lowered his head and held the other half in his mouth. This scene was seen by a passing assistant. The assistant just arrived at the company and was currently working as an assistant for another new artist in the company, just doing odd jobs here and there.

Back at the new artist, the artist was losing her temper, because the advertising contract she just got was snatched away by other artists. It was not strange for her to get angry.

“Look at each of you. You can’t do a little thing well. What can I ask you to do? I invited you to work, not to be ancestors.” The artist was full of anger and accused the makeup artist, and saw the little assistant come in, “And you, didn’t I just ask you to pick up a courier, did you go to Mars to pick it up?”

The little assistant didn’t answer, and silently lowered her head. As an assistant, she could only accept it, but the makeup artist did not need to. She just came to take over the class today, and was angered by the artist for no reason. “Just hire someone else, and my salary is paid by the company, not you.”

As soon as he picked up the things, he was about to leave, “I’m not very capable, but my temper is not small.”

The artist’s face was livid, and she was angry, seeing other artists also looking over, she shouted, “What are you looking at, what’s the matter with you, everyone is free and has nothing to do, right?”

The other artists had been with her for a while, and knew her temper, so they ignored her, turned around and went about their own business, and didn’t even bother to look at her.

“You kept your head down and thought I wouldn’t know you were scolding me in your heart?”

There was no one to vent on, so the artist transferred her anger to her little assistant, “Do you also look down on me? When I become popular in the future, then you guys will come crying, what are you still doing in a daze, put your things away quickly.”

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The little assistant obediently said yes, went to put things away, and went to the toilet by the way.

“Your family’s entertainer has a really bad temper. Even the first-line stars have less temper than her. It’s like this before she has become popular. If she becomes popular, won’t she be able to go to heaven. It’s just you. If it’s someone else, they would have quit. It’s gone.” Another artist’s assistant just came over to go to the bathroom, and when she saw the little assistant, she couldn’t help muttering.

The little assistant smiled, “She’s fine on weekdays, even if she’s in a bad mood these days, it’s no big deal, and I won’t lose a piece of meat if I get scolded a few times.”

The assistant shook her head, disagreeing with her attitude, they were artists’ assistants not their servants, nor had they sold themselves to them, so why couldn’t they talk to them well? According to her, the little assistant would often be scolded, and it was caused by herself. If she dared to resist, she would be scolded even more badly.

“You, you just have a good temper.” The assistant said something, then suddenly approached the assistant, and said in a low voice, “Did you know that the president came to the company again today, and he came to look for Yu Xiaoxuan.”

The assistant gave a slight smile, suddenly, thinking of the scene she had just seen, she hesitated for a moment, and asked softly, “What’s the relationship between Yu Xiaoxuan and the president?”

Assistant Wang looked around and found no one, so he said in a low voice, “I heard Yu Xiaoxuan is taken care of by the president.”

The little assistant’s eyes widened, no way, Yu Xiaoxuan didn’t look like that kind of person, although she was not Yu Xiaoxuan’s assistant, but she used to talk with Yu Xiaoxuan’s assistants, and they all said that Yu Xiaoxuan had a very good temper, was easy to get along with, and was pure and enthusiastic. Would such a person be taken care of?

“Don’t believe it, think about it, your artist and Yu Xiaoxuan joined the company at the same time, but Yu Xiaoxuan is doing commercials one after another, and TV series are also one after another, and now she is going to cooperate with Andre in a movie, this is obviously the company’s promotion of her. If she hadn’t had that kind of relationship with the president, they wouldn’t have helped her like this? And they even put her under Sister Linda, who is Sister Linda?”

The assistant stretched out a large thumb, “She is this among the managers. Look how many artists in the circle are popular with her.”

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“Maybe the president is pursuing her, after all, she is pretty good-looking.” The little assistant still didn’t believe it.

The assistant sneered, “Do you believe this too? Look at the number of artists in our company, and there are many who look better than her. Yu Xiaoxuan, let’s say that your artist is better than Yu Xiaoxuan. But who is the president looking for? Besides, what is the identity of the president? The chairman and general manager of the Han Group, our Shengxuan is just one of the companies in his hands. Why would he pursue a woman from a mediocre background?”

“And,” the assistant paused, “The CEO is a famous playboy in the capital, and he has had countless girls, but the one woman he has been with the longest has not been more than three months. It is better for him to change women than clothes. Come on, in my opinion, this Yu Xiaoxuan is just one of them, the CEO still cares about her now, so all the resources are given to her, and when the CEO likes a newcomer, who knows what will happen.”

“But”, the assistant continued, “This Yu Xiaoxuan is really capable. In the past, the president would not come back to Shengxuan for a month, but recently he often appears in the company. I saw the president carrying a bag in his hand today, probably he just gave it to Yu Xiaoxuan. I just don’t know how long she can win over the president.”

The little assistant listened quietly without interjecting. She didn’t like talking about people’s right and wrong behind their backs, but she won’t interrupt without authorization. What others said, after listening to the assistant’s complaints, she smiled, “It’s all other people’s business, and it has nothing to do with us. We just need to do our own work well.”

The assistant pouted, but didn’t say anything to refute. After washing her hands, this topic was considered to be over.

Outside the toilet, the entertainer stood there with fists in her hands, her face darkened, and when she saw that the people inside were about to come out, she turned and left.

Back in the waiting room, the more the artist thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt. She listened to what the assistant said just now. In fact, Yu Xiaoxuan signed the contract a month later than her, but her current development was such that many people who had signed the contract earlier were not as good as her. On the other hand, it would be a lie to say that she was not jealous.

She had never thought of starting with Han Yi before. Thinking about it now, Han Yi was at the helm of the Han Group and the successor of the Han family. If she could climb up to him, even if it was only for a short time, it would be enough for her. When Han Yi got tired of her, she could get what she wanted even then, and Han Yi was also good-looking, so it was not a loss if she followed him.

The artist glanced at herself in the mirror, looked at her young and beautiful face, and smiled. She indeed had more capital than Yu Xiaoxuan. Yu Xiaoxuan could do it, so why couldn’t she.

Taking out the makeup bag, the artist put on makeup carefully.

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