Chapter 4 : Bring Home

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Jiang Can noticed Yan Shi's small movements, but instead of exposing him, she deliberately pretended to know nothing.

Walking to the gate of the office building, Jiang Can realized that the rain outside had stopped at some point.

The two walked slowly to the coffee shop side by side, and when they reached the door of the shop, they stopped:

"Boss Jiang, go in by yourself, I won't go in, people will gossip if they see it."

Jiang Can was a little speechless in her heart. In the middle of the night, how could there be anyone else in this group of office buildings dedicated to office work.

After Yan Shi finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave. Jiang Can looked at the fact that she had finally tricked him into coming here, but she couldn't let him go back easily.

"Hey~" Jiang Can reached out and stopped the person.

"There's a power outage here. You can't do business when you go back. Besides, my second floor is big and empty. I..."

Jiang Can paused for a while, and she couldn't find any good excuse for a while, so she simply said:

"Don't look at me as an A, but I'm timid. I'll go alone, I'm afraid."

Although she lied, Jiang Can felt it was a white lie. Jiang Can has been away from home for three years, and she has not encountered anything that makes her afraid or worried.

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I have to say that Jiang Can still felt uneasy when thinking about him going back by himself.

Yan Shi had just woken up like that, how panicked he had been. It was obvious that he was forced to pretend not to be afraid.

Although A usually cares about his own face the most, Jiang Can doesn't think so. In the past few years, Jiang Can has been casual, and she doesn't care about those false things at all.

Having said that, it was difficult to come across such an O. Since Jiang Can was interested in speaking, it was not a big deal to let him speak.

Yan Shi looked at Jiang Can, Jiang Can blinked innocently.

Hearing the words, he sighed, took another step to the door of the store, and opened the door.

Using her mobile phone to illuminate, Jiang Can took Yan Shi to the second floor. There is also a door on the second floor. Jiang Can reached out and unlocked the door with her fingerprint. Please go in when he speaks.

Unlike the shop on the first floor, there is no other smell in the coffee shop except the aroma of coffee.

And when Jiang Can just opened the door on the second floor, a smell of lime and mint hit his face. This is a smell that is exclusive to Jiang Can. It can be seen that Jiang Can lives here often.

When Jiang Can first opened this store, she was planning to make seats up and down the stairs. However, after investigating the number of people here, she found that there are not so many coffee shops that it is necessary to open a two-story coffee shop.

So in the end, it was roughly decorated here, and it became a place where people can live at any time.

Jiang Can also has a house in the urban area, but most of the time she still lives in the store, because driving back and forth is a waste of time.

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She took off her coat and threw it on the sofa. Jiang Can put on the vest inside, and reached out to tie up her hair.

When she arrived at her home, Jiang Can was familiar with it. When she walked to the TV and hit a switch, an emergency light in the room came on immediately.

This is not good in the suburbs. It always rains at night and the power goes out. Jiang Can is familiar with this, so she has prepared emergency lights at home in case of emergencies.

Suddenly there was light, and when Yan Shi realized that Jiang Can had taken off her clothes, looking at Jiang Can's two thin white arms, Yan Shi's cheeks turned slightly red, and he quickly turned his head away.

Seeing Yan Shi's shy little gesture, Jiang Can secretly smiled.

"Sit whatever you want, don't be restrained."

Jiang Can felt relieved that he was at her home, and then turned around and entered the room after speaking. Yan Shi took a long time to turn around and looked around at the decoration of the house.

Jiang Can just said that the second floor of the coffee shop is simply decorated, but it seems that it is not the case when looking at it.

The whole place is decorated in cool tones, with a lot of furniture placed, and there is really not too much decoration, but the quality of this thing can be seen at a glance.

Yan Shi sat on the sofa while looking at it, touched it, and found that the sofa, which was nearly two meters long, was also made of leather.

In less than two minutes, Jiang Can came out of the room with two clothes in her hands and a towel on her shoulders.

Yan Shi hurriedly stood up, Jiang Can stepped forward and handed over the clothes and towel:

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"The clothes I bought before were very loose. They are new. You can wear them. The towels are also new. The bathroom is over there. Go wash and change your wet clothes."

When Yan Shi seemed to be about to say something again, Jiang Can didn't give him a chance this time, she turned around and went directly into the bedroom.

Yan Shi looked at the clothes he was holding in his hands, thinking that Jiang Can's house was so clean, it was really inappropriate to wear this wet clothes.

Moreover, Jiang Can's words are all about this, and it is not very good for him to refuse. With a sigh, he strode into the bathroom.

After Jiang Can returned to the room, she leaned on his door tightly to hear the movement outside, until she heard the sound of water dripping from the bathroom, and then she opened the door and walked out.

After a few rumblings, Jiang Can remembered that she hadn't eaten since morning.

However, Yan Shi had been waiting for customers in the store since the afternoon, and he probably didn't have dinner either.

After quickly putting on a dress, Jiang Can took her mobile phone to light up and went downstairs.

In the fresh-keeping cabinet of the coffee shop, there are also pastries that Rong Rong and the others made before they got off work. They were made in advance and prepared to be sold in the morning.

She took a plate and packed a few pieces. Jiang Can felt that the taste was not bad. Jiang Can went upstairs and went back to the kitchen.

There were no ingredients in the refrigerator in the kitchen except eggs. Jiang Can stared at the refrigerator for a long time.

Yan Shi put on Jiang Can's clothes after taking a shower. Although Jiang Can didn't wear these clothes, it was probably because they were put together with her other clothes, and they all smelled of lime and mint.

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Yan Shi had never smelled the combination of lime and mint before, and this was the first time he smelled it, but he didn't know why, he liked it very much. When he smelled it in the stairwell, he was very at ease.

Although Yan Shi is almost thirty years old, he has always been a single. All this is because he chose the legal profession he likes, so he has concealed his identity for so many years.

In fact, Yan Shi didn't want to get rid of his single status from the bottom of his heart. In this world, O is not so much an accessory of A, but in Yan Shi's opinion, if O is marked by an A and ends up getting married, then O will have his own human rights deprived.

Although many people have already accepted their fate when they were divided, Yan Shi did not want to live that kind of life.

He feels that as an O, he can be independent, and he does not have to be raised at home to give birth to children for A.

However, although the times are very advanced now, most people still cannot avoid those traditional thoughts, so when talking, he would rather stay single all the time.

Thinking of this, Yan Shi took the clothes he changed and walked out of the bathroom.

When he arrived at the living room, Yan Shi found that Jiang Can was in a daze in the kitchen with the refrigerator on. He put his clothes on the chair beside him, and Yan Shi leaned forward.

When Yan Shi saw the contents in the refrigerator, he also stayed still for a while. He did not see anything in such a large double-door refrigerator except four eggs.

When Yan Shi met Jiang Can for the first time this morning, he felt that she should be someone who enjoys life very much, but who would have known that her life was even rougher than his own.

After Jiang Can found out that Yan Shi came out, she recovered her senses and quickly closed the shameful refrigerator door. Jiang Can smiled awkwardly towards Yan Shi.

"There's a freshly made cake on the living room table. Let's have some together?"

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