Adopted Soldier

Chapter 116

The host for this FPS tournament was overwhelmed by the thunderous cheering of Emily's fans. He couldn't even get a word in and he was even using a microphone which was supported by a lot of speakers, obviously Emily noticed what was happening and walked towards the host.

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The host of the tournament was shocked to see a girl walking towards him, and the girl was even wearing a Bloody Princess Eva cosplay. The girl in question then swiped the mic from him, which stunned him even more.

"Um Miss you're not suppose to be here." The host tried to calmly remove Emily from the stage.

"It would seem like you needed my help, so I came to help." Without saying anything further to the host, Emily spoke using the microphone.

"My lovely peons!" When the crowd heard Emily speak, the cheering quieted down. The people who weren't fans of Emily were confused as to what was happening. While the other players were getting even more annoyed by Emily's shenanigans.

"The battle is about to start... Watch me as I show these fools who challenge me the embrace of the eternal night! No need to cheer, no need to jeer, just admire my beautiful form in battle. It will be over quickly." After saying what she needed to say, Emily returned the microphone to the host, who just stared dumbly at Emily's back.

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The noisy audience had finally quieted down, but at the same time they felt extremely excited. The person who had cosplayed as their favorite anime character, had not only looked like her, she even acted like her. The very motion of her movements seem like she was the very person she was cosplaying as, it was like she jumped out of the T.V screen and came into the real world.

This person who perfectly acted out as Eva, had now declared she will crush all the competition with overwhelming force. The players who heard her declaration were now truly angered on how arrogant she was.

'That b*tch, thinks to highly of herself.'

'I'll be sure to kill her and do some teabagging after killing her in game of course.'

'Hmph let's see how arrogant you can be after losing on the first round.'

While everyone was having their own thoughts about what Emily said, the host then started to explain the rules of the tournament.

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When Emily returned to her seat most players were looking at Alex's group with irritation. Alex who saw what had happened whispered in Emily's ear.

"What are you planning Emily? Now everyone here will try to destroy us using their full power. They will try every means necessary to destroy us. I don't understand why you would do this? Our mission clearly states we need to help the Gaming Club win. Doing this doesn't help our chancing of winning."

Emily started giggling after hearing what Alex said.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, young master there's no need to be civil with small fry like this. Also I was in character, need to please my fans and all that. Come on, don't be so tense young master, with me here victory is all but assured... Or are you worried because you don't have enough confidence in your skill?" Emily teased Alex who when he heard what Emily said felt like she was also provoking him.

"I just want to be careful, cause this game same like in the battlefield, you will never know who lives and who dies. No matter how skilled you are, the other party can still kill you. It may be by luck, or something else, but no matter what I do not like being overconfident." Alex spoke sternly to the happily smiling Emily.

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"Relax young master, we will win this I promise you."

"Like I said overconfidence might be the end of you."

"I say young master, don't you trust me? I did help you on multiple occasions... How about this, let's make a bet. The one with the most kills in the whole tourney wins. If the young master wins, I will admit that I was being overconfident and I will also grant you one wish, you can tell me to do anything you want, and I will fulfill your wish to the best of my capabilities. You can even ask me to do some ecchi things and I wont complain." Emily showed Alex a devilishly cute smile.

When Alex heard what Emily had proposed he was slightly interested by the chance to get Emily to do him one favor. Obviously it was not for the chance to do echhi things but something else. Alex was interested in hacking into Carlo's personal computer and to look at the files hidden in there. The reason for wanting to do this is because he noticed that ever since the incident with Evangeline Kain Carlo has been hiding something from him. He clearly had more information than what he was telling him, and Alex wanted to know what it was.

"Fine, I'll accept that bet of yours... But what will I bet? What is it you want me to bet?"

Hearing Alex's answer Emily was really surprised, she wasn't expecting her ever stoic young master to actually agree to her bet idea. She was expecting him to simply disapprove some more.

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'Is it because of the ecchi thing? That must be it, even young master under that stoic gaze of his, is still a teenager... Well enough jokes obviously that's not it, with that rigid personality of his, he might need help in something he himself cannot do by himself.'

"Oh my young master, are you really that interested to do some ecchi things with this maid of yours? How scandalous." Alex didn't respond to Emily's teasing as he waited for her reply as to what she wants if she wins.

Emily who saw that expressionless face of his, simply shrugged her shoulders failing to tease him.

"What I want from young master if I win, is to make young master watch some anime with me, and then cosplay afterwards. Also I want young master to convince Lilitth ojou-chan to join us in watching and cosplaying."

"I am okay with doing that, but regarding Lilitth. I can try to ask her to do what you want but I will not force her into doing what she doesn't want to do."

"That's fine with me, let's shake on it." Emily extended her hand in which Alex grabbed and shook.

The two had entered an agreement, and with this agreement the tournament had gain another prize for the two of them.

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