Adopted Soldier

Chapter 227

Robert Kain the father of Evangeline was at the back of his car feeling a tad nervous. He was sweating a bit even thought the inside of the car was quite cold. He was also accompanied by his wife Molly Kain, who looked equally nervous. Even though she didn't know what kind of family the Samritas were, she knew that a family that could make her husband this nervous was no laughing matter.

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The two of them were heading to the place were the Samaritas live, the two Kains were heading there to have dinner with the Samaritas. This was a family that wasn't only rich, but was led by a person who had actual fighting strength. In wealth alone, the Samaritas surpass the Kains, but not only that they surpass the Kains almost in all areas. Even the personal strengths of their people were far too different.

The only thing the Kains had an advantage in was that they had a long family history. They are one of the few existing families that were there during the creation of Berdonia. Aside from that history the Kains hold no advantage whatsoever to the Samaritas. In face of that overwhelming difference they had no words to say.

Not only that a close friend of the Samaritas will be dinning with them. It was none other than the Regius family. At first Robert didn't know anything about the Regius family, so he did a quick search about them. After a few minutes his subordinates found a lot about the Regius family. It would seem that they are a very famous family in the city.

The Regius were a martial arts family that has created a powerful barehanded martial art. The father in particular was a very famous individual. He was so famous that some of Robert's men who were former mercs immediately noticed who he was when they saw his picture. The moment those former mercs that were his bodyguards saw the picture of Dan Regius most of the started to tremble in fear, some even knelt and started to pray. While the others started to scream.

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"It's the devil! It's the devil! It's the devil!"

Robert was confused as to why all these hardened veterans of the battlefield suddenly got so scared. The oldest one of them who wasn't panicking answered this question.

"In the battlefield there are some individuals that most mercs would run away from. There are the ten generals of the Empire. Then there are mythical mercs of the Shadow Mercenaries. Then the three saints of the Southern Union. Finally the five strongest of Berdonia, well some say that it's the seven strongest. Well that's not that important, what's important to know is that man Dan Regius is part of the five strongest of Berdonia. He is the one they called the blond devil."

'Well that explains why the others keep on screaming devil in fright'

"Among the five strongest Dan Regius is the second most feared merc. He is only second to the strongest merc of Berdonia Lyner."

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"Does that mean he is the second strongest?" Robert asked wanting to gain a bit more knowledge about Dan. The former merc shook his head as he answered.

"That's not necessarily true. The number one spot obviously goes to Lyner, the so called monster of the battlefield. His strength is so above the others that spot would be handed to him by the other four willingly. Now the second strongest position is a bit confusing as to who owns the position, since among the four only Dan is known by the majority of the mercs. The other three exist but those who are targeted by them are killed in secret so not much is known of the three by normal mercs. Dan Regius on the other hand likes doing things out in the open, and those who witnessed his way of fighting barehanded in a place full of fully armed men was awe inspiring."

Listening to the former merc go on and on about the stories of Dan Regius, made Robert a bit scared of the man. Well in his defense any normal person will be scared if they were about to meet a man that can crush tanks with nothing but his bare hands.


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After hearing all those stories about Dan made Robert a bit nervous. It would seem that he and his wife would be in the lowest position when they get there. Seeing her husband who was usually so fearless look like that, made Molly a bit worried as well. She then held the shaking hand of her husband and spoke in the calmest tone she could muster.

"It's going to be alright. It's just dinner." Hearing his wife reassure him that everything will be alright, just made Robert feel bad. What kind of man was he to make his wife worry and tell him it will be alright. Wasn't he the one who was suppose to reassure his wife. So to show that he was alright, Robert showed the best smile he could and nodded his head in agreement.


The two Kains finally reached the mansion of the Samaritas and as they expected, even in the distance they could see how much bigger it is than there own mansion. When they got out of the car, they were greeted by a beautiful maid, who guided them inside the mansion. As they entered the mansion they were once again greeted this time by a row of maids and butlers.

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"Welcome!" Their voiced echoed throughout the hall. Robert and Molly were from the upper class, but even they were overwhelmed by what they saw. The whole mansion was filled with priceless objects, and even though he wasn't a fighter Robert noticed that most of the maids and butlers had weapons and seem to be quite proficient in using them.

'They must double as bodyguards as well.'

The two Kains who were guided deeper into the mansion were amazed by most of what they saw. This truly showed them that the difference in wealth between the Samaritas and them, wasn't just a few zeroes.

The maid who was guiding them, stopped in front of a door.

"We have arrived at the dinning table." Hearing what the maid said, Robert and Molly readied themselves to what's to come.

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