Adopted Soldier

Chapter 244

Alex woke up earlier than the usual time, since for some reason he just couldn't calm down. Today was the day of the play, but he wasn't squeamish because of something like stage fright it, he just couldn't calm himself down from something else entirely. He just couldn't help but feel something bad was about to happen. Right now he didn't sleep in the mansion, he slept in the safe house where the Harimas were staying.

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He came last night to tell number one the time when he will be punished was moved to another date. Alex explained that he needed the ten of them in their best condition this Friday. What added to the ominous feeling was that today was Friday the thirteenth.


Alex woke up the ten Harimas, and did some morning exercises with them. After they were done with their exercise, they had a quick meal then went straight to once again memorizing the layout of the school. Alex had all the ten Harimas memorize the new layout of the school, and showed them were the safe rooms where located.

He explained that if something happens, they should immediately help the civilians head to the safe rooms. He gave a detailed explanation of what positions to be wary of in case there were snipers. He even allowed the ten Harimas to use lethal force if necessary.

He gave each Harima a role to play, and handed out equipment which complimented their role. As Alex was doing this, he remembered what his dad said last night, when he told him about this ominous feeling.

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"I felt it too, but don't worry too much Alex. Leave this kind of problems to the adults. Why are looking at me like that, don't you trust your dad?"


Alex even after his dad told him to leave it to him, just couldn't. This time he really felt like his dad was underestimating the situation. Even Emily who was usually ahead of him by a few steps, wasn't taking this as seriously as he wanted too. Even though Emily was already trying her best, Alex just couldn't shake the feeling that they needed to do more.

While Alex and the ten Harimas were checking their equipment, Alex received an email from Kei.

"Mercenary Club members, I have discovered something weird please check this out." In the email there was an attachment. It was numerous pictures, with some people that had been circled, which pointed out suspicious.

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"Everyone head to the clubroom, A.S.A.P." Alex also sent a message to the members of the mercenary club, in which they responded with an okay. Alex also forwarded the pictures to his dad.

"All of you gather around." Alex gave a command to the Harimas, and sent them the pictures.

"I have sent you some pictures of suspicious people. I want you to stay within the Cromer's school perimeter, and report to me if you see anyone from this pictures hanging around the school. Am I clear?"

"Sir, yes, sir!" The ten Harimas answered in sync with each other. Seeing this Alex gritted his teeth, and spoke in a loud commanding voice.

"I must warn you. In truth I am unsure what the threat is, or how strong the enemies forces are. I cannot guarantee any success in this mission, and as your commanding officer I cannot force you into a mission that even I have no full understanding of. So to those of you that wish to leave, may leave now."

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When Alex said this, he saw that none of the ten even moved an inch. their expression remained as emotionless as his. Yet their eyes showed their unbreakable determination.

"Are you sure? You have no obligation to do this. I have already given a way out, and you still wish to stay?" This time, Alex's indifferent tone of voice was actually breaking, and you could hear the emotion in his voice. This surprised the ten greatly. The commander that they thought would never change, someone who was as hard and steady as steel was actually showing such a vulnerable side of himself.

Ever since they were trained by Alex, they no longer saw Alex as a teenage boy, but someone with far greater experience than them. Yet now he was actually looking like a boy his age. Number one seeing his command officer, as well as his mentor like this, spoke up.

"Sir, permission to speak sir!"

"Permission granted."

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"Sir, we do not do this because we have no choice. We do this because, we do have an obligation, and it's to you. We do this because we are your students. We do this because you have shown us how to become proper humans. You sir are the one who gave us a true purpose in life." Number one looked at his comrades and they all nodded to what he said.

"Knowing that we might be able to save a lot of people, made it clear that it is truly worth following you. Who knew that I a failed merc, and former gangster would be able to do something so noble, and I owe that all to you sir. We your subordinates, will once again pledge our loyalty to you." The other nine stepped forward and gave a military style salute.

Alex was confused as he saw this. He wasn't expecting these guys to be this loyal. He was actually expecting the opposite from them, running away in the first chance they see. He was expecting something like that, since he was aware of how much he pushed this men to the brink. Yet here they stood with undying loyalty to him, and they were even grateful.

Seeing this made Alex feel something warm in his chest. Alex responded to their salute with his own salute. He smiled at his subordinates, he smiled to stop the tears from flowing. Once again the ten Harimas were surprised to see Alex show so much emotion.

"Very well, let us go men! Let us go towards our battlefield!" Alex commanded with a firm voice.

"Sir, yes sir!" In which his subordinates responded in kind.

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