Adopted Soldier

Chapter 270: 270

After Lyner failed to secure Alex he returned to where Niel and Dan were with a hearty smile on his face. The look on Lyner's face made Niel think that he had successfully rescued Alex, but when he saw that Alex wasn't around he looked at Lyner and asked.

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"Where's Alex?"

Lyner who was still thinking about the upcoming battle between him and Richter, momentarily forgotten about the crisis the country was in, even about his failure in rescuing Alex. When he heard Niel's question Lyner snapped from his daydream back into reality.

"I was unable to rescue the kid. Don't worry too much, the old man won't kill him or anything. So I still have a chance to save him." Hearing Lyner casually say it like that, made Niel take a few seconds to register what Lyner just said.

Once he understood what was said, he just stood there flabbergasted he never expected his teacher Sir Lyner to ever fail. He always believed that no matter the problem Lyner would solve it. Still looking at that fearless smile on his teacher's face, made Niel feel a bit better.

'Sir Lyner is right, as long as Alex is alive we can still save him, somehow.' With renewed resolve Niel promises to himself that he would save Alex no matter what, same as how Alex saved him.


Day 1:

After the incident of Richter kidnapping Alex, Carlo and the remaining numbered subordinates arrived at safe house 11. Upon arrival Lyner explained to Carlo what had happened, with Niel adding his side of the story, and Dan apologizing to him. Hearing their report, Carlo could now finally understand what happened to his childhood friend.

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Still he had no time to grieve or feel sorry for himself. He needed to act, as long as Alex was alive he could be saved, but the priority now is to save the ones inside Lyner's safe room.


After planning on how to save the people in the safe room, the group headed back to the school. It was an easier task than expected since they had Lyner with them. Seeing Lyner's skill up close, and knowing how strong Dan was in FULL RELEASE, Carlo now had a basic understanding on the minimum strength Ricther needed to have, for him to do what he had done.

Overall his assessment of Richter Greyhound was incomplete, but he knew that Richter must be hiding something more.


Once the group rescued the people in the safe room, the little girl Lilitth burst out and hugged her tou-chan. She alongside the two big sisters Rachel and Evangeline who seem to get along better than before noticed something.

Where's Alex, this was the question all three of them asked at the same time. Carlo gritted his teeth and explained the situation to his daughter. He didn't like the look of his daughter who was smiling happily, slowly turn dark and grim. Seeing his daughter like this almost broke Carlo's heart. Even Michel wanted to smack Carlo from continuing his report, but she knew that this must be said.

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Dan was also explaining what had happened to his own daughter. He even knelt and pounded his head onto the floor as he asked his daughter for her forgiveness. He knew what Alex meant to his daughter, even though he didn't like it he had to acknowledge it. So Dan didn't know how Rachel would react hearing this news.

Niel was also explaining the situation regarding Alex's plight to Evangeline. He felt that based on what Evangeline had been through, she might be able to take this better than other two. Since her faith in Alex was almost unshakeable.

When the three girls learned of what happened to Alex, they each had different reactions. Lilitth started crying, she kept on screaming at her tou-chan that he promised to protect her onii-sama. He promised that the two of them will come back. She told her that everything would be alright.

"Tou-chan you liar! You liar! You liar! You liar!" Lilitth's wailing could be heard all throughout the hallway.

Rachel on the other hand closed her eyes and whispered something to herself. "I told you to come back to me, you idiot." After saying this she looked at her father who kept on pounding his head onto the floor, which didn't make his head bleed instead his pounding broke the floor.

"No need to act this way... I know you did your best to protect him. Anyway, he's not the kind of guy to fall from this. I'm sure that no matter what he will return to me. If not then I just need to save him myself."

Dan hearing what his daughter said looked up, jumped onto her side and then started to embrace her.

Evangeline reacted differently as well, her eyes dimmed for a bit, then after a few seconds a determined look appeared.

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"This time, it's my turn and try to save you."


While the group was having their reunion, in the mountains where Ken lives, corpses of hundreds of soldiers were littered everywhere. At the edge of the mountain the figure of a lone swordsman dragging his bloodied body could be seen. This swordsman was none other than Ken, he moved his body trying to leave the mountain. He then disappeared into the thick forest behind the mountain.

Day 3:

Lyner's group tried to help as much civilians as they could. Once they gathered the remaining civilians into safe house 1,1 Lyner suggested that the civilians should retreat to the capital.

Day 4:

The Hunt siblings bumped into Matthew while they were disrupting enemy forces. After which the group tried to destroy some bases together, but ever since Matthew's successful attack the defense of the bases had tighten. So they messed around for a bit more and retreated from there.


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Forty percent of the maids and butlers of the Samaritas had died in their efforts to save as many civilians as possible. The police force on the other hand, were down to only three people left. It was then the maids and butlers of the Samaritas were contacted by Carlo and ordered to retreat alongside the remaining three police men.


Day 5

As Lyner was overseeing the retreat of the civilians to the Capital of Berdonia Regon, he heard the voice of a familiar person. His voice echoed throughout Cromer City.

"Lyner! I have finally come to take my revenge!" This was General Tang of the Granado Empire.

"You have been surrounded Lyner! The ten generals have surrounded this city! You have been a great source of fear to the Empire but today that ends! For today this city will be your grave!"

At this exact moment Carlo contacted Lyner.

"Sir Lyner the road has been blocked by General Royce's men." General Royce was another one of the ten generals of the Empire.

"Break through! No matter what you need to breakthrough! Focus all the manpower into breaking through! I alone will be the rearguard."

After giving out those orders to Carlo, Lyner smiled as he thought how lucky he was for the past few days. The boredom has finally been quench all that's left was to have a glorious death.

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