Zhong Yuhuan closed her eyes, scenes of their interactions through the years flitting across her mind.

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There was Huo Chengming staring deeply at her while his upper body was naked, his muscles shocking. There was Li Jinyuan sitting on the stage, the sights of millions of fans focused on him, but his sight went past all of them, landing only on Zhong Yuhuan.

Zhong Yuhuan licked her lips, suddenly feeling like her heartbeat sped up a bit.

She nervously held her head.

If it was really love, then there was no going back.

No matter how it turns out in the future, she must accept it all…

Zhong Yuhuan bit her lip, bleeding a bit from too much force.


This day was especially long.

To Li Jinyuan’s fans, it was tormenting. They didn’t want to believe that Li Jinyuan was leaving the circle.

To Huo Chengming and Li Jinyuan, it was also tormenting. They both wanted to find Zhong Yuhuan but didn’t know where she was. When they asked Lang Jinzhi, he refused to answer. Lang Jinzhi was Zhong Yuhuan’s cousin, so they didn’t dare offend him. They could only grit their teeth and endure it.

While enduring, a day passed.

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Huo Chengming sat on the sofa, swiping on his phone’s screen, reading the comments on Weibo.

“Has anyone noticed that after this happened, Zhong Yuhuan hasn’t said anything?”

“Oh yeah, after little Huo brought her away from the concert that night, no one has seen her. Even reporters weren’t able to reach her.”

“Zhong Yuhuan’s probably feeling a lot of pressure. The deep feelings of two people, it’s not good no matter who she chooses… And especially since they’re her brothers who suddenly want to be her boyfriend, she was definitely caught off guard. We don’t know if Zhong Yuhuan likes anyone either. If she does, then it’s even more impossible for her to accept…”

Huo Chengming stared at the words “impossible for her to accept,” hostility accumulating between his eyebrows.

“I’m going to find Huanhuan,” Huo Chengming coldly said.

Li Jinyuan raised an eyebrow. “Can you find her?”

Huo Chengming didn’t bother concealing himself. “When there are special circumstances, you must use special methods.”

Li Jinyuan opened his mouth but didn’t persuade him in the end. He also wanted to see Zhong Yuhuan, especially after watching videos of their CP. The feelings that had been suppressed in his heart before had burst out violently and he wanted to see Zhong Yuhuan immediately, and confess to her no matter what the result may be…

Huo Chengming went out to call a few people.

About an hour later, a car came to pick up Huo Chengming. Li Jinyuan had never known what it meant to be “thick-skinned” and confidently followed Huo Chengming into the car.

Huo Chengming got into the car, pressing a hand against the car door.

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His cold gaze focused on Li Jinyuan.

Li Jinyuan didn’t retreat. “Are you not moving?”

Seeing Huo Chengming not moving away, Li Jinyuan asked, “Are you afraid that I’d steal Huanhuan?”

Huo Chengming snorted coldly. “You?” Then, he quickly opened the car door. “Roll in.”

Li Jinyuan sat in the back.

Huo Chengming immediately looked back, harshly saying, “I’ve kissed Huanhuan. Have you?”

Li Jinyuan’s expression didn’t change, but his heart sank a lot.

He moved his lips. “Well, of course, I have.”

He was obviously bluffing.

But Li Jinyuan wouldn’t admit that.

Huo Chengming’s expression changed, his voice suddenly rising. “You have? When?”

Li Jinyuan lifted his gaze and looked at him with not quite a smile. “Many times…” Li Jinyuan paused, then said, “Huanhuan’s lips are soft.”

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This was nonsense, but Huo Chengming’s eyebrows sank, the hostility between them becoming stronger. He coldly stared at Li Jinyuan, both parties unable to hide how much they disliked one another.

Li Jinyuan gritted his teeth and said, “When kissing Huanhuan, her neck will become red, looking beautiful and lovely.”

This was, of course, all made up.

But he was still happy!

Even though it was fake, Li Jinyuan couldn’t help but wonder if Huanhuan was really like that when Huo Chengming kissed her… Weakly curled up hands and feet, reddish neck, out of breath from kissing…

Li Jinyuan forcefully shut his eyes, not daring to continue thinking in that direction.

If he did, he would be so jealous that his eyeballs would grow red.

Huo Chengming suddenly extended his hand and pushed a button.

The front and back seats were immediately separated. This way, neither side could hear the other.

Huo Chengming wanted to beat up Li Jinyuan, but Li Jinyuan was in his car and they were going to see Huanhuan. If Huanhuan sees Li Jinyuan full of injuries, and Li Jinyuan pretends to be pitiful and hurt, he could succeed in winning over Huanhuan’s pity.

Li Jinyuan watching the separation screen rise: “…”

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Well, this was great. He couldn’t even vent his dissatisfaction and make up lies to anger Huo Chengming.

After an unknown period of time, Huo Chengming finally retracted the screen.

He coldly said, “Your action during your concert spooked Huanhuan. She’ll be scared.”

Li Jinyuan asked, “Then have you told Huanhuan your feelings?”

Huo Chengming’s eyelid twitched. “I have.”

“Then why can’t I do it?”

“It’s obviously different. If one person does it, even if she doesn’t make up her mind, she wouldn’t be afraid. Once both of us do it, she’ll be forced to choose. She will be afraid,” Huo Chengming said as he frowned.

“What if Huanhuan’s so scared that she goes further and further away from both of us?”

Huo Chengming clenched the steering wheel. “If there is such a day, then I won’t let her leave.”

Li Jinyuan calmly said, “Although the way you deal with things is very different from mine, and your intelligence is sometimes lagging compared to mine and Huanhuan’s, at least we are in agreement about this.”

Huan Chengming: “…”

Neither bothered with bodyguards to pick her up.

No one would think that there were two very rich people in such an ugly car.

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