Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 206: 206

Today is the third day of Tianju gift box's launch. People who get the news rush to buy it. Ye Jiayao's original inventory of 300 boxes in three days is sold out in less than half a day, and those that have not been bought have paid a deposit to buy tomorrow's.

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Ye Jiayao calculated the accounts. Today's net profit is 2300 taels, and the sales momentum behind will be even stronger. The bookings for tomorrow alone have exceeded today's figures.

Ye Jiayao was very pleased. In ancient times, Chinese new year was the off-season of restaurants. Every family spent the new year at home. This is a tradition. The ancients valued tradition most. Every festival should be prepared conscientiously. Unlike modern times, everyone is too lazy to cook, have a dinner in a hotel, eat well, play Karaoke and play cards. They still need to make up for the loss of two hundred thousand silver in the off-season.

"The second young lady received another 20 boxes of orders." Jiang Yue came in happily with an order.

"It seems that we have to make 500 boxes tomorrow." Jiang yuedao.

Ye Jiayao is worried: "let's make pastry, how much does not matter, afraid that the jewelry room there for shipping."

"Let manager Zhao urge them to work overtime and do as much as they can, but there is a point that we must ensure the quality." Ye Jiayao ordered that those who could afford the gift box were rich people. They were not afraid of the price, as long as they thought it was worth the money.

"Well!" Jiang Yue's bright eyes twinkled with excitement. She was already very happy when she sold more than 20 boxes the first day, and she would scream with joy when she sold more than 70 boxes the next day. As a result, today's big explosion, such a small cake room looks like a cornucopia. The key is that she also participated in the formulation of the gift box set, which made her feel very proud.

Isn't it a bit unproductive? Such a small achievement makes her very happy, and the second young grandmother can make a sensation in the whole city if she thinks of any idea. She has a lot to learn!

After Jiang Yue left, ye Jiayao worked on the abacus and recalculated the accounts that had just been calculated. She slowly fiddled with the abacus. However, her mind could not concentrate. She dialed several wrong numbers. She pushed it over and over again, making herself look very busy.

When Jiang Yue came back, ye Jiayao was still calculating, and there were differences in the data calculated every time.

"Second young grandmother, it's time for us to go back to our house." Jiang Yue has a look at the sky. The marquis will come back today. He is just in time to catch up with his son-in-law.

"The accounts have not been aligned. I'll do it again." Ye Jiayao said calmly.

"Not bad! Second young lady, you've calculated it several times. " Jiang Yue murmured, knowing that shiziye is coming back today, he is still calculating accounts. Is it important to settle accounts or is it important for him?

Ye Jiayao sighs silently, moves the abacus away and closes the account book. What should be faced is always to be faced.

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When ye Jiayao returned home, Qiao Xi said, "the son of a son has come back. He has changed his clothes and went to his wife's side. Let the second young grandmother come back and go."

Ye Jiayao nodded, her face as usual, unable to see the mood swings, went into the house to wash and change her clothes.

Since that night's storm, today's dinner is the most crowded. Even the glass and the rare Chunfeng have also come. Occasionally, they will have eye contact and smile. It seems that the progress is good. Qiao was more and more careful to please you. You also showed a gentle smile that she had not seen for a long time. Looking back on herself and Chunyu, there was no communication in the whole process. Several times, she felt that his eyes fell on her. When she looked up, she found that the other side was eating attentively with her eyebrows down. It turned out to be her illusion.

I feel lost.

After dinner, the Marquis called his three sons to the study. The women's family members took turns drinking tea and talking.

"The day after tomorrow will be the Laba Festival. In the past years, Mingxiu helped with the sacrifice. This year, two people were added to the family, and the third uncle's family was also there. This time, the sacrifice should be more grand. Jinxuan, you should put it outside in advance. Sacrificing to ancestors is a top priority. You should follow Mingxiu to learn." You said Wen.

"Yes." Ye Jiayao responded meekly.

"What do I do, mother?" Glass asked.

You Shi He said, "you should also learn. If you go to a fiefdom in the future, you will have to take care of everything by yourself."

Glass rare obedience: "then I also follow the sister-in-law."

You nodded with satisfaction: "it's OK."

Then Liuli talked about the ceremonial performance in the palace. Ye Jiayao sat there quietly, but she couldn't hear a word. Her mind had already gone to another person.

In love, there is no win or lose, only you give me back, and this time, Chunyu is so strong, why do you want to force her, do you not know each other? Just care about a word?

She didn't know when the conversation was over, but when she saw Qiao and Liuli get up and leave, she followed suit.

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When going out, Liuli deliberately lags behind ye Jiayao by two steps.

"You are in a bad mood today! Yes? A fight? Oh, can't it be the second elder brother who really believed those words? In fact, I don't blame my second brother. You're so popular. I'm sure he'll be nervous! " Glass chuckles, the tone also has a trace of irony.This is really an unexpected harvest. Unexpectedly, Chunfeng treated her well, but Chunyu got into trouble with Ye. Liuli was happy to think about it.

Ye Jiayao glanced at her faintly and left without saying a word.

"Well, second sister-in-law, do you want me to ask Chunfeng to explain to my second brother?" Glass in the voice behind. I could hear the gloating smile in the words.

Jiang Yue turned her head and glared at the glass and murmured: "the three little grannies are too hateful."

"What should I do with her?" Ye Jiayao sneers at him, but he is a villain. If he is angry with a villain, he can't get along with himself.

Xia Chun came back after a long time. As soon as he came back, he got into the clean room. Qiao Xi wanted to serve him, but he refused coldly.

Qiao Xi looked at the second young grandmother with worry. He could not go on like this. It was said that Aunt GUI was brought in when his wife and Marquis were angry.

Ye Jiayao said in a low voice, "you go back first!"

After a while, Xia Chunyu comes out. Ye Jiayao comes forward to undress him. He turns to avoid her hand and opens the cupboard. As a result, the cupboard is empty. Ye Jiayao doesn't know when the quilt inside is missing. I believe it was either Jiang Yue's or Qiao Xi's.

Xia Chunyu saw that there were two quilts on the bed, so he took a bed and went straight to the study.

Ye Jiayao followed him: "Chunyu, do you think this is interesting?"

She thought about a lot of prologues, and no doubt this is the worst one.

Xia Chunyu's face was expressionless, and he made his bed without saying a word.

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Looking at his refusal, ye Jiayao tolerated many days' grievances, hesitation and melancholy, and forgot all the finished manuscripts.

"Sesame big little things, are you like this? I'm so wicked? If you don't want to see me, don't want to be with me, say one word, and I'll go at once

Xia Chun does not lift her eyelids, but takes her as air.

This silent sullen life is the most headache, to quarrel, to scold, to vent a pain, it is good.

"If you don't say it, I'll take it as your default." Ye Jiayao road.

The other side still didn't respond.

"Well, what would you say?"

"Xia Chunyu, you are just a donkey, stupid to myrrh doctor." Ye Jiayao said fiercely, turning around and leaving.

Didn't he know what she meant? If she doesn't like him, who specially marries him, that little money, she minute minute minute earns hand, who RARE! She worked hard outside. She worked hard at home. She was careful to please this one and offend that one. Why? If it's a contractual marriage, who can do it? Didn't he care?

Hearing the footsteps of her leaving, Xia Chunyu looked up and saw that she didn't mean to go out, so he lay down again at ease.

In fact, his heart has long been soft, but this cruel words is he lifted down, as long as she can say a good listen, this matter is over, has been he coax her, change her coax him once again? Wasn't she a good coax? Now he is in a dilemma. There are no steps for him to go down.

Suddenly, she fell into darkness. The woman turned off the light and went to bed. Xia Chun was depressed.

Ye Jiayao is so flustered that he takes the quilt away from her bed. She forgets to tell Qiao Xi to get a lady Tang. She shivers and grabs the quilt back.

Ye Jiayao thought of doing it, shaking the rope underground, lighting the oil lamp.

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Xia Chunyu closes his eyes and listens to the news. He is nervous when he hears her coming to the study.

Just ask him to go back, and he will go down the slope.

Who knows to wait for is on the body a cool, quilt was robbed.

Ye Jiayao walked back with the quilt in her arms.

Xia Chunyu was stunned and sat up. Did this woman want to freeze him to death?

Xia Chunyu jumped out of bed and ran after his shoes.

"Give me back the quilt."

Ye Jiayao pouted and held her neck high: "this is mine."

"Yours? It has a name on it? " Xia Chunyu drags the quilt.

Ye Jiayao forcefully pulled the corner he was holding: "it's mine if you don't write your name."

Then he wrapped up the quilt and lay down on the bed: "you want to find the quilt yourself, Qiao Xi wants to go, grab my quilt, you mean it."

Xia Chun was stunned and climbed into bed. He pulled out the quilt from under her and put it on his body. He snorted, "look for Qiao Xi. It's nice to say. I'm sure you let people hide the quilt."

Ye Jiayao pulled it back: "you don't want to be sentimental. I don't have the spare time to do such a boring thing."

He pulled it back: "you can deny it! A dead duck has a hard mouth

"Dead duck, it's you who have no conscience and leave me alone. If you're tired of me, you can say it. If you need to catch such an excuse, you will not give up? Let me think about it clearly. I think it's very clear that you men don't have a good thing... " Ye Jiayao scolded, and tears fell , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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