Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 341: 341

Has passed an hour and a half, Qiao's pain interval has been shortened, but wenpo said, not yet, to see if the evening can be born!

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Ye Jiayao inquires about Qiao's state. Wenpo says it's OK. She's very cooperative. She does what she says.

After a while, Chunfeng came back, and ye Jiayao thought that she would not be able to give birth until the evening, so she went to the palace.

After a round of howling at Yonghe palace, he went to the imperial dining room to make dinner and hurried home at night.

It is said that misfortune does not come singly. The ancients did not deceive me. This winter is the busiest winter in her life.

Ye Jiayao sat in the carriage and took the time to keep her eyes closed. However, many things went around in her mind like a lantern, which made her headache.

Qiao Xi sat quietly on one side, looking at the tired second young grandmother with heartache.

Others think that married into the Marquis, wearing gold and silver, eating hot and spicy, and enjoying endless splendor and wealth. However, the second young grandmother did not live a few days of ease, busy and busy. Now, the burden of the whole family falls on ER Shao milk. Many things can't be done, many things can't be ignored, they can't be avoided, they can't be thrown away, they are hard-working

I hate that I'm too humble to help.

Ye Jiayao suddenly opened her eyes and seemed to think of something.

"Josie, please remember a few things for me, I'm afraid I'll forget them."

Qiao Xi quickly nodded: "second young grandmother, you say."

"I'll go back to the mansion and ask Zhao to go to Yu Wang's house and call Deng Haichuan back."

"The eldest and youngest grandmothers only invited one nurse, which was not enough. She told Lin Kun's family to invite two more nurses back. They should be beautiful, innocent, healthy and careful."

"Go and find out who is the best pediatrician in Jinling City? Please come back home, he says, but he wants to stay in the Marquis house for three months. "

If the child can survive three months, it should be OK!

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Ye Jiayao said this and closed her eyes.

Qiaoxi only felt that his nose was sour and his eyes were astringent. Can't you put these things aside and have a good rest?

When they returned to Hou's house, housekeeper Zhong and Zhao Guan came to talk back in advance.

Mr. Zhao said that the account had been settled. Please have a look at it.

Ye Jiayao answered the bill and said, "you know what's going on at home. I'm afraid there's no time to watch tonight. Please wait patiently for a day or two."

Zhao Guanshi busy way: "second young grandmother, not urgent, not to the end of the year, in previous years are only issued on New Year's Eve."

Ye Jiayao nodded and asked housekeeper Zhong, "are you born?"

Steward Zhong shook his head and stopped talking.

"Tell me what you want! I have to know all the good and the bad. " Ye Jiayao is really afraid that he can't listen to what he says.

Zhong Guanjia said: "the eldest young master secretly ran to see the green smoke. The boys stopped him from entering. Later, the third young master came to drag the young master away."

Ye Jiayao blocked her heart for a while, forbearance, calmed her mood and asked, "it's just so?"

If it's just like this, housekeeper Zhong doesn't need to tell her, and she won't be dignified.

Housekeeper Zhong couldn't bear to say that the second young lady was busy enough and said, "it happened that the eldest young master of the Qiao family came to Jinling to check accounts at the end of the year. He came to see the eldest young lady and hit him right. The eldest young master was so angry that he beat him up. Several people couldn't stop him. The eldest young master suffered a lot..."

"You deserve it." Ye Jiayao hated to bite his teeth.

"The third young master said a lot of good words, and managed to persuade the eldest master of the Qiao family to get rid of some anger. Unexpectedly, I don't know where Aunt Wei learned that the eldest young master was beaten, so she rushed out to fight against the eldest young master of Qiao's family. What's more, aunt Wei scratched several bloodstains on the face of Qiao's eldest young master."

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After hearing the sound of Jiabo, Yao Ping has never thought about it.

"Where is the eldest young master of the Qiao family now?"

"Accompanied by the third young master, in the side hall of the front yard, the third young master said a lot of good things, but they were reasonable. If you want to seek justice for the eldest and youngest grandmothers, I will wait for you to give an explanation."

Ye Jiayao pondered for a moment and said, "steward Zhong, pass on my words and let aunt Wei be forbidden for a month. Without my permission, she is not allowed to leave the West small courtyard. No one in the house is allowed to tell her about the affairs of the house. Whoever talks more will be punished."

"Steward Zhao, you can find a place to send the green smoke. Be careful on the way. Don't let people see it. I'll take care of it. Don't be polite to her. Don't run away or die."

Ye Jiayao looks like ice and goes straight to the courtyard.

Qiao Xi quickly told housekeeper Zhong and steward Zhao what the second young grandmother had told them to do.

Then I trotted after the second little grandmother.

When ye Jiayao arrived at the courtyard, he was not in a hurry to see the eldest young master of the Qiao family. Instead, he went to the delivery room and asked the imperial doctor and steady mother that it was not time to give birth, so he went to the side hall.

Ye Jiayao came into the room and saw a handsome man sitting on his sulky, white face with three striking bloodstains.Chunfeng is looking forward to the stars and the moon to ye Jiayao. These two hours are really not easy.

One did not pay attention to let the eldest brother run to find Cuiyan, and the other let the eldest young master of Qiao's family was scratched by Aunt Wei. A lot of good words didn't work.

Seeing ye Jiayao finally coming, she got up in surprise: "second sister-in-law."

Ye Jiayao nods.

Chunfeng introduced: "this is sister-in-law's eldest brother, Qiao Mingdong."

Ye Jiayao gave a gift: "under Ye Jinxuan, I have met young master Qiao."

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Qiao Mingdong slapped his fist perfunctorily.

Ye Jiayao understands Qiao Mingdong's mood and doesn't care. He asks Chunfeng, "have you had dinner?"

Chunfeng said, "yes."

Step aside and let ye Jiayao sit down.

Ye Jiayao sat down and remained silent for a moment. He said, "when this happens, our Marquis's house is not bright. The Marquis and his wife have always been strict in governing their families. All the people in the mansion are diligent and polite. My wife trusted me, so she handed this family to me. I thought I could take care of it."

Ye Jiayao gave a bitter smile: "in the end, I am too young and have too little experience, so that some people have a restless mind. Right and wrong are not to be discussed. Chunli is wrong and wrong is wrong. I am also wrong. I failed to find out in time and prevent trouble in the bud."

Chunfeng looks at ye Jiayao in surprise. Why should she take over the responsibility? She has done well. It's all the responsibility of elder brother. What does it have to do with her?

Ye Jiayao has ye Jiayao's painstaking efforts. Is it necessary for the Qiao family to settle accounts with Marquis or you? Blame them for their poor parenting? She took over the responsibility, Qiao family to blame her, she is a younger generation, even if the other side said something unpleasant, she can also bear.

"What's the use of saying that now? Since you are in charge of the family, how can you solve this problem Qiao Mingdong cold channel.

Ye Jiayao was not angry or anxious. She solemnly said, "I want you to know the attitude of the Marquis of Jing'an. We won't protect our children. I told my sister-in-law that we should not care about anything. We should give birth to the child. We can keep this life. We can do whatever she wants. I will bear all the consequences."

Qiao Mingdong's eyes have a subtle change, look at ye Jiayao's eyes no longer so with resentment.

I have to say, these words are very powerful, but my sister's temper is clear, soft ears, no backbone, is ruthless. When the time comes, will the other people bear this tone as soon as they are advised?

"If Mingxiu wants to kill the child in that bitch's stomach, can you do it?"

Ye Jiayao's eyes are firm: "that child, we Jing'an Marquis house won't admit."

"If Chunli has to take that slut as his concubine..."

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"Yes." Ye Jiayao road.

Qiao Mingdong's anger, which had just been frustrated, came up again. He only heard ye Jiayao say, "if he wanted to accept green smoke as his concubine, he would clean himself out of the house, remove his name from the genealogy, and recognize the Marquis of Jing'an


Qiao Mingdong gasped. The most serious punishment was the removal of the genealogy. It was the death penalty of Chunli. A person who was removed from the genealogy would be looked down upon and could not raise his head all his life. Do these two young grandmothers really have such a great right?

"Can your attitude represent the attitude of the Lord and his wife?"

"Don't worry. Since I dare say this, I will be the Lord."

If ye Jiayao doesn't have some self-confidence, she doesn't dare to nod the head and open the mouth. It's not about whether she has such a big right. It's about the reputation and even the future of the Duke's house in Jing'an. If Chunli insists on his own way and annoys the Qiao family, if the Qiao family makes trouble and is used and publicized by others with ulterior motives, the Houfu will be in danger Courtesy is nothing.

Besides, she is absolutely sure that Chunli will choose the former without hesitation between fame, wealth and green smoke.

Chunfeng also knows his elder brother's temperament. He doesn't mean to value fame and wealth, but to seek comfort and enjoyment, which makes him have nothing. It makes him feel worse than killing him. Knowing that ye Jiayao said this is just in the heart of anqiao Mingdong. Concubines will never happen. When it comes to national mourning, who dares to mention it?

Therefore, Chunfeng also said: "don't worry, my second sister-in-law's words represent the attitude of our marquis."

Qiao Mingdong swept away the previous gloomy atmosphere and said in a positive way: "the second young grandmother expresses this state, I'm relieved, everything will wait for Mingxiu to give birth to a child."

Ye Jiayao breathed a sigh of relief in silence. Fortunately, Qiao Mingdong is not the kind of person who is unreasonable. As long as he shows sincerity, the other party will not be embarrassed.

"Aunt Wei is an illiterate woman, and she doesn't know how to be polite. But because she has served the Lord for many years and accumulated a little hard work, she was carried to be a concubine's room. Don't argue with her. Now I've ordered her to forbid her feet. In the future, she won't want to come out and tell her what to do." Ye Jiayao road.

Qiao felt the scar on his face and was satisfied with ye Jiayao's treatment.

"The wound on the young master's face still needs to be dealt with, so as not to leave a scar. That's a crime. Chunfeng, if you accompany the young master here, I'll call the doctor. I'm worried about the delivery room. I have to keep an eye on it." Ye Jiayao got up and said goodbye.Qiao Mingdong also got up to see him off. He admired the young man in charge. She is resolute in dealing with affairs and has a clear distinction between right and wrong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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