“Was that why you ignored me?”

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Cain, who had been lost in thought, stubbornly avoided Lariana’s gaze and looked down at the courtyard beyond the castle walls.

He had been educated his whole life, learning how to be a loyal subject to the imperial family.

Since birth, he had never denied giving anything to Prince Lejandro. Even if he had to give his name. The previous Duke Delacroix had dedicated the name Lejandro to the emperor, in honor of his unborn son.

“What do you think of me, Your Excellency?”

Approaching Cain’s side by the edge of the castle wall, Lariana fixed her eyes on the sharp line of his well-sculpted face and spoke.

“You… are incredibly beautiful. You resemble a forest nymph, and your melodic voice is akin to a chirping bird.”

“Heh, not bad.”

Lariana chuckled softly at the unexpected compliment. Unable to contain her laughter, she covered her mouth, feeling embarrassed.

Cain found her intriguing, as she would laugh when happy and cry when sad. How could someone have such a range of emotions? He had never seen anyone like Lariana who could honestly reveal their true self.

“Are you making fun of me?”

“It’s just that I’m not used to such direct and straightforward compliments, so it makes me feel shy.”

Lariana rummaged through the hem of her dress, as if something had come to her mind. After repeating the same action for a while, she held out a locket necklace the shape of a moon. It was the victory charm necklace that she had intended to discard, considering his rejection.

“I was going to throw this away… But I’ll give it to you, Duke.”

At first glance, it looked quite shabby. It was even poorly made, lacking any craftsmanship. Although it was made of silver, the shape was slightly peculiar.

Although he had some fondness for her, unfortunately, his feelings did not extend to accepting a victory charm necklace.

“If you don’t like it, then forget it.”

Lariana said quietly as she raised the necklace high, as if about to throw it over the castle wall. At that moment, a deep sense of regret filled Cain.

It was clear that the rightful owner of the necklace was Iveth Kessas. He had no desire for material possessions, but he didn’t want to accept a gift that was prepared for someone else without any sense of dignity.

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However… he realized that, unknowingly, his mind and body reacted differently. His instinct preceded his reason, just like when he asked for her name and reached out his hand.

“I will accept it.”

Cain, unable to understand his own emotional and impulsive behavior, instinctively kneeled on one knee. It was the oath of a knight.

At his sudden action, Lariana’s heart started pounding loudly and quickly.

Lariana, forgetting to breathe, looked at Cain’s smooth and slender neck.

Tension filled the air within the walls. It was so quiet that even the faintest sound of breathing could be heard.

“This necklace is a handmade gift that I made, hoping that the person wearing it will love only me.”

She shyly spoke as she handed the necklace to Cain. But then, in an instant…


As he stood up from his position, a pain gripped his heart, and he fell into Lariana’s embrace.

“Are you okay, Your Excellency?”

“I’m fine.”

A chilling and eerie energy filled his body, as if his blood were flowing backward.

Cain touched the moon-shaped pendant, forcefully denying his acquired feelings, and tucked the necklace into his armor.

Cain looked down at Lariana, who was staring at him with a puzzled expression.

Lariana’s large, blue eyes blinked slowly. They were eyes filled with pure affection, devoid of any ulterior motives. He had never encountered such a gaze before.

It felt as if someone was shaking his head vigorously. Waves of unknown emotions surged in.

A bell rang in his ears, resembling the fierce pounding of his heart, and Cain looked around anxiously. However, the bell tower on the castle wall remained silent.

“…Your Excellency?”

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Lariana, who was closely observing him, seemed quite young. How old was she? He reluctantly pondered on her age, which he had never bothered to consider.

“Lady Heliosen, may I ask how old you are?”


Fortunately, there wasn’t a significant age difference between him and her, as he was only twenty-one.

Sometimes, there were even secret negotiations regarding betrothals before a debutante’s ball at the age of nineteen.

“You’re still just a child.”

“Your Excellency! If I participate in the debutante ball next year, I might get married.”

“That’s fortunate. It would be somewhat unfair if I couldn’t witness the debut of a lady as beautiful as you.”

Cain took a step closer to Lariana. Wide-eyed, she looked up at him. Her cheeks and ears blushed pink like newly bloomed flower buds.

“I need to make sure the expedition ends in one year.”

“T-That means…”

“I want to be your debutante’s ball partner.”

One year. If he could complete the expedition within a year, he could become her debutante ball partner. And once she held her debutante ball, Lariana could get married, which meant she could become his wife.

He calmly waited for her answer. However, unexpectedly, Lariana hesitated. With a puzzled expression and her lower lip trembling, she hesitated.

In case she might reject him, Cain anxiously ran through countless scenarios in his mind. Seeing him like that, Lariana smiled.

“Your Excellency… I’ll wait. You must become my debutante’s ball partner.”

“Of course. Lady Heliosen.”

Happiness filled him as much as the big, round moon. Lariana clasped her hands tightly, and her little fist made Cain smile.

Lariana closed her eyes and made a prayer. If this were a dream, she hoped it wouldn’t end.

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───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

It only took a few days for Lariana to fall in love. At least, that was how she felt. As a poor noblewoman from a remote corner of the kingdom, she couldn’t resist falling in love with the charming Duke Cain Delacroix of the magnificent empire.

The time Cain spent in Heline was like a dream for Lariana. They rode horses together across meadows and enjoyed picnics by the lakeside with Lariana’s younger brother, Bein. When Cain departed, they even shared a short but passionate kiss on her cheek.

During the year Cain was away on his expedition to subjugate the rebel faction, many things happened to Lariana. The most devastating was the death of her younger brother. It was astonishing that the virulent Fermar, known for its contagiousness, claimed only one life in their territory, and that life happened to be her brother’s.

The shock of losing her family made Lariana want to abandon everything. However, thanks to the comfort and care provided by her father, Count Heliosen, and her beloved lover, Cain Delacroix, she found the strength to carry on. Without these two people in her life, she would no longer be part of this world.

Lariana and Cain exchanged letters throughout the entire expedition. He would send her expensive gifts each time, accumulating dresses and jewelry that a poor noblewoman like her could never afford.

However, more than anything else, Lariana cherished his letters.

“Lady, the letter will completely wear out at this rate.”

Lariana, who was looking through the letter sent by Cain as soon as she got up in the morning, smiled at her maid, Jena. The paper of the letter Cain sent a while ago was already frayed at the edges.

“I can’t help but keep looking at it. When will the expeditionary force arrive?”

“They are scheduled to arrive at the central square in the afternoon. They plan to have lunch and set up early.”

Sitting in front of the dressing table, Lariana began to brush her hair obediently. She tried not to show it, but excitement filled her face.

She had come to the capital, Petika, alone to participate in the debutante ball and was staying with Count Beckdel, her father’s friend.

Among the luxurious mansions of the nobility that filled Alstri Square, one of them belonged to Count Beckdel. It was fortunate for Lariana to be able to sit in this drawing room and leisurely watch the parade of the Imperial Knights.

With the sound of horns and trumpets, a dazzling procession of silver armor continued endlessly, making the entire territory rumble with thousands of footsteps.



Marina, Count Beckdel’s daughter and Lariana’s friend, poked her playfully.

“The truth is, all the credit for the subjugation of the Rindell rebels goes to Duke Delacroix, the commander of the Imperial Knights, rather than Prince Lejandro.”

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“Yes. Prince Lejandro is lacking in both swordsmanship and military tactics.”

“Shh, what if your father hears?”

Lariana and Marina glanced around, checking if the Count was listening. The power struggle between Prince Lejandro and Princess Sonia was intense. The nobles were divided into factions supporting either the prince or the princess, and Count Beckdel sided with the prince.

Fortunately, Count Beckdel was engrossed in conversation with his wife and paid no attention to the two girls.

Through the large window on one side of the drawing room, Cain could be seen. Despite being surrounded by countless elite knights, he shone brilliantly.

He kept his promise. The promise to return before the debutante ball.

Lariana’s heart swelled. That man, that hero, would soon come to claim her.

───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

The next day, the day they had been waiting for, Cain Delacroix did not seek her out.

Today was the debutante ball.

It couldn’t be true…

Lariana looked down at the letter he had sent a month ago. It clearly stated that he would come to take her. Lariana couldn’t accept the cruel reality that had befallen her.

For a noblewoman in Martessen, debuting at the age of nineteen, just a year before turning twenty, was crucial. It was rare for noblewomen to not participate in the debutante ball at that time, unless they were high-ranking duchesses or marchionesses, or if they were poor or had issues within their household.

The majority debuted at the age of nineteen. If they couldn’t debut at nineteen, their value in the marriage market would plummet.

“Lariana, are you okay?”

“I’m sorry. I don’t think I can attend the ball. Count and Countess have been so kind to me in many ways. I’m truly sorry.”

Beside Lariana, who was lying down weakly, Count Beckdel and his wife couldn’t hide their helplessness.

The pain wasn’t so unbearable that she couldn’t attend the ball. But how could she go alone? Lariana couldn’t go to the debutante ball. She had to keep her promise with Cain, even if she had to do it alone.

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