The sharp edge of the blade pierced through the sky causing hundreds of insects to fall like heavy rain.

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With the giant insect cut down, the entire world seemed to similarly be on the verge of collapse.

Blast’s expression was still frozen with shock. He foolishly watched the young man before him lightly land back onto the ground and then straighten up. He was still unable to process the information he was suddenly presented with.

After the young man lightly dusted off the insect fragments from his clothes, he proceeded to store away the scythe.

Ye Jia went over to the still dumbfounded Blast and considerately waved his hand in front of his face, “Hey, return to your senses.”

Blast’s eyeballs moved stiffly, and his gaze focused on the young man before him. He seemed to have finally called back the soul which had left his body and he immediately stumbled back a few steps and pointed at Ye Jia with a trembling finger, “Y-y-you!”

Ye Jia: “……”

He was stunned by the other party’s exaggerated reaction just now. Closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation, he asked, “Even after all this time you still haven’t managed to accept this truth?”

Blast jumped up like a cat who had burnt its tail and shouted in disbelief, “You really think you spent a long time dealing with that just now?”

That terrifying monster insect just now didn’t even have a chance to put up a fight, alright?!

As soon as those words left his mouth, Blast belatedly realised that he had actually unconsciously praised the other party. He quickly shook his head, as if trying to toss aside something from his mind, “That’s not the point!”

He took in a deep breath and then asked with a tone of disbelief, “So uh….You’re Ace?”

Ye Jia was expressionless, “You’re only realising this now?”

Blast: “……….”

I feel that you’re looking down on my intelligence.

“Of course not!” His words had hit the mark, but Blast jumped up in protest, “I-I just couldn’t believe it!”

Suddenly, Blast sucked in a breath, “So you have been acting in front of us the entire time?”

From the matter with the yin fire back at the Bureau to the series of lies made up in the meeting room and also the hostage moment after they entered this ghost domain….He had completely deceived them!

Blast’s eyes widened in horror, “You….you fucking….”

—-That innocent and harmless look of his was all just an act?!

What a terribly scary man!

The red-haired young man before him seemed to then realise something. He stared at the other person before him intently. With his pale and fear-stricken face, he looked like he had seen a monster.

Ye Jia: “……….”

He didn’t really want to know what kind of nonsense thoughts were going on in the other person’s mind.

“Ahem, oh yes…..” Blast slowly took in a deep breath and then continued weakly, “I-I want to have a rematch!”

Ye Jia pointed behind him, “Here?”

Ever since that giant insect was cut down, the entire world seemed to be in the process of falling apart. Buildings had fallen and the ground had collapsed. Everything had turned into swarms of squirming insects of various colours, looking like a whirlpool of colours.

Blast seemed to only now notice the gathering of insects around him. His small face paled even further and all the arrogance in him was completely gone, “O-outside is fine too.”

Ye Jia glanced at him with a smile that wasn’t quite a smile.

He raised the Omniscient Eye stone before his eye and saw that somewhere ahead was a glowing door.

He then stored that stone away and pointed in that direction, “Let’s go…….”

The young man’s figure was fast and agile. He jumped several metres in one go, leaving the trembling Blast behind. Blast hurriedly tried to keep up, “Hey! Wait for me!”

Very soon, the two arrived at the door.

Blast looked like he was about to lose his soul. He didn’t know how many insects he had trampled on with his feet on his way here, but that sticky and squishy sensation could clearly be felt through his shoes. It was enough to give someone like him who feared insects a critical hit.

No compare, no despair.

In comparison to this, those gu insects raised by Chen Qingye seemed much better….

Ye Jia suddenly came to a stop. He turned back to Blast and lightly added, “Oh right, don’t say anything after we leave this place.”

Blast: “!”

This evil guy still wants to continue his lies!

He huffed arrogantly, “W-why should I listen to you?! What are you going to do if I refuse?!”

Ye Jia expressionlessly responded, “Then I’ll leave you here.”

Blast: “……..”

He turned and glanced back at the insect filled world behind him, the expression on his face becoming distorted.

You’re really vicious!

He gritted his teeth, “Fine, I won’t say anything…..”

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Ye Jia curled up the corners of his lips, revealing a sincere and harmless smile, “And what about the grudge between us?”

Blast slowly took in a deep breath before softly surrendering, “T-this can be considered as you saving my life so, I guess the grudge is written off.”

Ye Jia smiled, “Good boy…”

Blast wanted to cry without tears.

That Chen Qingye was definitely lying. Ace is a good person?! How could he be a good person?!

He’s more like a villain, alright?!

Ye Jia pushed open the door and, together with Blast, they both walked out.

The door slammed shut behind them. Ye Jia once again found himself standing in the dark green hall.

Ye Jia checked behind him and found that both the door and Blast were gone.

He raised the Omniscient Eye and quickly scanned the hall — One of the seats at the table was now empty and the original shadowy figure sitting there was gone. The hair that was connect to that place had also shrivelled up like dry straw. The rest of the room was however the same as before.

It seems that Blast should have already left.

After confirming that this method was effective, Ye Jia hooked up his lips and approached the door behind the second seat.

As soon as he pushed open the door, he found himself back inside the game.

It was very clearly a punishment instance from the game.

Severed limbs, blood and monsters.

The sky was dyed a terrible red colour and the ground was filled with bodies such that one could no longer make out the world’s original appearance. Distorted, lifeless faces with turbid eyes gazed fixatedly up towards the sky.

The sound of clashes travelled over from a distance.

The roar of monsters, the clang of weapons, the sound of deafening gunshots. All those sounds were nauseatingly familiar.

Ye Jia narrowed his eyes slightly and followed the sounds.

In the centre of this blood-stained world, an entire team madly launched attacks at one person. Their pale faces carried terrifying expressions and their bodies were littered with fatal wounds, “It’s all your fault! If it wasn’t for you, how could we have died?!”

Wu Su blocked their attacks but was clearly at a disadvantage. He steadily retreated when faced with their relentless attacks.

Although he was in a battered state, he still cursed out in anger, “Bullshit! You’re just not skilled enough! Don’t blame it all on me!”

At this moment, a lazy voice sounded from the depths of the battlefield, “Is that so?”

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Ye Jia: “?”

Wait a minute. Why did it sound so familiar?

Everyone present stopped their attacks and slowly stepped aside to make way for someone. That person walked out from the darkness behind them.

Wu Su gasped. When he saw that person, his eyes widened in astonishment, “!”

Ye Jia’s eyes also widened in shock, “!”

A hooded young man unhurriedly walked over. His facial features were hidden under the shadows of his hood and only a faint, seemingly mocking smile on his lips could be seen, “Then let me see how good you are, trash.”

Ye Jia: “…….”

This is slander! I have never said such a thing!

The phantom of a large scythe appeared in the young man’s hand, and he then proceeded to mercilessly attack Wu Su. Wu Su who was clearly powerless against this quickly retreated. He gritted his teeth and shouted, “I’m not trash!”

A hint of madness flickered across in the depths of his eyes. He dug out a bullet with a blood-coloured mark from his pocket and inserted it into his gun as he avoided the attacks.

Jist as Wu Su was about to raise the gun——

He felt a heavy blow hit him from behind. It was precise and merciless.

His vision went black and his body went soft.

A pair of pale and slender hands firmly supported him.

The Ace wearing a hood and holding a scythe stopped his offensive attacks and stared fixatedly at the young man who had suddenly appeared before him. That Ace seemed to be deliberating over something.

Ye Jia lowered his eyes and placed Wu Su who had passed out onto the ground.

Following that, he straightened back up and looked back at the Ace standing opposite him.

The two young men stood face to face in a wasteland filled with blood and corpses. They were similar in appearance but dressed differently and one held a sickle while the other was bare-handed.

A faint light glowed and soon a crescent shaped scythe identical to the other persons appeared.

Ye Jia cracked his neck and a flicker of cold amusement flashed across his amber eyes. His lips raised into a cynical smirk, “Let’s see to what extent you can imitate me.”

As the weapons intersected, loud sounds reverberated across the bloody wasteland. Icy cold light flashed as the sharp blade cut through the air.

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Ye Jia’s eyes reflected the blade’s cold light and the corners of his lips raised slightly. His eyes were filled with killing intent.

The next second, the blades collided.

Following a crack, the crescent shaped scythe drew a perfect arc in the air, cutting through the other person and their scythe in one go.

‘Ace’ let out a miserable scream before letting out sizzling sounds and disappearing.

Ye Jia lightly lowered his eyes, his gaze falling onto the place where the other person had disappeared. His expression was calm and indifferent, “Cheap counterfeit.”

After clearing out all the monsters and players in this wasteland, Ye Jia picked up the still unconscious Wu Su and went over to the door.

Just like last time, as soon as he stepped out of the door, Wu Su who was slung over his shoulder and the door behind him disappeared.

Another one of the seats was now vacant.

Ye Jia looked at the female ghost sitting at the head of the table through the Omniscient Eye.

She seemed to have noticed that someone was interfering with her plans. Although her head was still lowered and her pale limbs were still in a relaxed state, the skin on her body was starting to move, as if something was struggling to come out.

Ye Jia lightly rubbed the tips of his fingers.

Although he really wants to do it now, but…..

He sighed somewhat regretfully. After storing away the Omniscient Eye, he went towards the next door.

The things behind the third door were something Ye Jia didn’t expect.

To be more precise, there was nothing inside.

It was pitch black and silent, much like an eternal night. There was no sky and no ground. It was basically an empty and dark void.

It was too quiet. It was so quiet, Ye Jia could almost hear his own breathing and heartbeats.

He looked out through the hole in the Omniscient Eye and saw a small spot of light somewhere in the distance.

It should be there.

After walking for who knows how long, Ye Jia suddenly realised that the darkness around him had gradually changed, slowly changing into the shapes of buildings and streets.

Post office, restaurant, school….

An empty town slowly took shape.

The streets were all filled with traces of destruction, much like an architectural model that had suffered some external damage.

Although there was still no light or sound, with Ye Jia’s ability that he had acquired through all those years in the game that allowed him to see things in the dark, it wasn’t too difficult for him to find his way around.

Following the traces of damage, he turned left and right along the streets before finally stopping before one of the buildings.

It was a residential building.

All the colours had been taken out from the building. The dark and grey made the school look like it was two dimensional, almost resembling an abstract painting that was stripped of any signs of life and time.

Ye Jia raised his head and looked into the window on one of the floors.

Behind every door was what someone fears the most and what was behind this door seemed to be self-evident.


Ye Jia retracted his gaze and continued on.

In a dark room.

A little boy with big, black-rimmed glasses sitting on his face sat curled up in the corner. Those thick lenses covered up almost half of his thin and pale face which carried no expression and ill-fitting clothes hung loosely from his malnourished body.

A centipede laid quietly beside him. It was picked up and held tightly in the boy’s arms.

It also seemed to have shrunk to a size several times smaller than its usual size and no longer appeared as terrifying and scary. Starting from its tail, a dull grey colour slowly spread upwards. It seemed to be sucking away its life and colour.

Chen Qingye quietly placed A’Chang’s head on his knees. From time to time, he would kiss its outer shell and pet its head over and over again.

A’Chang weakly raised its head in response.

However, it didn’t change the fact that it was slowly growing weaker.

He didn’t cry or say anything and just quietly held the centipede while huddled in the corner of the room, waiting for it to die.

At this moment, Chen Qingye suddenly heard something in the silence.

It seemed to be the sound of footsteps slowly approaching his way.

Step after step, the tapping on the ground was light but it seemed as if it was stomping heavily onto his heart.

Chen Qingye raised his head vigilantly and looked in the direction of the sound. He held tightly onto the knife he had procured from the kitchen earlier for self-defence.

A’Chang moved its body, wanting to fight, but Chen Qingye pushed it back into his arms, “Shhh……”

In the darkness, a young and slender figure emerged.

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Ye Jia opened the door and looked with some surprise as a small figure attacked as soon as he entered the room. The sharp knife in his hand glistened a cold light in the dark.

He quickly grabbed the other party’s wrist and lifted the little boy from the ground.

“Clang.” The knife fell onto the ground.

Chen Qingye pressed his pale lips tightly together and his expression was blocked by his thick glasses. He didn’t make a sound and just fiercely attacked the other party. Although his hands and feet were small, they were full of strength.

Ye Jia had to restrain the other party with a lot of effort, “Hey! It’s me!”

Chen Qingye who couldn’t put up much of a fight could only give up.

He narrowed his eyes and both carefully and vigilantly examined the young man before him.

Ye Jia sighed, “What’s the matter with you?”

He said, “When I let go of you, don’t attack me, alright?”

Chen Qingye stared at him for a few seconds before finally nodding,

Ye Jia slowly loosened his grip.

But the moment he loosened his grip, the other party immediately bent down to pick up the knife on the ground and once again charged at him.

Ye Jia: “…….”

Alright then….

This was indeed the kind of mentality experienced players should have. They would never trust others and would rather kill an innocent person by mistake over letting someone suspicious off. It was all in order to ensure their own safety.

But…..The other party is now a child and his strength has been greatly reduced.

This is good news for him.

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If being gentle didn’t work, he could only do the opposite.

With that thought, Ye Jia pulled off the sheet from the bed next to him, tore it into strips and firmly tied up the child before him. Along the way, he also sealed his mouth with the remaining strips before carrying him on his shoulder like a bag of rice and walking out.

The little boy on his shoulder struggled about, letting out miserable whimpers. It sounded particularly tragic, as if he was howling.

Ye Jia was taken aback.

He paused for a moment and slowly sighed.


Ye Jia freed Chen Qingye’s mouth and asked, “What’s wrong?”

Large drops of tears rolled down his small face, dampening Ye Jia’s shoulder. His glasses were foggy as he stared at the dying centipede, “A-A’Chang.”

—–From the very beginning, he hadn’t been attacking to protect himself, but to protect his precious centipede.

Ye Jia sighed again.

He dried Chen Qingye’s face with his sleeve, “This fierce ghost lets you experience the thing you fear the most.”

Ye Jia pointed at the slowly petrifying A’Chang and asked, “With it looking like this, does it make you afraid?”

Chen Qingye was also an experienced player after all, so he immediately understood what the other person meant.

He slowly asked hoarsely, “So you mean, it’s fake?”

Ye Jia: “Yes……”

Chen Qingye glanced down at A’Chang and then back at Ye Jia. He seemed to be hesitating over whether or not he should believe him.

Ye Jia rubbed his hair forcefully and continued, “If you don’t believe me…..what about Ace?”

Chen Qingye was taken aback. He looked up with surprise at Ye Jia with his pair of wet eyes, “What do you mean?”

Ye Jia lightly raised the corners of his lips and asked with a faint chuckle, “Have you forgotten about where you got your Xiao Xiao Bai?”

In this world, apart from him, there was only one other person who knew of the origin and name of Xiao Xiao Bai.

Chen Qingye stared at him blankly for several seconds before finally realising something. His eyes immediately widened and his mouth opened in shock, “Wait, you….you!”


Ye Jia silently sighed.

Since that incident with Blast, he had already grown sick of seeing this expression.

Chen Qingye was shocked. He stammered, “S-so that’s why A’Chang reacted like that when he saw you last time!”

Ye Jia shrugged, “Gu insects are very sensitive creatures.”

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Chen Qingye blinked a few times and then rested his head against Ye Jia’s shoulder, “I believe you now. Let’s go.”

It was now Ye Jia’s turn to be curious, “Why?”

While leaning against Ye Jia, Chen Qingye pushed up his glasses and said seriously, “Because a fierce ghost wouldn’t be able to come up with something like this. Even I don’t know that you’re Ace so it is even more impossible for her to create an illusion like this. Moreover, what you said earlier about the thing I fear the most made sense —- This is indeed what I fear the most.”

He pursed his lips and appeared a little embarrassed, “Y-you should put be down now.”

Ye Jia let out an ‘oh’ and then proceeded to free Chen Qingye and place him back onto the ground.

“Let’s go?” Ye Jia asked.

Chen Qingye turned to glance at A’Chang who had already become completely petrified before cautiously grabbing Ye Jia’s hand and nodding, “Mhn!”

The two left the building and walked into the darkness they originally came from.

Chen Qingye’s face was a little flushed. He turned to look at Ye Jia and asked, “Then…..what should I call you from now on?”

Ye Jia, “Anything’s fine….”

Chen Qingye pushed up the thick glasses on his face and asked hesitantly, “C-can I call you Brother Ye?” (KKnotes: The ‘you’ here is an honorific you. Cheng Qingye is basically referring to Ye Jia very respectfully.)

Ye Jia, “Sure….”

He paused for a moment and added, “But the honorifics is not necessary.”

Ye Jia seemed to have suddenly remembered something and proceeded to turn and look at Chen Qingye solemnly, “Oh yes, only you know my identity. Can you keep it a secret for me?”


He’s the only one who knows Ace’s true identity?!

What an honour it is!

Chen Qingye was flattered, and his cheeks were flushed from the excitement. He nodded sincerely, “O-of course that’s not a problem! I won’t tell anyone even if I die!”

Ye Jia, “Not the honorifics….”

Chen Qingye’s eyes welled up, “B-brother Ye.”

“Mhn……” Ye Jia raised the corners of his lips without feeling any guilt inside and rubbed Chen Qingye’s head, “Good boy.”

After leaving the third door, Ye Jia found himself in the dark green room again. He let out a long sigh of relief and habitually took out the Omniscient Eye to look through it.

The seat at the head of the table was empty.

Ye Jia was taken aback.

The next second, a strong gust of wind blew past his ear. Ye Jia instinctively dodged it.

That cool breeze brushed past his cheeks and proceeded to leave several deep scratches on the wall behind him.

Ye Jia used the Omniscient Eye to look towards the place he was standing just moments earlier and saw that the female fierce ghost had at some unknown point in time left her original seat and was standing there with her face covered by her hair. Past the long, black hair, he could see her eyes staring at him unblinkingly. Sharp nails extended from the tips of her fingers.

She attacked Ye Jia again.

A scythe appeared in Ye Jia’s hand. With a loud clang, those sharp nails where blocked just inches away from him.

The female ghost’s arms and fingers were cut by the scythe’s cold and sharp blade. The dark red blood on the surface of the blade was instantly absorbed.

Ye Jia’s slowly swallowed.

Deep in his amber coloured eyes, a dark light flashed by.

He could smell an alluring scent coming from the other party and he could also feel it very distinctly….Although the process may be more difficult, but as long as he wanted to, the other party could become his prey ——- As long as he slashed the other party, he could…..

—– “Don’t…..”

A man’s voice that was especially clear in the whistling wind reached his ears.

Ye Jia gritted his teeth and proceeded to block an attack from the female ghost.

He was gradually forced further and further away from the fourth door.

The female ghost continued to advance closer, but Ye Jia only defended.

It couldn’t continue like this.

Through the corner of his eyes, the fifth door was not far away —- That was the door Ye Jia originally planned on entering last, but…..

Looks like he has no other choice now.

Ye Jia braced himself. As soon as he opened the last door, his entire body fell in.

A familiar blood scent surrounded him.

In a confused state, he seemed to hear a man’s low chuckle:


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