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Isn’t…...Isn’t this public execution?As if he was struck by lightning, Ye Jia’s expression was blank and his body was stiff.He slowly turned to look at the man standing before him and asked stiffly:“You…….”He took a deep breath, “H-how did you…..?”Ji Xuan narrowed his eyes and smiled as he helped him finish the question,”How did I know?”“It was your first time alone with Mother after all.” He bent down and nuzzled his chin against Ye Jia’s shoulder affectionately, ‘I was worried, gege.”Mother had only called Ye Jia over this time, deliberately excluding Ji Xuan. She must have had some other intentions.Especially since they’re still not completely certain whether Mother really believed in Ye Jia’s transformation.So in order to prevent Mother from suddenly making things difficult, Ji Xuan had no plans of letting Ye Jia go to the capital alone to face Mother --- While the wound on Ye Jia’s neck healed, he had deliberately left behind a few drops of blood. By making use of the blood gu fish’s ability, he was able to watch over the situation on his end and make sure nothing happened.But unexpectedly…….He actually heard the other party……...say those kinds of things.Through the blurred mirror made out of blood, Ji Xuan was shocked both physically and mentally. His entire mind was blank. He could only hear the other party’s voice travel over from a distance and sound in his ears. Every word spoken struck him hard, making him dizzy.Gege said…...he likes me.Like.He could feel some strange emotions surging in his normally cold and silent chest. Like vines growing wildly, it was as if they were trying to break through the rib cage confining it. They wrapped tightly around his throat and heart, giving him a strange and unfamiliar feeling of pain.Something was going out of control.As a fierce ghost, Ji Xuan no longer needed to breathe, but for some reason, a dizzy feeling of suffocation overwhelmed him.The delight that suddenly exploded in his mind was so strong, it almost scared him.Even if Ji Xuan knew very well that the other party had only said this to deceive Mother, he still couldn’t control his instinctive reaction.It was more delightful than flirting and more profound than pain.Ji Xuan lowered his eyes and looked at the young man in his arms.The other person’s body was as cold as his, but he could still feel an almost hallucinatory warmth.His lips rose as he lowered his head to nuzzle against Ye Jia’s ear. He spoke with a low voice,:“…..I’m very happy.”Even despite knowing that it was just spoken as a temporary countermeasure, he was still……Very happy.As a cold and soft touch brushed past his ear, the other party’s voice sounded like thunder in Ye Jia’s ears, awakening him from his frozen state.Like a cat whose tail was stepped on, Ye Jia suddenly jumped three feet high.This was an instinctive reaction to flee. Even Ji Xuan wasn’t able to hold the other party down.Ye Jia angrily elbowed Ji Xuan, broke free from the other person’s clutches and then turned around and stared at him in disbelief.“You…….”He stared at the man sporting an innocent expression before him with his lips slightly parted. He seemed to be wanting to say something, but even after a long time passed, he was unable to utter a single word.Fuck.Ye Jia took in a deep breath and forced the unspoken words back down his throat. He finally gave Ji Xuan a vicious look and then turned and stalked off with a dark expression.Ji Xuan thoughtfully touched his abdomen.Compared to the beating he had received before, that blow just now was very light and it almost seemed a little flustered. There wasn’t much strength used.He raised his head and watched the other party’s rapidly disappearing figure.No matter how you looked at it, he seemed to be fleeing.Ji Xuan narrowed his pair of long and narrow eyes slightly, his scarlet eyes shining with joy under his long eyelashes. The corners of his lips rose faintly.Looks like what the other party said earlier may actually…….not be completely false.The smile on his lips deepened a little and he quickened his pace to chase after the other party:“Gege, wait for me.”.In the outskirts of M City.Blast advanced alone towards the city ruins that were covered in dark air and the smell of blood. He kept himself hidden and his presence concealed as he moved about, almost completely blending in with the surrounding darkness. He didn’t directly head for the hole in the wall from last time and instead detoured around a little.The entire way, he was very careful when using his ability.Fire was a light source. Although it could protect him, it was also something that would expose his whereabouts.Blast deftly crossed through the opening in the wall and, like a shadow, he quietly sneaked into the city.The earlier cries and panicked screams had long been blown away by the wind. The entire place was filled with ruins and debris and the air seemed to carry a strong scent of blood, so thick it made it difficult for one to breathe.

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Following his memories, he soon arrived at the place where Wei Yuechu fell from.The masses of flesh that were writhing around underground previously had long disappeared and only foul odour travelled out from that bottomless pit. There were even still faint traces of blood against the rock walls.Blast lowered his head and looked down the dark abyss below.He still remembered what Chen Qingye had said to him before he left:“….Even if you cannot find Wei Yuechu’s body, it doesn’t mean that your speculations have been confirmed. You understand?”Disregarding the fact that there were parts of Mother down there and there was a high chance of her having been swallowed up by Mother, there were also too many ghosts roaming around M City. There was a high chance that she had been completely eaten up, leaving no bones behind--------Blast let out a low grunt and threw on his backpack.He knew that the chances of him reaching a definite answer by going out there was very slim ----- But he had to go.He must see Wei Yuechu’s dead body with his own eyes.Blast slowly took a deep breath and then carefully jumped down along the rock wall, venturing deeper and deeper.The further down he went, the narrower it became.The air was turbid and the walls on both sides seemed like they were trying to squeeze him flat little by little.Blast leapt from one foothold to the next.He could see broken concrete slabs, twisted steel bars, shattered stones, and many mutilated bodies.Blast searched around patiently.He turned over every body as he looked for a familiar face.Not this one.Not this one either.It’s not here. It’s not there either.Eventually, he had unknowingly ventured very far down.But unexpectedly, the rock walls that were becoming narrower and narrower had suddenly become wider.A small stone fell from under his feet, hitting the ground. It made a soft and hollow sound.It actually……...hit something?Blast was stunned.He raised his hand and a small cluster of fire carefully appeared at the tip of his fingers, allowing him to illuminate the bottom of this pit.As expected, in the inner depths of the pit, there was a long passage with no end in sight.Blast jumped down from above.The passage wasn’t too narrow. The rock walls were wet, exuding a damp stench, and there were mutilated bodies and severed limbs scattered everywhere.Blast furrowed his brows slightly and advanced through this passage.The terrain here was very complex, with narrow passages extending in all directions.A voice could be heard in the distance.“…….Hurry and dig!”That voice laughed cruelly and those words were accompanied by the crack of a whip and cries of agony.“Those slacking off will be eaten hahahahaha!”Blast was a little stunned.He recalled what Wu Su and Chen Qingye had talked about earlier when they were evacuating people from M City-----They believed that there was a reason why Mother gave humans a one month deadline. She wasn’t someone this merciful so there must be something preventing her from completely invading this world.Perhaps…….It has something to do with what’s happening ahead?Blast unskillfully hid his presence. Although he wasn’t as good as Ace in this respect, it was more than enough for him to fool an average fierce ghost.He slowly approached the voices.He soon saw a burly and pale-skinned fierce ghost standing at the end of the passage holding a huge silver whip. The whip was covered in thorns, looking particularly threatening.Before it stood lines of fierce ghosts all chained together. Their expressions were sad and miserable as they trembled under the oppression of the larger fierce ghost and they desperately dug with everything they had.Blast noticed that although they similarly possessed yin energy and the smell of death like other fierce ghosts, it was rather weak.How strange.Normally, even for a weak fierce ghost, the energy they give off shouldn’t be this weak.And more importantly…..what were they digging for?Blast narrowed his eyes slightly and slowly got closer.At this moment, he suddenly noticed that one of the people there looked very familiar.Blast froze.

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In an instant, a forgotten memory flashed in his mind. His entire body froze.That person used to be one of the Bureau’s employees. They had passed each other in the corridors of the Bureau and that person had also appeared in the previous missions where they had to rescue civilians but had unfortunately lost his life during his encounter with the fierce ghosts.Blast only now noticed that these fierce ghosts were wearing human clothes.His mind turned blank.These people…….they weren’t the weak ghosts from inside the game and instead------They’re human souls who had been transformed into fierce ghosts.While Blast was still in a stunned state, there was suddenly some commotion ahead.A loud sound exploded ahead. It sounded like it came from deep within the ground. That sound echoed through the ground and walls like muffled thunder. Blast could feel the ground under him shaking. He had no choice but to raise his hand and support himself using the wall to prevent him from falling onto the ground.That sound…..It sounded like the cries of countless aggrieved souls. It surged from all directions, making people feel uncomfortable.The next second, dark and viscous fluid suddenly poured out from the underground tunnel that was being dug out by the ghosts.That fluid seemed like it was alive. Tentacle-like arms stretched out, feeling the place out and blurred human faces surfaced within the fluid. They all looked like they were in a lot of pain and agony.Blast was so shocked by this scene, he almost forgot to breathe.His eyes widened in horror.The malice in the air was terrifyingly strong. There was so much of it, it was almost tangible. It gave him the feeling that he would also soon be contaminated by it.The pitch-black fluid stuck onto those human souls, swallowing them up.The ghosts wailed, screamed and struggled, but they couldn’t break free from that thing and could only be dragged in and be forced to become a part of it.The large pale-faced fierce ghost had already stepped back.Holding a metal whip, it stood tall at the top of one of the tunnels. With a loud and sharp laugh, it seemed to be very pleased with the situation playing out before it.“Alright, everything is done here.”That fierce ghost turned around, its heavy body causing the tunnel to shake slightly.A small stone fell. The surface of that pitch-black fluid rippled a little and one could still vaguely see faces filled with agony inside it.“…...Time for the next one.”The fierce ghost’s rough voice echoed through the empty space.Blast forced himself to look away from that sticky fluid on the ground----- The instincts he had honed after all those years in the game were telling him that that thing must not be touched.He raised his head and looked towards the large fierce ghost who was slowly disappearing in the distance and narrowed his eyes thoughtfully.A few seconds later.Blast took a deep breath and sneakily followed behind it..After parting ways with Mother, Ji Xuan and Ye Jia arrived at the place registered under his name.Although Mother had a wide range of control in this city, this place happened to be one of her few blind spots.Ye Jia looked over at Ji Xuan, “Did you already prepare for something like this when you bought this place?”Ji Xuan shrugged, “Of course.”He raised his hand and pushed the door open.“I have to prepare for both possibilities after all.”“Which two possibilities?” Ye Jia entered behind him and asked casually, “Can the door not be opened?”Ji Xuan, “No.”He turned and looked very seriously at Ye Jia, “It’s whether you want to stay a human or be a fierce ghost.”Ye Jia was stunned.He looked fixedly at Ji Xuan and snorted, “You have a slick tongue.”Ji Xuan wasn’t angry.He curled his lips into a smile. As if he was enjoying it, he asked, “Does gege like it?That question had a double meaning.Ye Jia coldly retracted his gaze, “No.”Ji Xuan sighed regretfully.As expected, gege’s helpless look from earlier was better ---- He really liked seeing the other party have a different expression on their usually calm face but it unfortunately happened very rarely.Suddenly, Ji Xuan raised his eyes and looked at a corner of the room. His scarlet eyes narrowed slightly:“Come out.”Ye Jia similarly looked over.He raised a brow, “A’Mi?”Now it can no longer remain hidden.

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With no other options left, the shadow ghost slowly showed itself.In fact….It had come today to report to King its progress with its task.But what it hadn’t expected was that as soon as it arrived, it would see the ‘human’ it really didn’t want to see.The culprit who had made its worldviews collapse.The shadow ghost stood there stiffly, neither advancing nor retreating. It looked at Ji Xuan for a while and then at Ye Jia for a while and could feel its non-existent internal organs twisting together. It was only after Ji Xuan called out to it, it was able to return to its senses.Looking at the two people before it, the shadow ghost’s hazy face twisted into a very strange and funny expression.“All done?” Ji Xuan asked indifferently.The shadow ghost hurriedly stepped forward, “Y-yes!”Ye Jia sat down onto the sofa behind him and leaned back. His half closed scarlet eyes were mostly hidden under his eyelashes, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppressiveness, “What did you get A’Mi to do?”Ji Xuan sat down next to him.He leaned over naturally, lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, “It’s nothing. Just placed some of my underlings under Mother.”His actions were particularly intimate and done without any hesitation, as if it was something normal.Ye Jia frowned and moved away, “Too close.”“Really?” Ji Xuan remained shameless, “But I don’t think so?”The shadow ghost, “……………”I shouldn’t be here.I should be under the car.Ji Xuan looked over at the shadow ghost who was still foolishly standing there and frowned, “Why are you still here?”The shadow ghost, “……………..”You think I want to be here?!?!?!After being stuffed with dog food, A’Mi who was filled to the brim could only pitifully turn around.“Bye.” Ye Jia waved.A’Mi waved back out of habit, “Bye……” A’Ye.…..Wait a minute. A’Ye.A’Ye is Ace.That abominable and terrible human, that scumbag who played around with King and then dumped him.A’Mi could feel its internal organs once again twisting together to form a knot. Its left foot tripped over its right foot, causing it to almost fall as it hastily stumbled out.Ye Jia the culprit only blinked a few times as he watched the other party’s leaving figure in confusion:“Don’t you think A’Mi’s acting a little strange?”Ji Xuan answered absentmindedly, “Not really.”While the other party was distracted, Ji Xuan once again moved closer towards Ye Jia and stuck himself onto him.Ye Jia frowned. He was completely unaware of the other party’s little actions, “Are you sure?”Ji Xuan reached out to hug Ye Jia’s waist.He nodded with a straight face:“I am.”When Ye Jia returned to his senses, the other party had once again stuck onto him like glue.Ye Jia, “………..”Fucking hell.He slowly took in a deep breath, raised his hand and massaged the bridge of his nose to calm himself down, “Let go.”“No.”Ye Jia didn’t want to have such a pointless exchange with him again.He would always find himself being led around in circles.He gritted his teeth, “Aren’t you being immature?”The next second, the large body next to him suddenly grew smaller.A young boy hugging tightly onto the young man’s arm raised his small face and smiled, causing his scarlet eyes to bend into crescents:“Not immature.”Ye Jia, “…………”……...Please kill me.Why is this ghost so difficult to deal with?In the end, Ye Jia could only forcibly pull his arm out of the other person’s grip.

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Seeing the other party’s disappointed look, he insisted that he didn’t go easy on him ----- But he didn’t do what he had originally intended on doing:And that was to stand up and move away from this clingy creature.Ji Xuan raised his head and looked at Ye Jia who was still sitting next to him. In a place where the other party couldn’t see, there was a faint look of success in his eyes.After breaking free from the other party’s grip, Ye Jia finally remembered the reason why he came to look for Ji Xuan.“By the way,” As he said this, he raised his hand and drew a line across the air. A scarlet opening in the air appeared, “This…..”From the opening, the small black hand climbed out first.Ye Jia, “……….”Ji Xuan narrowed his eyes.Under the other party’s icy gaze, the small black hand trembled. It subconsciously shrank back against Ye Jia.Ye Jia, “……...Why did you come out?”The small black hand said in grief, “Wuwuwu I finished reading my novel and there’s no internet in there.”Ye Jia, “There are none out here. After the city was taken over by Mother, all basic power facilities have stopped.”“What?!” The small black hand looked up at Ye Jia in disbelief.But the next second, it noticed the other party’s scarlet eyes. Its entire body trembled as it stammered, “Y-y-you……..”Wait a minute……..How long had it been in that ghost domain?!?!Why has the world changed so much? It couldn’t keep up at all!!!Looking at the shocked small black hand before him, Ye Jia added calmly, “Oh right, I’m now a ghost.”The small black hand, “………..”Ye Jia, “Mother came out.”The small black hand, “………………..”Ye Jia, “She’s now preparing to take over the human world and exterminate all humans.”The small black hand, “……………………………”Ye Jia, “Alright, that’s all that has happened recently. You can go back there now.”After saying that, he ruthlessly grabbed the small hand and proceeded to shove it back inside his ghost domain.The small black hand, “Wait, wait, wait, wait!!”Ye Jia’s movements stopped, “What?”The small black hand hesitated for a moment, “Um…..can humans not be exterminated?”It clung to the edge of the ghost domain as it carefully asked this question.Ye Jia was a little surprised, “Huh? Why?”“Humans are actually pretty good, no?” The small black hand didn’t know which faction Ye Jia was currently in so it could only rack its brains and stammer, “A-although you’re now a ghost, but you see, they have internet, Cheng Cezhi, Wei Yuechu, Chen Qingye……”They’re all friendly.It asked pitifully, “Can you talk to Mother? Why can’t we just get along?”Ye Jia’s expression softened slightly.He smiled, “I’ll try.”The small black hand, “!”Before it could feel happy, it felt Ye Jia grab its body and shove it inside the ghost domain. His indifferent voice sounded:“Bye.”The small black hand, “……..”Although he had become a ghost, this person was still as rude as before.Ji Xuan, “So…..this was what you wanted to show me?”Ye Jia, “…….No.”He activated the ghost domain again and took out the notebook that still had blood and flesh remnants left on its cover.Ji Xuan frowned, “What is this?”Ye Jia’s actions paused for a moment, “It’s a notebook that was hidden away by the former director of the Bureau.”------Hidden away inside his body that was slowly being eaten away.He said, “More than thirty years ago, the door had once been opened. He was the one who opened that door.”Ji Xuan nodded thoughtfully, “…...I see.”Because the two of them had acted separately that day, he wasn’t aware of the conversation that had taken place in the underground fifth floor and Ye Jia also hadn’t had the opportunity to tell him the whole story later.But now wasn’t the time to go into the details.Ye Jia took a deep breath and gently shook the notebook to shake off the flesh remnants clinging to it:“Very clearly, he hadn’t given up on studying the door and Mother’s relationship with it during those years of confinement. I believe there should be useful information here for us.”He raised his eyes and looked at Ji Xuan, “This might be our breakthrough point.”

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