Li Nian could hardly believe his ears and asked, while taking off his coat, “What did you say?!”

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Xu Chenghao shrunk in his computer chair, feeling that Li Nian taking off his coat was likely a prelude to beating him up. He quickly came up with an idea and said, “It’s just that… my porridge got spilled on the way here. I’m really sorry. Next time, why don’t you come to my place, and we can eat together?”

Li Nian hung his coat on the table and looked at him hesitantly: “You’re not lying?”

Xu Chenghao: “No, no…”

“What are you guys talking about?” Jing Yicheng suddenly interrupted, putting his empty lunch box on the table and smiling. “I finished eating. It was delicious, thank you.”

Xu Chenghao went from shock to despair, covering his face and turning his computer chair away from Li Nian. He couldn’t bear to look at his expression – he was done for!

Li Nian had started rolling up his sleeves. “Xu! Cheng! Hao! If I don’t strangle you today, I’ll change my last name to yours!!”

Xu Chenghao: “It’s not my fault, I didn’t eat it… Ahhhh…”

Li Nian: “How do you explain the two times you lied to me? You big pig’s foot! I almost couldn’t find a partner because I took the blame for you. Is this how you treat me?!”

The two of them wrestled and tussled in front of the desk. Xu Chenghao was of a more delicate build, so he couldn’t possibly win against Li Nian. He was pinned to the chair with no power to resist and could only surrender weakly: “I was wrong, I was wrong, I won’t do it again, really…brother, Nian ge! Look, breakfast is coming soon! Really, very soon!”

Li Nian smiled ferociously: “I’ve already decided to die together with you. What breakfast? I’ll strangle you to death!!”

Suddenly, Xu Chenghao burst out laughing: “Your expression just went from the Mona Lisa to Rong MaMa1it literally means “big mama” but when used it means auntie haha…”

Li Nian: “…”

He really wanted to strangle this person! He didn’t deserve to be Nian ge’s friend!

Just as war was about to break out again, the breakfast that Xu Chenghao ordered finally arrived. Li Nian abandoned Xu Chenghao and decided to eat first and fight later when he had the energy.

Xu Chenghao finally had a moment to catch his breath and leaned tiredly in his seat. As he half-lied in his computer chair, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a tall figure standing motionless, clearly unaware of how long he’s been there.

Xu Chenghao immediately became alert: “You’re not allowed to spy!”

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Jing Yicheng stared at him pensively, undoubtedly having witnessed the play-fighting between Li Nian and Xu Chenghao the whole time. He watched the person who was being held by the neck but could only weakly tug at the other person’s sleeve. That person was clearly being pinned down but was still smiling happily. Jing Yicheng’s mind was full of the image of that day in the Jiang family’s backyard, where the other person was blindfolded and breathing fire.

It’s very different… obviously, the current Xu Chenghao is more lively and lovable…

Xu Chenghao felt a bit uneasy under his gaze and sat up straight, adjusting his clothes. “Did you hear what I said? Don’t learn from me!”

Jing Yicheng replied, “Yeah, I won’t learn from you.”

Xu Chenghao was straightening his collar. Hearing this, he was surprised by how readily Jing Yicheng agreed. Suddenly, Jing Yicheng leaned in to help straighten out the collar at the back of his neck and said in a low voice while in that posture, “After all, I hope you can happily become friends with me.”

Perhaps because they were too close, Jing Yicheng’s breath occasionally blew on Xu Chenghao’s ear, causing him to unconsciously shrink his shoulders. He angrily glared at Jing Yicheng. “Speak properly, don’t get so close!”

Jing Yicheng looked at his red ears and chuckled lightly before standing up and leaving.

Xu Chenghao: “…”

Unexplainably, he felt like he had just been flirted with! Xu Chenghao glanced at Jing Yicheng’s departing figure and couldn’t help but despairingly slump onto his desk. How could he develop feelings for the villain? And not just any villain, but the one who had stolen his three chili peppers! Was he out of his mind?!

He must have been choked by Li Nian and started hallucinating. Forget it, forget it!!

Xu Chenghao leaned on his desk, wanting some peace and quiet, when he suddenly smelled a delicious meat bun. He looked up and saw Li Nian sitting across from him, eating a bun and staring at him with a complicated expression.

Xu Chenghao suddenly became interested: “What kind of filling is it? I want to eat too!”

“You don’t have chopsticks, go away!” Li Nian, the grudge holder, refused, glancing at the lunch box on the table and asking, “Didn’t you eat breakfast this morning? You even brought breakfast for someone else!”

“This was originally for you, but there was a little accident on the way.” Xu Chenghao silently put away the lunch box. He didn’t expect to run into the villain as soon as he opened the door, nor did he expect the other party to be so interested in his porridge.

Li Nian snorted coldly and continued to question, “So what were you doing just now?”

“Nothing?” Xu Chenghao’s tone was calm, but his right hand unconsciously touched his ear.

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Li Nian took a fierce bite of the bun and said, “I saw it with my own eyes. He kissed your ear, didn’t he?”

Xu Chenghao refuted, “No! Don’t talk nonsense! We just spoke a few words.”

Li Nian frowned, feeling that things weren’t that simple. “You spoke a few words and got so close? Impossible, you blushed!”

“I didn’t!” Xu Chenghao denied it.

“Yes, you did!”

“There really isn’t anything, I still love you… this heart belongs to you!” Xu Chenghao stretched out his right hand and made a heart shape: “Love you, yo!”

Li Nian held his steamed bun and avoided him, sneering: “Don’t think I don’t know you’re reaching out to grab my bun. You’re such an ungrateful guy. I unilaterally declare that we’re over. Goodbye!”

After delivering this impassioned speech, Li Nian left with great momentum, holding half a box of steamed buns.

Xu Chenghao: “…”

He’d better get back to work.

This morning was completely a joke. After the fun, he still had to continue working. Xu Chenghao poked the mouth of the little yellow duck with his pen, telling himself to work harder, and then buried himself in reviewing and signing documents.

The project implementation plan phase was already halfway through. The tasks assigned to individuals and groups had a very high completion rate, especially with the elites brought in by Jing Yicheng. They were all extremely capable and always managed to complete the tasks ahead of schedule and exceed expectations, making one feel very impressed, just like the early-submitting top student.

Xu Chenghao had classified the project’s priorities and urgency in his computer records a long time ago. Currently, the urgent and important matters have all been resolved, and the rest could be taken care of slowly. The real hard battle would be in the project implementation phase at the end!

The morning flew by quickly. Xu Chenghao stretched lazily, sighed softly while lying on the back of his chair, and took advantage of his break time to ponder about the chili base matter.

“The purchased land is already in the process; the designer and professional builders are basically in place, we just need…” Xu Chenghao glanced at Jing Yicheng, sitting not far away, and squinted his eyes slightly, “this talent from the agricultural machinery research institute!”

Jing Yicheng seemed to sense something and looked back. The two of them stared at each other for a while across the large office, and finally, Xu Chenghao raised his finger first, “How about lunch this afternoon?”

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“Okay,” Jing Yicheng replied almost without hesitation.

After successfully arranging lunch, Xu Chenghao went to coax Li Nian, “Brother Nian, let me take you to eat something delicious. Are you coming?”

Li Nian looked at him suspiciously, “What’s good to eat?”

Xu Chenghao said, “You pick. Whatever restaurant you want to go to, we’ll go there, and whatever you want to eat, we’ll order. Is that sincere enough?!”

Li Nian: “What’s the use of sincerity? You have to be trustworthy!”

Xu Chenghao gave him a cold look, “Forget it then.”

“I’m going, I didn’t say I’m not going.” Li Nian immediately picked up his coat and followed, looking up to see Jing Yicheng and his assistant waiting for them at the elevator, obviously waiting for them to go together.

Li Nian’s footsteps began to hesitate, “Are you already so close that you’re having a meal together?”

“It’s a business lunch,” Xu Chenghao explained: “I’m going to talk to him about a deal later. Get ready.”

Li Nian: “…”

I knew it couldn’t be anything good!

However, Xu Chenghao kept his promise and let Li Nian decide on the location and lunch, mainly because he just wanted to chat with Jing Yicheng about agricultural machinery.

The pepper plantation was not small in scale, and the growth rate of the peppers and the final yield were very strange. Although the system had said that no one would think too much about it or even notice anything wrong, Xu Chenghao still hoped to use more automated machinery to replace manual labor.

Firstly, this would make him feel more at ease. Secondly, peppers were really easy to cultivate – just watering was enough. Alien products focused more on yield rather than messy fertilization and pest control, requiring little engineering.

So all Xu Chenghao needed were two types of machinery: planting and watering.

Xu Chenghao communicated with Jing Yicheng, telling him what he needed and his plans. Jing Yicheng listened very carefully while the assistant sitting next to him looked completely bewildered and did not understand their topic at all.

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“What kind of peppers? What kind of agricultural machinery?” The assistant remained dazed throughout, while Jing Yicheng promised with a dignified look, “Rest assured, our research institute will definitely satisfy you.”

Xu Chenghao: “Okay, but I hope you can provide sample drawings as soon as possible because this also affects how my designers will arrange things and how the base will be constructed. It’s a crucial step.”

Jing Yicheng: “Okay, do you have any other requirements?”

“I have a general idea, but I haven’t figured out the details yet,” Xu Chenghao said with a headache. “We’re still in the planning stage.”

Jing Yicheng also looked at his phone with him. After browsing through all of his ideas, he pondered and said, “We still need an intelligent central control system. If the base has a complete system, it would be very easy to operate for automated machinery.”

“Does your research institute have one?” Xu Chenghao looked at him meaningfully.

“I happen to be studying it, but mainly because I know some people,” Jing Yicheng said calmly, avoiding the trap and continuing to talk with him. “Also, since your pepper base doesn’t plan to use too much manpower, how do you plan to address safety concerns?”



The author has something to say: Assistant: The Strong Man.jpg.

Li Nian: Difficult brothers.jpg


T/N: Trying to make up for lost times.jpg.

Haohao you’re blushing. I caught you in 4k.

1it literally means “big mama” but when used it means auntie

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