Xu Chenghao, with a puzzled expression, asked: “Why is everyone coming to find me?”

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Li Nian pondered for a moment: “Probably because Ruan Chenxuan has secured his position, and Han Haofeng is getting anxious. As for Ruan Chenxuan… he’s likely here to demonstrate and warn you?”

Xu Chenghao couldn’t understand either and said directly: “Then I won’t see them at all. Tell them I won’t get involved.”

Li Nian made an OK gesture and left.

Xu Chenghao thought Li Nian could handle things, but he never expected Ruan Chenxuan to come prepared. He brought up the second contract’s bonus and stated that he wanted to personally hand it to Xu Chenghao.

When someone comes to deliver money in person, how could Xu Chenghao refuse? He received the call and immediately said he would come. He then greeted Jing Yicheng before heading to the sixteenth floor.

Ruan Chenxuan was already waiting there: “Mr. Xu, long time no see.”

“Long time no see,” Xu Chenghao replied curtly, asking directly: “What does President Ruan want to talk to me about, holding the pretext of the bonus?”

Ruan Chenxuan also got straight to the point: “Originally, I wanted to discuss some family matters with you, but Mr. Xu has already made his position clear just now, so now I’ve come to express my gratitude.”

Xu Chenghao coldly said: “There’s no need for gratitude. I just think Han Haofeng is not worth cooperating with.”

Ruan Chenxuan smiled: “Thank you for your praise, Mr. Xu.”

Xu Chenghao: “…I didn’t praise you.”

Ruan Chenxuan replied: “At the very least, we have cooperated before, which means Mr. Xu considers me valuable, right?”

Xu Chenghao was speechless: “If President Ruan has nothing else, hand over the bonus and leave.”

“The bonus will be in your account this afternoon, rest assured, Mr. Xu,” Ruan Chenxuan said, “But there’s one more thing I want to tell you this time.”

Xu Chenghao was bouncing back and forth on the edge of impatience: “Speak.”

Ruan Chenxuan hesitated for two seconds and decided to test the waters first: “Do you accept homosexuality?”

Xu Chenghao: “???”

Xu Chenghao’s face was full of question marks, and for a moment, he had no idea what this question meant or where it came from!

Xu Chenghao couldn’t react, but Jing Yicheng, who was eavesdropping at the door, exploded! He knew it! He knew that Ruan Chenxuan had improper thoughts about Xu Chenghao! He knew he wasn’t wrong!

That scoundrel Ruan Chenxuan was still having feelings for An Rouyu a few days ago, and now he’s trying to figure out if Xu Chenghao likes men! It seems his warning wasn’t enough!

Jing Yicheng was so angry that he almost exploded on the spot. He kicked the door open and rushed in. He delivered a furious punch to Ruan Chenxuan’s cheek, wishing he could smash his dog head.

At first, Ruan Chenxuan didn’t react and took a few punches, but he couldn’t just stand there and get beaten up. He grabbed Jing Yicheng’s hand and pushed him away, roaring, “Jing Yicheng, what are you doing!”

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“What am I doing? Today, I’m going to kill you!” Without saying a word, Jing Yicheng raised his fist again and attacked, landing blow after blow on Ruan Chenxuan’s face.

Ruan Chenxuan suddenly became furious after being beaten and immediately fought back, engaging in a fierce brawl with Jing Yicheng.

Neither of them held back, exchanging punches and kicks, and their bodies soon showed visible bruises, a miserable and gruesome sight.

Xu Chenghao stared in shock at this unfolding series of events, and it took him quite a while to regain his composure. He then reached for his phone and called Li Nian: “Quick, get a few bodyguards up here, and don’t forget to call an ambulance!”

Li Nian: “???”

Xu Chenghao: “Don’t ask, just get it done!”

Li Nian: “Okay.”

Four minutes later.

Li Nian rushed over with more than a dozen bodyguards, almost out of breath: “What’s going on? Xu Chenghao???”

Quietly raising a hand from behind the office desk, Xu Chenghao weakly replied while hugging the little yellow duck flower pot: “I’m here.”

Li Nian walked briskly toward him: “Are you okay? What happened? Was your office robbed?”

“I’m fine, don’t worry. They are the ones with the problem.” Xu Chenghao pointed to the two people still locked in a confrontation, looking helpless. “I guess they’ll collapse in a while. Did you call an ambulance?”

Li Nian finally breathed a sigh of relief: “Yes, I called.”

Saying that, Li Nian followed his gaze and saw two disheveled individuals, both bruised, locked in a standoff at the corner of the wall. One was about to throw a punch but had their wrist grabbed, while the other was restrained from the chest position, looking like they couldn’t bear to part ways.

Li Nian’s expression suddenly became strange, and he quickly commanded the bodyguards: “Quick, separate them.”

The dozen bodyguards immediately surrounded them, pulling one away from the other, and it took several minutes of effort to finally separate the two and place them in opposite corners of the office, with a human wall blocking their line of sight.

After completing all this, just as the ambulance arrived, Xu Chenghao waved his hand to have the bodyguards send the individuals away, but he himself collapsed on the office chair, almost spitting blood.

This is insane, completely insane!

After Li Nian settled everything, he quickly returned to the office, still in a bewildered state: “What the heck just happened? Why did they suddenly start fighting?”

Xu Chenghao was also at a loss: “I have no idea why Jing Yicheng suddenly kicked the door open and punched Ruan Chenxuan, and Ruan Chenxuan didn’t want to passively take a beating, so they started fighting.”

Li Nian asked again: “Is that all? Was there no warning or sign beforehand?”

Xu Chenghao shook his head: “None at all.”

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Li Nian inquired further: “And what about you?”

Xu Chenghao raised the little yellow duck flower pot in his arms: “I was protecting it.”

Li Nian: “…Is that it?”

Xu Chenghao nodded confidently: “That’s it.”

Li Nian: “This is really strange, isn’t it?”

Xu Chenghao: “Yeah…”

Both of them sat in front of the office desk, looking puzzled and unable to comprehend what could have led to such a violent conflict.

Strange, too strange.

Li Nian worriedly said: “Two well-known CEOs were carried away from our company. Shouldn’t we clarify the situation?”

Xu Chenghao asked: “How do we clarify?”

Li Nian fell silent.

The bruises and disheveled clothes all over their bodies were undeniable evidence of a fight. No matter how they tried to explain it officially, it wouldn’t be convincing.

So Li Nian decisively gave up: “Well, they were the ones taken away, and they are the ones who need to explain. We should just keep quiet.”

Xu Chenghao snapped his fingers: “That’s the plan.”

Li Nian pointed behind himself: “And what about this mess here…?”

Xu Chenghao looked around at the chaotic room and felt uncomfortable. He rubbed his forehead and said: “Calculate the total cost of the damages to the office, and let those two individuals compensate me!”

Li Nian: “Okay.”

Encountering such a thing suddenly, all the good mood was wasted. Xu Chenghao returned to the seventh floor, holding the little yellow duck flower pot in his arms. He glanced at the little yellow duck pillow that Jing Yicheng had placed on his own seat and decided to confiscate it.

He wanted to punish Jing Yicheng for suddenly going berserk and beating someone. He wouldn’t return the pillow until he explained it clearly!

He originally intended to handle some matters, but there were too many frustrating things happening, and Xu Chenghao’s mood became increasingly irritable, making it impossible for him to concentrate. Just then, news came from the greenhouse that the construction had been completed. He made a call to arrange for an inspection and immediately drove there to check it.

As soon as Xu Chenghao left, two people came to the Xu Group to look for him.

Li Nian sized up these two people with messy clothes and masks and realized after a moment that they seemed to be Ruan Chenxuan and Jing Yicheng.

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Li Nian: “…”

His mood was complicated.

The two of them asked in unison, “Where’s Xu Chenghao? I want to see him!”

Li Nian: “…Sorry, our President Xu is not in the company.”

Both of them asked again in unison, “Where is he?”

Li Nian: “He went to the surburbs.”

As soon as the words fell, one of them suddenly seemed to understand something and turned around to leave directly. The other, although somewhat puzzled, quickly followed.

Li Nian: “…”

His mood became complicated once again.

What’s all this about?


Xu Chenghao was still unaware that someone was following him. After arriving at the greenhouse by car, he took the blueprints and inspected the greenhouse renovation with the person in charge one by one.

Compared to the last visit, it was a completely different scene this time. The greenhouse was spacious, bright, and warm. Both sides had freshly laid mud surfaces, with fully automated machinery spaced at regular intervals. Every space was laid out perfectly, exactly as shown on the blueprints.

Xu Chenghao was very satisfied. He paid all the expenses and sent the person in charge away. Then, he stood outside the greenhouse, contemplating the matter of the “Little Pepper 3.0” mission.

According to the schedule, the “Little Pepper 3.0” mission would be launched tomorrow. He would receive the seeds and directly plant them. This time, he could plant more varieties. Even if the Mary Sue halo effect wasn’t triggered, he believed that the success rate would still be around thirty percent, and it wouldn’t be a complete failure.

Everything was ready, except he hadn’t found anyone to help look after the greenhouse. Jing Yicheng said he would find someone to help, but there had been no updates since then. Xu Chenghao didn’t know if he forgot or if no one was willing to take the job.

Just as he was thinking about a certain someone, the sound of a loud horn rang out. Xu Chenghao turned his head and saw two cars arriving at the location of the greenhouse one after the other. Two people, wrapped tightly in clothing, got out of the first car after an abrupt stop.

For a brief moment, Xu Chenghao thought he might be getting kidnapped. If he remembered correctly, the original owner also had bodyguards, so it shouldn’t be a problem. He needed to show his presence to deter them first and then… huh?

Narrowing his eyes, Xu Chenghao observed for a moment. As the people approached, he couldn’t be sure and asked, “Jing Yicheng? Ruan Chenxuan?”

Both of them almost simultaneously arrived in front of Xu Chenghao and said in unison, “It’s me.”

Xu Chenghao looked at them curiously and asked, “Did you come back from the hospital? Everything alright?”

Both of them replied, “We’re fine.”

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Xu Chenghao couldn’t help but smile: “You guys are quite in sync.”

Jing Yicheng was unhappy: “Who has a tacit understanding with him!”

Ruan Chenxuan: “Hehe.”

Xu Chenghao laughed: “What are you guys doing here? Are you here to perform crosstalk for me?”

Both of them: “…”

Both of them: “I have something to tell you!”

Jing Yicheng angrily said, “I’ll go first!”

Ruan Chenxuan: “Why should you!”

Jing Yicheng: “Because I knew about this place, and you shamelessly followed me!”

Ruan Chenxuan coldly laughed: “That’s nothing compared to the despicable things Mr. Jing always does without shame!”

Jing Yicheng: “In terms of shamelessness, I’m far better than you, a two-faced scumbag who cheats all the time!”

Xu Chenghao stood in front of them, looking bewildered at one and then the other, and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Both of them quickly turned their heads and shouted: “Do you like guys?”

Xu Chenghao: “Huh?”

Both of them quickly pointed at each other: “He likes you!!”

Xu Chenghao: “Huh???”



The author has something to say: The most epic operation in history, they both confessed to each other as rivals, hahaha.

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