
Special Chapter for Ko v3

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What led to the fallout between An Rouyu and the others? What are the issues with the recent project? Is their love-hate relationship a testament to the saying ‘know thy enemy’?

Zheng Yunyun felt like she had discovered something extraordinary, standing in place, at a loss for how to react.


What should be done now…


An Ruotong and Zhou Qian were still arguing, accusing each other of shameless attempts to seduce men, especially Ruan Chenxuan. The male lead they kept mentioning was in a standoff with Xu Chenghao, engaged in shameless attempts to seize an opportunity.


The scene became chaotic.



Just then, an unexpected gunshot rang out, shattering the crystal chandelier above the banquet. The entire event plunged into darkness, screams echoing as people pushed and ran towards the exits, intensifying the already chaotic situation.


In this chaos, Zhou Qian and An Ruotong screamed and rushed towards Ruan Chenxuan for protection. However, Ruan Chenxuan grabbed Xu Chenghao and pulled him close, whispering, “Now is not the time to be angry. Stay by my side, and I’ll protect you…”


Before he could finish speaking, a sudden pain shot through his wrist. Unable to control it, his grip loosened. Xu Chenghao, with quick reflexes, took the opportunity to break free, pulling Zheng Yunyun with him into the darkness without hesitation.

Ruan Chenxuan held out his hand, staring blankly as the two figures disappeared into the darkness. His mind was a whirlwind until the lights flickered back on. He glanced at the red mark on his wrist from the impact and clenched his fist tightly.

It was Jing Yicheng’s doing again!

As soon as the lights returned and the Zheng family’s bodyguards secured the scene, Xu Chenghao and Zheng Yunyun had already been escorted out of the banquet hall. They were now standing in a relatively safe location.


Xu Chenghao kept his gaze on the figure leading him, trying to grab hold of the person as soon as they emerged. However, the individual was as slippery as an eel, effortlessly sidestepping to evade capture.

Xu Chenghao shouted, “Stop!”

The person shielding him didn’t look back and was about to vanish into the darkness. Thinking quickly, Xu Chenghao blurted out, “If you dare to leave, I’ll tell Jing Yicheng that you hit me!”

The person, midway through their escape, abruptly halted and stood still.

Xu Chenghao pressed his advantage, “Are you coming back? If you don’t, I’ll really tell him. Let’s see who he believes!”

The person paused for a moment, then retracted the leg they had lifted to leave, turning back silently. “Good evening, Mr. Xu.”


“Assistant?” Xu Chenghao was slightly surprised. He hadn’t expected the person who had always been by Jing Yicheng’s side, with a mild-mannered appearance and glasses, to not only carry a gun but also have such good skills!


The assistant also felt very awkward and walked back quietly, whispering, “I didn’t hit Mr. Xu. I hope Mr. Xu won’t spread false information.”



Xu Chenghao chuckled, “I was just scaring you. Even if I said it, he definitely wouldn’t believe it.”


The assistant muttered under their breath, “That’s not necessarily true.”


Xu Chenghao didn’t hear clearly, “Huh? What did you say?”


The assistant instantly became serious, “I said, if Mr. Xu is okay, I’ll take my leave now.”


Xu Chenghao called out to him, “Wait, before you go, tell me where Jing Yicheng is.”


Assistant: “Huh?”

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Xu Chenghao: “What do you mean ‘huh’? Where is Jing Yicheng? Or you can take me to find him!”



Assistant: “…”


Xu Chenghao stared at him, “You don’t want to?”


The assistant forced a smile, “…I want to, very much. Mr. Xu, please follow me.”


Xu Chenghao was finally satisfied. As he prepared to follow the assistant, he suddenly remembered there was someone behind him. He turned around and glanced at Zheng Yunyun.

Zheng Yunyun, wearing a shoulder-baring evening gown, stood in the cold wind. Although it was chilly, she was more dumbfounded and hadn’t fully grasped the current situation. She felt like her brain was not functioning well tonight, and was she perhaps too knowledgeable? Was she about to be silenced now?


As Zheng Yunyun became increasingly nervous, Xu Chenghao, who had been watching her all along, finally withdrew his gaze. He raised his hand, took off his suit jacket, and draped it over her shoulders. In a low voice, he said, “The banquet is sealed off now. Don’t go back. Let my driver take you home. If someone asks you about the situation, you should know how to respond, right?”


Zheng Yunyun nodded, “Mr. Xu, rest assured, I can keep a secret.”


Xu Chenghao smiled slightly, “I believe Miss Zheng won’t speak too much. Goodbye.”


Zheng Yunyun: “Goodbye.”


After Xu Chenghao nodded in acknowledgment, he turned and left with the assistant. The figure in a white shirt left Zheng Yunyun feeling moved and, in addition to that, couldn’t restrain her fluttering heart.


She pulled the suit jacket tightly around herself, silently screaming in her mind, “Xu Chenghao is truly a gentleman!!”


A man with such strong, gentle, handsome, and well-off characteristics— who wouldn’t be moved? Who could resist feeling girlish when spending time with him?


Zheng Yunyun covered her face, fantasizing about how happy it would be to become his lover. Just thinking about it made her heart race uncontrollably, and she couldn’t contain her giddy laughter.

No wonder Xu Chenghao is not only highly sought after in the world of women but is also very popular in the world of men. It’s all because of his undeniable charm!


It’s just a pity… Xu Chenghao prefers men, so there’s no chance for herself…


Zheng Yunyun sighed softly, carrying the feeling of falling in love only to be heartbroken. She found Xu Chenghao’s driver and asked him to take her home.


The driver should have been notified, because the moment the person was seated, he did not hesitate to start the car and move, rushing to quickly leave as the Zheng family blocked the road outside.


As the car left the Zheng family villa, Xu Chenghao finally met Jing Yicheng, who had disappeared for the entire night.


Rewind to the moment when Jing Yicheng first received the little yellow duck. This should be the happiest moment for him. Even though Xu Chenghao wasn’t by his side, a rare shallow smile appeared on his face, unable to control the expression of joy.


Who could have imagined that the little yellow duck that once left marks on his head would end up in his hands, allowing him to touch and hold it as he pleased?


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Who could have imagined that Xu Chenghao, who used to get angry and not allow him near the little yellow duck, would one day entrust the duck to him for care?


Isn’t this trust? Isn’t this acknowledgment? The first time he entrusted the little yellow duck without hesitation, isn’t it proof that he holds the highest position in Xu Chenghao’s heart?!


Even surpassing Li Nian’s position!

In comparison, being a male companion means nothing! Attending the banquet means nothing! Can you encounter the little yellow duck? Can you gain Xu Chenghao’s trust like this?


You can’t! You are just like stones that make a couple of splashes and then go silent, unable to stir up any waves! Especially Ruan Chenxuan, thinking of competing with him for people, it’s simply a dream! A dream!


Jing Yicheng was bursting with confidence, as if having the little yellow duck meant having the whole world. Sitting on the sofa, he cradled the little yellow duck in one hand, pouting, and with a flowerpot in the other hand, he held a glass of red wine for a cheerful celebration.


As the empty wine glass was placed back on the table, before Jing Yicheng could retract his hand, the glass was refilled with red wine. A woman in a low-cut evening gown bent down to pour him a full glass, then looked up and gave him a gentle smile.


Jing Yicheng’s expression quickly turned cold. He withdrew his hand, creating distance, and looked at her without a hint of emotion, “Ruan Chenxuan’s companion?”


Zhuo Meixue sat beside him, picked up a wine glass, and said, “Mr. Jing, there’s no need to sound so unfamiliar. My name is Zhuo Meixue.”

Jing Yicheng stared at her with a cold and ruthless gaze, without wasting words, he asked directly, “What did Ruan Chenxuan ask you to do?”

Zhuo Meixue paused, meeting his gaze. Under the icy and subtly threatening eyes, a chill ran down her spine, making her hands holding the wine glass tremble, “I… he wanted me to invite Mr. Jing for a drink.”

Jing Yicheng glanced at the wine glass in her hand and said slowly, “Do you know the charge for drugging me?”

“I… I am…” Zhuo Meixue’s hands were trembling, feeling the terrifying aura of the rumored demon king for the first time.

Jing Yicheng, however, couldn’t be bothered to listen to her. He said coldly, “Now you can leave, while you still have a chance!”

Zhuo Meixue immediately stood up, intending to leave. However, her high heels caught onto the hem of her evening gown, causing her to stagger and fall towards Jing Yicheng. The red wine glass she had been holding slipped from her hand, splashing red wine all over Jing Yicheng. It clinked and rolled twice before coming to a stop on the chili seedlings pressed under the little yellow duck flowerpot.

Jing Yicheng, with quick reflexes, swiftly picked up the red wine glass. His gaze froze as it touched the two small white flowers stained on the glass. Two seconds later, he crushed the red wine glass, smiling as he looked at Zhuo Meixue, “You’re quite skilled!”

Zhuo Meixue wanted to explain, but Jing Yicheng suddenly reached out, covering her mouth and pressing her head down with one hand, pinning her to the sofa. He glanced at a certain spot.

The assistant immediately emerged from the corner and whispered, “Boss.”

Jing Yicheng: “Find a place to drag her over.”

The assistant quickly made a call to summon help, knocked Zhuo Meixue unconscious, and carried her away. Then, the assistant lowered his head, afraid to meet the boss’s gaze, awaiting the next command.


Jing Yicheng stood up, holding the little yellow duck, and glanced at the receding figure of Xu Chenghao from a distance. He calmly said, “You stay here to protect Xu Chenghao.”


Assistant: “Yes.”


Jing Yicheng looked at Xu Chenghao once more. Under the pretext of changing clothes, he discreetly exited, walking slowly to the room where Zhuo Meixue was placed. He sat on the sofa, patiently waiting for her to wake up.


When Zhuo Meixue regained consciousness, she was horrified to find herself lying on the floor of a dimly lit room. Jing Yicheng sat on the opposite sofa, delicately arranging the chili seedlings that had been crushed.


“Awake?” Although Jing Yicheng didn’t lift his head, he effortlessly caught every movement she made. He spoke slowly, “I told you to leave earlier, and you insisted on following Ruan Chenxuan’s plan to frame me. Do you think he will come to save you?”


Zhuo Meixue sat up from the floor, retreating nervously, “It wasn’t intentional. I only meant to use a drug. What happened afterward was really an accidental fall. Mr. Jing, please believe me!”


A muted bullet hit Zhuo Meixue’s right knee, causing a burst of bloody marks. She screamed in pain, clutching her leg and rolling on the floor.

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Jing Yicheng twirled the gun in his hand, revealing a faint smile, “What were you saying just now?”


“Ahhhh—” Zhuo Meixue was in such pain that she almost passed out. The intense agony seemed like a sea wave that shattered her inner defenses, submerging her entirely and making it difficult for her to catch her breath.


Jing Yicheng calmly observed everything, loading his gun with one hand. Without blinking, he fired another shot.


The silent bullet sliced through the air, forcefully penetrating flesh and bone, causing the person lying on the ground to erupt into an even louder scream before passing out from the intense pain.


Jing Yicheng, cold and ruthless, commanded, “Wake her up!”


One of the guards, emerging from the shadows, grabbed a bottle of red wine and poured it over Zhuo Meixue’s head, forcefully bringing her back to consciousness.


Zhuo Meixue curled up on the ground, weakened, her gaze unfocused as she stared at the light above. Fear, despair, and hatred mingled in her heart, the pain unbearable. It hurt… it really hurt…


The excruciating pain in her legs constantly reminded her of her current situation. She wanted to plead for mercy, but when she opened her mouth, all that came out were fragmented cries of pain.


She cried, her hatred stronger than the pain… she hated Ruan Chenxuan and Jing Yicheng for turning her into this, hated Jing Yicheng’s ruthlessness, hated Ruan Chenxuan’s manipulation. She hated them for making her like this!


However, facing the cold and merciless Jing Yicheng, she was also filled with fear, afraid that she wouldn’t live through the night, quietly dying here without anyone caring or noticing…


As Jing Yicheng loaded his gun again, suddenly, footsteps and faint shouts came from outside, accompanied by a reminder, “Mr. Xu, please don’t worry, we’re almost there!”


Jing Yicheng paused, immediately handing the gun to one of the guards, signaling him to quickly clear the area.


Several guards emerged from the corner, dragging away the unconscious person, and swiftly worked to restore the room to normal. They cleared the space and concealed themselves as quickly as possible.


Just as they finished everything, Xu Chenghao pushed the door open and entered. The last guard, unable to hide in time, had to stay near the doorway. His right foot got caught by the opened door for a moment, and he discreetly pulled it back, his expression twisted.


Fortunately, Xu Chenghao didn’t notice the guard behind the door. As he entered, he looked at the person on the sofa and asked, “Jing Yicheng?”


Jing Yicheng raised his head and looked at him, “You’re here… Why are you dressed so lightly?”


Xu Chenghao scanned the room and observed carefully, “I gave my coat to Zheng Yunyun.”


Jing Yicheng, with a dark expression, took off his coat and draped it over Xu Chenghao, “With your physique, you’re still taking care of others?”


Xu Chenghao replied, “After all, I am a man… Hmm? Your coat has a strong smell of alcohol.”


Jing Yicheng said half-truth half-lie: “It was Zhuo Meixue who splashed wine on me. I wanted to change clothes but I forgot to bring it, so I’ve been waiting for the banquet to end to go out.”


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Xu Chenghao looked at him suspiciously, “Really?”


Jing Yicheng remained impassive: “What else could it be?”


Xu Chenghao: “But Zhuo Meixue is missing.”


Jing Yicheng: “If she dares to do something like this, shouldn’t I teach her a lesson?”


Xu Chenghao: “What kind of lesson?”


Jing Yicheng: “Splash her with red wine.”


Xu Chenghao: “???”


Jing Yicheng: “She splashed me with a glass; I’ll splash her with a whole wine cabinet!”


Xu Chenghao: “…”


It seemed like something he would come up with!


Xu Chenghao sighed in relief: “As long as nothing serious happened. By the way, where’s the little yellow duck? Give it to me.”


Jing Yicheng froze instantly: “…”


Seeing no reaction from him, Xu Chenghao walked forward and picked up the little yellow duck’s flowerpot, carefully inspecting it to ensure it was undamaged.


Jing Yicheng became nervous, sensing that the trust between him and Xu Chenghao might be coming to an end.


After checking everything, Xu Chenghao hugged the little yellow duck’s flowerpot and said, “It seems the banquet can’t continue with the incident. Let’s leave.”


Jing Yicheng, subconsciously, said, “I messed up. I didn’t take care of it well… Hmm? What did you say?”


Xu Chenghao also paused, “I said, let’s go home.”


Jing Yicheng: “…”

This is a bit embarrassing.

The author has something to say: Little yellow duck: Master doesn’t love me anymore; he didn’t notice that I almost got bent!

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