
Considering that he had initially bowed to the wealthy forces, Xu Chenghao didn’t have much to say. He could only silently turn around, smile at Chen Long, and subtly shift everyone’s attention, “I really appreciate your help this time. If you hadn’t harvested the chili peppers first, I might have wasted my effort.”

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Chen Long: “Mr. Xu, you’re too kind. We’re just doing our job, after all.”


Xu Chenghao: “Thanks are still in order. After all, these chili peppers are very important to me.”


Chen Long awkwardly smiled, unsure of what else to say.


Xu Chenghao could see that both Chen Long and Zhao Jun were capable in execution but not adept in words. Through this incident, Xu Chenghao felt more reassured about them and was very willing to entrust them with the management of the greenhouse.


Of course, thanks were also due to Jing Yicheng for introducing the employees. Without him, there wouldn’t have been assistance from the staff today. So everyone played a role in the successful harvest of the chili peppers.



After giving the two employees a raise, on the way back home, Xu Chenghao also bought a box of reward gifts for Jing Yicheng—a box of small puddings in the shape of little yellow ducks. There were six of them neatly packed in a beautiful gift box, making a delightful sound when shaken, comparable to a flock of ducks.


Jing Yicheng’s eyes lit up. He carefully observed the transparent part of the gift box and his lips curled up: “Thank you.”


Xu Chenghao: “I guessed you would like them… Remember to have them after dinner.”


Jing Yicheng: “Eat?”



Xu Chenghao: “Are you still planning to collect it?”


Jing Yicheng: “Can’t I?”


Xu Chenghao: “…”


He sighed, “I can see that you truly love little yellow duck, but pudding is just a dessert, not a collectible. It will go bad even if you don’t eat it!”


Jing Yicheng frowned, clearly a bit unhappy.



Xu Chenghao, as if coaxing a child, said: “As long as you do well, there will be many rewards.”


Jing Yicheng took advantage of the situation and said, “Will you make it next time?”


Xu Chenghao instantly changed his expression: “You’re dreaming. Get out of the car!”

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Jing Yicheng: “…”


The two got out of the car and headed home. Just as they came out of the garage and walked towards the building, they saw a long-haired woman standing downstairs, dressed brightly and holding a gift box. When she saw Xu Chenghao, she exclaimed with joy, “Mr. Xu!”


Xu Chenghao was stunned. He stared at her for a while but couldn’t recognize her: “Who are you?”


Having waited for a long time, Zheng Xiaoxiao suppressed her excitement and shyly said, “I am… I am Zheng Yunyun’s cousin. We met last night.”


Xu Chenghao suddenly recalled what Zheng Yunyun had mentioned about early love and snatching men, and he calmly said, “Oh, so it’s Miss Zheng. I wonder what Miss Zheng is here for?”



Zheng Xiaoxiao raised the gift in her hand and said, “Wasn’t there a small incident at the banquet last night? My family feels bad about it, so they wanted me to visit Mr. Xu and clarify the situation.”


Xu Chenghao casually remarked, “Oh, then why didn’t Yunyun come?”


Jing Yicheng’s reaction was even more intense than Zheng Xiaoxiao’s. He turned his head sharply to look at him.


Xu Chenghao quickly leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “Don’t stir up trouble. If you have anything to say, wait until she leaves!”


Jing Yicheng suppressed his anger and looked at Zheng Xiaoxiao with a gaze less friendly than before, almost ready to directly ask her to leave.


Meanwhile, Zheng Xiaoxiao was still hurriedly searching for reasons: “After all, it was my banquet, so I decided to come in the end.”


“Oh, I see.” In the anticipating gaze of the other party, Xu Chenghao spoke indifferently, “I left the banquet early with your sister yesterday. I don’t know what happened, and there’s no need for you to visit me. It’s cold, and it’ll be dark soon. You should go back early.”


A frozen smile appeared on Zheng Xiaoxiao’s face. She didn’t expect to wait downstairs for so long only to be denied entry. Naturally, she was unwilling, especially when she heard him mention Yunyun, her cousin, repeatedly, which stirred up resentment in her heart.


She lifted the gift box in her hand and explained, “Mr. Xu, my family insisted that I deliver this gift to your home. It’s part of their request or assignment.”


Xu Chenghao: “If there’s nothing important, it’s better not to give me anything.”


Zheng Xiaoxiao, feeling a bit anxious, was about to say something when a car suddenly pulled over nearby. Zheng Yunyun got out of the car, holding a bag, and exclaimed, “Xiaoxiao, what are you doing here?”


After a moment of hesitation, Zheng Xiaoxiao’s smile suddenly widened by a factor, with a hint of provocation. “I came to visit Mr. Xu and discuss the events of last night’s banquet.”

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Zheng Yunyun also laughed and said, “Why would a birthday celebrant like you need to run around? Just give it to me, that’ll do. It’s so cold, and you’re dressed so lightly, you must be freezing. Go back and rest quickly.”


Zheng Xiaoxiao, holding the gift box, began to clench her hand: “Why is it so troublesome, sister?”


Zheng Yunyun calmly showed her paper bag: “Oh, it’s nothing. I happened to have something to do this time, that’s why I came.”


Zheng Xiaoxiao stared at the paper bag, Jing Yicheng’s gaze also followed silently. Even though his voice was low, it carried a chill, coolly saying, “I hope you can explain yourself later.”


Xu Chenghao: “…”


This scene really felt too familiar, wasn’t this the situation Ruan Chenxuan faced last night? Indeed, what goes around comes around. He shouldn’t have mocked others facing a difficult situation. This is karma!


Xu Chenghao, who usually teased himself, felt desolate in his heart. His attention completely shifted, not paying any attention to the verbal battle between the two women in front of him.


Unable to stand her ground in the argument against Zheng Yunyun, Zheng Xiaoxiao glanced at Xu Chenghao, who remained indifferent to the situation. Feeling defeated and with nothing to say, she gritted her teeth and said, “Well, thanks for taking some of the burden off me, sis. I’m leaving!”


After saying that, she directly placed the gift box on the ground, huffed with annoyance, and turned around to leave.


Zheng Yunyun watched her leave and turned around, saying, “Sorry, I didn’t expect she would actually come to bother you.”


Xu Chenghao shook his head: “It has nothing to do with you.”


Zheng Yunyun: “It’s still related. If you didn’t have a relationship with me, she probably wouldn’t have any ideas.”


Xu Chenghao frowned slightly: “You two…”


Zheng Yunyun said calmly: “I am what my mother often refers to as ‘other people’s children.’ That’s why she has always liked to compare herself to me since we were kids. She’s just a child, I hope I haven’t caused you trouble.”


“It’s already caused!” Jing Yicheng interjected unhappily to assert his presence.


Xu Chenghao pulled out a deformed chili pepper and stuffed it into his mouth: “Speak less!”


Jing Yicheng: “…” couldn’t help but stare at Zheng Yunyun.

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Zheng Yunyun was very perceptive and directly handed over the paper bag in her hand: “I’m really sorry. As for Zheng Xiaoxiao, I will handle it. I’m returning your coat this time. Thank you, President Xu, for taking care of me. There’s nothing else, you two go upstairs quickly; it’s quite cold.”


Jing Yicheng’s eyes were already shooting flames, but he was forcibly turned around by Xu Chenghao: “Miss Zheng, no need to be polite.”


Zheng Yunyun smiled knowingly and left quickly after Xu Chenghao took the paper bag. She didn’t want to be killed by a certain someone’s gaze if she lingered any longer.


Xu Chenghao held the little yellow duck in one hand, and with the other hand, he carried a bag of chili peppers and a paper bag. He frowned as he looked at the gift boxes on the ground, still considering how to take them upstairs.

Jing Yicheng replaced the gift boxes with one hand, freeing up the other. He stepped forward, lifted all the gift boxes, and walked silently into the hallway.


Xu Chenghao followed a bit later, helping to open the elevator.


The two walked home in silence until Auntie took the gift box without saying a word. Jing Yicheng was waiting for an explanation, but he waited and waited, and not a single word of explanation came. He was almost exploding with anger on the spot.


He’s not explaining? He didn’t say a single word in an attempt to explain!!


Jing Yicheng was originally sulking, but now he was directly enraged. Holding the gift box, he stormed into Xu Chenghao’s room with a powerful aura.


Xu Chenghao paused in unbuttoning his shirt, surprised, “What are you doing?”


Jing Yicheng: “…No, I’m not doing anything!”


Xu Chenghao gave him a strange look, threw the shirt on the bed, and put on his home clothes.


Jing Yicheng’s back was against the door panel. He looked down at the gift box with little yellow ducks making noise inside. In the struggle between going out and not going out, Xu Chenghao had already changed into his home clothes and was standing in front of him, appraising him. “Are you punishing yourself by standing here?”


Seeing the person in clothes, Jing Yicheng’s confidence instantly surged, “You promised to explain to me after they left!”


Xu Chenghao gestured for him to step aside, opened the door, and walked out of the room, saying, “Who told you? I clearly said to wait until they leave before discussing anything.”


Jing Yicheng followed behind him: “So, you really don’t intend to say anything?”


Xu Chenghao: “What do you want to know?”


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Jing Yicheng: “What is your relationship with Zheng Yunyun?”


Xu Chenghao entered the kitchen to find plates and spoons: “Friends.”


Jing Yicheng: “Which friend uses repeated characters in their name?”


Xu Chenghao: “That’s just how her parents named her, so she’s called Zheng Yunyun.”


Jing Yicheng sarcastically remarked: “Well, you’ve never called me Yicheng! You call Zheng Yunyun, Yunyun with repeated characters, you call Li Nian, Li Niannian ge, and you just call me Jing Yicheng!”


Xu Chenghao: “…Yicheng ge? Is Yicheng ge okay? Is Yicheng ge satisfied?”


Jing Yicheng was dissatisfied. He preferred repeated characters in his name, but unfortunately, his name did not have repeated characters. He could only hold back and continue to ask: “Then what happened to your clothes? Why are they in her hands? What does she mean by saying thank you for taking care of her?”


Xu Chenghao took the gift box that he had been holding and opened it. “It’s because it was particularly cold last night. The little girl was shivering in the cold wind. Since I am her male companion, I gave her my coat.”


Jing Yicheng frowned:  “No wonder you didn’t have a coat last night!”


Xu Chenghao grinned: “Later on, you were there, so thanks to President Jing for taking care of me. Let’s start eating!”


Jing Yicheng looked at the little yellow duck pudding pushed in front of him. It was only then that he realized that while they were chatting, Xu Chenghao had already unpacked the gift box and neatly arranged the little yellow ducks on the dessert plate, with spoons ready!


Xu Chenghao lifted a spoon in the shape of a cherry blossom, swiftly and decisively dug out the head of Little Yellow Duck Pudding, and ate it. Turning around, he saw Jing Yicheng looking at him in shock, accusing him, ‘You killed Little Yellow Duck!


Xu Chenghao: “…”


He smiled, picked up the unused spoon from Jing Yicheng, and with a series of rapid movements, cut off the heads of all the Little Yellow Duck puddings with a crisp sound. He returned the spoon to him, saying, “Now, are you willing to eat?”


Jing Yicheng: “???”

The author has something to say: Shocking News! On Valentine’s night, the head of Xu Group, surprisingly, ruthlessly destroyed the dreamy Little Yellow Ducks of the bear child. Is this a decline in morality or a distortion of humanity?


—It might also be the resentment of a single-dog author, hahaha.


T/N: These two are already leaving the married life~ lol


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