
Xu Chenghao’s grip on the face gradually tightened: “What did you just say? Say it again!”

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Jing Yicheng’s eyes began to wander: “I said you can’t leave. Everyone outside belongs to me.”


Xu Chenghao: “The last sentence!”


Jing Yicheng remained silent.


Xu Chenghao: “Are you going to say it or not?”


Jing Yicheng: “…”



Xu Chenghao suddenly let go of his face, turned around, picked up the little yellow duck from the bedside table, and aimed its squeaky mouth at his forehead.


Jing Yicheng immediately covered his head: “I said I confessed because I saw you couldn’t escape!”


Xu Chenghao touched the newly grown chili seedlings and leaned against the bedside with the little yellow duck flower pot, sneering, “I wondered why you suddenly confessed, turns out you were taking advantage of the situation!”


Jing Yicheng’s originally imposing demeanor, akin to a roller coaster, plummeted straight down as he silently lowered his head.



Xu Chenghao asked, “Was it the assistant’s idea?”


Jing Yicheng nodded without hesitation, once again betraying his ally.


Xu Chenghao: “…”


He used to suspect whether Jing Yicheng confessed out of guilt or concern for his injured leg, but now thinking about it, how could this guy have any sympathy? How could he engage in such a losing deal? He’s just taking advantage of the situation, he’s a jerk!


Xu Chenghao rolled his eyes in frustration.



Jing Yicheng quietly leaned in.


Xu Chenghao, in a bad mood, said, “Back off!”


Jing Yicheng cautiously observed his expression, “If you’re really angry, just hit me. After all, there’s no turning back.”


Xu Chenghao suddenly lifted the small rubber duck flowerpot. Jing Yicheng instinctively closed his eyes, but his body remained still, bracing for the blow.


After a dozen seconds, the pain still hadn’t come. Jing Yicheng opened his eyes to see Xu Chenghao had already put down the flowerpot and was holding a bag of chili peppers.

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Yes, chili peppers!


Jing Yicheng suddenly remembered something and said flatteringly: “Didn’t you want the fresh-keeping box from the safe at home? Look, I brought it here for you… I guarantee I didn’t touch anything else, at most I just glanced at the warranty.”


Xu Chenghao did mention wanting the fresh-keeping box, because this box was given to him by the system, and putting peppers in it could keep them fresh for a month. He wanted to put the peppers from the cloth bag inside.


So Jing Yicheng deliberately brought it back while he was napping, originally intending to take credit, but now he could only offer it as an apology.


Xu Chenghao took the fresh-keeping box while placing the intact peppers from the cloth bag inside, casually saying, “What if I hadn’t agreed that day?”



Jing Yicheng: “Then I would have confessed to you three times a day until you agreed, anyway, I have three months.”


Xu Chenghao: “…”


Adding that last sentence, why did it sound so off!


Xu Chenghao gritted his teeth inwardly, grabbed Jing Yicheng’s hand, and handed him all the deformed peppers he had picked out, with a fake smile, “It’s been a long time since you’ve eaten peppers, you must miss them, here, they’re all yours, eat!”


Jing Yicheng: “…”


Xu Chenghao said coolly, “If you can’t handle it, you can find your accomplice.”


Jing Yicheng: “No, I can eat them!”


Xu Chenghao glanced at the chili bouquet placed beside the bed and said, “Let’s not waste this either. Call the assistant in and let him eat it.”




Ten minutes later, the assistant and Jing Yicheng sat opposite Xu Chenghao, silently eating chili peppers and pondering the meaning of life.


Xu Chenghao watched them eat while he sat on the bed eating strawberries. Although both strawberries and chili peppers were red, strawberries were sour, sweet, and cool, making them extremely comfortable to eat in an air-conditioned room.


As for the chili peppers… well, only those who ate them knew how intense they were, and once you ate them, you wouldn’t forget!


When they reached eight peppers, Xu Chenghao proactively called a halt, “That’s enough for today. We still have three months, no rush.”


Assistant: “…”

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Jing Yicheng: “…”


Assistant’s inner thoughts: Why did he casually mention it in the first place?!


Jing Yicheng’s inner thoughts: Why did he just casually mention it?!


Xu Chenghao felt relieved after saying that and happily called Jing Yicheng over to feed him strawberries to alleviate the spiciness.


The assistant quietly got up to find water to drink by himself. Inside… he deeply regretted being a good person! He knew being good wasn’t easy!! Why did he help the boss confess in the first place, what was the reason!!


After the assistant left, Jing Yicheng cautiously asked, “Are you still angry?”


Xu Chenghao: “Hmm, temporarily calmed down, but I’m serious about eating chili for three months.”


Jing Yicheng: “Hmm, as long as you don’t regret it, I’m fine with anything.”


Xu Chenghao suppressed the corners of his mouth that wanted to curve up, “Don’t sweet talk me. If I had known your confession attitude was so improper, I wouldn’t have agreed back then.”


Jing Yicheng immediately grasped his hand, “No, once you’ve eaten my strawberries, you’re mine, there’s no use in regretting.”


Xu Chenghao glared at him both angry and amused, “Alright, let’s end this topic. Let me tell you about Ruan Chenxuan, so you won’t feel upset again.”


Jing Yicheng: “No, you have to say you don’t regret it first.”


Xu Chenghao pretended not to hear, “Ruan Chenxuan called me, he said…”


Jing Yicheng adjusted his head to face him, making Xu Chenghao look at him, “If you don’t say it, I’ll kiss you!”


Xu Chenghao immediately covered his mouth, “You dare!”


Jing Yicheng stared at him firmly for a few seconds, then suddenly leaned in, even if Xu Chenghao pushed, it was of no use, his strength was surprisingly strong.


“I said, I said!” Xu Chenghao was so scared that he quickly closed his eyes: “Cheng ge1Between Brother Chen and Chen ge, I chose Chen ge! Am I justified? Of course! Don’t you think it sounds better? lol, I was wrong!”


The distance between them was so close that they were just a few centimeters away from kissing, but Jing Yicheng stared at Xu Chenghao’s nervous and stiff appearance. After a while, he finally placed a kiss on his forehead gently, saying, “Take it slow, no rush.”


Xu Chenghao instantly felt a warm and sweet feeling of relief in his heart. “If you always keep this attitude, I might not change my mind either.”

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Jing Yicheng caressed his hand. “Hmm, then you won’t have a chance to change your mind in the future.”


Xu Chenghao glanced at him. “Do you still want to hear the content of my phone call with Ruan Chenxuan?”


Jing Yicheng immediately turned serious. “Listen! Every single word!”


Xu Chenghao recalled his conversation with Ruan Chenxuan and repeated it verbatim. Jing Yicheng’s face darkened as he listened. When he heard Ruan Chenxuan asking if Xu Chenghao was willing to be friends with the Ruan Chenxuan from a year ago, he exploded on the spot. “Ruan Chenxuan, this jerk, he actually came to seduce you!”


Xu Chenghao replied helplessly, “Come on, there’s a difference between making friends and seducing.”


Jing Yicheng was furious. “It might be making friends for others, but not necessarily for him! Don’t speak up for him!”


Xu Chenghao sighed, “Alright, alright, I won’t say anything.”


Jing Yicheng pressed, “How did you respond to him in the end?”


Xu Chenghao: “I didn’t respond. I just hung up the phone.”


Jing Yicheng was reluctantly satisfied but still angry after some thought: “He still wants to see you, how audacious! Even if he’s recovered, he shouldn’t dare to bother you! If he dares to harass you, even if he’s recovered, I’ll make sure he continues lying down!”

Xu Chenghao, with a helpless expression, propped his chin up and looked at him, “He should be busy for a long time,  why are you worried while I’m by your side?”

Feeling comforted, Jing Yicheng secretly resolved to always accompany Xu Chenghao, not giving anyone a chance!!

With this realization, Jing Yicheng began to care about the time and space he had alone with Xu Chenghao, and over time even felt that Xu Chenghao was only accompanied by him, and could only look at him- perfectly satisfying his desire of wanting to dominate everything about Xu Chenghao.


Of course, good times don’t last long. Before Xu Chenghao announced his hospitalization, only Li Nian had to endure his cold treatment as he ran back and forth. When the news of Xu Chenghao’s hospitalization due to a car accident spread, Jing Yicheng’s expression became even uglier.


He once again realized how powerful Xu Chenghao’s social network and relationships were, realized how popular the person he loved was, and realized how many rivals he had!


It was said that the Xu family suppressed the news and didn’t publish it in the newspapers, only those who were close knew about it—Jing Yicheng couldn’t even imagine what it would be like if everyone knew!


What to do when your beloved is too popular? Stick close at all times!!


Jing Yicheng sat on the edge of the bed with a cold face, resembling a living Yama (the king of hell), a giant atmosphere extinguisher. Those who came in spoke with lowered voices, consciously lowering their volume. They would express their concerns briefly and then leave promptly after putting down flowers, fruits, or gifts, without staying for long.


For someone familiar like Zheng Yunyun, she would even joke, “Having President Jing sitting by your bedside must surely solve a lot of troubles, right?”


Xu Chenghao smiled faintly, “Not bad.”


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Zheng Yunyun: “Then I won’t disturb you. Rest well and recover.”


Xu Chenghao: “Okay, I won’t see you off. Take care.”


“Not at all.” Zheng Yunyun waved her hand, nodded at Jing Yicheng, and then turned to leave.


For these types of people who understood the situation, Jing Yicheng was somewhat satisfied. But unfortunately, there were those who lacked insight and bumped into him, like — Zheng Xiaoxiao, who was overly persistent towards Xu Chenghao because of Zheng Yunyun!


She came in and immediately started fussing over Xu Chenghao, even offering to peel apples for him, solemnly declaring, “I’m really good at peeling apples, I can peel continuously!”


Peel continuously… Jing Yicheng almost wished he could strangle her with apple peels!


Xu Chenghao also didn’t like this girl. He said coldly, “Sorry, I never eat fruits peeled by strangers.”


Zheng Xiaoxiao felt a bit embarrassed. “How could I be a stranger? Mr. Xu, don’t you remember me? You attended my banquet before, and I even visited your home.”


Xu Chenghao: “Sorry, I attend too many banquets to remember.”


Zheng Xiaoxiao: “Then I…”


Xu Chenghao was too lazy to continue listening. He looked directly at Jing Yicheng and whispered, “I’m tired.”


Jing Yicheng immediately stood up, startling Zheng Xiaoxiao, who instinctively stepped back. Jing Yicheng stared at her with cold eyes. “The visiting time is over. Please ask this stranger to leave!”


The assistant at the door intervened, “Miss Zheng, please…”


Left alone and helpless, Zheng Xiaoxiao glanced at Xu Chenghao, who had already closed his eyes to rest, showing no intention of engaging with her. She could only bite her lip, put down the apple and fruit knife, and leave. Perhaps it was only at this moment that Zheng Xiaoxiao realized her tactics had been seen through.


After she left, Jing Yicheng instructed with a dark expression, “Throw away all the gifts she brought, including this fruit knife and apple! Also, replace the bench she sat on with a new one!!!”


Xu Chenghao, still resting with his eyes closed:  “…”


Well, he’d better not open his eyes.

The author has something to say: Jing Yicheng’s inner thoughts: What should I do if my lover is too popular?!

Xu Chenghao’s inner thoughts: What should I do if my lover is a vinegar essence?!


T/N: I live for vinegar essence Chen ge and double standard Haohao!


1Between Brother Chen and Chen ge, I chose Chen ge! Am I justified? Of course! Don’t you think it sounds better? lol

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