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Ruan Chenxuan instantly froze, a myriad of thoughts flashing through his mind in a matter of seconds. The clearest one was—the gun pressed against the back of his head!


Without showing any emotion, he glanced at the car window. From the reflection, he saw that the person behind him was a tall man, and his heart skipped a beat, becoming increasingly vigilant.


What does this mean? Are they here to kidnap him? Could he have provoked any enemies during this past year?


Before he could finish this train of thought, the gun muzzle pressed even closer to his head. The man’s voice, full of suppressed anger and heavy with murderous intent, grated out through clenched teeth, “Say it again!”


Ruan Chenxuan observed his movements, his body tensed, ready to resist at any moment. “Say what?”


The man’s finger remained on the trigger, the gun already loaded. “Weren’t you talking a lot just now? Keep talking!”



Cold sweat began to trickle down Ruan Chenxuan’s face as he couldn’t find any weaknesses in his opponent. “Do we have a grudge? I don’t know what I said that offended you.”


The man shouted angrily, “You keep digging at my corner again and again, what do you think?!”


His furious roar grew louder, startling Xu Chenghao, who had been pretending to sleep with his eyes closed in the car. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked outside, seeing a man dressed in black with a baseball cap holding Ruan Chenxuan at gunpoint. The figure looked incredibly familiar.


Xu Chenghao’s mouth slowly dropped open. Holy crap!!!



Could it be Jing Yicheng?


Even though he had been thinking about him every day, hoping he’d come back soon and appear in front of him, now that he was actually back, Xu Chenghao couldn’t help but be stunned. He stared for a long time, unable to process what was happening.


Is Jing Yicheng really back?


Xu Chenghao bit his lip, scrutinizing the scene, but he couldn’t see clearly through the glass. The man’s cap was pulled low, and Xu Chenghao couldn’t make out his face.


Based on his build, it should be him… Maybe I should roll down the window and check?



Even though it was dangerous, Xu Chenghao trusted his instincts. He lowered the car window, ignoring Ruan Chenxuan’s warning gestures, and tentatively called out, “Jing Yicheng?”

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The man in black looked up slightly, and the cold, handsome face under the baseball cap was unmistakably Jing Yicheng. He spoke gently, “It’s me. I’m back!”


Xu Chenghao was stunned for a few seconds by these words. A surge of grievance welled up in his heart. He wanted to say, “You still know how to come back, huh?” But seeing the gun in Jing Yicheng’s hand, he restrained his emotions and frowned, “What are you doing!”


This question seemed to hit a nerve. Jing Yicheng instantly remembered the confession he had just heard and his eyes flared with anger, “He was trying to seduce you!”


Xu Chenghao couldn’t stand the injustice and slapped the car window, “You’re yelling at me!”



Jing Yicheng: “…”


Jing Yicheng immediately lowered his voice, speaking softly, “He dared to seduce you while I was away, and I’m angry!”


Xu Chenghao, listening to his gentle explanation, didn’t feel appeased. Instead, an inexplicable anger rose within him. He shouted, “You know you weren’t here, so what right do you have to be angry!”


Jing Yicheng was momentarily speechless and said softly, “I’ll explain this to you later. Right now, I need to deal with him.”


Even while talking to Xu Chenghao, Jing Yicheng didn’t let down his guard against Ruan Chenxuan. He kept the gun aimed at the back of Ruan  Chenxuan’s head, with his other hand appearing to hang by his side, ready to act at any moment, leaving Ruan Chenxuan no opportunity to escape.



Xu Chenghao glanced at Ruan Chenxuan, feeling even more aggrieved by the recent harassment. He whispered, “Just give him a beating, but don’t kill him.”


Ruan Chenxuan’s eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at him, “Mr. Xu?”


“What are you yelling for!” Jing Yicheng roared, spinning the gun in his hand before smashing the butt of it against Ruan Chenxuan’s head. The impact caused Ruan to bend over in pain, clutching his head. Jing Yicheng took the opportunity to kick him, then pounced on him to continue the beating.


Xu Chenghao watched Jing Yicheng beating Ruan Chenxuan from the car window. Although he felt some satisfaction seeing Ruan Chenxuan get beaten, his attention was mostly on Jing Yicheng, and the more he watched, the angrier he got!


When Jing Yicheng wasn’t around, Xu Chenghao constantly worried about him, fearing he might never come back. But now that he was back, all the pent-up grievances and anger from waiting surged up. The frustration grew even stronger, especially since he failed his chili pepper task because of him!


Now that Jing Yicheng was back, there was no need to worry anymore. It was time to settle some scores!


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Xu Chenghao signaled for the caretaker who had just delivered the chili peppers to get in the car and then raised the window, saying coldly, “Back to the company.”


He decided to ignore Jing Yicheng for a few days!


So, when Jing Yicheng heard the car driving away and turned around, Xu Chenghao’s car was already leaving mercilessly, disappearing from sight.


Jing Yicheng panicked and immediately abandoned Ruan Chenxuan, getting into his own car to give chase.


After the chaos, only Ruan Chenxuan was left. Covered in injuries, he stood up and stared in the direction the cars had gone, trying to make sense of the situation with his blank mind… Who was that person? What was going on?



The car headed straight to Xu Group. When Jing Yicheng arrived, he saw the male caretaker lifting Xu Chenghao out of the car and placing him in a wheelchair—a princess carry!


Jing Yicheng nearly exploded on the spot. His hand repeatedly touched his gun, but considering Xu Chenghao would fall, he could only give up, staring intently at the male caretaker’s hand.


Male Caretaker: “…”


Xu Chenghao sensed his body stiffen suddenly and asked in confusion, “What’s wrong?”


The male caretaker silently shook his head, safely placed Xu Chenghao in the wheelchair, closed the car door, and pushed him toward the elevator.


“Haohao!” Jing Yicheng followed closely behind, and in an instant, he punched the male caretaker in the face, kicked him, and yelled, “Get lost!”


The male caretaker tried to dodge but was no match for the fast and fierce punch of the ‘demon king,’ eventually getting hit and retreating quickly—afraid for his life if he stayed any longer.


Xu Chenghao was bewildered, “Jing Yicheng, what are you doing? He’s my caretaker!”


“He’s not a caretaker.” Jing Yicheng squatted down and explained, “He’s here on a mission to monitor you, sent by the higher-ups.”


Xu Chenghao looked again in the direction the caretaker left, still not understanding, “Monitoring me? On a mission? Why?”

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After asking, Xu Chenghao realized he was giving the other person a chance to explain, so he quickly changed his tone, “Never mind, I don’t want to know. Just go away.”


Jing Yicheng was most afraid of Xu Chenghao leaving without giving him a chance to explain. Hearing this, his heart sank. He quickly grabbed the wheelchair and anxiously said, “No, I need to explain. Do you remember I told you about a job offer that I turned down? After the incident, they came to me again. You were injured at the time, so I refused again. That’s why they took the risk to forcefully take me away this time.”


“They’re monitoring you because I refused to cooperate with their research. At most, I would maintain their equipment when I was in a good mood. So, this guy is here to monitor and secretly take photos of you.”


Xu Chenghao felt something was off, “You didn’t participate in the research?”


Jing Yicheng remembered something, and his expression turned dark, “I never participated in the research because my methods are completely different from the person in charge. If I had participated, I wouldn’t have been able to leave in two months. Besides, I despise their attitude and wouldn’t spend my time and effort on their research.”


Xu Chenghao: “Then how did you get out?”


Jing Yicheng replied: “I spent two months waking up the person in charge.”


Xu Chenghao: “…”


That was ruthless. Xu Chenghao was speechless.


Seeing Xu Chenghao’s silence, Jing Yicheng tentatively touched his hand, but Xu Chenghao avoided it. Feeling increasingly dejected, Jing Yicheng squatted in front of the wheelchair like a large, abandoned dog with drooping ears, and said in a hurt tone, “Haohao, I missed you so much…”


Xu Chenghao instinctively raised his hand but then silently withdrew it, maintaining a cold expression, “Did you read the messages I sent you?”


Jing Yicheng felt even more upset. “I haven’t got my phone back yet. My assistant is handling the follow-up. I’ll be able to see my phone once he returns.”


Xu Chenghao frowned. “You usually seem quite capable. How did you mess up this time?”


Talking about this made Jing Yicheng angry. He gritted his teeth and said, “I was careless. I didn’t expect them to dare make a move against me. Tomorrow, I’ll shut down the research institute and never accept any orders from them again. I want to see if he can withstand everyone’s attacks and still climb to the top!”


Xu Chenghao raised an eyebrow. “Really shut it down?”


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“Shut it down!” Jing Yicheng confirmed. “Tomorrow, I’ll officially rename it to the Agricultural Machinery Research Institute!”


Xu Chenghao laughed but dodged as Jing Yicheng reached out his hand. “Don’t touch me!”


Jing Yicheng’s outstretched hand froze in midair. Bewildered and aggrieved, he said, “I could kiss you before I left. Why can’t I even touch you now that I’m back?”


Xu Chenghao replied coldly, “Before you left, you were chasing me, so I gave you a chance. But now I’ve changed my mind. We have no relationship, so of course, you can’t touch me!”


“Changed your mind?” Jing Yicheng’s voice rose incredulously, echoing in the underground garage. “Haohao, how can you change your mind? We agreed that eating the strawberry meant no backing out!”


Xu Chenghao retorted, “And I told you that if you didn’t return within the month, I’d back out!”


Jing Yicheng was genuinely confused. “When did you say that?”


Xu Chenghao: “I sent a text message after you disappeared.”


Jing Yicheng: “I didn’t see it, so it doesn’t count!”


Xu Chenghao countered, “Then the strawberry thing doesn’t count either.”


Jing Yicheng felt a lump in his throat, almost tearing up with grievance. “Haohao, you can’t scare me like this. You promised you wouldn’t leave me.”


Xu Chenghao sneered, “And you promised you wouldn’t leave me either.”


As he spoke, Xu Chenghao suddenly became angry, his eyes reddening as he accused, “You said you would take care of me until my leg healed and I was discharged from the hospital. You said we would celebrate New Year’s together, set off fireworks, and build snowmen. You said you would help me with my work and plant peppers so I wouldn’t have to worry. Which one of these did you fulfill?”



The author has something to say: Xu Chenghao: Keeping a little ledger, I remember everything!

T/N: Cheng-ge, I also remember everything…humph! Where are my promised hospital fluff and New Year fireworks? If you don’t coax Haohao quickly I’ll cut out your scene… humph!

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