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Xu Chenghao had just finished washing up and was sitting on the bed with a towel on his head, being scrutinized by Li Nian: “There’s really nothing wrong, why are you so tense?”


Li Nian rolled his eyes: “Really, if there’s nothing wrong, why don’t you explain where the caregiver went? Why is your wheelchair in the underground garage? How did you get to the hospital and back?”


Xu Chenghao resolved all the questions with a single sentence: “Jing Yicheng is back.”


Li Nian was shocked: “He’s back?”


Xu Chenghao nodded silently.



After a few seconds of processing, Li Nian suddenly understood: “Oh, no wonder the caregiver disappeared, and you were able to come and go so easily. So, someone came back… Did he take you to the hospital for the checkup?”


Xu Chenghao continued to nod.


Li Nian: “Did he explain why he left?”


Xu Chenghao kept nodding.



Li Nian looked at him, marveling: “No wonder you’ve been in such a good mood this afternoon. I thought you were happy because your leg was healed. Turns out I was too naive.”


Xu Chenghao unbelievingly touched his face: “Do I look very happy?”


Li Nian retorted: “Duh, you were grinning like an idiot even while eating. Of course, you’re happy.”


Xu Chenghao: “…”


Xu Chenghao stubbornly said: “I’m just relieved that I don’t have to worry anymore. I haven’t forgiven him yet.”



Li Nian grew interested and gossiped: “What? Are you planning to punish him?”


Xu Chenghao: “He suddenly disappeared and then suddenly came back. Am I not allowed to throw a tantrum? If I let it go easily, what if it happens again next time?”


Li Nian: “What if he had a legitimate reason?”


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Xu Chenghao: “No, this time it was purely due to his own negligence. He needs to remember this. What if next time, someone comes to…” take his life? What will he do then?


Thinking about it made Xu Chenghao even angrier, and he reiterated: “He must remember this!”



Li Nian inexplicably felt like he wasn’t watching a quarrel but eating dog food. He was feeling a mix of emotions. He stood up and said: “Well, you handle it yourself. Anyway, you’re aware of the issues exposed by Jing Yicheng’s departure this time. Solve what needs to be solved so you two can go further. I won’t get involved, bye!”


Xu Chenghao nodded: “Okay, goodnight.”




Li Nian closed the door as he left. Xu Chenghao lifted the quilt and put his legs inside, covering himself. He casually tossed the towel on his head into the dirty laundry basket beside the bed and rested for a few minutes before sitting up again. He touched the water cup on the bedside table and, noticing that the water had cooled down, began his routine of taking medication.


He put the pill in his mouth, took a sip of water, and swallowed quickly. As long as he was fast enough, the bitterness wouldn’t catch up with him! Xu Chenghao was very satisfied with his speed today and continued drinking water to ease the slight bitterness on his tongue. Then… then he saw a certain villain silently watching him from outside the window…



“Pfft, cough cough cough!” Xu Chenghao almost choked to death, spraying the water he had just drunk.


The person outside was startled. With one hand on the windowsill, he easily pried open the window in six seconds and jumped in, asking nervously, “Did you choke? Does your throat hurt?”


As Jing Yicheng spoke, he took a tissue and helped clean up the bed. His actions were so natural that Xu Chenghao forgot to stop him and coughed out, “You scared me to death! What were you doing hanging outside?”


Upon hearing this, Jing Yicheng’s movements slowed down, and he lowered his head, saying, “You wouldn’t let me in, but I wanted to see you.”


These words sounded so pitiful and aggrieved that Xu Chenghao couldn’t keep a straight face. After a moment of holding back, he said, “No acting cute.”


Jing Yicheng silently continued to tidy the bed.


Noticing that Jing Yicheng’s mood wasn’t good, Xu Chenghao frowned and asked, “What’s wrong?”


Jing Yicheng didn’t dare to look up: “I ruined your peppers and seeds…”


Xu Chenghao replied calmly, “I figured.”


Jing Yicheng lowered his head even more: “Did I make your experiment fail?”


Xu Chenghao asked back, “What do you think?”


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The answer was obviously yes. Jing Yicheng knew this too, or he wouldn’t feel so guilty: “I’m sorry.”


Xu Chenghao didn’t respond. When he first learned that Jing Yicheng had taken the seeds and he had failed the mission, he was definitely angry. But two months had passed, and worry had overtaken his feelings about the peppers. Xu Chenghao’s anger wasn’t as intense as he had imagined, and the remaining bit of irritation was extinguished by Jing Yicheng’s submissiveness.


Xu Chenghao suddenly realized that he truly loved him. After the mission failed, not only was he not angry, but he also worried about him and missed him for more than two months. If this had happened in the past, he might have beaten Jing Yicheng to death and never spoken to him again. Who would worry about him?


Honestly… the old Xu Chenghao, who would fight to the death for a pepper, would never have imagined today!


Xu Chenghao was internally mocking himself, but his silence made Jing Yicheng think he was unwilling to forgive him and was so angry that he didn’t even want to speak.


Jing Yicheng’s mood worsened, and after finishing cleaning the bed, he fell silent as well. He didn’t know what to say to ask for forgiveness but was unwilling to leave…


After a few seconds of awkward silence, Xu Chenghao finally snapped out of it. Looking at the person sitting by the bed, he was shocked, “Are you mad at me now?”


Jing Yicheng: “No, I just don’t know what to say besides sorry.”


Xu Chenghao, both helpless and speechless, angrily hit him with a pillow: “Is this your attitude when apologizing? Can’t you make more of an effort? Can’t you try a little harder and show some actual action!!”


After being beaten up, Jing Yicheng actually felt a bit better inside. He quietly wrapped his arms around Xu Chenghao’s waist, burying his head in his shoulder. Even when Xu Chenghao pulled his ear, he didn’t let go; instead, he held on even tighter.


He preferred Xu Chenghao being angry and hitting him, pulling his ear, over the cold and silent demeanor from earlier. Because he knew that anger meant he still cared. If Xu Chenghao were truly indifferent, showing no reaction, it would mean he had really lost him…


Xu Chenghao, tired from hitting him, initially wanted to rest by leaning on Jing Yicheng’s shoulder. But suddenly, he pushed Jing Yicheng away in disgust and said, “You haven’t showered yet, don’t hug me!”


Jing Yicheng, who had been content with holding him, suddenly remembered that he hadn’t rested or showered properly in several days while rushing back.


For the first time, Jing Yicheng blushed in embarrassment and let go of Xu Chenghao, saying pitifully, “I haven’t been back for two months, and the water supply upstairs has been cut off.”


Xu Chenghao’s words to chase him away were swallowed back. He stubbornly said, “Then you can only shower once.”


Jing Yicheng happily rubbed his forehead against him and said, “Okay.”


Xu Chenghao: “Go to the guest room to get the toiletries. Don’t use mine.”


Although Jing Yicheng was a bit disappointed, he didn’t dare to anger Xu Chenghao anymore. He obediently closed the window and went to the guest room to get the toiletries.


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Li Nian, who was drinking water in the living room, spat out his drink, “Pfft—”


Xu Chenghao suddenly remembered something: “!!!”


Jing Yicheng was the calmest of all. He got the toiletries and returned to the bedroom, closing the door behind him while Li Nian stared in shock.


Listening to the sound of what seemed to be showering after the act, Li Nian was speechless: “……”


Xu Chenghao, beginning to regret agreeing to this, was also speechless: “……”


Jing Yicheng, happily occupying Xu Chenghao’s bathroom, was thrilled: “!!!”


This night was so eventful that it was impossible to sleep.


Xu Chenghao didn’t need to think to know that Li Nian must have a head full of inappropriate thoughts, imagining all sorts of things behind the door. While worrying about how to explain things tomorrow, Jing Yicheng opened the bathroom door and came out wearing a bathrobe.


Wrapped up tightly… Xu Chenghao’s subconscious thought drifted through his mind, and then he immediately blew up. What the heck was he thinking?! Isn’t it a good thing Jing Yicheng was wrapped up tightly? He didn’t want to see it anyway!


Jing Yicheng silently floated over, “Haohao, I can’t climb back through the window like this.”


Xu Chenghao: “Then use the door!”


Jing Yicheng: “I didn’t bring the key.”


Xu Chenghao: “Then go to the guest room!”


Jing Yicheng’s expression suddenly turned melancholy, “It’s full…”


He had seen it when he took his toiletries. One guest room was occupied by Li Nian, and the other had traces of someone having lived there, clearly that bastard caregiver!


Xu Chenghao was momentarily speechless, even suspecting that the other party had thought of this trick before taking a shower. Sure enough, nothing should be started. Once you make an exception, it’s hard to hold the line afterward!


Xu Chenghao helplessly rubbed his forehead. Seeing the other’s long legs exposed outside the bathrobe and confirming he really couldn’t walk much, he sighed, “Then I’ll make do for one night…”


Jing Yicheng’s eyes gradually brightened, but then Xu Chenghao suddenly changed his tone, “Then I’ll go sleep with Li Nian for a night.”


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Jing Yicheng: “…”


He pressed down the corner of the quilt to prevent Xu Chenghao from lifting it, “You can’t afford to walk too much, don’t move.”


Xu Chenghao raised an eyebrow, “Then will you go and sleep with Li Nian?”


Jing Yicheng was silent for a few seconds and then said seriously, “I’m afraid if I open my eyes at midnight and don’t recognize him, I’ll scare him.”


Xu Chenghao: “Then what do you want to do?”


Jing Yicheng: “I think this is pretty good.”


Xu Chenghao almost couldn’t hold back his laughter, “Then what if you don’t recognize me and scare me?”


Jing Yicheng earnestly replied, “You are so important in my heart, how could I not recognize you?”


Xu Chenghao was immediately swayed by the sweet words and said contentedly, “Then I’ll just make do and sleep with you for one night. Let’s go to bed.”


Jing Yicheng felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He got up to check the doors and windows and carefully dried his hair to ensure there wouldn’t be any water before sneakily and joyfully getting into bed from the other side.


Xu Chenghao’s room, Xu Chenghao’s bed, Xu Chenghao’s pillow, and Xu Chenghao right next to him!!


This scene was enough to make Jing Yicheng so excited that he couldn’t sleep, his eyes wide open in the darkness, brighter than usual.


Xu Chenghao rarely shared a bed with anyone, especially not with his ‘ex-boyfriend,’ so he couldn’t sleep either. However, he had a habit of getting sleepy after taking his medication, and once the room quieted down, the drowsiness from the medicine began to sweep over his mind.


Just as he was about to drift off, Xu Chenghao felt someone holding his hand. His sleepy mind went blank, and he instinctively said, “Goodnight,” before completely falling asleep.


Jing Yicheng silently turned towards him, quietly watched him in the dark, and gripped his hand tighter, “Goodnight.”


The author has something to say: Arguments that don’t aim for a breakup are all displays of affection— said Li Nian, who has been bombarded with dog food.


T/N: Nian-ge what is the quality of this dog food? Is it fragrant hahaha… Poor Li Nian… having to witness all this PDA, his eyes must stink hahaha.

Fuck I can’t believe the next update will be chapter 100?! Cheers to all my readers who started with me from the beginning

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