Chapter 21: Deciding to sell the house

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After picking up Ye Lin’an, the group returned to Ye Jin’s residence and it was time to make lunch. 


Since Ye Jin had to pick up Ye Lin’an today, he put up a leave notice in the live broadcast room in advance, so there was no live broadcast at noon today. He had made something for the wolf cub to eat at will.


After lunch, Ye Jin asked Ye Lin’an, “Brother Lin’an, do you have a place to live in the Imperial Capital Star?”


Ye Lin’an sat on the sofa and waved his hand: “Don’t worry about this, I sold the little shop in Fu’er Xing. Now I have a huge sum of money, so I can find a place to live.”


Ye Jin heard Ye Lin’an saying that the shop had been sold, and asked worriedly: “Brother Lin’an, why did you sell the shop? What are you going to do in the future in Imperial City?”


Ye Lin’an gave Ye Jin a funny look and said, “Don’t worry, although my shop is very dilapidated, it’s a good location on that commercial street. 


The shop and the items in the shop have been sold, and I have made a lot of money, so I can completely resume my old business in the Imperial City.”


After Ye Lin’an finished speaking, he patted Ye Jin on the shoulder, and suddenly suggested: “Hey! I suddenly came up with an idea for a shop! Ah Jin, why don’t we open a store together!” 


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The more Ye Lin’an thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was a good idea, and then continued: “Look, no one in the entire interstellar can cook such delicious food the way you make it.


And there are so many people watching your live broadcast and liking the food you make. As long as we have an offline storefront, we can completely make customers like clouds.”


“As for the storefront problem, we can also buy a joint venture. Or I buy it with a lot of money, then you only need to be in charge of cooking, and you don’t have to worry about other things at all, the money you earn can be divided into two or eight, you eight and two.”


Ye Jin listened to Ye Linan’s words. A string of black lines appeared on his forehead. Why did so many people tell him about opening a store these days?


Ye Jin glanced at Yu Nian and Ye Lin’an with a complicated look and said, “You two have a good understanding.”


Ye Lin’an looked at Yu Nian and then Ye Jin suspiciously, not understanding what he meant.


Ye Jin looked at Ye Lin’an who was puzzled, and told the story of Yu Nian’s visit to him today, and finally sighed: “Do you think this is a coincidence? I feel like the whole world is urging me to open a store. Should I really stop living a salty fish life and go and try to open a gourmet restaurant?”


Ye Lin’an shook his head with a smile, looked at Ye Jin, who was confused, and reassured: “Everyone wants you to open a restaurant because your cooking is delicious, and everyone wants to taste the real delicious food. 


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But just follow your heart and don’t be influenced by anyone, it’s what you want to do that matters.”


Yu Nian originally sat on the sofa and stared at Bai Bai. But after hearing them talk about himself and opening the store, he immediately stopped looking at Bai Bai and pricked up his ears to listen to the conversation between the two seriously.


Hearing Ye Jin’s loose thoughts, he immediately looked at Ye Jin with bright eyes, waiting for his answer. No matter who helped the store open, as long as it can be opened, it will be a good start.


Fu Chen, on the other hand, secretly buried his face in his claws, and listened to the conversation between the two with pointed ears, hoping that Ye Lin’an could persuade Ye Jin.


It turned out that after picking up Ye Lin’an with Ye Jin, Fu Chen took advantage of Ye Jin and Yu Nian’s time to cook, and told Ye Lin’an the matter with all his brains. 


If possible, it’s okay to help Ye Jin in the name of Ye Lin’an, so that’s why there is a partnership to open a store.


At that time, Ye Lin’an also asked Fu Chen why he was so anxious. After all, he had just come to the Imperial City, and it would be very unreliable to directly put forward this idea instead of studying it carefully.


Of course, Fu Chen wouldn’t tell Ye Lin’an that he was so anxious because a stinky brat pre-empted his plan. Otherwise, he would be laughed at again, so he casually said a reason to put it off.


On Ye Jin’s side, after listening to Ye Lin’an’s consolation, he was still entangled in his heart for a long time, and finally he suddenly thought of his house in Fu’er Xing.

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If he sells the house in Fu’er Xing, plus the funds he has saved, then he can buy a very good shop in the Imperial City, and he will not have to be controlled by others.


After thinking about it, Ye Jin looked at Ye Linan and said honestly: “Brother Lin’an, I suddenly remembered that I still have a house in Fu’er Xing, and I want to sell that house and buy a facade in Imperial Star. 


If you still want to continue to partner with me to open a store, you can also invest. As for now, I don’t like to be controlled by others, it will make me feel very insecure.”


Ye Lin’an nodded understandingly after hearing Ye Jin’s words, and agreed and did not continue this topic.


As for the other two parties, Fu Chen and Yu Nian finally knew why Ye Jin was so hesitant about opening a store.


Fu Chen lifted his face buried in his claws and looked at Ye Jin’s serious expression. Although he didn’t know what he was upset about, he still thought of another way to sell the shop he had his adjutant bought to Ye Jin at a low price. Jin. That would help him without making him suspicious and uneasy.


After making up his mind, Fu Chen ran from the sofa to Ye Jin’s lap with peace of mind, patted him with his paw, and put it down against his stomach.


Ye Jin looked at Bai Bai who was nestled beside him. His serious expression eased as he gently stroked its back fur and the thousands of thoughts in his heart also dissipated a lot.


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Yu Nian was surprised that Ye Jin had such an idea. It would be very difficult to have a store entirely his own in the Imperial City.


To buy a shop in Imperial Star, you must not only have sufficient funds, but also have strong connections. Connections are the most important among them, otherwise, even if you have a lot of funds, you may not be able to buy a house.


The empire has been established for thousands of years, and the war with the Zerg has never stopped. In order to ensure that the population is not extinct, the empire spends a lot of money to develop technology. 


All researchers are treated very well, so even the empire’s houses, shops, land and other resources, except for military personnel and scientific researchers, it is difficult for anyone else to buy a house without a connection.


It can be seen from the house where a non-staff member of a scientific research institute lives in Ye Jin, which is bigger than ordinary people’s. 


Thinking of this, he thinks of Ye Jin’s ability, and some understand his thoughts. After all, for people with real skills, it is normal for them to be unwilling to be controlled by others.


After seeing Yu Nian away, Ye Jin accompanied Ye Lin’an to find a place to live. It was not until it got dark that they found a suitable place to settle down.


Back at home, Ye Jin was thinking about opening a shop, and at the same time, she was wondering whether to go back to Fu’er Xing to see, or just put the house sale information on Xingwang.


Just when Ye Jin was hesitating, an emergency happened a few days later that helped him make a decision.

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