Chapter 30: Seafood Full Banquet, Secrets of Dishes

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Ye Jin didn’t know that he was being watched by the live broadcast because of the ingredients. At this time, he was still instructing Chang Lin to peel the lobster.


After the shrimp meat was completely peeled out, Ye Jin asked Chang Lin to crack the lobster claws. 


After all the shrimp meat was processed, Ye Jin ordered the lobster and crab meat to be moved into the kitchen, because there were too many of them. 


In the kitchen, Ye Jin asked Yu Nian and Qin Fan to peel off the crab legs while preparing the ingredients and instructing them how to clean them up.


After Ye Jin told several apprentices about the processing process and method, and seeing that they could handle Ye Jin by themselves, he went back to the kitchen to prepare the condiments, and watched the audience in the live broadcast room asking what dishes to cook.


Ye Jin said: ” Today, I am going to make a seafood dinner. Because there are a lot of ingredients, I plan to make a few more dishes, and I will give you a lottery after I make them. 


Our first dish is called Spicy Crab, because the size of this crab is too big , so I use crab legs to make it.”


Ye Jin said while frying the ingredients such as onion, ginger, pepper, etc.


After the ingredients were sautéed, he added the washed crab legs and stir-fried evenly, and then added pepper and salt. 


He stir-fried again with seasonings such as chopped chili, and waited until the crab legs were fully flavored before turning off the heat and placing them on a plate.


When Ye Jin was frying the peppers and other ingredients, the strong and pungent spicy taste came out.  When Ye Jin poured in the crab meat and stir-fried, the rich spicy taste was brought out again. 


The sweetness of a kind of crab meat made the audience in the live broadcast room want to reach out and eat the meat from the pot, and Ye Linan, Mu Zhihe and Bai Bai, who were standing aside to join in the fun, had more spicy aroma going right to their noses. 


The smell was so irritating that they wanted to sneeze, and they all ran to the front hall to avoid it.


      [This fragrance is really exciting and addictive, it’s so magical! 】


    【It’s really fragrant, but it smells very spicy, but I just swallowed my saliva! 】


    【This smell is too exciting, but I couldn’t help swallowing, feeling like I love masochism, humming, humming]


     [Did I hallucinate from being spicy? I seem to see a very familiar person running past? 】


     [Upstairs, you are not alone, I saw it too. It’s Director Mu of the Institute of Botany! ]


    [Don’t make such a fuss upstairs! Didn’t Jin Jin cooperate with the research institute? Maybe Director Mu also wanted to eat delicious food, so he came to Jin Jin. ]


    [I won’t tell you, the spicy crab legs are ready, I’m going to try it! 】


  【I’m already eating, but it’s really spicy, but delicious! Can’t stop delicious! ]


    [The spicy and fresh fragrance is progressive, this taste is also great, it is so enjoyable to eat! ]


    [Don’t say it, I just stuffed it into my mouth while I was crying, and my family asked me why I was crying, but they were all rushing to eat at the moment. ]


    [It’s really delicious, the crab meat is spicy Q bomb, it’s really enjoyable to eat! Will this dish be served in the store tomorrow? ]


It took Ye Jin several times to fry all the crab legs, and when he looked up, he saw someone asking when it will be at the store. 


Ye Jin looked at the two large pots of crabs and lobsters and said, ” You can buy the dishes made with these two new ingredients tomorrow. You can also buy the other two ingredients in the mall soon, and then you can make them at home by yourself.” 


Ye Jin started frying another serving.


After three rounds of frying, Ye Jin thought about it and felt that a little frying was not the way to go, so he said to Yu Nian several people: “Let’s have you guys fry. You should have seen the steps just now, right? Is there anything you don’t understand directly? Just ask me.”


After seeing the apprentices nod, Ye Jin distributed the crab legs to Yu Nian and the others to do it, while he went to see Ye Lin’an and left the light brain to film the production process of several people.


    [Jin Jin, what are you doing here? You’re not watching the apprentices cook but you’re letting them figure it out by themselves? 】


   【Maybe there is something wrong? Be patient and wait, watching the apprentices cook is also very interesting. ]


    [I just want to know what other dishes there are, I’m so anxious ah woo woo hoo]


    [Want to know +1, this kind of ingredients is quite delicious, there is no fishy smell of pork, there is a fresh and sweet taste smell. ]


    [Want to know +2, blow up this seafood, and want to know what to do with the lobster that Jin Jin said. ]


And why did Ye Jin go? He went to the lobby to ask Ye Lin’an to discuss building an earth stove in the backyard. 


Ye Jin wanted to build a large earth stove by the wall in the backyard and put a big pot on it, since this kind of thing would happen again in the future. 


If the ingredients are too large, several people can stir fry them together. The things made by the earthen stove are not only delicious and delicious, but also faster.


After Ye Jin found Ye Lin’an and talked about it, Ye Lin’an asked Ye Jin to draw it, so that he could find someone to build it according to the drawings.


Mu Zhihe was curious and wanted to join in the fun after hearing it and told Ye Jin, who was drawing a picture: “Xiao Jin, I can help you find someone to build the earthen stove you mentioned, and even use the existing technology to make it more convenient and faster, and it can be used without drying it.” 


Ye Jin looked up at Mu Zhihe in surprise after hearing this, and then smiled clearly: “Mr. Mu, what do you want me to exchange this time?”


Mu Zhihe replied: “Look, there are so many new ingredients on your side today, can you make it and let me take one away? As long as you agree, I can call someone to help you build this earthen stove now.” 


Looking at Ye Jin expectantly, he had already smelled it just now, and even tasted the taste of spicy crab legs in the live broadcast room. The sweet and spicy taste seemed to still linger in his mouth.


Ye Jin felt that this was not a big deal, even if Mu Zhihe didn’t say that he would give him a copy. 


Now that he brought it up himself, Ye Jin was not the kind of brainless person, so he agreed immediately.


After solving the big earth stove, Ye Jin went back to the kitchen to see that the apprentices had already started, and he himself went to prepare the big lobster.


Ye Jin came to the place where the lobster meat was placed, took out part of the prawn meat and marinated it with scallion ginger and a little wine together with the lobster claws, and then knocked the lobster head off to treat the lobster’s gills. 


After washing the gills, Ye Jin went back to the live broadcast room and said: “This shrimp head must be knocked open for disposal, and the gills inside must be cleaned. 


You can’t have anything but the gills. The lobster’s brain in the gills can be used to make shrimp yolk custard.”


Ye Jin explained while processing, After waiting for the big bowl of shrimp brains to come out, Ye Jin went over the lobster meat that was being marinated. 

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Seeing that it was almost time, Ye Jin took out the marinated lobster meat and placed it on the shrimp after setting the plate. 


He put a spoonful of the chili sauce and oil you made earlier, and then put it into the pot to start steaming. 


Ye Jin put the ingredients into the pot and said, “This dish is called steamed lobster. It uses the fewest seasonings and can best reflect the deliciousness of the ingredients.”


    [Looking forward to it! ]


    [Jin Jin, the color of the two dishes today are very beautiful, and I can’t bear to destroy this plate after waiting. 】


    【It whetted my appetite before it was done, how delicious it would be if it was done! ]


    [The spicy crab legs just now were so delicious that my tongue would eat into my stomach. Now this steamed lobster looks more beautiful than art. ]


    [For me, there are only good and bad tastes, I look forward to getting out of the pot soon! 】


After Ye Jin made the steamed lobster, he looked at the barrage and wanted to eat it. 


After thinking about it, he made spicy lobster, iced lobster meat and lobster with garlic vermicelli. 


When Ye Jin finished all the dishes, it was said that the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned, and even Yu Nian, who had finished making the spicy crab legs, looked at Ye Jin in disbelief.


    【Ah ah ah! What kind of fairy I am fan of, these dishes are so healthy! ]


    [Woooooooo I cried out happily, not only beautiful but also delicious, the taste and texture of each dish are different. 】


    [I’m so jealous when I see this, I’m so happy to be Jin Jin’s apprentice and friend. ]


    [Woooooooo delicious enough to stop, but why am I getting hungry the more I eat? ]


    [I am in pain and happiness now, drinking unpleasant nutrient solution, watching all kinds of delicious and fragrant delicacies, I really want to arrive soon tomorrow, I will go to Jinjin’s shop to eat ah ah ah ah! 】


After Ye Jin finished cooking a few dishes, the people who built the earthen stove that Mu Zhihe had brought came. 


Ye Lin’an took a few people to the backyard with tools. After Ye Jin made these dishes, he started to let a few apprentices try to do it, while he guided on the side.


After the apprentices finally got started, Ye Jin went to bring the shrimp heads that were taken out earlier.


He put eggs and salt together and stirred them evenly, put them in the pot and steamed them. He took out the crabs, and coated the incisions with flour one by one. 


He fried them once in the pan until golden brown on both sides and set aside for later use.


Later, Ye Jin combined soy sauce oil consumption and mature vinegar to make a sauce, and said while adjusting: “The three condiments of soy sauce, oil consumption and mature vinegar are newly researched by the scientific research institute. 


Today, Mr. Mu gave me some so the Interstellar Mall will be updated in about two days.” 


“The next step is to fry the ingredients, add onion, ginger and chili to fry until fragrant, then add the chili sauce made when mixing lobster, then you can put the fried crab into the pot, and then add the sauce I just adjusted. 


Then stir fry evenly, pour in an appropriate amount of water, and start simmering for 20 minutes before you can cook.” Ye Jin put the crabs into the pot step by step and started to simmer.


As he spoke, Ye Jin took out the steamed shrimp and egg custard. He put it on the long table in the kitchen, then put all the remaining crabs in a clean bowl, and put it in the pot to start steaming.


The audience in the live broadcast room saw that Ye Jin finished the two large pots of ingredients in a few seconds. 


Li Zhaoxi, the crown prince of the empire, was shocked. 


No one knew the source of these ingredients better than him. This new ingredient was never found in the empire before. If it wasn’t for the unexpectedly discovered planet, they might not have discovered it in their entire lives. 


Originally, he thought that Ye Jin would study the ingredients for a while after receiving them, but seeing Ye Jin’s ease, he obviously knew what to do from the beginning.


Thinking of Ye Jin’s calm appearance when discussing cooperation, Li Zhaoxi chuckled in a low voice, “What an interesting little guy.”


Some Federation audiences were surprised and reluctant to believe how the Empire could be so powerful. 


The people who make dishes are not identical, and every dish is so delicious. It would be nice if this person was from the federation.


The old men who had been paying attention to Ye Jin couldn’t recover for a long time. 


After a long time, the old man Fu said: “He is probably from the Ye family, but I have never heard of the Ye family’s children living abroad. Even broadcasting such a secret inheritance live, can the stubborn old men of the Ye family be willing?”


The other two old men also came back to their senses at this time, and they looked at him in disbelief when they heard what Mr. Fu said. 


After a while, Mr. Li, who had a goatee, said, “Are you sure? I heard that the dishes made by the Ye family can mobilize the vitality of the body and allow the damaged body to repair itself. If it were the Ye family, wouldn’t they be afraid of repeating the same mistakes? Back then, for this, their Ye family was…” 


Having said that, Mr. Li shook his head and didn’t say any more.


The elegant old man Yu also sighed and shook his head, and after a while he said: “My unsatisfactory grandson also secretly went to worship that child as his master. I heard that he also wants to set up a cooking school, intending to teach everyone how to make delicious food. 


The proposal has been submitted to Your Majesty through Mu Zhihe, and His Majesty has agreed.”


After saying this, the room was silent, and after a long while, Old Master Fu said quietly: “Maybe this is a good thing. Not necessarily, since everyone has learned it, it won’t be so eye-catching. And the people he taught will protect him because of this love.”


After he finished speaking, he raised his head and glanced at him. The people on the screen who are cooking.


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And Gretel, who had been watching the whole process in Ye Jin’s live broadcast room, was shocked to see the dishes turned into delicious dishes under Ye Jin’s hands, and some couldn’t believe his own feelings.


After tasting all the dishes made by Ye Jin, he actually felt a little bit of a very subtle warmth, which directly affected his forehead, making him feel like he was about to grow tentacles on his forehead.


His forehead was the place where the tentacles grow, and according to how important the tentacles are to a Zerg has also been mentioned earlier, Grete was shocked to the core.


You must know that he is a Zerg born without tentacles. No matter how advanced medical technology is, this congenital defect cannot be compensated. 


Otherwise, he will not be abandoned by his family, but now he has a kind of secret because of several dishes. He feels as if he can grow tentacles if he eats this dish often.


Gretel’s excited cheeks flushed red and the smile at the corners of his mouth couldn’t be suppressed.

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He didn’t care about watching the live broadcast, but quickly reported the news to His Majesty the Zerg King, he must bring Ye Jin back to the Zerg, as for destroying it. 


His attack on the inheritance and development of the empire can be put aside in front of this ability that can bring new life to the Zerg. Now the most important thing is to get Ye Jin back to the Zerg.


Thinking of this, Gretel’s excitement was eased a little, and he hurriedly communicated to His Majesty the Zerg Emperor to report the matter.


Ye Jin naturally doesn’t know what impact his actions have had on everyone, but he can still see the sudden increase in the barrage messages in the live broadcast room.


But Ye Jin is not in the mood to care about those remarks at all. What he cares about is the food to be eaten.


By the time Ye Jin finished all the lobsters and crabs, it was already past eight o’clock in the evening, and everyone looked at the table full of dishes with happy smiles on their faces.


Ye Jin looked at the live broadcast room and announced about drawing a lottery.


The audience in the live broadcast room began to mourn again. There were originally more than 300 million people in the live broadcast room, but because of that bizarre title, it attracted a large number of viewers. 


Now the number of online people in the live broadcast room is as high as 1 billion and it is still rising.


    [There are more and more people but I still have hope QAQ]


    [The number of people online is a record high, and most of the netizens in the empire are here. 】


    【Upstairs, it has now risen to 1.2 billion, and the number of people has increased by 100 million. This is too scary.】


    【I was one of those original fans, and now I am directly fighting with most of the netizens in the empire, and even more so. There is no chance of winning the lottery woo woo woo woo]


    [Jin Jin, Jin Jin, if you set a time limit for following, those who just followed today will not be voted, and those who have been in the live broadcast room for less than half an hour will not be voted, so it will be fair. ]


    [Upstairs, it is recommended to set a time limit and attention requirements, otherwise it would be too unfair for me to come in like this today and rush the lottery. ]


Ye Jin saw that everyone was asking to set restrictions, Ye Jin thought for a while and said: “Well, each dish will be drawn with five coupons, and the setting requirements are: no drawing for less than half an hour after entering the live broadcast room, and no drawing for less than three days after following. 


The barrage has no record of speech, so I won’t let the lottery draw. Now I’m going to start the lottery.”


After Ye Jin finished speaking, he set the requirements and let the light brain Intelligence start the lottery.


   【Ah ah ah ah, so excited! Hope I can win! 】


    【Even if the conditions are limited, there are still many people, I feel like I’m going to be a escort again woo woo woo 】


    【Smack me! pump me! pump me! I hope Jin Jin will bless me to win the lottery! 】


    【Upstairs begging Jin Jin, do you want to go through the back door? ]


    [I beg His Royal Highness Zhaoxi to give me some luck and let me win the lottery once! 】


    【Ah, it’s too strange for you to ask for it, you might as well count on the lottery system to draw. 】


    【Why did no one ask Admiral Fu? Is he also a victorious general? 】


  【Upstairs, General Fu is too fierce to dare.】


    【Then let me ask for one! I beg General Fu to bless me for winning! 】


    【Upstairs, big courage, admiration and admiration! ]


Ye Jin looked at everyone’s strange ways to win the lottery, and was a little dumbfounded. 


He asked everyone to help put five copies of each dish aside for the lottery, and packed another one for Mu Zhihe. 


After finishing the lottery The results also came out. Some people in the live broadcast room were happy and some were worried.


    [Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu” 】


    【Hahahahaha I won the lottery! Thank you Admiral Fu for your blessing! 】


    [Woo woo woo I didn’t win either, every time the lottery is drawn, it is to see other people happy. ]


    [Although I didn’t win, my whole family went to battle, and my mother won hahahahaha]


    [Thanks to His Royal Highness Zhaoxi’s blessings, the child finally won the prize once hahahaha]


    [Please Admiral Fu and His Royal Highness Zhaoxi, Can you really win? How can I not believe it. ]


Ye Jin looked at the large-scale live-streaming room that was like praying to God and worshipping Buddha. 


After a moment of speechlessness, he said, “Okay, today’s live-streaming ends here. Netizens who won the lottery remember to leave their address.” 


After speaking, Ye Jin decisively closed the live broadcast.


After closing the live broadcast, Ye Jin came to the table full of dishes in the hall, greeted everyone happily, and said to Mu Zhihe, “Mr. Mu, I’m really sorry for making you wait so long.” 


Mu Zhihe smiled gently. He waved his hand and said, “What’s the matter? You can eat such delicious dishes. It’s worth waiting for a long time!”


Everyone laughed happily when they heard the words, and then started the disc action. Ye Jin watched everyone gobble up the lobsters. 


He was afraid that Bai Bai would not be able to eat it, so he would add vegetables to Bai Bai’s small plate while eating, until the vegetables piled up like a hill before stopping.


After everyone’s dinner was over, Ye Jin returned home and brushed his teeth and took a bath as usual, but this time, Fu Chen closed his eyes in order not to make himself so embarrassing.


Ye Jin looked at Bai Bai who had closed his eyes the whole time, and said with some doubts, “Bai Bai, are you this sleepy? But I can’t sleep right now, wait until I finish taking a bath.” 


Then he put Bai Bai into the small basin of the bathtub. During the whole bathing process, Fu Chen didn’t open his eyes. 


Ye Jin directed the foam on his body. Seeing that he still closed his eyes and looked like he was asleep, he sighed in confusion: “You can fall asleep like this? After eating, sleeping, and eating all day, you are almost as good as pigs.”


Fu Chen felt Ye Jin’s fingers sliding over his body, listening to Ye Jin’s sigh, and found that he closed his eyes. Afterwards, his hearing and body senses seemed to be more sensitive. 

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The water flowed through the body where Ye Jin’s fingers stroked an electric current, which made him still can’t help turning his ears red, and even felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.


In the end, Fu Chen couldn’t help but open his eyes. What caught his eyes was Ye Jin’s fair skin and pink red beans, which made Fu Chen burn up. 


For him, the bath time before going to bed every day was all about him. A sweet torture, which also made Fu Chen no longer ignore his possessive desire and desire for Ye Jin, and also made him clearly understand his feelings for Ye Jin.


Fu Chen suppressed his body’s reaction and looked at Ye Jin who was helping him blow his hair. His eyes instantly became dark and dark, as if a beast was hiding, staring closely at his prey.


Ye Jin, you can’t run away, and I can’t let you run away.


Ye Jin finished blowing Bai Bai’s hair and carried it back to the room. 


Seeing Bai Bai’s petite appearance as always, he couldn’t help but poked his hairy stomach worriedly and said, “Bai Bai, why don’t you grow up? This month you didn’t grow at all, and even the weight didn’t change.”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s naughty hand, stretched out his claws to hold his wrist, turned his head and lay down beside Ye Jin’s pillow.


Ye Jin looked at him and stopped poking at and closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Afterwards, Ye Jin’s life returned to the days of running from both ends of the house to the restaurant. 


The several apprentices he received also made great progress in mutual supervision and study. They were able to cook some simple dishes by themselves without Ye Jin by their side.


Ye Jin was taking Bai Bai to rest in the backyard that day, and Yu Nian hurried over and said, “Master, it’s not good, someone is looking for trouble, Brother Ye asked me to call you over there.”


Ye Jin looked at Yu Nian who ran in a hurry. He comforted slowly, “Don’t worry, just sit and rest for a while. Tell me slowly what happened.”


Yu Nian sat on the chair next to him and said, “Master, someone came to our restaurant to eat, and he ordered the simple items on the menu, so Yan Li and I didn’t think much about it. 


I went to make it for him, but after serving it to him, he stood up, saying that the dishes you made were not so delicious. But the price was so high, saying that our store was deceiving customers, and during the live broadcast I might have put something in the dish.”


“I explained to him that Junior Brother Yan and I made these dishes, but he didn’t believe it. He had to say that we deceived our customers, and he was still secretly streaming the live broadcast. 


He came here, and now netizens have doubts about the food in our restaurant, so Brother Ye asked me to call Master over there. 


It is best to solve this matter face to face, otherwise it will not only affect the business of our restaurant, but you may also be chased and scolded.” Yu Nian worried and angrily told the story again.


Ye Jin frowned after hearing this, this person was looking for trouble, but his methods were much more clever than the previous scoundrel.


“Okay, let’s go out, I have a solution for this matter.” Ye Jin said holding Bai Bai and got up and walked to the front hall.


Ye Jin and Yu Nian came to the hall. At this time, the hall was full of customers who were dining, and they were all secretly looking at the troubled corner. 


There were also some guests who looked at the troublesome man and pouted their lips in disdain. 


If the food is not good, can there be so many people in the store? Only those whose minds are not clear will believe, and those who eat are not stupid.


Ye Jin came to the corner of the trouble and stood still, and carefully looked at the people sitting in the seats. 


A young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes who looked very energetic, was talking to the light brain at this time, and saw Ye Jin coming over with an angry look on his face.


When he came over, he opened his mouth and said: “Did you play with the ingredients during the live broadcast? Otherwise how can you explain that these dishes are so unpalatable, and the dishes you make during the live broadcast are delicious.”


Ye Jin looked at the young man with an angry face and asked, walked over and took a new pair of chopsticks to taste the dishes on the table: “Although these dishes are not as good as what I have cooked, they are considered normal. 


They should have told you that this dish was not made by me, I haven’t been in the kitchen until now, I don’t know how you think these dishes are made by me?” 


The man angrily glared at Ye Jin and said, “Who believes you when you say this? Did you say you haven’t been in the kitchen before? How long have you been in the kitchen? How could you be able to take charge independently so quickly? You think I’m a fool?!”


Ye Jin smiled lightly after listening to the man’s words, then looked at him seriously and said, “You’re not a fool, otherwise why don’t you listen to what people around you think of you and what they say about you.


Since you want to see the evidence, it’s not impossible to show it to you. Our store has 360-degree surveillance without dead ends, even in the kitchen. Do you want to look at the surveillance records?” 


The man snorted coldly, “Who knows if you played tricks on the monitoring records? After all, it is not impossible to replace a few fake ones with such advanced technology.”


Ye Jin smiled indifferently: “There are so many customers in my store, if the taste is bad, do you think it’s only you who would make trouble? 


None of them are easy to fool, don’t you feel uncomfortable seeing what they say, even the way they look at you?” Ye Jin said and looked at the diners who were looking around.


Hearing the words, the man turned around and looked around, and as expected, everyone looked at him strangely, as if they were watching a joke, and he was the joke.


The man looked at the people around him angrily, then turned to look at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and found that the people who were scolding Ye Jin with him just now changed their words, and even started to praise Ye Jin’s face.


Tang Li angrily said to everyone: “Don’t you think you are being deceived? The taste of these dishes is obviously very ordinary. He must have put chemicals such as flavor enhancers in the dishes during the live broadcast!”


That’s right, this person is Tang Li. He was the first to see the hot search about Ye Jin on the Internet, but he didn’t believe that someone could actually make the food of the ancient earth, and his idea was to eat it. 


After the meal, a live broadcast was launched to reveal Ye Jin’s true face, but since he never got a seat in Ye Jin’s store, he didn’t have the chance until half a month later.


The first time he came to the store, he opened the live broadcast room. He wanted everyone to see Ye Jin’s true face, so Tang Li brought Ye Jin’s name when he opened the live broadcast room to start the title. 


The live broadcast room was very crowded.


After he arrived at the store, he ordered a few dishes that Ye Jin had made live broadcast. It was not what he expected. Although these dishes were delicious, they were not as good as Ye Jin’s live broadcast. 


Therefore, Tang Li opened the hologram directly, and let the audience in the live broadcast room taste it with him to verify his conjecture.


Next is what Yu Nian said, Tang Li began to talk about the process of deceiving customers by Ye Jin’s name, and he firmly believed that this was a dish made by Ye Jin.


Tang Li’s words surprised the audience in his live broadcast room, and also shocked the diners in the store.


Some people began to worry in their hearts. You must know that flavor enhancers are chemical products that are used for perfumes. Too much of them will kill people.


As a result, some people who were skeptical began to mutter, and the audience in Tang Li’s live broadcast room even frantically swiped the bullet screen to express their fear.


When Ye Jin heard Tang Li’s words, his originally kind face suddenly sank, and he stared sharply at Tang Li and said, “Rice can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can’t be said indiscriminately. 


I can make a dish right now, and ask a professional to test the chemical composition. If there is nothing wrong with the test, then you will go to the interstellar prison and go to jail. After all, in the empire, the crime of slander can be jailed.” 

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Ye Jin called Mu Zhihe to help him find someone to check food safety.


Tang Li, the diners around him and the audience in the live broadcast room were a little relieved to see that Ye Jin directly invited someone to check the safety of the food. 


After all, he wouldn’t dare anyone to check if there was a problem.


Tang Li looked at Ye Jin’s actions and believed a little in his heart, but he stuck his neck out and refused to apologize. He had to do it and wait for the test results.


Ye Jin looked at Tang Li’s live broadcast and said, “In order to prevent you from saying that I am a fake, I will use your light brain and the live broadcast room to broadcast the whole cooking this time. 


You can also stand aside and watch, of course. The test will also be broadcast live, so you can rest assured.” After speaking, Ye Jin put on his clothes and turned around and went into the kitchen.


Tang Li also gritted his teeth and followed into the kitchen, and the diners onlookers began to discuss.


Ye Jin came to the kitchen, and in front of Tang Li and more and more viewers in the live broadcast room, he cooked all the braised fish nuggets, mapo tofu, and sweet and sour pork ribs he ordered, and there was no stumbling in the whole process. 


He didn’t linger, even the same as when he was doing the live broadcast himself, he said while doing it, and even explained what seasonings he used.


When Ye Jin brought out the three dishes, the people who came to test Ye Jin’s food were already waiting, and even Mu Zhihe came along to check the situation.


Mu Zhihe had already asked Ye Linan about the specific situation, and when he saw Ye Jin patted him, he said, “Don’t worry, I’m eating all the dishes you cook. We all know if there are any problems.”


Ye Jin smiled and said. After thanking him, he looked at the person who was scanning and inspecting the dishes, and at Tang Li, who was nervous and pale, and smiled at him with his eyes bent.


 Tang Li became even more panicked when he saw Ye Jin’s smile. After watching Ye Jin’s production process, he already fully understood that it was not a flavoring agent at all, but all kinds of plant seasonings. 


Now he also understands that he was caught on the Internet. Ye Jin’s remarks were distorted, and the only thing he was worried about now was whether Ye Jin would go and put him in jail.


The viewers in the live broadcast room were also nervously waiting for the test results. In fact, they also understood that the words that Ye Jin deceived customers before were completely nonsense.


The netizens watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room included passers-by, Ye Jin’s fans, and even more sunspots, because they just couldn’t stand Ye Jin’s popularity, and they would spare no effort to attack him when they got the chance, even if he was really capable.


However, Fu Chen and Ye Lin’an really stared at the inspectors. They were not worried about food safety issues, but worried that the secrets of the dishes would be detected.


Ye Jin himself doesn’t know what the dishes he cooks represent, but Ye Lin’an and Fu Chen do know very well. 


Ye Lin’an even sent a message to his family asking for help, and Fu Chen even thought about how to seal it.


After a while, the test results came out. The report showed that Ye Jin’s dishes did not contain any chemical additives that were harmful to the human body. 


Instead, they were pure natural green food. No amount of food was harmful to the human body.


When the test results came out, everyone except Ye Jin’s black fans breathed a sigh of relief, but the meanings they represented were different.


Tang Li looked at the report sheet in front of his, his face became even paler and his forehead was sweating coldly. She looked at Ye Jin with fluttering eyes, and said in a pale tone, “I’m sorry, I misunderstood you.”


Ye Jin looked his terrified look, he didn’t intend to scare him anymore, the expression on his face changed from cold and evil to gentle and clear, 


“For the sake of you’re just being misled, not deliberately framed me, this time I won’t say anything about investigating.


I hope you will use your brain more in everything in the future, don’t believe what others say, and don’t surf the Internet if you don’t have the ability to judge right and wrong by yourself. This sentence is sent to everyone.” 


He ignored Tang Li, but packed the three-point dishes made and sent them to the people who came to test.


Tang Li, who heard Ye Jin’s words, lowered her head in shame. 


Even the diners in the store who had just suspected Ye Jin were a little embarrassed, not to mention the netizens who had criticized Ye Jin together with Tang Li before. All of them posted sorry in the live broadcast room.


After sending off Mu Zhihe and the inspectors, Ye Jin continued to return to the backyard to hold Bai Bai as a salted fish, and Tang Li followed with a face full of shame.


Ye Jin looked at the young man who was standing in front of him with a face of shame and buried his head. He was a little puzzled why he followed up before he left. 


Ye Jin asked in confusion, “Why haven’t you left yet? Is there anything else?”


Tang Li lowered his head and asked in a mosquito-like voice, “You, are you still accepting apprentices? I want to learn how to cook with you.”


“Your voice is too low, I can’t hear you clearly, what did you just say?” Ye Jin looked at the person who was looking down at his toes and didn’t understand what he just said.


Tang Li mustered up the courage this time and asked again in a louder voice, Ye Jin heard it clearly this time, shook his head and said, “I will not accept apprentices for the time being, I have enough apprentices now, and I will not be able to teach them any more. “


Tang Li sighed in disappointment, turned around and left when Ye Jin closed and rested. 


Fu Chen looked at the person who was walking away, and then turned to look at Ye Jin’s face, feeling sour in his heart.


This is also too good to attract peach blossoms, so I have to watch it carefully in the future.


When Ye Jin came home in the evening, he took Bai Bai to take a bath as usual, and when he was wiping water for him, Ye Jin looked Bai Bai in surprise and said, “Bai Bai, you have actually gained weight! Does this mean that you have gained weight? You’re starting to grow up, and about to grow taller?”


Fu Chen looked at the weight on the measuring instrument, looked at Ye Jin silently, and was a little worried when he saw that he had indeed gained a lot of weight, his belly fattening.


Will it affect the figure after becoming a human? If he becomes fat and ugly after he recovers, will the little guy not like him anymore?


After getting along for so long, he knew Ye Jin Ye Jin’s preference for good-looking people.


Ye Jin looked at Bai Bai’s unhappy look, and ignored him. He was a little worried that he was not feeling well. After checking him up and down, he didn’t find anything.


What’s wrong, Ye Jin was a little puzzled, “Bai Bai, you’re not happy because I said you were fat?”


Fu Chen still ignored Ye Jin, but turned around and pointed his butt at him.


Ye Jin looked at Bai Bai’s actions, and finally understood, and at the same time sighed that Bai Bai was really humanlike. Sometimes he could understand what he meant.


Ye Jin carried Bai Bai onto the bed and coaxed him for a while before coaxing him, while Fu Chen made up his mind that he must exercise more in the future so that he won’t get fat any more.



Flo's notes:

Fried crab legsFried lobster

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