Chapter 42: Lycium barbarum

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As soon as Luo Chengjin heard the voice, he immediately fell silent, and quickly ran to the military doctor to see Fu Chen lying on the sofa.


“Admiral, you’re awake, what’s the matter? How come you can’t wake up before?” Luo Chengjin didn’t care about Fu Chen’s stern voice and sharp eyes, but asked anxiously.


You must know that there is no one in the entire empire except the Fu family who has the blood of the wolf. 


So they do not know what will happen to the people who have the phenomenon of atavism, so they are worried about it.


Fu Chen didn’t even look at Luo Chengjin, who was leaning forward, but looked worriedly at Ye Jin who lowered his head and said nothing, and said in a gentle voice, 


“Xiao Jin, this matter has nothing to do with you, the reason why I can’t wake up all the time is because just now I’m absorbing energy, see if I’m a lot bigger now than the previous few days.” 


As he said, Fu Chen jumped off the sofa and came to Ye Jin’s side, and slapped Ye Jin’s clothes with his front paws.


Ye Jin looked at Bai Bai, who was squatting at his feet, and found that he had indeed grown a lot more than the previous days, and even his paws were bigger than before.


Looking at Bai Bai who was running to his side as always, Ye Jin could no longer bear it. Unable to hold back the fear and discomfort in his heart, he squatted down and hugged Bai Bai and cried.


Fu Chen heard Ye Jin’s repressed cry and the wet feeling of the tears wetting his fur, he gave Luo Cheng a sharp look.


Luo Cheng winked and immediately dragged the military doctor out, while the military doctor who examined Fu Chen, He glanced at Ye Jin and Fu Chen in surprise, and followed Luo Chengjin out of the room.


When Ye Jin raised her head after crying enough, he realized that Bai Bai, who was in her arms, was looking at him worriedly, while Luo Chengjin and the military doctor who were still in the room before were no longer in the room.


Ye Jin looked embarrassedly at Fu Chen’s fur, wet with tears, and after putting him on the sofa, went to the bathroom to get a towel and wiped it off for Fu Chen.


While Fu Chen gave Ye Jin a distressed look and said: “Xiao Jin, just now Adjutant Luo was just concerned and messed up, don’t blame him, okay? I have started to enter the rapid growth period now. This kind of inability to wake up is normal. It means that I am absorbing energy. Don’t worry and don’t be sad, okay?”


Ye Jin looked at the fluffy Fu Chen in front of him, comforting him with a low magnetic voice, and really connected him with the decisive General Fu, even the one who was originally a little sad. The mood has become inexplicably peaceful.


 “Bai Bai, you’ll be fine. I won’t be mad at you on purpose anymore. We will still be family, right? I want to continue to be family with you, or just friends. I’m just angry with you recently. 


Realising you lied to me, I’m also afraid that we will never meet again in the future. You will never be just Bai Bai , so I’m a little overwhelmed. I didn’t think about letting you have an accident.” 


Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen, who was leaning against his legs on the sofa, and said with a lonely expression.


Hearing the reason why Ye Jin was sorting out his own recently, Fu Chen said amusedly: “Stupid. Why don’t you come and ask me if you are worried about this? I will always be your family, and we will never be There is no intersection, and I will always be yours for nothing.” Fu Chen solemnly expressed his promise.


Hearing Fu Chen’s words, Ye Jin asked in confusion: “You will be General Fu in the future, the ruler of the Fourth Army of the Empire, maybe you will get married and have children many years later, you can’t be with me.” 


Ye Jin’s expression darkened for a moment, and then he said, “But Bai Bai will always belong to me, you won’t understand what Bai Bai means to me.”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s gloomy expression, Somewhat distressed, he patted him and said: “I know, I will do it when I say it, although I am the general Fu who guards the empire after the recovery, but I am also your Bai Bai, and Bai Bai will always belong to you. 


As for getting married and having children, as long as you don’t get married, I won’t get married either.” Fu Chen’s last sentence was a vague confession.


However, Ye Jin really didn’t recognize it at all, and only noticed that Fu Chen’s sentence saying, “I am always your Bai Bai.”

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Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen with bright eyes and reconfirmed: “Can we really get along like family? Are you still willing to live with me after the recovery?”


When Ye Jin asked these two sentences, the peach blossom eyes he had just cried looked crystal clear and moist.


He looked at Fu Chen with hope, and the blushing at the end of her eyes made Ye Jin look alluring and pitiful.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin, his eyes flashed, and he nodded firmly to make a promise.


Of course Ye Jin didn’t notice Fu Chen’s eyes just now, he was just glad that Fu Chen was still willing to be friends with him and become his family.


For Ye Jin, when he opened his eyes and saw the world for the first time, he was lonely and helpless, but when he was trying to integrate into this world with a protective shell, suddenly there appeared someone who needed protection just like him. 


And the little animal was in the same situation as him, this also gave Ye Jin a sense of security.


In the long-term relationship, Bai Bai’s status in his heart still surpassed all the human friends he met later. Even Ye Lin’an who he met first was not as important as Bai Bai. 


So after Ye Jin knew that Bai Bai was human, it was so hard to let go.


And after this accidental situation of Bai Bai, Ye Jin didn’t plan to continue to be angry with him. For him, everything around him was not as important as Bai Bai’s health.


After Ye Jin got Bai Bai’s assurance, he felt at ease. The relationship between the two returned to the way they used to be.


But because he knew that Fu Chen was human, Ye Jin bought him a small bed and a small quilt on the sofa in the living room, but never held him to sleep, let alone take a shower.


And the matter of taking a bath is also one of the reasons why Ye Jin didn’t plan to let Fu Chen sleep in the bedroom. 


Originally, Ye Jin wanted to add a small bed to Fu Chen by the bed in the bedroom, but when he took a bath at night and went to bed, Ye Jin suddenly thought of the situation of the man with the same wind every time he gave Fu Chen a bath.


How did he wash Fu Chen when he took a bath? 


Not only did he have to wash his body, he also had to wash some private places. 


When he thought about this and then thought that this furry was a person, Ye Jin felt that he had no face to meet anyone, and his whole body was about to explode.


In the last two days of Shita Star, Ye Jin learned that the soldiers who were seriously injured had indeed improved after eating the dishes he made, so he started to study medicinal diets while trying to finish his work. production.


On this day, Ye Jin was still trying to think about some mild and nourishing medicinal herbs that were left in his memory after finishing the dishes. 


At the same time, he recorded it on the paper that Adjutant Luo found for him. While Ye Jin was recording, Fu Fu Chen did not know where he got out of, and his body was covered in dust.     


Ye Jin sat on the sofa and recorded while saying, “Where did you get dusty all over, where did you go?”


Ye Jin also found that Fu Chen’s temper was really good, not as ruthless as the rumors.


Fu Chen was holding a green branch in his mouth, and the branch was covered with red fruits in the shape of red eggs. 


It was just because Fu Chen took him all the way, the red fruits on the branch had fallen off a lot, and only a few were scattered, still hanging on a branch.

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Fu Chen carefully placed the branch at Ye Jin’s feet before he said, “I suddenly thought today that the plant you described is called wolfberry. I saw it before when I was exploring the terrain of Shit Star. 


I went there to see it again today and the tree was still there, so I took a branch and came back, but unfortunately the fruit on it fell off a lot.”


Ye Jin was trying to think about the amount of ingredients for some medicinal foods, but now he heard Fu Chen’s words , turned around in surprise and looked at a branch placed at his feet.


Ye Jin lowered his head and looked at the few lycium berries left on the green branches, his eyes full of surprise and surprise, he looked at Bai Bai lying on the side, “Bai Bai, you are amazing! This is the wolfberry, where did you find it?”


Ye Jin squatted down and picked up the branch on the ground, plucked off the few wolfberries that were left on it, and also plucked all the leaves on the branch for use.


Fu Chen watched Ye Jin handle the twigs carefully, and even plucked off all the leaves on it and asked in puzzlement, “Xiao Jin, don’t you want the fruit? What is the use of this leaf?”


Ye Jin took the wolfberry. After wrapping it in paper with the leaves, he said, “Lycium barbarum is a treasure all over the body. Both the fruit and leaves of the wolfberry can be used to make soup, and the flower of the wolfberry can also be used to make tea. It was the most common and practical medicinal material in the ancient world.”


Ye Jin said, picked Bai Bai up from the ground, put him in the bathroom and let him take a bath by himself. 


After washing, Ye Jin dried him and said, “Would you take me to see that wolfberry tree? Pick some fruits today and bring them back to you. If you boil the soup and drink it, maybe the effect will be better, and you will be able to recover faster.”


Fu Chen nodded when he heard the words, and after he completely took care of himself, Fu Chen called Luo Chengjin and asked him to Drive mecha and take them to see the wolfberry tree.


Since the two of them talked, Fu Chen started to use the light brain in front of Ye Jin. 


Ye Jin saw the news from Fu Chen, and was immediately attracted by the mecha, and asked excitedly: ” Is it really a mecha? I can also ride in a mecha?”


Fu Chen saw Ye Jin’s excited eyes, and felt deeply that his decision was right, so he nodded and said, “You can sit, It’s a bit far from here to see the wolfberry tree, and the place is a bit out of the way, the hover car on the normal route will not go there, we can only take the mecha to go there.”


Ye Jin immediately hugged Fu excitedly when he heard this. Hr ran out the door and even forgot to take the things he used to hold the wolfberry.


Ye Jin waited at the door for a while, and Luo Chengjin drove a cool mecha and stopped in front of Ye Jin. 


As soon as he landed on the mecha, a round hatch opened on the chest of the mecha. A flip and jumped out of the cockpit.


Ye Jin looked at the tall mecha in front of him, with a silver-white fuselage and a shape very similar to Transformers.


After Luo Chengjin landed on the mecha and turned over, the original ten-meter-high mecha immediately changed its shape. become as tall as a person.


Ye Jin looked at the mecha that was only a head taller than himself in front of him with excitement and surprise. 


After turning around a few times, he looked at Luo Chengjin and said, “Adjutant Luo, is this mecha yours? Can I really sit in?”


Luo Chengjin looked at Ye Jin, who didn’t care about the past, and said with a smile, “Yes, this mecha is mine, it’s called Yin Luo, it’s been with me for a long time, you hold the Major General.


It’s okay to sit next to the auxiliary seat, this position is for the mecha repairer, just in case the mecha suddenly breaks down during the battle, so that the repairer can repair it in time.”


Ye Jin nodded when he heard the words and said that he understood, but when he got on the mecha, he had some difficulties. 


After the mecha was reduced, it was more than a head taller than Ye Jin. Now, to enter the cockpit, the mecha must be restored to its original size. .

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Ye Jin looked at the mecha that had become as high as two floors after the restoration of the prototype. Standing in front of the mecha holding Bai Bai, he felt a little helpless. 


He really didn’t know how to get up. He couldn’t do it like Adjutant Luo who turned over and jumped up again with the help of the mecha joints.


Fu Chen looked up at Ye Jin, who looked up at the mecha at a loss, and comforted: “Don’t worry, Adjutant Luo will help you up later. After all, many mecha repairers don’t have abilities and can’t do it themselves. So the owner of the mecha will help the mecha repairer to board the auxiliary cabin.”


Ye Jin lowered his eyes when he heard the words, looked at Bai Bai who was being held by him, smiled and shook his head: “I’m fine. , I just suddenly felt that I was quite incompetent.” 


Ye Jin took a deep breath and said, “However, think about what I am good at, as long as I research the medicinal diet, I am no worse than anyone else. “


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin who became firm and confident in an instant, and he felt relieved and proud at the same time. In his heart, Ye Jin was the best and unique.


While the two were chatting, Luo Chengjin had already activated the mecha. As the tall and cool mecha moved, Luo Chengjin’s voice also came from Ye Jin’s ear.


“Xiao Jin, stand in Yi Lou’s palm, and I’ll hold you up.” The mecha’s huge palm fell in front of Ye Jin.


Ye Jin looked at his hands that were bigger than his entire body, and stood up holding Bai Bai. At the same time, the cockpit on the chest of the mecha opened again and sent Ye Jin in.


Just as Ye Jin sat in the cockpit, a transparent auxiliary panel appeared in front of him. Ye Jin glanced curiously and found that he didn’t know any of them. 


Then he turned his head to look around in the auxiliary cabin, and found that except for the auxiliary in front of him The rest of the panel was quite empty.


Ye Jin sat in the seat and watched the various buttons on the auxiliary panel in front of him slowly retreat. What appeared in front of him was the 360-degree panorama outside, and the image of Luo Chengjin appeared in the upper right corner of the panorama.


“Xiao Jin, I’m going to start the mecha, it may be a little unstable for a while.”


Ye Jin heard Luo Chengjin’s reminder, looked down at the safety rail that had fixed him as soon as he came up, and hugged him tightly. Bai Bai, who was in his arms, nodded to Luo Chengjin and said, “Don’t worry, Adjutant Luo, I’m ready.”


The moment Ye Jin’s voice fell, the mecha shuddered and lifted off steadily. Ye Jin was also a little dizzy by the trembling at this moment, but he still held Bai Bai tightly in his arms.


It took a while for Ye Jin to recover after the mecha lifted off. He rubbed his forehead with a headache and said, “I didn’t even know that I could still be stunned by the mecha.”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s pale complexion and said worriedly, “Xiao Jin, Are you alright? I forgot to tell you that people without supernatural abilities will feel a little dizzy when they sit in the mecha for the first time, and next time they will not be so uncomfortable. “


Ye Jin nodded silently when he heard the words, and didn’t want to speak for a while. When he finally got to the place, Ye Jin put Bai Bai aside as soon as he got off the ground, while he found a place to vomit.


As soon as Luo Chengjin put away the mecha, he only saw his general who was put aside and did not see Ye Jin.


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Fu Chen saw Luo Chengjin come down and said in a deep tone: “Go and deliver a bottle of water to Xiaojin, he is stunned by the mecha, behind the tree in front.”


Luo Chengjin clapped his hands a little annoyed when he heard this, “It was my negligence that I forgot to remind him. But Admiral, why didn’t you send it to him in person? Isn’t this the best time to show concern?”


Fu Chen looked at Luo Chengjin’s words as if he was mentally retarded He glanced at him and said, “How am I going to give him water like this? Have you been living so well recently that you have forgotten your mind at home?”


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Luo Chengjin also felt that he had really relaxed a lot recently when he heard the words, so he hurried from the space button. He took out a bottle of water and sent it to Ye Jin.


After Ye Jin slowly came over and walked out from behind the tree, he walked directly in the direction of the wolfberry tree. 


After walking for a few minutes, Ye Jin saw a large clump of two-meter-tall luxuriant wolfberry trees in front of him, his eyes sparkling. 


He walked quickly to the tree, and even the uncomfortable feeling of being stunned by the mecha was left behind.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s happy look with soft eyes, and he was worried that Ye Jin’s physical discomfort also improved.


Luo Chengjin looked at his admiral Ye Jin, who was excited like a child with tender eyes, and couldn’t help thinking of Admiral Fu when he didn’t know Ye Jin. 


At that time, Fu Chen was only 27 years old. He has already shouldered the responsibility of the Fourth Legion, and his whole person is ruthless, ruthless, and decisive. 


He has never relaxed for a moment, not to mention his soft and relaxed expression as he is now, but it is normal now. Fu Chen, who was emotional, made Luo Chengjin even more at ease.


You must know that Luo Chengjin came to the present together when Fu Chen first entered the military department. 


At that time, Fu Chen was only fifteen years old. He entered the Fourth Army with the excellent results of first place in Imperial College. 


In the battle, he went from a lieutenant to the present, and became the ruler of the Fourth Army. At the age of 20, he took over the important task of the Fourth Army from Mr. Fu.


Up to now, for seven years, he has accompanied Fu Chen all the way to the several adjutants now, and they all understand how hard Fu Chen is, but now that Fu Chen has become more and more humane, the few  adjutants around him were happy from the bottom of his heart.


Ye Jin picked a bunch of wolfberry under the wolfberry tree, but he had nothing to pack but wrapped it in clothes. 


When Ye Jin wrapped a bunch of wolfberry, wolfberry flowers and wolfberry leaves in his coat, he walked back and looked at Fu Chen. The strange eyes, and Adjutant Luo looked at Fu Chen’s gratified and complicated eyes, and were a little curious about what happened between the two.


“Why are you two so awkward? Did something happen just now?”


Fu Chen turned his head to look at Adjutant Luo in disgust. Seeing his strangely relieved look, he hurriedly turned to the other side and sneered, don’t be too obvious.


 Luo Chengjin glanced at Ye Jin and said, “It’s nothing, we just talked about some things in the army. I’ll help you get it.” Then he took the things in Ye Jin’s hand.


When Ye Jin returned to his residence in a dizzy state with the wolfberry he picked, it was almost time to make dinner.


After examining the properties and edibleness of wolfberry, Ye Jin planned to make wolfberry pork ribs soup tonight. This soup is the easiest to make, but he doesn’t know if the effect will be better than ordinary dishes.


When he thought of it, he did it, and Ye Jin immediately went to clean up the wolfberry fruit he had picked, and then asked someone to prepare the pork ribs for the soup.


Ye Jin is busy making medicated meals here, while Ye Jin’s fans on the other side are having a lot of dsicussions, as Ye Jin has never been live broadcast and has never appeared in the store. All kinds of speculation and rumours began to spread on the star network.


The author has something to say:

I suddenly want to write a unit ghost story, what should I do QAQ



Flo's notes:


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