Chapter 81: Injuries & Coma

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After Ye Jin made his decision, he started to boil medicinal soups non-stop that afternoon. He didn’t even take care of the lunch that he had originally planned to deliver to Fu Chen. Instead, he asked Fu Chen’s subordinates to help deliver it. 


Ye Jin was doing medicated meals at every other time except for sleeping and resting. In the process of continuously delivering medicated meals to the hospital for two consecutive days, Ye Jin gradually became familiar with the wounded in the hospital.


On the other hand, Fu Chen had to arrange a trip to Fu’er Xing. He didn’t have time to rest and couldn’t spare time to meet Ye Jin again. When Ye Jin delivered medicine to the wounded in the hospital on the third day, Fu Chen quietly boarded the ship to Fu’er Xing with the soldiers under him.


On Ye Jin’s side, he served soup to the wounded in the hospital, and chatted with the wounded in addition to the soup. These wounded patients who have been treated in the hospital for a long time were actually very bored.


Now there are a few young people in the hospital who can speak a few words. It is said that the soup and water they send every day have a good therapeutic effect on their mental power and ability to trauma.


Ye Jin and his party stayed in the hospital until noon. After dividing the medicinal porridge, they walked out of the gate of the hospital. Ye Jin thought that he hadn’t seen Fu Chen in the past two days and didn’t care about the food he had cooked for him, so when he went back, he temporarily handed over the kitchen to a few apprentices, and he himself went to Fu Chen’s residence to find him.


But when Ye Jin came to Fu Chen’s residence, he was stopped by the soldiers standing guard and was refused entry.


Ye Jin looked at the soldier brother who was blocking him a little puzzled and said suspiciously, “Hello, this is Ye Jin. I’m here to find Admiral Fu Chen. Can you let me in?”


The soldier standing at the door with a serious face looked at the puzzled big boy standing at the door. Although he couldn’t bear to lie to him, in order not to leak information and cause the mission to fail, he could only stiffen his expression and say, “Please go back. The admiral has been busy recently, and it is not convenient to see you.”


Ye Jin frowned when he heard the words, feeling a little uncomfortable for the tone of the soldiers. But considering the emergency situation on the front line, he could only thank the soldiers and turned around and left. 


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After turning around, Ye Jin sent Fu Chen a message with some worry, asking him if he needed to make him some nutritious meals for his recent condition. As a result, Ye Jin didn’t wait for Fu Chen to reply until he returned to the arranged residence after finishing his work in the evening. 


Ye Jin remained motionless as he lay on the bed, gazing at the light brain who had remained silent, anxious thoughts running in his heart. He didn’t know what Fu Chen had been up to recently. Not only had he not responded to the news for a day, but he hadn’t even been able to see him today. If you are busy, don’t you even have the time to reply to a message?  Or does he not want to see himself at all now?


Thinking of this, Ye Jin felt so uncomfortable in his heart that he nearly couldn’t breathe. He glanced at the motionless, light brain again. Ye Jin angrily took off the light brain from his wrist and threw it aside, turned around, and covered himself with a quilt.


Ye Jin laid on the bed thinking about Fu Chen all the time, turning over and over until two or three o’clock in the morning without falling asleep, and finally turned over in annoyance and got out of bed to get her light brain back and clicked on the chat box with Fu Chen. The message he sent in the afternoon was lying there alone.


Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen, who still hadn’t returned the message, and frowned fiercely. He finally turned off the light brain and laid back on the bed. Ye Jin turned over and over on the bed and never slept well. 


In his heart, he was either wondering if Fu Chen was really too busy to reply to the news or if Fu Chen was in trouble or danger. The only thing Ye Jin didn’t dare to think about was whether Fu Chen had changed his mind.


Until the sky turned pale outside, Ye Jin still sorted out her mood and got up. Looking at Guang Brain, who was still motionless, Ye Jin lowered her eyes and turned off the Guang Brain chat page, turned around, and walked out the door.


Ye Jin pulled himself together and entered the kitchen. He made breakfast in silence all morning and cooked medicinal porridge for people to take to the hospital. He continued to wish Fu Chen a good morning and then went to his residence and the military command office to meet him. As you can imagine, he had still not received any messages or met him yet.


For the next few days, Ye Jin would go to him every day, but he still did not find anyone and did not receive a reply to the message. Fu Chen’s state of silence made Ye Jin anxious and full of worry even if he didn’t even have the spare time to think about it.


After not having contact with him for a month, Ye Jin couldn’t help but run to ask Ye Lin’an if he knew what happened.


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Ye Lin’an looked at Ye Jin, who finally couldn’t help asking, and thought of Ye Jin’s abnormality this month. He sighed in his heart and said, “Xiao Jin, I knew you couldn’t help asking, but I don’t know what’s going on with Fu Chen this time. I’ve been busy in the kitchen recently and don’t have time to contact people.”


Listening to Ye Lin’an’s words, Ye Jin was still disappointed to know that he had no news of Fu Chen, so she couldn’t help but bring her emotions to her face. Ye Jin pursed his lips, lowered his eyes, nodded, and continued to work on his own business.


Ye Lin’an looked at Ye Jin, who looked full of disappointment, and couldn’t help feeling a little distressed. He was also a little sour about Ye Jin’s concern for Fu Chen, but he couldn’t bear for Ye Jin to be so lost, so he could only comfort him in a gentle voice.


“Xiao Jin, don’t worry, maybe Fu Chen is really too busy to read your messages. It’s not necessarily. After all, the war is so tense now.”


Ye Jin nodded in silence. In fact, he was aware in his heart that he shouldn’t worry about it, but he still found himself worrying and mulling it over in his mind. As long as he didn’t see him for a day, Ye Jin couldn’t help but worry, and even more so now because Fu Chen didn’t even reply to his message now. It was extremely difficult for Ye Jin to think about it because this kind of thing had never happened before. 


The main reason Ye Jin thinks so much is that he is insecure. Ye Jin has never been the kind of person with a big heart, but he is a little sensitive and delicate. The reason why he doesn’t show it outside is that he doesn’t want people to see his weakness, and the other is that he felt that there was nothing to care about in the interstellar era, so he rarely showed weak emotions.


Fu Chen, on the other hand, is the only person with whom Ye Jin has ever had true feelings since he came to the interstellar era, so now that he is gone, Ye Jin’s anxiety has surged from his heart again. If it weren’t for the medicinal diet and the suppression of reason in his mind, Ye Jin might not have been able to bear it long ago.


If a person has never had it before, he will not feel anything, and losing it after having it will really make people unbearable.


Ye Jin was the latter.


Meanwhile, on Fu’er Xing, Fu Chen had fallen into a coma and had not woken up.


Adjutant Xiao looked at the light brain flashing on the table again and knew that Ye Jin had sent another message. Ye Jin had sent messages to Fu Chen every day this month, but in order not to leak secrets, Fu Chen never announced his whereabouts to the outside world, nor did he tell Ye Jin that he hadn’t even returned the message.

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Adjutant Xiao asked Adjutant Luo, who was standing aside with a languid expression, “What should we do? The admiral’s trauma has basically been repaired. But why is he still asleep? If he doesn’t wake up, we won’t be able to hide it.”


Adjutant Luo looked at the admiral lying in the repair warehouse and said, with a worried face: “Even if we can’t hide it, we still have to hide it; otherwise, our situation will be very dangerous, and even the hard-won Fu’er Xing will fall into crisis again.”


Having said that, Adjutant Luo thought of the news he got after arriving at Fu’er Xing.


After quietly arriving at Fu’er Xing, Fu Chen got in touch with the person who had been staying in Fu’er Xing to help look at the house. The other party’s name was Sun Quan. He was a soldier who served in the Fourth Army before. 


After retiring due to mental and ability injuries, Fu Chen arranged to come to Fu’er Xing to take over Ye Jin’s house. He has been staying in Fu’er Xing for most of the year to help take care of it, and now it just comes in handy.


Because after Feng Chen was rescued, he took some of his cronies to the Fu’er Xing Triangle area, and the Triangle area has accumulated a lot of military weapons and tripartite forces for so many years. 


The military department has never been able to deal with it well, and when Sun Quan came to Fu’er Xing not long after the house incident, he met a small leader in the triangle area and now he has also mixed into the core forces of the Triangle area.


Only this month did Fu Chen learn from the news passed by Sun Quan that the forces in the Fu’er Xing Triangle had been secretly supported by Feng Chen for so many years, and his ambitions began to be revealed after he became the marshal of the empire.


His collusion with the Zerg was a long time after he became the marshal of the Empire, and he also dealt with it through the forces of the triangle, and he was able to be rescued from the military prison this time. In addition to his own cronies and the Zerg’s internal response, even the Federation was actually involved.


The purpose of the Federation was to take the opportunity to win Feng Chen and get the power in his hands, and the other was to destroy Ye Jin, a person who could bring hope to the imperial army. But they weren’t aware of the reason why the Federation stopped again when it finally acted or why Feng Chen was rescued by them in the end.


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Just the day before, Fu Chen, in cooperation with Sun Quan, broke up the armoring of the triangle area from both inside and the outside and retook Fu’er Xing in one fell swoop. 


But at the last minute, Feng Chan tried to explode the mecha and drag Fu Chen to death. However, Fu Chen decisively turned on the protection system of the mecha at the last minute, but because Feng Chan’s mecha self-explosion was too powerful, Fu Chen was inevitably affected.


After the explosion passed, everyone followed the direction to find Fu Chen who was found to be lying unconscious in the damaged mecha cabin covered in blood. Many parts of his body had been blown to pieces. 


After the rescuers carefully carried Fu Chen back to the hospital, he was immediately put into the repair warehouse. Now that a day has passed, Fu Chen’s physical injuries have been repaired, but there has been no sign of him waking up.


Adjutant Xiao sighed, hesitated for a while, and said, “Is it not really possible to bring Xiao Jin here? Maybe his dishes will be helpful?”


Adjutant Luo looked at the admiral in the repair warehouse. There was really no better way than this. If the admiral doesn’t wake up, then their situation will be more dangerous. After all, the Zerg were still out there, eyeing Fulan Xing.


Thinking of this, Adjutant Luo could only nod his head helplessly and said, “If he doesn’t wake up in two days, we can only go to Xiao Jin, but when Xiao Jin comes over, we have no idea how to explain it to him.”


Adjutant Xiao: “… When the admiral wakes up, let him explain by himself. After all, it was his own decision not to send Xiao Jin news.”


Adjutant Luo had a headache and raised his forehead: “… that’s the only way.”


The author has something to say:


I’m so vulgar; there will be a wave of dog blood at the end, but I love QAQ so much.

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