Chapter 87.2: Bitten

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Fu Chen looked near the resettlement center again, but he still didn’t see Ye Jin’s figure. He scanned the house where Ye Jin lived carefully before calming down. 


Although the door of Ye Jin’s room was open, a closer look showed that it had not been destroyed. Even the layout of the room was still regular, and it can be seen that he was very calm when he left.


After observing Ye Jin’s house, Fu Chen sent a communication to Adjutant Xiao after walking out of the room. After learning about the situation, he breathed a sigh of relief, his expression eased, and he immediately turned and left the settlement to go to the command office.


When Fu Chen saw Ye Jin in the command office, he was cooking something on a small stove, which smelled very strange.


While stirring the ingredients in the pot, Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen, who walked in quickly, his eyes full of peace of mind and happiness.


Originally, Ye Jin followed the little captain of the resettlement center and the others to kill the insects outside. But as soon as he walked out of the area of the resettlement center, Ye Jin was sent to the temporary stronghold of the command office by Adjutant Xiao, who received the news. 


Because he was worried that Fu Chen knew that he was going out now, he might also cause trouble, so he stayed in the command office with peace of mind to help do something and wait for Fu Chen to come back.


What Ye Jin was stirring in his hand now was porridge made with yam and wolfberry. Some licorice that he had found before was also added. The taste was a bit strange, but after previous tests, the treatment of ability damage is still very effective.


After Ye Jin finished stirring the porridge in his hand, he closed the lid of the small crock and looked Fu Chen carefully up and down with his eyes, making sure that the person was not injured,, before letting go of his heart and showing a smile on his face.


When Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s bright smile, he thought of the feeling that his eyes were dark when he didn’t find anyone just now. 

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He quickly stepped forward to Ye Jin’s side, ignoring Adjutant Xiao, who was still behind him, and directly stretched out his hand to take Ye Jin into his arms. He lowered his head and kissed him on the lips.


Ye Jin was taken aback by Fu Chen’s actions. Seeing Adjutant Xiao still standing behind him, he immediately stretched out her hand to push Fu Chen away, but was restrained by Fu Chen’s more fierce and violent kiss and the steel-like arms around his waist.


Ye Jin, who had been struggling for a long time without any effect, felt the fierce kiss on his lips that was as if about to devour him, and he could only bear the shame. 


He stretched out his hand to hug Fu Chen’s back and gently patted him on the back to soothe Fu Chen’s emotions.


By the time Fu Chen’s lips finally left Ye Jin, Adjutant Xiao, who had been standing at the door before, had already left. 


He even closed the door of the room intimately, allowing Ye Jin to easily talk to Fu Chen. After all, if he kisses in front of outsiders or something, even if the other party is very familiar with him, Ye Jin will still feel a little ashamed and embarrassed.


Ye Jin’s cheeks were flushed when he was pressed against her chest by Fu Chen, feeling Fu Chen’s slightly rapid heartbeat and quietly accompanying him to recover his emotions.


By the time the two of them sat calmly in the room and talked, it had been a long time. The two of them understood each other’s situation. 


When Fu Chen heard Ye Jin say that he had been cut in two places behind his back, he immediately worried and said anxiously, “How could I get hurt? Didn’t I leave you two people? Let me see how the wound is.” He then immediately tried to take Ye Jin’s shirt off.


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Seeing Fu Chen’s actions, Ye Jin’s blush that had just gone down on his face came up again, and he quickly grabbed Fu Chen’s hand and said, “How can you come up like this and have to strip people of their clothes? 


Just listen to me. My injury has been cured with a treatment instrument; there is no problem. Really!” Ye Jin said that in order to convince Fu Chen while nodding seriously.


In fact, when Fu Chen was stopped, he had already realized that his behavior was wrong, but at this moment, seeing Ye Jin’s cheeks flushed and serious, he couldn’t help but want to tease him.


“I’m just worried about you. I want to see your injury. Just don’t let me see it. As long as you’re okay.” As he said, Fu Chen pretended to be lonely and lowered his eyes. “As long as you are okay, even if I am misunderstood, it doesn’t matter.”


Ye Jin took in Fu Chen’s appearance. Thinking of the abnormality when he first came in, his worries increased again. He hesitated for a while and said, “Then, let me show you. In fact, it’s completely healed, and there are no scars left.   


Then don’t hold it in your heart; if you have anything, you can tell me; even if I can’t help you, I can be your shoulder to lean on and listen to you.” Ye Jin said as he turned around to take his clothes off and show him.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s actions; Ye Jin’s caring words echoed in his ears, and he took Ye Jin’s hand to undress and said in a hoarse voice, “Why are you so easy to deceive?


How can I rest assured that you will go out by yourself? What if you were deceived by someone pretending to be pitiful? Where can I find such a good fiance for me then, huh?”


Fu Chen took Ye Jin’s hand, hugged him in his arms, and whispered in his ear, making Ye Jin’s ears flush because of the hot air that Fu Chen exhaled when he spoke.


Especially when Fu Chen said the last word, the low and pleasant voice coupled with the breath that spurted out made Ye Jin blush from the base of his ears to the nape of his neck, and even the blush on his face thickened.


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Ye Jin couldn’t help shrinking his neck in the end, and when he understood the meaning of Fu Chen’s words, his eyes widened with complaints.


Seeing Ye Jin’s lovely appearance, Fu Chen couldn’t help laughing and dropped a soft kiss on Ye Jin’s cheek and said, “I was wrong, good boy, don’t be angry, there will never be another time.”


“Let’s go back and get engaged when the war is over. If the war between you and the Zerg is still not over when you are an adult, then we will hold a wedding on the battlefield and broadcast it live to people all over the interstellar world. If the war ends early, then we will have the biggest wedding in the Heroes Monument Square of the Imperial Capital Star. Do you agree?”


Ye Jin looked at the man who was planning the future tenderly. There was a warm current in his heart, but after nodding, Ye Jin closed his eyes and leaned close to Fu Chen’s cheek, biting a clear tooth mark on his right cheek.


Ye Jin nodded in satisfaction at the tooth marks left by him on Fu Chen’s face. He looked at Fu Chen’s eyes with a smile and said, “This tooth mark can’t be cured. I want you to work with this tooth mark.  It can’t be cured and you can’t use anything to block it, or else I will get angry.”


After Ye Jin finished speaking, he took a closer look at Fu Chen, who was holding the tooth print, and once again showed a sly smile. The tooth print was not light or heavy, and there was no bleeding, but it was guaranteed that Fu Chen would live with this tooth print for a few days, and it would automatically disappear in two days.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin with a grin on his face and rubbed Ye Jin’s hair helplessly without refusing. In fact, Fu Chen understood why Ye Jin did this—all because of Ye Jin’s inner uneasiness.


Ye Jin and Fu Chen always get together less and leave more because of Fu Chen’s job and position. Even if the two agreed on the time of engagement, no one knew when the war would end. 


The coma of Fu Chen last time made Ye Jin’s already uneasy nerves even more fragile, and now the war in Fu’er Xing has made Ye Jin’s inner anxiety greater and greater.


In order to not worry about whether Fu Chen would be in danger all the time, he thought of using this method to mark Fu Chen with his own mark, so that even if something really happened to Fu Chen in the future, because of the relationship between Ye Jin and Fu Chen, he would no longer be the last one to know the news.


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Even though Ye Jin and Fu Chen complained to each other, because the crisis in Fu’er Xing had not been resolved, the two could only put aside their childish affair and continue to fight.


Because the battle was originally started because Fu Chen led the mecha team to either break up or kill more than a dozen high-level zerg races, the remaining low-level zerg races should reasonably be cleared. 


As a result, when the soldiers cleared the low-level zerg races, more low-level zerg races suddenly appeared from the alien realm of Fu’er Xing. 


Over the star realm of Fu’er Xing, several high-level zerg races that were previously broken up by Ye Jin also led the new high-level zerg to drive the mecha back.


Fu Chen looked at the more than a dozen mechas in the sky and the more and more low-level zerg races on the ground. He boarded the mecha with a serious and cold expression without saying a word. 


At the same time, he calmly ordered Adjutant Xiao to send Ye Jin away. No matter how persistent Ye Jin was this time, Fu Chen didn’t relent. Instead, he knocked Ye Jin out and asked Adjutant Xiao to escort him away.


At that moment, the Black Tower galaxy bordering the Zerg, guarded by Li Zhaoxi, was also attacked by a large number of low-level Zerg armies. Fortunately or unfortunately, there were no high-level zerg driving mecha, but the number of low-level zerg was more than three times that of Fu’er Xing.


The imperial fronts on both sides were attacked by the Zerg at the same time, and even the situation on both sides was very much in crisis. 


The panic in the hearts of the citizens of the empire who learned of the news could no longer be suppressed. They all began to crusade against the incompetence of the other legions of the empire and the imperial royal family on StarNet. 


The Imperial royal family and the remaining two legions began to be overwhelmed, and from time to time they had to come out to appease the anxiety of the people.

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