“With you? You’re an alpha! What are you thinking!” The principal still remembered the second place student in this test, and because of Qiu Zhenyang’s prominent background, he slapped the table in a fury. “Alphas can’t be in the same room as omegas. Who knows if you have ulterior motives!”

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Being stared at by the headmaster’s angry eyes, Qiu Zhenyang touched his nose in embarrassment, then came in facing Ling Mu’s surprised eyes and stood beside him.

He didn’t explain it directly, but looked sideways at the back of Ling Mu’s neck. Seeing the pheromone sticker, he tore it off.

Immediately, the undissipated pheromone belonging to Qiu Zhenyang rushed out, lingering around Ling Mu.

“F*ck, what are you doing surnamed Qiu!” Ling Mu hurriedly raised his hand to cover the back of his neck, but it was too late. The principal had smelled the pheromone belonging to an alpha, just like —the pheromones Qiu Zhenyang had just deliberately released.

Principal: “…” The children these days are really amazing. Didn’t they just come of age?

Being glared at by Ling Mu, Qiu Zhenyang acted naturally, and shook the pheromone sticker in his hand at the principal. “He’s my omega, I remember it said in the school rules that couples can apply for a partnership agreement. After all, special circumstances such as the susceptible period or estrus need to be taken into account.”

This is indeed such a rule… But asking to live together right after entering the school is really rare!

The principal looked at Ling Mu with a complicated look, his tongue was almost knotted. “Well, what do you think about this, Ling Mu?”

“I don’t.” Ling Mu immediately refused, with a firm attitude that reminded Qiu Zhenyang of a beast.

Qiu Zhenyang glared. This guy is so simple, and didn’t even think about it? He’s helping him!

“Headmaster, please wait a moment.” The corners of his mouth twitched as he smiled dryly, and grabbed Ling Mu’s slender wrist and ran out of the principal’s room, stopping at the end of the corridor outside.

“What are you doing, surnamed Qiu?” Ling Mu struggled all the way, but Qiu Zhenyang’s hand didn’t release at all. Now that he stopped, the other party finally loosened his grip and allowed him to break free.

Qiu Zhenyang spread his hands innocently in the face of Ling Mu’s stare. “Didn’t I just want to have a good talk with you?”

“We have nothing to talk about. If you want to talk about the crystal core, please wait a while. I’ll pay you back.”

Qiu Zhenyang was helpless. Ling Mu is covered in thorns, and even simple communicating is difficult.

“What are you complaining about at this time? You know very well the situation. The school won’t make a special exception for you. Besides living with me, do you have any other options?”

“None of your business!”

Annoyed, Qiu Zhenyang stepped forward and grabbed Ling Mu’s hand. He leaned in and lowered his voice close to Ling Mu’s ear and said, “Do you want me to be more clear? You now have my pheromone on your body and my mark on your neck… Ling Mu, do you think an alpha would allow his omega to live with other people?”

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The sudden closeness slammed into Ling Mu’s body violently. Shrinking, his back directly hit the wall behind him, and even his head was knocked hard.

He gasped in pain and didn’t forget to give Qiu Zhenyang a few glares.

“I don’t f*cking have anything to do with you!”

“Why not? Do you want me to give you another mark?”

Having said that, Qiu Zhenyang bared his teeth viciously. At this moment, his two sharp tiger teeth, seemed to carry a cold light.

Like a fierce beast, showing a strong and terrifying ** in the face of its prey.1** used in the raws. Y’all can fill it in yourselves.

Ling Mu’s face turned white, clearly frightened by Qiu Zhenyang, and then reddened uncontrollably.

This guy actually released pheromones at him! Shameless! His own body is also shameless! His legs are soft!

No matter how much he shouted and roared in the depths of his heart, Ling Mu was speechless. The powerful pheromone belonging to Qiu Zhenyang attacked his reason, and all that was left was desire for that warm and fiery taste.

“Think about it.” Qiu Zhenyang softened his voice when he saw that he had finally calmed down. “I’m just making a suggestion, and if you had other options, it wouldn’t be my turn to suggest something. I promise you that during our cohabitation, I will never touch you if you don’t want. We’ll just be ordinary roommates.”

Actually, Qiu Zhenyang didn’t want to release pheromones at Ling Mu so frequently, but this kid is too bad-tempered! If it wasn’t for this deterrence, the two would not be able to communicate normally.

Ling Mu lowered his eyes. In Qiu Zhenyang’s point of view, he could only see his smooth forehead, thick eyebrows, and the shallow scar that crossed the brow bone. Ling Mu’s eyelashes are very long and thick, but this wasn’t obvious when looking from the front since they didn’t curl up.

Qiu Zhenyang suddenly wanted to kiss him, and wanted to give all the love and care in his heart to him, to let him know that he did all this out of kindness and… a feeling that he didn’t even notice.

After a long time, Ling Mu finally said sullenly: “You are sick.”

Qiu Zhenyang: “…” Well, he is indeed sick, otherwise why would he think Ling Mu who is cursing with his head down is cute?

Qiu Zhenyang raised his left eyebrow lightly, and shrugged noncommittally. Raising a hand to lift Ling Mu’s chin, he smiled slightly frivolously and said, “You can think whatever you want of me, as long as you’re happy. But don’t resist so much about cohabitation, okay?”

That confident expression seemed to be sure that Ling Mu would not refuse.

His originally prepared rejection fell apart in Qiu Zhenyang’s words. Ling Mu was helpless, he had to admit that what Qiu Zhenyang said was the truth. After all, other than living with him, Ling Mu didn’t have any other choice.

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And when it comes to character, Qiu Zhenyang was born in a military family after all, and he is also prideful, so he really won’t take advantage of him, an ugly and tough omega. Given his appearance and family background, there are a lot of beautiful omegas willing to jump on him at the wave of his hand.

Ling Mu raised his eyes slightly and met Qiu Zhenyang’s eyes.

He still looks like he doesn’t care about anything, as if nothing can affect him. The first place in the entrance test, he dismissed it lightly. Lin Nuo and others taunted him, but he completely blocked it. Even the matter of living on campus, he didn’t know where he came out from and even shouted he wanted to solve it himself…

Ling Mu really doesn’t understand him.

He took a deep breath, knocked off Qiu Zhenyang’s hand, and went to the principal’s office without saying a word.

Qiu Zhenyang no longer stopped him, and quietly followed behind.

Seeing the two return, the principal’s mouth twitched as he asked, “What is the relationship between the two of you? Are you still living together?”

Qiu Zhenyang looked at Ling Mu expectantly and winked at him.

Ling Mu gritted his teeth, and his cheeks tensed.

“I… will live with him.”

His voice was like a mosquito, but both of them heard it.

Qiu Zhenyang raised a big smile and winked proudly at the principal.

Principal: “…” This stinky boy! What are you so proud of!

Now that all parties involved have confirmed the situation, the principal didn’t say anything else, and recorded the accommodation information of Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu. Zhu Qin already confirmed Qiu Zhenyang’s earlier, and now he only needs to add Ling Mu into it. More than half of the students have confirmed their living situations, been assigned dormitories, and the rest will be completed before the start of the semester.

When he came out of the principal’s office, Ling Mu was still a little dazed.

“What, do you regret it? It’s too late to regret it now.” Qiu Zhenyang said slyly when he saw him standing still on the steps.

Ling Mu immediately rolled his eyes, with an urge to punch him.

Taking a deep breath, thinking about how he helped him just now, Ling Mu still awkwardly thanked him: “Thank you for what happened just now. I will pay you the rent according to the school’s rates, but it will take an extra 2 months before I can give my sister’s share to you.”

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Although living with Qiu Zhenyang meant that there were only two beds, one for each person, and he only had to pay for one bed, Ling Mu still insisted on paying for two.

Qiu Zhenyang looked at him for a while. His eyes swept over the thin and red earlobes in a good mood.

“Sure.” No matter what Ling Mu said, Qiu Zhenyang would agree. He is not short of money, and if this money can make Ling Mu feel more at ease, that’s fine.

The two of them wandered on campus lost in their own thoughts. The Interstellar Academy is huge, dozens of times bigger than the university that Qiu Zhenyang attended before transmigrating over. The campus has beautiful scenery and green plants everywhere, and there are multi-person seats every ten meters on both sides of the road, which is very convenient.

School hasn’t formally started, but some students like Qiu Zhenyang will bring their luggage first, and bustled about.

“Would you like to go get the keys with me first, and take a look at the dormitory, so that you don’t have to look around for it when you move in later?” Qiu Zhenyang turned to look at Ling Mu. The guy’s face looked much better after walking for a while, but when faced with this question, his originally expressionless face turned sluggish.

Such a stupefied appearance is rare. Qiu Zhenyang looked at him with great interest, and Ling Mu’s face was reflected in those eyes as black as an abyss.

“Ah, okay.” Ling Mu was in a trance for a moment, then agreed, pursing his lips and avoiding Qiu Zhenyang’s eyes.

As such, Qiu Zhenyang took someone to register at the dormitory management office, got the keys, and then took him to the dorm.

Ling Mu originally thought that the dormitory Qiu Zhenyang was talking about was an ordinary dormitory, but Qiu Zhenyang led him to the eastern area. Before coming to the school to discuss with the principal, Ling Mu had paid attention to the situation to the dorms, and knew that the Interstellar Academy not only has a common dormitory area, but also another dormitory area for students who are rich or have good backgrounds. The cost is ten times that of a normal dormitory area!

Thinking of this, Ling Mu’s footsteps stopped.

Qiu Zhenyang took a few more steps. When he saw that no one was following, he turned his head in confusion.

Ling Mu’s expression was a bit terrifying. His frown gave the impression that he was about to fight in the next second.

“What’s wrong?” Qiu Zhenyang adjusted well, and didn’t even find his expression scary at all.

“You live in the east district?”

“Yeah.” Qiu Zhenyang was confused.

Seeing his ignorant look, Ling Mu was speechless. “You… do you know how much accommodation costs in the east district?”

Qiu Zhenyang didn’t say anything. He really didn’t know… but combined with Ling Mu’s hesitant words and his previous experience in the dorms, Qiu Zhenyang gussed that his single-family dormitory must cost a lot.

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“I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter. Anyway, if you don’t live, I’ll still live here. I don’t like living with others.” Qiu Zhenyang tried his best to act indifferent and not put pressure on Ling Mu.

But his words made Ling Mu even more confused.

“Then why do you still want to live with me?” After all, he still has to bring his sister there. If Qiu Zhenyang doesn’t want to live with others, he shouldn’t offer to live with him.

“Why do you think?”

Qiu Zhenyang didn’t answer directly, but looked directly into Ling Mu’s eyes and threw a rhetorical question.

At this moment, they have turned from the avenue of the dormitory area to the boulevard leading to the east. The hot summer wind, which was a little gentle and cool after combing through the trees, caused the leaves to rustle.

Not hearing a reply for a long time, Qiu Zhenyang smiled, and winked mischievously. “Because you are my friend. I said it before – I want to be friends with you, okay?”

Ling Mu lowered his head slightly. He didn’t know what to say, and simply followed Qiu Zhenyang’s footsteps in silence.


Question for QYZ: What if someone else offered to live with Mumu? Or if the principal had given him some money for living expenses? What would you say then?


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1** used in the raws. Y’all can fill it in yourselves.

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