After a few people had eaten, they left first, leaving Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu to tidy up. They left the rest to the cleaning robot.

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On the way back from closing the store, Qiu Zhenyang said to Ling Mu: “In the future, let’s unify the opening time of the store from 11a.m. to 1p.m., and then again, from 7p.m. to 9p.m. in the evening. This way, our time for schoolwork won’t be delayed, and you can still pick up Ling Dang in the evening. The time won’t be very tight.”

Ling Mu looked at him puzzled: “Won’t you waste too much time like this?”

Qiu Zhenyang raised his brows. “This shop is just… a hobby. I’m just exercising myself.”

Ling Mu rolled his eyes. Sure enough, the young master of a rich family is annoying!

When the two returned to the dormitory, Ling Dang was sitting on the sofa eating snacks and watching TV. As soon as he saw Qiu Zhenyang, her eyes lit up: “Grilled fish! Grilled fish!”

Qiu Zhenyang waved his hand. “I know. Put away your snacks, be careful to leave space when it’s ready.”

Ling Dang was picked up by Ling Mu and stood on the ground, pouting. “I’m sure I can eat, humph!”

After clearing the snack crumbs, Ling Mu patted Ling Dang’s head: “Did you watch TV all afternoon? Is your homework finished?”

Ling Dang, who was still in high spirits just now, suddenly wilted, and walked upstairs with a small frown. “I did a bit, and will do some more now. Call me when it’s dinnertime, brother!”

“Got it.”

Helplessly watched Ling Dang go upstairs, Ling Mu lay on the sofa to rest. His eyes couldn’t help land on Qiu Zhenyang who was busy in the kitchen. The soft sofa was too comfortable. His tired limbs gradually relaxed, and his eyelids gradually shut…

An unknown length of time passed, and Ling Mu felt light and airy, as if floating.

Frowning slightly, he opened his eyes, squinting, and what he saw was a delicate chin and a high nose.

“Awake?” Qiu Zhenyang lowered his voice, giving Ling Mu the illusion of being coaxed.

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It was probably because he was so sleepy that his brain was a little slow. Ling Mu blinked his eyes and didn’t respond. Qiu Zhenyang’s heart itched looking at the well-behaved person in his arms. He walked to his room as fast as possible while maintaining stability, and gently placed the person on his bed.

Helping Ling Mu remove his shoes and pants, Qiu Zhenyang adjusted the temperature in the room to a suitable temperature, and then covered Ling Mu with a blanket.

“Ling Dang is doing her homework. You sleep in my room for a while, and I’ll call you when food is ready.” Qiu Zhenyang leaned down and kissed Ling Mu’s forehead while he was confused, with an extremely soft smile at the corner of his mouth.

He just cut the vegetables and saw Ling Mu was asleep when he looked back. Worried that he would catch a cold by napping in the living room with the air conditioner on, Qiu Zhenyang simply carried the person to his room to sleep.

Exhausted after a busy day, Ling Mu didn’t hold back and shut his eyes after a few seconds. Turning on his side, he curled up with a blanket, and even let out a few snores.

He was so cute, Qiu Zhenyang couldn’t help feeling distressed. He simply knelt by the bed and watched Ling Mu’s sleeping face for a while. After about ten minutes, he closed the door and went downstairs to cook.

If it wasn’t for the fear that Ling Mu would be hungry later, he would have been able to watch Xiao Mumu until he woke from sleep!

After Qiu Zhenyang left, the room became even quieter, apart from Ling Mu’s long breathing.

Don’t know how long it took, but the room that was full of Qiu Zhenyang’s pheromone suddenly smelled of flowers.

The floral fragrance changed from light to strong, gradually filling the entire room, blending with the smell of sunlight.

The person on the bed also began to twist unbearably, movements growing larger, holding the quilt, and rubbing unconsciously.

When the scent of flowers in the room was about to reach a critical point, Ling Mu opened his eyes and looked around with difficulty.

This is not his bedroom.

The familiar smell of pheromones poured into his nose from the sheets and blankets, reminding Ling Mu that this room belonged to Qiu Zhenyang.

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“Hmm…” The temperature on his body was getting higher and higher. Ling Mu wanted to kick the blanket off, but the remaining pheromone made him unable to let go, and even hungrily put the blanket up to his nose and fiercely sniffed it.

Ling Mu didn’t expect that he would go into heat just by lying on Qiu Zhenyang’s bed for a while…

“Qiu Zhen… yang.” Ling Mu whispered, but his voice was extremely low. Not to mention Qiu Zhenyang who was downstairs, someone else in the room might not even be able to hear it.

He didn’t have the strength to shout any more, and could only turn over and bury his face in the bed sheet. His whole body was covered with Qiu Zhenyang’s pheromones, fascinating him until he was about to go crazy…

This person, why does his pheromone smell so good?

Ling Mu knew that he should go back to the room to get the inhibitor and give himself an injection, but the temptation of this room full of Qiu Zhenyang’s life was too great. Ling Mu’s reason was unable to win over his body, wanting to stay in this room for a longer time.

When Qiu Zhenyang came out of the kitchen with a plate, Ling Mu’s pheromone had passed through the room and into the living room.

“Ling Mu!”

Qiu Zhenyang, who smelled the smell, immediately put down the plate, rushing upstairs two to three steps at a time, and quickly locked the door after entering.

“Are you okay?” Seeing Ling Mu writhing on the bed, Qiu Zhenyang hurried over to hug him and wiped the thin sweat on Ling Mu’s forehead. He didn’t expect Ling Mu’s estrus to come so frequently. Barely any time had passed since the last time.

Qiu Zhenyang looked at Ling Mu, who was tortured by estrus, and felt that something was not right. He had to find time to take Ling Mu to the infirmary.

The tight and gentle hug made Ling Mu feel better. He struggled to get up, placing his upper body in Qiu Zhenyang’s arms, heavy breathing causing his chest to rise and fall.

“I’ll give you a mark first, don’t move.” Qiu Zhenyang kissed Ling Mu’s sweaty forehead soothingly, and pressed the person into his arms to expose his neck. Although the last mark scarred over, it can still be seen.

“En! Qiu Zhenyang…” Ling Mu’s brows were wrinkled, his eyes were red, as if he had been bullied. Slender fingers tightly grasped the clothes on Qiu Zhenyang’s back, tugging it upwards, and even his knuckles were slightly red.

The marking process was unbearable for both of them. After all, they had not confirmed their relationship, so they could only make temporary marks. It was hard for Qiu Zhenyang to hold back each time. Ling Mu was the same, the temporary mark just scratches the itch, and can’t relieve the emptiness in his heart. He’s like a balloon now – every time he’s temporarily marked, the balloon would inflate a little. He didn’t know what the critical point was, or how powerful the explosion would be.

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After the temporary marking was done, Qiu Zhenyang took a deep breath and held Ling Mu to calm the heat in his body.

God knows how much patience he had to control himself not to do more excessive things to Ling Mu! An alpha’s instincts are difficult to suppress, and the person in his arms is the person he likes… another alpha might have completely marked them in a similar situation.

Thoughts running wildly, Qiu Zhenyang patted Ling Mu’s back and said softly, “You have a good rest. I’ll put dinner in the insulator; you can eat after you wake up.”

He moved his eyes awkwardly. His legs were ready to retreat to solve his physiological problem, so he pulled the person in his arms away, wanting him to lie on the bed. But Qiu Zhenyang didn’t expect that not only was Ling Mu not pulled away, but the hands around his waist got even tighter!

This took him by surprise. Ling Mu can be regarded as relying on himself, is he finally enlightened?

With this thought in mind, Qiu Zhenyang smiled evilly in surprise: “Xiao Mumu, do you want me to stay with you for a while? I won’t go down if you say something nice to me, and can accompany you here. Ling Dang just…let her go hungry first~”

Qiu Zhenyang, who was too excited, left his future sister-in-law behind.

Ling Mu, who had already been marked, had actually recovered a little bit of sanity. He felt ashamed and embarrassed for his actions to keep Qiu Zhenyang.

And the thing that made his face flushed to the point of burning was because Qiu Zhenyang changed his posture and his drooping eyes fell directly on…

Ling Mu: “…”

Qiu Zhenyang: “!!!” He responded!!!

Qiu Zhenyang’s expression was finally no longer frivolous, but a rare nervousness. He didn’t dare move, and his heartbeat was so loud that it made Qiu Zhenyang’s brain hum. His body, which had just subsided, was boiling again.

Ling Mu was so embarrassed that he didn’t dare to raise his head. He had absolutely no idea how to react in such a situation!

An unknown amount of time passed, and Qiu Zhenyang finally adjusted his mentality. His hoarse and low voice sounded close to Ling Mu’s ear: “Is it hard? I’ll help you. It’s okay, don’t be shy.”

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What should I do in this state? They all knew that since Ling Mu was uncomfortable, and Qiu Zhenyang felt the responsibility to help him solve this problem.

“F*ck, no…” Ling Mu buried his head further, biting his lips and holding down Qiu Zhenyang’s hand.

He shook his head, but the movement was very small. It was obviously a refusal, but his fiery body and quivering voice gave people the illusion of wanting to refuse, but actually agreeing. Blue veins burst on Qiu Zhenyang’s neck, and he gritted his teeth to look up at the ceiling.

After a long time, the voice gradually weakened. Qiu Zhenyang took out a tissue to wipe his hands. Looking at Ling Mu who was curled up like a boiled shrimp in the quilt and pretended to be dead, and licked his lower lip hard.

Alas, the baby is comfortable, but he hurts.

Looking at his little brother who was solemnly saluting, Qiu Zhenyang sighed and was about to get up and leave, but his wrist was pulled by a moderate force.

“What’s the matter, do you still want it?” Thinking that he was not satisfied, Qiu Zhenyang asked with a smile.

Ling Mu, who buried his head in the quilt, cursed quietly with red ears. He slowly took his head out of the soft quilt and sat upright on the bed, staring at Qiu Zhenyang’s face with red eyes. After staring at him for a while, his gaze moved down, landing precisely on Qiu Zhenyang’s bulging part.


Qiu Zhenyang appeared careless, not one bit shy, but was rendered speechless at Ling Mu’s flushed face.

Finally gathering up his courage, Ling Mu his head a little annoyed, and said quickly, “I’ll help you too.”

Qiu Zhenyang was astonished, unable to believe it. Fireworks exploded in his mind, sprinkling joy and surprise across his heart! If nothing else, according to Ling Mu’s character, if he is willing to say such words, he definitely exists in his heart!

Even though his heart began to dance with joy, he still held on with his last bit of reason. “You don’t have to force it, I’m fine.”

“Not forcing…” Ling Mu whispered. As if to prove his words as true, he gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand to Qiu Zhenyang.

“Mmn… Xiao Mumu, take it easy.” Qiu Zhenyang was comfortable, and finally let go of the beast in his heart. He hugged Ling Mu, bringing them back down to the bed, pressing him tightly under him, and kissed him. His lovely cheeks were red, enjoying the physical and mental joy that Ling Mu brought him.

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