The teacher’s attitude changed a lot after knowing that Qiu Zhenyang accepted a challenge from Lin Yuhan. After all, he is his student. In any case, it is rare to have the courage to take on the challenge of an upperclassman.

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“I see that you are quite proficient with operating mechas. What about combat, are you familiar with it?

Teacher Zhao simply let the other students practice freely, and began independently guiding Qiu Zhenyang in a separate classroom. Teachers also privately compare with each other. If Qiu Zhenyang can really win an upperclassman, it’ll also shine positively upon him.

Qiu Zhenyang looked at the combat controls, and raised his eyebrows. “It’s alright. I haven’t touched it for a while, and I can’t remember many places clearly, so let me explore for a bit.”

Combat relies on an entirely different system from driving, and needs to be turned on by the teacher’s terminal. This is Qiu Zhenyang’s first time touching the combat system.

Teacher Zhao was a little anxious when he heard his reply. Is there any hope for the after-school competition?

However, he knew that he couldn’t put too much pressure on Qiu Zhenyang, so he didn’t say anything. He simply walked away and left Qiu Zhenyang time to practice.

“The original body is worthy of being the protagonist. The muscle memory is so strong, and can get started with a little fumbling.” Qiu Zhenyang attacked the defensive wall in the independent classroom for a while, and quickly regained the feeling.

Lin Yuhan did say something right. The original body was born in a military family. His grandfather, father, and brother are all in high positions, and they even have personal mecha guards under their command. So even if Qiu Zhenyang doesn’t like mechas, he was trained by orthodox senior military officials, and there is no comparison with the school’s careful teaching.

Lips curling upwards, Qiu Zhenyang was in a very happy mood. After activating the simulated battle system in the classroom, he began to fight against a smart mecha.

When Teacher Zhao came over 20 minutes later, he was completely shocked to see Qiu Zhenyang’s mecha completely crushing those smart mechas. Closing the door lightly, he stood at the door to carefully watch Qiu Zhenyang’s operations.

When all ten mechas at increasing levels were defeated by Qiu Zhenyang, Teacher Zhao roughly determined that there should be no problem in the after-school competition.

He walked over after Qiu Zhenyang came down to rest, and said with emotion: “You are really strong, you deserve to be the son of an admiral.”

“Teacher overpraised me. It’s mainly because I was forced to practice by my father and brother before. When it comes to actual combat ability, I’m still far behind.” Qiu Zhenyang was not being humble. Having seen a lot of real mecha combat online footage after transmigrating, he was quite clear about the gap.

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However, Teacher Zhao shook his head. “What you did was already very good at our school. And you are still young, with such powerful talent, it’s easy to predict your future achievements.”

Qiu Zhenyang shrugged and did not continue the topic. He climbed back into the mecha, ready to practice some more.

Watching Qiu Zhenyang’s fight from the side, Teacher Zhao occasionally pointed out some loopholes to help Qiu Zhenyang perfect his fighting style. After all, he is a teacher, and Lin Yuhan’s fighting skills should also have been learned from the teacher, which is of great help to Qiu Zhenyang as he prepared.

When the bell rang, Qiu Zhenyang was completely excited and went out in high spirits.

“Be careful, I’ll come after I pick up Ling Dang.” Ling Mu was waiting not far from the independent classroom, and immediately said when Qiu Zhenyang came out.

“Understood. Walk slowly, I don’t mind.” Qiu Zhenyang responded with a smile, watching Ling Mu leave.

Zhuo Hang and Yuan Chenyu naturally accompanied their good brother, and followed Qiu Zhenyang to the challenge hall on the fifth floor. Unexpectedly, the news of Qiu Zhenyang’s mecha battle with a senior spread amongst the freshmen. Most of them did not leave after class, but followed behind, ready to watch the excitement.

None of the freshmen have seen a live mecha battle before, and naturally they didn’t want to miss it!

The fifth and sixth floors are dedicated venues for students to compete, with nearly ten separate rooms on each floor. There are two mechas in each room, and the defenses are also extremely high, which can completely block the destructive power caused by the two mechas inside.

When they reached the fifth floor, Lin Yuhan was already sitting in the waiting area. When he saw Qiu Zhenyang brought a group of people up, he immediately jeered: “What, you brought people along for courage? How cowardly.”

Qiu Zhenyang shrugged: “I didn’t bring them. They all heard that Senior Lin was going to crush me and ran over to watch the fun.”

A group of people in the back cheered-

“Come on, Qiu Zhenyang!”

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“Let them know that us freshmen aren’t good to mess with!”

“Beat him!”

Lin Yuhan gritted his teeth with a black face. “Okay, since they are looking forward to it, then I will definitely beat you down in the shortest time!” After that, he went directly to the teacher here to register and open a room. Qiu Zhenyang smiled and followed.

The two went to the pre-battle inspection. Yuan Chenyu’s face wrinkled, and he couldn’t help saying to Zhuo Hang, “This person is so shameless, how can he be so shameless as a senior challenging an underclassman? It was unfair to begin with, and he even dares get angry when others cheer for Zhenyang. Alas, he lost all face for upperclassmen!”

Yuan Chenyu’s voice was not low, and there happened to be a senior who just came out of the room next to him. His expression visibly stiffened at the words.

“A third year challenging a freshman?” The sweaty alpha stopped and looked at Yuan Chenyu in disbelief.

“Yeah, that’s the one, Senior Lin Yuhan, who went to our freshman’s side to provoke him!” Yuan Chenyu never misses the opportunity to belittle someone he hates, so he continued complaining to the senior.

The alpha’s face darkened as he listened. After discussing it with his companions, he directly disclosed the news in the third year public group chat.

‘Lin Yuhan, a third-year student, even forced freshmen to compete with mechas. When did such stinky people exist in the academy?’

It took only a while for the news to be sent out, and the replies were already overwhelming. Many people came directly from various places to the training building to watch the match.

Of course, neither Qiu Zhenyang nor Lin Yuhan knew about it. At this moment, they unfastened the terminals on their wrists, checked their bodies, and prepared to enter the competition room.

“If you want to surrender, say so earlier. Don’t delay, otherwise, when I can’t hold back and seriously injure you, it will be too late.” Lin Yuhan sneered at Qiu Zhenyang. He wanted to prove to his parents with this preliminary proof that they didn’t need to please that Qiu family. Just relying on his, Lin Yuhan’s, qualifications, he can completely win the appreciation of his grandfather and gain the position of the Lin family heir!

Qiu Zhenyang was expressionless. “Oh, let’s get started.”

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The indifferent tone made Lin Yuhan clench his jaw tighter as he suppressed his anger and went to one of the mechas in the classroom.

Qiu Zhenyang unhurriedly walked to the other one, got on the machine, and started it.

Even if school mechas are used for fighting, they are only used for pure hand-to-hand combat. Unlike military mechs with artillery which are suitable for both long-range and melee combat.

The competition classroom can be public or not. Because many people came up with Qiu Zhenyang earlier, the two of them agreed to a public competition. People outside can see inside through a single-sided transparent wall, but the people inside can’t see outside mostly so they can concentrate.

“The fight begins.”

Watching the teacher inside pressing the button in the monitoring, the glass partition between the two mechas came down.

“Go to hell!” Lin Yuhan rushed up with a heavy punch, controlling the mecha to fly towards Qiu Zhenyang. The heavy mecha ran a few steps and quickly approached the opponent, and attacked at a tricky angle with a fist.

Qiu Zhenyang’s eyes narrowed slightly, and he started moving without panic. Jumping into the hair, he blocked out with his right hand, and somersaulted directly behind Lin Yuhan. The latter reacted extremely quickly, and immediately slashed back with a hand knife, hitting the mecha driven by Qiu Zhenyang, and jumped away without leaving a weak back for him.

The people watching the scene outside exclaimed in surprise.

“My god, I remember that somersaults with jumping were difficult, right? I could barely do it when I was a second year!” The one who said this was a third year who came to watch the fun, and his surprise was beyond words.

“It’s good you succeeded as a second year. I couldn’t until I was a third year.”

“Lin Yuhan’s level is on par with some fourth years. It’s amazing how this freshman can dodge him.”

Lin Yuhan and Qiu Zhenyang had already exchanged blows for a second time. Fighting in close quarters, the sound of metal colliding continued. Qiu Zhenyang hated him because of the content of the original text, and Lin Yuhan wanted to defeat him to prove to his parents, so none of them held back. The struggle was extremely fierce.

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The video of the two fighting was also transmitted to the office. Teacher Zhao watched it with relish, commenting from time to time, and attracted several teachers to come over to watch.

Eventually Qiu Zhenyang was knocked to the ground with a punch by Lin Yuhan. Everyone watching the fight exclaimed at the same time, and broke into a cold sweat for the person on the ground.

“Ah, you do have some skills.” Face flushed, Qiu Zhenyang gritted his teeth and controlled the mecha to avoid Lin Yuhan’s constant kicks to his legs. Taking advantage of the wall, he kicked his legs heavily and slid directly out of Lin Yuhan’s attack range.

After all, it was the first time that he had fought against a real person, and he lacked actual combat experience. Coupled with Lin Yuhan’s frequent insidious tricks that were impossible to guard against, it caused Qiu Zhenyang to suffer from several losses. But apart from looking miserable, Qiu Zhenyang was actually not too weak. On the contrary, Lin Yuhan’s shady tricks gradually lost their effect and were slowly resolved by Qiu Zhenyang one by one.

“F*ck, this kid is very slick!” Lin Yuhan scolded. His face became more irritable as he looked at the mecha on the opposite side.

Using small movements to trap his opponents and find flaws is his forte, but he felt powerless against Qiu Zhenyang. His tricks were either not enough to defeat Qiu Zhenyang, or were avoided directly. After that, he was rarely able to trick Qiu Zhenyang again.

At the same time, he also found that the person on the opposite side was getting more and more courageous. At the start, he only traded monotonous moves and was purely defending, but now he not only avoided his attacks, but also attacked him in new ways.

Lin Yuhan’s heart skipped a beat, his scalp tingling with fright at a thought.

Qiu Zhenyang is growing at an astonishing speed in this fight with him!

What kind of monster is this!


Mecha action~

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