“Everyone get out of the way!”

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In the chaos, the supervisor finally arrived.

His face was extremely pale. Aiming his terminal at the sensor at the door, with a beep, it opened.

A large amount of dust poured out of the door, accompanied by a pungent odor from the explosion. The supervisor and some nearby students raised their hands to cover their faces, making their feet stop momentarily. Only one of them ignored it and rushed in.

“Qiu Zhenyang!” Waving his arm to clear his line of sight, Ling Mu ran to the last known position, straight into the hard shell of a mecha.

The two mechas had the same appearance. Ling Mu only remembered that Lin Yuhan was standing in the corner to attack, so Qiu Zhenyang should be the one outside. After waving the smoke away, Ling Mu’s face completely paled.

The cockpit of the mecha on the outside was completely charred. The mecha arm was completely cut off, as if being hit by a laser cannon, causing severe damage to the upper body of the mecha.

Ling Mu only felt that his breathing was about to stop. His ears began to make a sharp sound, which made his head hurt. Numbly, he tried to open the cockpit, but the damage to the mecha was too heavy, and the button on the cockpit door failed.

“Qiu Zhenyang, get out here!” he shouted hoarsely, startling the teachers and classmates who came in behind.

Yuan Chenyu and Zhuo Hang stepped forward and helped Ling Mu to try to open the cockpit with his hands. Many classmates gathered around and watched worriedly, but no one came to Lin Yuhan’s side. Even his followers only dared shamelessly hide to the side and peek in.

The teacher sighed slightly and asked a classmate to help contact the infirmary, and went to the other mecha himself.

The damage to this mecha is not bad. Although many parts are damaged, it’s not as serious as the other one. The supervisor was about to press the button, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of two intact mechanical arms from the corner of his eyes, and he let out a light sigh.

On the other hand, Ling Mu and others only managed to lightly budge the cockpit door after a long time. With this level of damage, I’m afraid that professionals are needed; there is no way for them to do anything.

“Ling Mu, don’t cry, Zhenyang will be fine. He’s a very powerful person, so he should still be inside. It’s just that the mecha is broken and he can’t get out.” Yuan Chenyu was also uncomfortable as he looked at Ling Mu’s desperate expression by the side of the cockpit door.

Zhuo Hang patted Ling Mu’s shoulder and comforted him silently. Although the relationship between the two was never openly confirmed, Ling Mu’s reaction is not far from confirming their relationship. While happy for his friend, he still looked at the mecha with anxious eyes.

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Ling Mu raised his hand and wiped away the liquid from his face, and continued to try to lift the cockpit door without saying a word. His hand was bloodied from the deformed mecha, the wounds continuing to expand under his movements, but he himself did not notice at all.

The person in the cockpit is a nuisance, always teasing him, taking advantage of him from time to time, and has a terrible personality. But even so, he can’t bear to watch Qiu Zhenyang exit the stage in such a miserable way after wading into troubled waters due to him.

“If you dare to have an accident, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!” He said fiercely, but his expression was really worried.

“Don’t, Xiao Mumu, don’t be mad at me, I’m fine~”

Just as Ling Mu’s voice fell, a relaxed tone shocked everyone. Zhuo Hang and the others turned their heads to see Qiu Zhenyang slowly crawled out from under the cockpit of the mecha that was ignored by the supervisor.

“F*ck, Qiu Zhenyang, why are you there?” Yuan Chenyu ran over and quickly gave him a hand.

“The mechanical arm of my mecha is still there. It’s not a laser cannon barrel. Can’t you recognize it?” He looked fine. His hair and clothes were a little messy, but he wasn’t injured.

Yuan Chenyu blinked, shamelessly admitting that he hadn’t even looked at this mecha at all, and only looked at the supervising teacher angrily. “Teacher, you are too arrogant, why didn’t you tell us when you noticed? Making us watch this stupid mecha for a long time!”

The teacher was also a little embarrassed. “I’m not sure, maybe that classmate took back the laser cannon. Then again, what is going on?”

Qiu Zhenyang wasn’t injured. On the contrary, Lin Yuhan’s mecha became scrap metal, which was a little unthinkable.

“I calculated the time between his attacks, and approached from the side before the laser cannon was fired, and redirected the barrel of his mecha arm towards him.” Qiu Zhenyang’s brief explanation frightened everyone.

The supervisor, who fully understands mecha, broke into a cold sweat. How much courage and accurate calculation does this student have to be able to achieve such a feat?

Everyone was speechless for a while. Finally, Ling Mu pursed his lips and kicked Lin Yuhan’s cockpit fiercely with a “bang”.

The already tattered mecha made a dull sound, and although the students next to him were startled, no one accused Ling Mu. After all, this guy Lin Yuhan totally deserved it. Let alone Ling Mu, even they wanted to kick him a few times. Cheating in a good fight with such a lethal weapon, he clearly wants to kill people!

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“Okay, you all go back first, wait for someone from the infirmary, don’t block them.” The supervisor evacuated the students, complaining in his heart. This Lin Yuhan is really sick and wantonly violated the school rules. Such a big thing happened this time, and he can’t shirk responsibility either.

Qiu Zhenyang glanced at Lin Yuhan’s mecha, his expression was a little cold, but he quickly turned to Ling Mu’s side, walked over and grabbed his wrist: “Let’s go, go back and talk about something else.”

Ling Mu frowned and lowered his head. Qiu Zhenyang took his hand mechanically.

Outside, Ling Dang, who was entrusted by Zhuo Hang to look after his classmates, peered inside anxiously. When she saw Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu coming out, she immediately greeted them.

“Brother Qiu, are you alright?” After getting along for a long time, Ling Dang already regarded this big brother as family. She was anxious to see something happen to him.

“It’s alright, your Brother Qiu is in good health, how could something be wrong?” Qiu Zhenyang patted Ling Dang’s little head. Holding Ling Mu with his left hand and pulling Ling Dang with his right hand, the three of them went back home together.

On the way back to the dormitory, Ling Dang was coaxed by Qiu Zhenyang to go to the room to do homework. He then led Ling Mu into his room, let him sit on the chair in front of the desk, and squatted with his hands on his knees to look at him.

“Did you cry just now?”

“No.” Ling Mu’s expression turned cold and he directly denied it.

“Oh.” Slender fingers touched Ling Mu’s red eyes. Qiu Zhenyang nodded, and he asked again, “Why are your eyes so red?”

“Irritated from the dust.”

He took the wet towel from the table and gently wiped the dust from Ling Mu’s face. After wiping his face, he took his hands and looked at it again. When he came back before, he held Ling Mu’s wrist, for fear of pressing the wounds on his hand.

After finding the medical box, Qiu Zhenyang carefully helped Ling Mu deal with the injury. His heart was sour and sweet. Today, his mecha fell to the ground on his side, so he could clearly see Ling Mu’s distress. Although he was very happy to see how much Ling Mu cared about him, Qiu Zhenyang felt bad when he saw his tears and despair.

Ling Mu’s heart is very hard, but once he lets someone in and something happens, he will be easily hurt.

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Qiu Zhenyang secretly decided in his heart that in the future, not only should he and Ling Dang be protected, but he should also protect himself, to prevent Ling Mu from feeling sad.

After finishing the wound, Qiu Zhenyang looked at his masterpiece and nodded with satisfaction. When he looked up, he saw that Ling Mu was very quiet and well-behaved. He couldn’t help but go up and hug him. But the corners of his eyes caught sight of the ash on his body, and he stopped again.

“Ah, forget it, I won’t hug you this time, I’ll let you go.”

Qiu Zhenyang pouted regretfully, but before he could back away, a soft body slammed into his arms. Qiu Zhenyang was stunned for a moment, his pupils shrank, and his heart beat gradually faster. His surprise lasted only a moment before his arms immediately subconsciously tightened.

Sniffing the faint fragrance on Ling Mu’s body, Qiu Zhenyang sighed, feeling that he’s fallen too thoroughly.

“Do you think you’re very powerful?”

Before he could immerse himself in the embrace, the abrupt sound of gnashing teeth sounded beside his ears.

“I told you not to compare yourself to Lin Yuhan, why don’t you listen to me?” There was a suppressed vibrato in the angry voice.

Qiu Zhenyang replied embarrassingly, “That’s not it, that kid is too annoying. I wanted to teach him a lesson… Hey, I swear, I’ll listen to you in the future! Don’t be sad.”

Patting Ling Mu’s back, Qiu Zhenyang coaxed patiently.

“Who told you to listen to me, you ass!”

Qiu Zhenyang was dumbfounded. He didn’t expect Ling Mu to be so unreasonable when he was angry. Blaming him for not listening, and then saying he didn’t want him to listen to him, and whatnot. However, in Qiu Zhenyang’s eyes, all he could see was his little wife becoming more and more cute. He can’t wait to rub him into his body, so that he can no longer be separated from him~

“Okay, I’m an ass, okay? Whatever you say is right. However, because I’m so obedient, give me some welfare please?” Qiu Zhenyang smiled slyly, pushed the person away from his arms before Ling Mu could react.

Ling Mu shrank back the moment fiery lips fell on him, but he was immediately pulled into and trapped by Qiu Zhenyang’s arms.

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Lips and teeth easily invaded. Ling Mu’s face flushed, and he could only passively accept Qiu Zhenyang. This guy was full of promises, and seemed to agree to everything, but in some respects he was too strong, and he didn’t give Ling Mu any room to back off.

They clearly didn’t say anything, but this pattern of getting along was quite obvious. Ling Mu was ashamed to speak, so Qiu Zhenyang gave him time. But as an alpha he couldn’t bear it for long, so he could only charge some interest to appease the beast in his heart.

After finally separating, Ling Mu glared at Qiu Zhenyang. “So you said those things just to sneak attack me?”

“How can you say it was a sneak attack? I’m asking you for a reward, the type that can’t be shown to children.” Qiu Zhenyang leaned in and kissed again, with pink bubbles in his eyes.

“Are you a kid?”

“I’m a big baby.”

“…Do you still have face?”

“No, it’s more important to kiss you~”


Consequences of LYH’s actions are covered in the next chapter.

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