T/N: Thank you usageK, for supporting an extra chapter of AAPCFO this week!

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When he came out of the game cabin after finishing the game, Ling Mu met Qiu Zhenyang’s already disheartened eyes.

Ling Mu glanced at him in astonishment, picked up a bottle of water from the table next to him, and twisted the cap open. “What’s wrong with you?”

Qiu Zhenyang was so angry for a while, he couldn’t speak. Zhuo Hang was having trouble holding back his laughter, and walked over to Ling Mu with trembling shoulders. “Why did you turn on the mic? Didn’t you say before that you didn’t want to do it because it was troublesome? Why are you still talking to those people now? Even communicating…”

Ling Mu poured a sip of water into his mouth, and raised his brows. “Is there anything strange about this? It’s just a few words, and someone will give me gifts when I talk. I prefer to see money than make trouble.”

This answer is very straightforward, after all, who doesn’t like money? Besides, Qiu Zhenyang’s purpose from the very beginning was to give Ling Mu a stage, and his own source of income, so that he could gain confidence. Therefore, the current outcome should be what he wanted to see.

But he didn’t expect that so many people would show love to Ling Mu!

Isn’t their aesthetics the kind of omega that is soft, weak, charming, and cute? How did their aesthetics twist just by watching Ling Mu play a few games?

Qiu Zhenyang angrily snatched the water from Ling Mu’s hand, poured a large mouthful into his mouth, and rubbed the corner of his mouth fiercely. “If I knew that there would be so many people who would like and want to associate with you, I would definitely find another way instead of letting you livestream! How can their aesthetics change so fast? There are so many omegas waiting for them to like, why are they staring at you? A bunch of scumbags!”

Zhuo Hang, who was still laughing hard, came over, and patted Qiu Zhenyang on the shoulder sympathetically. “That’s because most of the people who watch livestreams go for the game. Most omegas will drag them down, and the real game fanatics have already resisted omegas. Now that there is an omega with powerful skills, even surpassing them, how can they not pay more attention?”

Seeing Qiu Zhenyang gnash his teeth, Zhuo Hang reluctantly added: “Besides, Ling Mu is not bad-looking. Even if he’s not in-line with most alpha’s aesthetics, many people like him. You still need to spend more time taking care of your wife. You won’t have time to cry if someone better than you suddenly abducts your wife!”

After Zhuo Hang said this, Qiu Zhenyang immediately felt a sense of crisis in his heart. He suddenly took Ling Mu into his arms, as if holding a treasure, and said to Zhuo Hang fiercely: “Bah, don’t think about it, Ling Mu will always be mine!”

Disdainfully looking at him, Zhuo Hang shook his head and walked away.

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Ling Mu was silently hugged by Qiu Zhenyang, stretched out his hand and pushed him, but the person was still muttering: “In the future, you have to strictly control the time of the livestream, and can’t chat with those people all the time. If they confess to you, you will simply reject them and ignore them!”

Ling Mu rolled his eyes, but nodded cooperatively, and then took advantage of Qiu Zhenyang’s slack moment of relief to push him away. Glaring, he said: “You should pay attention to the occasion.”

Although most of the members were persuaded to leave, there were still people playing games. Ling Mu didn’t want them to come out and see him being hugged tightly by Qiu Zhenyang. So embarrassing!

Thinking that there is no need for them to stay longer, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu went back to the villa. Anyway, there are game cabins in their rooms, so there is no need to occupy other people’s spots.

After returning to the villa, the two returned to their respective rooms to play. However, this time Ling Mu did not stream, and just practiced with Qiu Zhenyang.

After Ling Mu went online, he suddenly received a private message from the senior who invited him last time.

[Can we fight together?]

He obviously wanted to be on their team.

However… Ling Mu thought about it for a while, and refused.

Although it’s just a game, given how jealous Qiu Zhenyang was before, it’s better not to stimulate him any more. Even if Ling Mu didn’t take these people to heart, since Qiu Zhenyang cared, he wouldn’t do it. In a relationship, a pair can only get along if both parties trust each other and compromise from time to time.

Probably because he lacked love growing up, Ling Mu is very concerned about these aspects.

Although he never said it, he also had the same strong possessiveness towards Qiu Zhenyang.

After joining the same room, the two of them began to play. Sometimes they would open a large room and invite members of the club to split into two teams to play. Everyone was working hard to become regular players.

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This continued until Tuesday afternoon, when Qiu Zhenyang started the selection in his club after classes.

Yuan Chenyu, who has been immersed in the game “Machine Wars” since its release, was full of confidence. He patted his chest to Qiu Zhenyang reassuringly.”Don’t worry, I can definitely be a regular team member with my skills. You don’t know how hard I’ve practiced these days. Just the video of you and Ling Mu playing, I have watched it no less than seven or eight times!”

Zhuo Hang, who came over, and sneered contemptuously. “You are too embarrassed to say that you stayed in the game cabin for too long that your parents couldn’t find you, and called me directly. I had to go to your dormitory to find you, but you weren’t there. I went to the club again, you were still not there, and finally someone said you were in someone else’s dormitory and blackmailed them? Next time it happens again, I’ll take your game cabin and let you play with air!”

Yuan Chenyu slapped Zhuo Hang’s shoulder with a smirk. “Aii~ Thanks brother, I know you are the best, I will never do it next time!”

Qiu Zhenyang speechlessly retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at Ling Mu, and then said to the members in the classroom, “Now, let’s all enter the game. I will randomly assign you to teams. Please use your various abilities to show us your level. Ling Mu and I will also be selected together with everyone, so if you have the skills, there will be no place for me and Ling Mu in the ten-person team. After all, this is for the victory of all of us! As long as you are strong enough, nothing matters!”

Qiu Zhenyang was very proud, but he did not say that he and Ling Mu would directly become team regulars, but used the same method to select with everyone.

Yuan Chenyu gave Qiu Zhenyang a thumbs up, and his eyes were full of praise.

Everyone was divided into teams once they started and had 3 chances to fight against one another in different teams. Being a team regular doesn’t matter on winning or losing, but on their reaction ability and fighting skills. As long as they perform well and show their strengths, even if they lose 3 times, one can also become a member of the official team.

After some fierce competition, at nine o’clock in the evening, the team selection finally came to an end.

Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu’s fighting performance was very good. No one would question their status as regular players. As for the remaining eight players, after reviewing Zhuo Hang and Guan Tang’s records, as well as everyone’s impressions from the battle, Qiu Zhenyang already had some names in his heart.

He did not announce the result immediately, but told everyone:

“I will review the videos after I go back in the evening, and will notify everyone by email tomorrow afternoon. Those who are not selected as the official team members, don’t be discouraged, because everyone’s performance is very good. If you are not selected now, it does not mean that you will not mean you won’t have a chance in the future. Before the official competition starts, everyone still has a chance. As for those selected, don’t relax too much. If you fail during the next training match and are overtaken, you will be demoted.”

Qiu Zhenyang’s words made the faces of all members solemn. They all wanted to become regular team members! After all, this school league is the first official competition in the history of the entire Federation, and everyone wants to make a name for themselves and leave their own mark.

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“So, there’s still half a month left. Everyone must train hard.”

Qiu Zhenyang said at the end, and waved his hands to let everyone move freely. Some members left first, while others stayed here and entered the game cabin for training.

Seeing that it was getting late, Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu returned to the dormitory. They hadn’t had dinner yet because they were focused on watching the matches, so their stomachs were nearly concave from hunger by the time they returned.

Qiu Zhenyang made something casually, while Ling Mu took out some fruit in the refrigerator and squeezed juice. Then, the two simply settled down for dinner.

Because of Qiu Zhenyang’s insistence, Ling Mu still slept with him at night.

Fortunately, this person is quite credible. After saying that he will not move, he will really just hug and rest. Ling Mu was very relieved.

“Have you thought about where you want to get married?” Qiu Zhenyang suddenly asked just when Ling Mu was about to fall asleep.

Ling Mu blinked his eyes in a daze, and moved his head resting on Qiu Zhenyang’s arm. “No, whatever works.”

Qiu Zhenyang laughed and said meanly, “It seems that you have already decided to marry me. No regrets?”

Ling Mu angrily threw the arm down the back of his head which landed on Qiu Zhenyang’s handsome face. “So annoying, how many times do you want to ask?”

“Are you sure?” Qiu Zhenyang thought about it, grabbed Ling Mu’s hand and pressed it on his lips for a kiss. “Then… what kind of proposal do you prefer? Do you like a scene that is beautiful and romantic, or want me to find someplace to kneel down on one knee and propose to you?”

After class and the club events today, Ling Mu was already exhausted. Closing his eyes, he pulled his hands back, stuffed his head into the quilt, and a muffled voice came out: “Whatever…”

He hadn’t thought about it at all, so he couldn’t answer.

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Or to put it this way, he didn’t even think that he would be with alpha before. After all, his appearance is not pleasing to most alphas. Coupled with his family situation, Ling Mu almost didn’t have much longing and desire for marriage and love. He only wanted to make money to raise his younger sister. Then, after seeing his younger sister marry a good man, he would die alone…

So he didn’t think much about the question Qiu Zhenyang asked.

“Well, when I propose, you can’t refuse, okay?” Qiu Zhenyang raised his head to look at Ling Mu’s face, but the other party was already snoring and fell asleep.

Qiu Zhenyang smiled helplessly, and then helped him cover the quilt, before falling asleep happily with his wife in his arms.



Nearing the final stretch.

There are 4 extras, but I have yet to find a link to the raws. If anyone has a link to the unlocked extras, or the raw text, I’ll happily translate it. Otherwise, chapter 96 will be the last chapter.

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