Wang Xiaowei didn’t expect fate to be so wonderful. On the third day of the game, they were really matched with Interstellar Academy.

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As the two teams entered the competition area, seeing Qiu Zhenyang’s meaningful smile, Wang Xiaowei only felt chills all over his body.

“Come on, captain, we can do it!” The team members were full of confidence, but Wang Xiaowei smiled bitterly. His skills can definitely rank in the top ten in the entire school league. After all, Ling Mu had affirmed his talent when they played together before. But Wang Xiaowei knew he couldn’t compare to Qiu Zhenyang. After all, Ling Mu was taught by him, and his level was much worse than Ling Mu’s, let alone Qiu Zhenyang.

Sure enough, after entering the game, Wang Xiaowei was quickly discovered by Qiu Zhenyang who began to hunt him.

Speaking of which, Qiu Zhenyang usually uses a set of fixed routines when he plays games. If that one doesn’t work, he will switch to another one. However, Qiu Zhenyang used another plan from the start, and targeted Wang Xiaowei first.

While fighting back and forth, Qiu Zhenyang rationally planned the route of his teammates and gave them the best development direction. Although Wang Xiaowei has a strong ability to adapt, Qiu Zhenyang seemed to see through all his actions. Not only was he under pressure, but his teammates were targeted and being overwhelmed everywhere.

Players can’t see what’s happening in another party’s cabin, but Wang Xiaowei felt that Qiu Zhenyang seemed to be able to see through him, hear his every adjustment, and know every change he directed. The person on the opposite side is so powerful that he can’t resist at all!

Wang Xiaowei couldn’t help but think that Qiu Zhenyang did indeed hail from the First Legion’s family. If this kind of ability was placed on a real battlefield, he would definitely be a general!

The game ended in a fierce confrontation. In one sentence, Qiu Zhenyang controlled the rhythm very quickly, and did not give the opponent any chance to retaliate.

After emerging out of the game cabin, even Yuan Chenyu couldn’t help sighing. “Really jealous when you meet a rival… Since when have you been as crazy as today? I almost wonder if you took some kind of stimulant. The rhythm is so fast that I can’t keep up, and I don’t know how the other side’s mentality is.”

Xi Jun came over to talk and shook his head sympathetically. “I just saw them. All of them frowning and bowing their heads in dejection, it’s too miserable!”

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Qiu Zhenyang punched each of them, and said with a cold smile, “Why, are you envious? After the game, I’ll play a few rounds with you alone, so that you can also experience this kind of collapse. What do you think?”

The two of them waved their hands with expressions on their faces: “No, no!”

Ling Mu laughed at their cowardly appearance, and followed them to the waiting area. They were the first team to finish once more, and those reporters off the court looked at them with very different eyes. Many people were taking pictures of the team members with cameras, and most of the shots focused on Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu.

The three-day knockout rounds are over, and now teams will face direct competition. A win means they’ll advance; a loss means they’ll be out.

Of the original 120 teams, 48 remain, and competing teams will be randomly drawn.

However, before the next round, everyone has a day to rest. After all, three consecutive days of competition put a lot of pressure on the contestants, and they need to relax properly.

After one day, the fiercest rounds began.

After the matches of 48 to 24 in the morning and 24 to 12 directly in the afternoon, the strength of the remaining 12 teams were definitely the strongest in this school league. Interstellar Academy was shortlisted as expected, and the remaining 11 teams are also teams that attracted much attention throughout.

Fortunately, although Wang Xiaowei’s team suffered a disastrous defeat against Interstellar Academy competition on the third day, they managed to survive the knockout round, and made it to the top 12. For this reason, he went to the Interstellar Academy team to share his joy with Ling Mu, but was stared at by Qiu Zhenyang the whole time, and finally could only touch his nose and walk away in despair.

The next day’s top 12 match received widespread attention. Even though the school tournaments were streamed and attracted many audience members, the majority of players preferred older games and did not pay much attention.

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With the increased hot searches and voices talking about the school league, people began discussing who the champion team would be. These discussions gradually attracted public attention, and the concept of ‘e-sports’ began to spread. Although there was no set idea yet, many were looking forward to the emergence of truly standardized e-sports competitions.

In short, one of the goals of this school league was achieved.

Not surprisingly, Qiu Zhenyang’s team won again in the top 12 competition. But victory was not as easy as before. Earlier, teams were randomly matched, so everyone’s level was different and it was easy to be matched against some weak teams. They finally began feeling pressure when playing against these top 12 teams.

The night when the top six were decided, several team members were no longer as relaxed as they were before, and breathed a sigh of relief when they came out of the game cabin.

It wasn’t too hard for them to win, but it was pretty tiring.

When they walked to the waiting area, Zhuo Hang and Guan Tang came up to greet them. The former patted Yuan Chenyu on the shoulder. “Don’t be discouraged, the other party is very strong. It’s not your fault. Everyone knows your skills are very good. It’s just that the opponent’s moves were too unexpected, and it’s not easy for you to resist for so long.”

Qiu Zhenyang also went over to hammer his chest and said with a smile, “You haven’t died since the beginning of the game, right? It doesn’t matter, there will always be one time. After all, I can’t let you share the position of undefeated god of war with me.”

Yuan Chenyu forced a smile, and couldn’t help gritting his teeth to say: “They are really dark, obviously there are two scouts in front, but they actually set a trap for me directly! The scouts didn’t move when I went up, and had the patience to hide until I showed up, god damn it!”

Qiu Zhenyang, who watched the overall situation, naturally saw this. As his adjutant, Ling Mu also knew the situation, frowned and said, “It seems that they were not prepared to win from the start, but wanted to get a few more kills, so their record won’t look as bad this way. It’s ugly. And they seemed to target you and Xi Jun specifically. They split off a total of six people to hinder you. I’m afraid it’s because you and Xi Jun are very popular among the players, so they specifically targeted you.”

After the whole game, Xi Jun waved his hand with disgust. “What the hell is this? Not playing the game seriously, what’s the point of targeting us? If you want to play, play well, the game is not a tool for them to show their prestige!”

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Even if they reached the top 6, everyone was uncomfortable encountering such a disgusting team.

As the manager of the team, in order to mobilize everyone’s emotions, Guan Tang raised his hand and said, “Alright, alright, today’s game is over. Everyone has to work hard until the 6-3 game the day after tomorrow. I’ll treat everyone to dinner, anything goes, and let’s have a good rest tonight!”

Under Guan Tang’s leadership, everyone rushed out of the hall. Since the school was on holiday, everyone can come and go as they want, including going out to eat.

It is worth mentioning that after Qiu Zhenyang gave those recipes to his grandmother, the First Consortium opened a restaurant chain on Capital Star.

At first, the chefs of the restaurants looked at the recipes sent by the headquarters, and were worried about whether the store could be opened with these messy materials. As a result, after they made something according to one of the recipes, the taste of the dish made them kneel! Since then, they were immersed in the recipes and constantly delved into them.

As chefs, they made better use of the recipes than Qiu Zhenyang, and exerted the greatest effect.

The restaurant chain of the First Consortium was quite successful, and the tastes of the people on Capital Star began to gradually change. After all, after eating such a delicious meal, who wants to take nutritional supplements, or those expensive and unpalatable things?

This time Guan Tang took everyone to one of the restaurant chains of the First Consortium. Everyone guessed that the recipe of the First Consortium came from Qiu Zhenyang, because there are many dishes in the restaurant that they have seen, such as fried chicken and milk tea.

While eating the delicious food, Guan Tang couldn’t help looking at Qiu Zhenyang with tears in his eyes. “Captain, you are too good. Not only are you great at games, you’re actually good at cooking! I feel that in the near future, our food will be improved by more than one or two grades! These dishes are so delicious that I want to cry!”

The other team members echoed him, but they didn’t want to cry, they just wanted to stuff all the food into their stomachs!

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Qiu Zhenyang couldn’t help laughing at them. “If you think it’s delicious, eat more. It’s not like you can’t eat, why are you crying?”

After speaking, Qiu Zhenyang picked up a piece of cooked pork belly, dabbed it in the sauce he prepared, and then handed it to Ling Mu. “Eat this, the meat over there is not yet cooked. When it is cooked, I will pick it up and give it to you.”

Ling Mu nodded and unceremoniously took the pork belly that Qiu Zhenyang gave him with a satisfied face.

The team members watched in silence for a while, then lowered their heads and ate faster.

They don’t want to eat dog food before they are full!


Self-inflicted, QZY. Your suffering is self-inflicted.

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