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The two protagonists were getting farther and farther away from the wedding venue, venturing into the lush forest. Qiu Zhenyang protected Ling Mu behind him, breaking any overhanging branches and trampling down the dense grass.

It was only after seeing a familiar cave that Ling Mu realized where Qiu Zhenyang brought him.

“You really have nothing to do to come here. Can’t you come later?” Ling Mu felt a little helpless. They’re wearing expensive suits today, and Qiu Zhenyang is a bit too carefree.

However, after saying so, Ling Mu didn’t say anything.

He also wanted to come back.

“Fortunately, our clothes are coated with a waterproof film this time, otherwise they would be wet again.” Qiu Zhenyang patted the water droplets off Ling Mu’s body, and couldn’t help wiping a few more times.

Ling Mu mercilessly pulled his hand off and looked around, but it was still so deserted and simple.

“Actually, there’s nothing to see.” He wasn’t in the mood to pay attention before and couldn’t remember anything special about this place. The encounter with Qiu Zhenyang was more meaningful.

After looking around for a while, Ling Mu asked Qiu Zhenyang a question that had been held in his heart for a long time: “I thought that according to your personality, you would directly mark me at the beginning, rather show that level of patience and give me a temporary mark. Logically speaking, very few alphas can hold back in that situation.”

His eyes were pure black and beautiful, and his face, which was nourished to be white and tender by Qiu Zhenyang, was expressionless. But there was an imperceptible gentleness in his eyes.

Qiu Zhenyang smiled, stretched out his hand to wrap around Ling Mu’s narrow waist. Bending slightly, he put his chin on his shoulder, and said vaguely: “Your husband is amazing, I wouldn’t do that to you. Unless you’re willing. Otherwise I wouldn’t have touched you.”

Ling Mu raised his eyebrows: “It can’t be because you hate me so much?”

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Qiu Zhenyang was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing: “Even if I didn’t like you at the time, I never hated you…”

It’s a small lie. After all, he’s not the original owner. It would be more unbelievable to say he had some feelings for Ling Mu back then.

“Also, if I really hated you, I wouldn’t have taken your feelings into account, and would have marked you directly, right in that rainforest, so that you can’t resist becoming mine.” Qiu Zhenyang’s eyes lit up brightly. It was precisely because he felt pity for Ling Mu’s life experience in the original text at that time that he was conscientious and insistent back then.

Seeing his sincere gaze, Ling Mu pursed his lower lip and blushed slightly, ending the line of inquiry.

Seeing the ruddy face made Qiu Zhenyang feel hot inside. Hooking Ling Mu’s chin with his hand, he moved his lips forward to kiss his cheek lightly, and then let go shyly.

“Say, do you want to do something to commemorate?” Qiu Zhenyang rubbed his chin and thought about it seriously.

Ling Mu glanced at it: “Is there anything to commemorate? People may come here every year, and it might be destroyed at any time.”

Qiu Zhenyang thought about it again, and could only sigh as he looked wistfully around the cave.


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Seeing this, Ling Mu softened his heart: “If you really want to commemorate, I can accompany you to see it every year. Anyway, if you talk to the principal, it shouldn’t be a problem to visit once in a while.”

That’s right, then it’s decided!

After listening to his wife’s opinion, Qiu Zhenyang slowly swayed back to the wedding scene with Ling Mu, arm in arm.

Seeing the protagonists reappear, Yuan Chenyu grinned and rushed forward: “Okay, Qiu Zhenyang, it’s your wedding and you have the guts to run away!”1

Qiu Zhenyang raised his eyebrows, and pouted at his mother who was holding his child: “Isn’t my kid here?”2

Guan Tang couldn’t stop laughing when he heard this, and winked at Yuan Chenyu: “Hurry up, get a child out to shut his mouth!”

On one side, Zhuo Hang narrowed his eyes a fraction.

“How’s that easy?” Yuan Chenyu rolled his eyes, then looked up and down at Qiu Zhenyang, with a malicious smile. “Did you drag Ling Mu out to do bad things? Tsk tsk tsk! You already have children, how shameless!”

After being scolded, even if nothing happened, Ling Mu felt his face was hot. Pursing his lips, he went to go see his child.

Seeing his wife fleeing from shame, Qiu Zhenyang immediately raised an arm to clamp Yuan Chenyu’s neck: “You really dare to say it! En? What’s the matter? Can’t bear watching out love, and feel envious and hate us? Do you want me to help you look?”


Yuan Chenyu’s face was flushed, and he immediately begged for mercy: “Oh my god, don’t dare! Qiu Zhenyang, let me go! Don’t mess up my hair! Zhuo Hang, what are you doing watching, save me quickly! “

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It’s a pity that Zhuo Hang had an expression of staying out of the matter, and even had a smile in his eyes as he watched the fun.

Several teammates also gathered around, gloating at Yuan Chenyu’s suffering.

Not far away, seeing his son laughing and arguing with friends, Qiu Zhang felt both joy and frustration, wishing he could drag him over to deal with guests with him.

The Qiu family will definitely invite many nobles and powerful people, not to mention old comrades in arms, who are also powerful and prestigious. Qiu Zhenyang didn’t like such occasions, so Qiu Zhang and Qiu Haolin were forced to play host all day.

Zhu Qin was watching the baby with Ling Dang. After Ling Mu came over, he took care of it with her.

Ling Dang was very curious about her little nephew. He was soft and small. After the child returned to Qiu’s house, she would stick to Ling Mu to watch the child after school every day.

A one-month old baby is still very young, wrapped warmly in a quilt, and sound asleep with his mouth slightly open. As if sensing Ling Mu’s breath, his little head shook slightly. Big, black, grape-like eyes opened slightly, and he snorted at Zhu Qin twice.

Zhu Qin’s heart almost melted, and she shook the baby twice: “Oh, the baby woke up~”

Ling Mu leaned over to look. The child blinked his eyes, and immediately moved his little hand, as if he was about to grab something. “Ah-ah–“

“I want daddy to hug me. Baby likes to cling to daddy. When papa3 comes, he also has to stand aside, hahaha!” Zhu Qin smiled lovingly, and handed the child to Ling Mu, who took him with ease. He hugged the child firmly, smiled lightly and kissed him on the forehead.

Because the guests had to be sent back after the dinner, the wedding banquet didn’t continue too long.

The Qiu family sent all the guests to the starship before returning to the capital star. Everyone was tired after a long day, so they went to bed early.

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Qiu Zhenyang and Ling Mu took the child back to the room and put him in the crib. The two fathers lay on both sides of the crib, watching their son sound asleep with doting smiles.

“Qiu, Huan.” Ling Mu looked down, and gently played with the baby’s curled little hand with his index finger.

Qiu Huan’s name was given by Qiu Zhenyang, and was officially registered in the system. The word Huan has no special meaning, it just contains the symbols of both fathers4桓 contains the ‘Mu’ from Ling Mu, and part of QZY’s ‘Yang’ which is simple and good.

The sleeping baby twisted his body, yawned with his small mouth, closed his eyes, and grabbed Ling Mu’s finger with considerable strength.

Ling Mu’s expression was extremely doting. Qiu Zhenyang looked at him, stood up, turned around, sat down beside Ling Mu, and kissed his cheek lightly.

The sudden temperature caused Ling Mu to cast a puzzled look over, and then he felt a strong arm wrap around his waist.

“I love you.” Qiu Zhenyang kissed again, on Ling Mu’s soft lips.

A lifelong partner, a lovely family, and friends who support each other. He already has everything that is beautiful in the world.

Feeling the secure, reliable arms and tenderness on his lips, Ling Mu felt that he was about to melt into a room filled with love and warmth.

He curled his lips and smiled, letting himself be addicted…

“I love you too.”


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