Yan Mingting returned to the mansion first, took the Chisha Sword, and went to the ancestral hall to burn incense for his father before going out with the sword.

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When he rushed to the other palace without stopping, He Cuizhang and the others were no longer there. Only a group of flustered servants remained.

He found one of them and asked: “Where is Zhao Xu?”

“He, he fled,” the servant said tremblingly. “Just now, a group of men in black suddenly appeared and fought with a group of soldiers, and then secretly took him away.”

Yan Mingting searched around again. If he fought He Cuizhang and the others, there would definitely be some casualties. In the end, he found some scattered corpses on the way down the mountain.

He tore the mask off a corpse. The costume and headgear were obviously from Nanjiang, and his face was already turning black, likely because he had poisoned himself.

At this time, a flare lit up in the sky. This was their signal arrow. He immediately ran in that direction and found He Cuizhang and the others outside the city gate.

“General, those people were using poisoned arrows and gas, and escaped,” He Cuizhang said guiltily.

“Which way did they go?”

“They were very clever, and scattered in all directions. I have sent people to chase them separately, but there are not enough people and I fear their tricks,” He Cuizhang said.

“You go back and send more people to chase after them, I’m afraid something big is going to happen.” After Yan Mingting gave orders in a heavy voice, he followed the main road to Nanjiang until dawn. Seeing neither the fleeing group nor hearing from the other teams, he returned.

Morning court had already started, so Yan Mingting walked directly into the main hall, reported the previous night’s situation, and said: “The Nanjiang people took away our prince without fear, either because of internal problems, or because the entirety of Najiang has the intention to rebel.”

The officials were in an uproar. They didn’t expect that the King of Nanjiang would dare to do such a rebellious thing not long after he left Beijing. They were also surprised that the useless prince still found a chance to escape. The goal was very clear – most likely, he was coming for the throne.

Zhao Xuan said: “General Yan did not return last night, so I have already sent someone to spread the order to search all the strongholds. This person must be brought to justice. There are people arranged by us in Nanjiang, and if there is any change, we will definitely be informed.”

Not only that, but Zhao Xuan also mentioned the cause of the old General Yan’s death. The officials were indignant, and asked Yan Mingting for details. 

Now that the murderer had been identified, Yan Mingting explained everything in detail. In any case, he would kill Zhao Xu with his own hands sooner or later, so as to save the Imperial Censor time impeaching him for the great crime of disrespecting the royal family.

After learning that the death of the old general was related to Nanjiang, some people who had attended the banquet began to recall the details.

Li Jinyu suddenly said: “Speaking of which, I remember one thing. When Nanjaing showed us Gu poison, I inadvertently saw the former prince and the Eighth Princess of Nanjiang exchanging poison in the corner. It’s just that everyone was making exchanges at that time, so I didn’t think much about it.”

“Was the poison colorless and odorless?” Yan Mingting asked.

“It seemed to be so.”

“It appears that the matter has become clear. The former Crown Prince and the Eighth Princess knew each other in the early years, and secretly communicated with each other. They covertly gave and received poison, and poisoned General Yan, who was serving the country and the people, committing a heinous crime. Forthwith, the fugitive Zhao Xu will be hunted down across the nation.”

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After court was dismissed, Yang Mingting followed Zhao Xuan to the side hall, where Zhao Yelan was.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Zhao Yelan seated on a chair, dozing off with one hand on his forehead and a city defense map on his lap.

“Mengting.” Yan Mingting walked in quickly.

Hearing this voice, Zhao Yelan opened his eyes, and his voice was hoarse when he spoke: “You’re back? Have they been found?”

“They got away,” Yan Mingting said, removing his cloak and putting it on him. “You’ve been waiting a long time, let’s go home first.”

“En.” Zhao Yelan stood up, pounded his legs, and followed him to leave.

“Go back and have a good rest. I will let you know if something happens,” Zhao Xuan said.

After returning to the General’s Mansion, Yan Mingting brought him back to their room and asked: “You’ve been in the side hall since last night?”

“En, didn’t you tell me not to run around?” Zhao Yelan said.

“I didn’t expect them to get away so smoothly, so I was delayed until now.” Yan Mingting removed his outer layers and tucked him under the blanket. “Sleep for a while, I will wake you up later.”

“Aren’t you going to sleep?”

“I won’t sleep.” Yan Mingting shook his head. He held his hand and remained quiet for a while, then, a little choked up with emotion, he said: “Mengting, I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep when I think that my father’s murderer and enemy escaped right out from under my nose.”

Zhao Yelan touched his cheek: “You will definitely catch him with your own hands.”

Nodding, Yan Mingting turned around and went to the study. He took out a detailed map of the Xuan Dynasty and a border map, comparing the routes repeatedly and trying to block all possible escape routes.

He Cuizhang and the others also came and awaited his orders.

After the group of people discussed the tracking route, they heard footsteps outside, and Zhao Yelan appeared in the doorway: “You said they fled without a trace?”

“Why are you up?” Yan Mingting walked to the door and replied: “We chased them all night without finding any trace.”

“Perhaps Zhao Xu didn’t escape from the capital at all?” Zhao Yelan said.

“I also thought of this possibility. I arranged for people to investigate in Beijing, but I haven’t heard anything yet,” Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan nodded: “Don’t miss a single corner. He is probably hiding in the capital and waiting for an opportunity.”

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“En, a meticulous search has been launched.” Yan Mingting coaxed him to sleep again.

After three days and three nights of searching, no sign of Zhao Xu was found in the capital, and there was no news from other routes. Zhao Xu seemed to have evaporated from the world, and the trail became a mystery.

The palace finally received some news involving a secret report from Nanjiang that a coup had taken place within the Nanjiang royal family.

After the King of Nanjiang returned this year, he was put under house arrest jointly by the Eighth Princess and her elder brother, the Second Prince. Simultaneously, the eldest prince was executed. Just five days ago, the Second Prince ascended the throne as King of Nanjiang, and the reason was to emulate Zhao Xuan in seizing the throne. He also spoke wildly about expanding the territory and no longer bowing their heads to the Xuan Dynasty, and was actively persuading the subjects in Nanjiang to attack the Xuan Dynasty.

“Absurd!” Zhao Xuan was so angry that he threw the note in the hall. “The new King of Nanjiang is raising such a clamor. What do you think?”

The officials were furious, and the voices of the pro-war faction were the loudest. Today was different from the past. The soldiers had been back in Beijing for a year and had recharged their energy. They had sufficient combat power and enough strength to deal with the new King of Nanjiang.

Yang Mingting even took the initiative to volunteer to lead the army out in person.

Zhao Yelan only learned about this when he returned from the Imperial Academy in the evening, and didn’t say a word during dinner. Yan Mingting picked dishes for him several times, bathed and washed his back in the evening, and told several jokes, but received no response.

Lying down, Yan Mingting hugged him and became extremely quiet.

The two of them kept silent with their eyes open for a long time before Zhao Yelan asked: “When do you set off?”


“The food, fodder, army, and horses are ready?”


Zhao Yelan knew that he couldn’t be stopped. Whether publicly or privately, Yan Mingting should go. He sighed deeply, then got up, lit a candle, and walked out the door.

“Where are you going?” Yan Mingting immediately chased after him.

The two came to the kitchen one after the other. Zhao Yelan rummaged around for a long time, then packed up a lot of steamed buns and handed the bundles over to him.

Yan Mingting didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “We have prepared dried food.”

Zhao Yelan ignored his words completely and kicked open Xiao Gao’s door, causing him to be so frightened that he knelt up directly from the bed. He rubbed his eyes and asked sleepily: “What does My Lord need from me?”

“Where are you hiding all your tanghulu?” Zhao Yelan asked.

Xiao Gao pointed to the drawer under the table.

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After opening it, Zhao Yelan confiscated the dozen or so tanghulu inside and stuffed them all into Yan Mingting’s luggage. It could be described as aboveboard robbery.

Xiao Gao was dumbfounded, and Yan Mingting was even more dumbfounded. Then he laughed.

The two of them returned to the room. Zhao Yelan took out his two short knives and small crossbow and arrows, asking: “Do you think these can be used?”

Yan Mingting said with a smile: “You can use these for self-defense.”

Zhao Yelan was a little discouraged. It was unknown what occurred to him, but he went to the cabinet in the corner, fiddled with it furtively for a long time, and then took out a box and set it in front of him: “Take this, ba.”

“What is this?” Yan Mingting opened the box and found that it was full of bank notes. They were also exchanged into notes from various banks, so that one would not be afraid to travel all over the territory of the Xuan Dynasty.

Looking at the thick stack of banknotes, he suddenly felt like his hands were burning a little: “What are you giving me these for?”

“In the event that you run out of food and fodder, use this in an emergency,” Zhao Yelan said.

“……So many banknotes, are you willing?”

Zhao Yelan glanced at it with an aching heart, then looked away and comforted himself: “After spending money, I can make money back.”

With a smile on his lips, Yan Mingting put the banknotes back, closed the lid, and handed it to him: “This is your baby, I can’t take it.”


“I only need you to stay at home and rest assured that I will come back. You don’t need to worry about things like military rations. If the Imperial court can’t satisfy us with even this little thing, then we don’t need to fight this battle.”

Of course he understood this reasoning, but Zhao Yelan was worried and couldn’t follow in person. The battlefield changed rapidly. Yan Mingting had fought for so many years, and his strength could not be underestimated. His own frail body could not be taken along as a burden to him. Furthermore, he wanted to ensure the smooth progress of the front lines from within the capital, so as to avoid things like what happened to the old general. He must urge the people in the capital to support the front lines honestly. There must be no mistakes.

“Don’t worry, the Second Prince and the Eighth Princess are just two jesters, I will be able to clean them up soon. I only hope that Zhao Xu has already arrived in Nanjiang so that I can kill him straightaway,” Yan Mingting said.

Zhao Yelan nodded. Thinking of something, he felt on his body and found a safety talisman, the one that Li-niang had beseeched him to take. He tied it around Yan Mingting’s neck: “It’s too late to find a new one. Use what you have first, and I will ask for another one for you later.”

Yan Mingting looked down and said with a smile: “I remember you don’t believe in gods or Buddha. During the drought, you said yourself that you don’t believe in gods, and only believe that man can conquer nature.”

Zhao Yelan raised his eyes and glanced at him. Without saying a word, he just fastened the string hard.

After keeping so busy preparing things the whole night, Yan Mingting had more big packs, which he carried on his shoulders at dawn, and the feeling of parting became stronger.

The two embraced silently for a moment, and then Yan Mingting led him outside. He Cuizhang was already waiting outside the door, and said: “The soldiers have arrived at the city gates.”

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“Let’s go, ba.” Yan Mingting mounted his horse neatly and turned to look at Zhao Yelan.

Zhao Yelan raised his head and said: “Give me a ride. Just one ride.”

“All right.” Yan Mingting stretched out his hand and pulled him onto the horse, and the two rode toward the city gates.

The common people had already heard the news that the General was about to leave again. They all came out one after another to see him off, and the road was soon full of people. The soldiers’ relatives came to see them off, and Yin Pinglu was among the crowd, saying goodbye to Zuo Ran.

Zhao Yelan dismounted when they reached the city wall, and in the blink of an eye, Yan Mingting was enthusiastically surrounded by the common people.

At this time, someone grabbed Zhao Yelan, who was almost hit by someone. He turned his head and saw that it was Gu Niaoniao, so he walked to the corner and looked ahead, saying in a low voice: “Is there still no news of Zhao Xu in Beijing?”

Gu Niaoniao shook her head: “None. How long will the General’s trip be?”

“I don’t know.” Zhao Yelan looked at the man on the horse. “He should be back soon, he’s Yan Mingting, ah.”

Yan Mingting accepted the blessings of the people and raised his head to seek out Zhao Yelan’s figure, but saw him turn around and go up the city wall.

The corners of his mouth curved. Riding the horse out the city gate, he went to the front of the team, and with the wave of a flag, led the mighty army to set off.

After walking hundreds of meters, Yan Mingting could still see the vague figure on the city wall when he turned his head. At this moment, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Zuo Ran holding onto the safety amulet on her chest and asked: “Where did you get the safety talisman?”

“Pinglu got it for me years ago,” Zuo Ran said.

“Oh.” Yan Mingting pointed to the two big bundles on his shoulders. “Mengting prepared these for me in a hurry last night. If he started preparing years ago, it is likely that there would be two carriages full. Can you believe it?”


He Cuizhang: “That’s enough from you two! Can you have a care for this single man?”

Until the team completely vanished from sight, Zhao Yelan continued to stand on the city wall, staring in the direction of their journey dazedly. Xiao Gao called him several times, but he didn’t answer. It wasn’t until a carrier pigeon flew onto his shoulder that he finally regained his composure.

“There’s a letter.” Xiao Gao caught the pigeon curiously, removed the bamboo tube, and took out the letter inside, handing it to Zhao Yelan.

The range within which pigeons could deliver letters was relatively small. Zhao Yelan guessed who had sent it immediately. He opened the letter promptly and saw that it read —

Go back quickly to eat on time and rest early. Check back in with me.

No matter the distance, I only hope you will be safe.

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