Because Zhao Xuan was still in a coma, morning court was temporarily suspended, and the two of them stayed in bed until noon.

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After Yan Mingting finished his meal, Zhao Yelan dragged him to find a doctor. From the Imperial physicians in the palace to the barefoot doctors among the common people, he questioned them one by one, and the more he questioned, the more hopeless he became.

Zhao Yelan grew angry at the sight of them shaking their heads and sighing, and smashed up several shops. Yan Mingting followed behind and spoke well of compensation.

“They’re all rubbish! Quack doctors!” Zhao Yelan walked back in a fury.

Yan Mingting coaxed him with a few words, but to no avail. He tugged Zhao Yelan’s sleeve, pointed to the small stall next to them, and said: “Mengting, I want to eat that rice cake.”

Zhao Yelan stopped and bought him two rice cakes: “What else do you want to eat?”

“I want to eat roasted peanuts!”

The two went to the shop to buy roasted peanuts, and when they got home, they ate a big bag of them, somewhat overwhelmed. Zhao Yelan woke up thirsty in the middle of the night and found that Yan Mingting was not in the room, so he looked around in a panic and saw a light on in the kitchen. As soon as he walked to the door, he was choked by a cloud of thick smoke.

“Why are you up?” Yan Mingting asked.

“What are you doing?” Zhao Yelan walked in while covering his mouth and nose, and pulled him away from the stove.

“I wanted to make some stuffed steamed buns for you. I just don’t believe it won’t be successful. It’s only that this smoke… too choking, cough cough cough cough!” Yan Mingting quickly ran out and coughed a few times before returning to see that Zhao Yelan was holding the tongs, taking a few pieces of firewood out and burying them in the pile of ashes next to him.

“You don’t light it like this, some space should be left in the middle. If you add too much firewood, it will definitely not ignite.”

The smoke became thinner and gradually dissipated, and the fire began to ignite. Yan Mingting looked at him in surprise: “You can light cooking fires?”

“What’s so difficult about it? I lit them every day when I was a child.” Zhao Yelan raised his head as he spoke.

Yan Mingting stared intently at his face smeared with black and his eyes still red from the smoke, and couldn’t help laughing: “Hahahaha!”

Zhao Yelan’s expression darkened, and after setting up the firewood, he went to wash his face. Then he went to take a look at Yan Mingting kneading the dough.

“Can you do this too?” Yan Mingting asked.

“No, kneading the dough was my father’s job.”

“I can do it, hehe,” Yan Mingting said proudly. Intending to show off his kneading skills, he kneaded vigorously a few times and the cutting board flew out.



“I’m beginning to wonder if you picked up those buns off the floor that I ate before?”

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“How is that possible! This time was just a small mistake!”

“Is the filling ready?”

“Not yet, ba.”

“Let me do it.”

“Aiya, ancestor! You be careful with that knife. Let me do it, you leave it alone.”

After working for a long time, the dough and fillings were ready. Yan Mingting moved over two small benches and said, “Let’s do the filling.”

The two sat at the small table in the kitchen, and Yan Mingting taught him step by step how to make the little pouches. Zhao Yelan looked at that pair of hands accustomed to holding a sword awkwardly cradling the bun, a very serious expression on his face, and the corners of his mouth curled up subconsciously.

When the rooster crowed, a few servants got up and came to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Seeing the two masters standing by the stove, staring at the pot in a daze, they couldn’t help asking, “My Lord, General, what are you doing?”

“Hush,” Yang Mingting said seriously. “Keep it down.”

The servant automatically covered his mouth, walked in lightly, and then heard Zhao Yelan say as he turned his head to stare at the oven: “It’s time, hurry up.”

Yan Mingting quickly and nimbly lifted the tray, and a gust of hot air rushed toward his face.

The servant went over to take a look, and saw about twenty buns steaming in the pot.

“……” That’s it?!

“I’ll taste it first.” Yan Mingting reached in directly and took one. It was a little hot, and he tossed it in the air a few times. Only then did he hold it firmly and take a bite. His eyes lit up, and he boasted: “It’s even better than my previous ones! You try it.”

“Really?” Zhao Yelan lowered his head and took a bite. The taste was indeed better, but it was still far inferior to Mingji’s buns. “Not bad, this time it was a success.”

“That’s great.” Yan Mingting found a food box and packed the twenty or so buns, leading Zhao Yelan back to the room excitedly. “Let’s go eat buns.”

The servants: “…….”

In the morning, Kan Chuan came to the mansion. This was not only to discuss the emperor’s critical illness with Zhao Yelan, but also for the sake of Yan Mingting’s body. Everyone knew about such a big event, and spared no effort to help search all over the country for a good doctor. 

The two talked in a room for more than half an hour, when Zhao Yelan suddenly saw a red string hanging against his chest and asked, “What is that?”

“A safety talisman. Li Niang asked for it for me at Lingyun Temple.” Kan Chuan said, “Didn’t she also ask for one for you?”

Zhao Yelan nodded: “Does it work?”

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“It’s only for peace of mind. This thing is all about faith. A few days ago, the child was crying all the time, and I also had a small physical problem, so she went to ask for amulets for the whole family. As a result, both my child and I got better. She insisted that it was because of the safety talismans, so I went along with her. After all, it was her good intentions.” Kan Chuan said with a smile, “She just asked for them from the bottom of the mountain, so they won’t be so useful.”

Zhao Yelan was silent for a moment, then asked again: “What’s wrong with getting them from the bottom of the mountain? Are they not effective?”

“They aren’t bad, it’s just that I’ve heard if you go up the mountain to ask, it will be more effective due to the difficulty of the road, and the nine gods and Buddhas will bless them.”

After the afternoon meal, Yan Mingting passed out again unexpectedly, and Yao Muze administered acupuncture in the room. Zhao Yelan looked on for a while, then called Xiao Gao to go out.

Lingyun Temple was not located in the capital, but in the neighboring county, where incense flourished and there were many believers. A great many people came to the foot of the mountain to seek marriage and safety. Zhao Yelan asked someone to inquire, and many people said that they were effective here, especially if you could walk up the mountain and enter the temple. The gods and Buddha would see your sincerity, and your wishes would be more easily realized.

But so many people remained at the bottom of the mountain because the temple was very high. There were three thousand steps, and the terrain was steep and rugged. Ordinary people would lose half their lives just climbing up.

The monks guarding the foot of the mountain said that the road should not be abandoned halfway, and there was no turning back. If you were not sincere, you would be blamed by the gods and Buddha, so most people were satisfied to worship at the temple at the foot of the mountain.

Xiao Gao looked up at the steep mountain road and said worriedly: “My Lord, you really want to go up? How about I go for you?”

However, as soon as he spoke, Zhao Yelan had already taken the first step.

Wasn’t it just three thousand steps? What was there to fear?

Xiao Gao had followed him and served him for many years, and knew his lord’s physical fitness best. Even Yan Mingting only dared to make him run five laps at the most when he took him out to exercise. These three thousand steps would kill his lord.

However, he couldn’t stop him, and was unable to do anything but watch his lord climb up slowly and stubbornly.

Halfway through the journey, Zhao Yelan’s vision was a little blurred and he stumbled on the ground, but was fortunate to catch himself on the tree next to him and avoid falling down, giving Xiao Gao a fright.

He gazed up the stairway whose end still could not be seen. The sky had already darkened, so he continued to move as if he could no longer feel the pain, just climbing numbly and relying on only one belief to keep him moving on.

As night fell, the two of them climbed in the dark for an unknown amount of time. Xiao Gao called: “My Lord, let’s take a break and eat something.”

Zhao Yelan didn’t dare to stop. He feared that if he stopped, his body would never get up again, and he was even more afraid of wasting time. After being out for so long, he didn’t know if Yan Mingting had woken up. He must have been very worried when he found out he was not at home. He had to return sooner.

Xiao Gao couldn’t persuade him, so he just continued to climb along with him. To be honest, even he, who was adept in martial arts, felt very tired now.

When climbing the last leg, Zhao Yelan was already a little delirious. Rubbing his hands on the steps, he murmured that he was almost there, that he would be able to go back to see Yan Mingting immediately.

When reaching the last step, Xiao Gao cried, sobbing loudly: “Wuwuwuwu My Lord, we’re here! We’re finally here!”

The corners of Zhao Yelan’s mouth twitched, and as soon as he took a step forward, his knees gave way weakly and he fell directly to the ground.

“My Lord!”

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“Quickly……take me in quickly,” Zhao Yelan said in a hoarse voice.

Xiao Gao helped him walk into the temple, and felt that the other’s legs seemed almost unable to walk at all. He practically dragged him in.

It was almost midnight now, and there were still monks chanting scriptures in the temple. Seeing them coming, they asked, “Why did the benefactors come so late at night?”

“I want to seek safety for one person,” Zhao Yelan said.

“Follow me this way, please.” A monk led them into the main hall in the rear. The Buddha statue was majestic and silent, but it seemed they could hear the chanting and prayers of the monks outside.

Zhao Yelan knelt down before the statue, slowly raised his eyes, and clasped his hands together, saying piously: “Before, I didn’t believe in gods or Buddha, and never paid homage to you because you never gave me faith. People in the world say heaven has eyes, and that good and evil are rewarded. I did all of the wicked things, so why should the people around me be hurt? I’m not defending or praying for myself, I just beg you to see Yan Mingting.”

“He has never done anything evil in his life, ah.”

“His Yan family has been loyal and good for generations, and he has risked his life for the people of this country. Living on the battlefield for half his life, he has never shown the slightest selfishness. He, Yan Mingting, defeated Mongolia in the north and conquered Nanjiang in the south. One sword brought order to the land. Is it because he is too good, so you all are jealous of a talent?”

“If you can rescue him, I will definitely do more good deeds and worship you more in the future. But if not, I will trample you gods down. Good and evil will be rewarded, what kind of scrap metal gods and Buddhas can’t open their eyes!”

“Benefactor, be careful!” The monk hastily stopped him, and was about to take him away when a figure suddenly appeared beside him.


Hearing the voice, Zhao Yelan was startled and quickly turned his head to look over. Yan Mingting stepped forward and bent down to embrace him.

After feeling that warm embrace, Zhao Yelan smiled: “You’re awake.”

“En, when I woke up, I found that you were gone. Uncle Qin said you were here,” Yan Mingting said.

“Are you dizzy?” Zhao Yelan looked up and patted his head.

“Not dizzy.” Yan Mingting looked into his eyes and thought of him climbing here himself, and his eyes turned red uncontrollably. When he was outside the door and heard what he said, his chest was boiling hot. He bowed his head to kiss the other’s lips: “Mengting, heaven is not jealous of talents, I just love you too much. They are jealous that I can be loved by you, so they want to take me away.”

Seeing the two kissing in front of the Buddha statue, the monk went pale in shock, and was about to stop them when Xiao Gao covered his mouth and took him out.

Originally, benefactors who came to the temple to worship Buddha sincerely would be prepared a meal, but the monk felt that they were not sincere, so he canceled their meal.

When the presiding monk heard that it was General Yan, he scolded him for his ignorance, then personally led a group of monks to the main hall and saw that they were still kissing. He hurriedly covered his eyes and retreated, ordering the others in embarrassment: “Go and prepare the vegetarian meal, and remind them later.”


After the two had eaten, the presiding monk approached and asked if they needed to stay for the night before leaving. Zhao Yelan’s original plan was to go back and see Yan Mingting after worshiping, but since Yan Mingting had come after him, it didn’t matter if he returned or not.

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“All right, we’ll go tomorrow.” Yan Mingting took Zhao Yelan’s body into consideration, and after they rested, he massaged him. Zhao Yelan complained of pain wherever he touched, but couldn’t walk at all in the end.

“It seems you must carry me down the mountain,” Zhao Yelan said.

“All right, I’m willing to carry you all my life.” Yan Mingting bowed and kissed him. It got out of control again, but the other was in pain all over his body, so they just continued to kiss.

The next day, the three set off down the mountain. Yan Mingting descended with him on his back and walked very slowly, spending most of the time admiring the scenery along the way.

They couldn’t go outside the city to enjoy the flowers this spring, so they made up for it here. Whenever Yan Mingting saw any flowers or plants, he would ask him what they were. Zhao Yelan explained them to him tirelessly, and when he encountered something he didn’t know, he would say it was a red flower, green leaves, or a big tree.

Xiao Gao laughed heartily when he heard this from behind, and after laughing, he couldn’t help falling into long-term worries — if only they could stay like this forever.

Halfway down the mountain, the three of them sat down to rest for a while. Yan Mingting went to the side to pick a large bouquet of wildflowers. He inserted the most beautiful one into Zhao Yelan’s hair, and gave the rest to him.

Zhao Yelan held the flowers in one hand, with one hand around his neck, laying carefully on his back. He looked down the mountain and said: “You slow down a little, I’m afraid.”

“You won’t be afraid if you call for your husband.”


When they returned to the capital, it was already dusk. After the three of them descended the mountain, they hired a carriage to return to the General’s Mansion. Yan Mingting carried him off the carriage and crouched down in front of him again. 

“It’s such a short distance, just help me inside,” Zhao Yelan said.

Yan Mingting insisted on carrying him in, so Zhao Yelan had no choice but to obey him and lie against his back.

However, just a few steps away, he heard someone shouting in the distance: “General, General Yan, Zhao-daren!”

Yan Mingting turned and saw Yao Muze running over in a hurry, followed by a panting old man.

“What is the matter?”

“You’re back!” Yao Muze panted heavily, pointed to the old man behind him, and said, “General, you are saved! Haven’t you been sending people to search for Master’s traces? They found him, this is my master!”

Yan Mingting and Zhao Yelan looked at the old man following him in simultaneous surprise.

“Master went to Nanjiang two years ago, so he lost contact all this time. He also met a very powerful witch doctor in Nanjiang who has thoroughly studied the poisons there! What’s more, that witch doctor just happened to come to Beijing with him this time, and he can detoxify you!” Yao Muze said excitedly.

Yan Mingting’s pupils slowly dilated, and he subconsciously went to hug Zhao Yelan. He turned around in place, overjoyed: “Mengting! Where is Mengting? Where did you go?”

“……On your back.” Zhao Yelan was about to be dizzy because of him.

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