Difficult to Raise (part 1)

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Qi Zhuoyu ate the candy, and Feng Xuan recognized that the cold war of the past few days had finally ended.

Since there was nothing much he could do in the yard either, after thinking about it, he felt that with his current body’s cultivation, as long as he didn’t run out and cause trouble, it’d be considered as lending a hand.

After thinking it through, drowsiness struck.

Descending down to the mortal world for more than a month, Feng Xuan either ate or slept every day, it was rare for him to experience so many things in one day.

Taking into consideration today’s boat ride and monster hunting—although he only just sat in Qi Zhuoyu’s arms and watched the person fight monsters….

But sitting is also very tiring, okay? The big devil’s arms are uncomfortable, hard, and his butt hurts from sitting.

 Feeling drowsy, Feng Xuan stretched his waist and went back to his room to sleep.

Unexpectedly, seeing this, Qi Zhuoyu also followed him upstairs. Huh, he thought that Qi Zhuoyu would continue to pretend to be cool and aloof by himself under the moon.

Returning to the room, Feng Xuan once again kicked off his shoes and climbed onto the bed, after rolling twice, he let out a happy sigh.

But before his happiness lasted for two seconds, he was pulled up by Qi Zhuoyu.

Feng Xuan was taken aback, thinking he was about to go crazy again.

It’s agreed that we’ve made up if you ate the candy, how come this person doesn’t keep his words?

 As a result, Qi Zhuoyu simply pulled him up and stared at him, as if he couldn’t understand him.

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And asked an old question again. “How can you sleep?”

Feng Xuan: “…..”

Why does he exactly persist on this question? If tired, won’t you be able to fall asleep?

He’s just a small vegetable chicken who hasn’t even reached the foundation building period yet, isn’t it normal to be sleepy? (TL: a person who is very poor, lacks experience, and lacks skills.)

Feng Xuan knew that he definitely didn’t mean that.

He looked around the room and saw the big hole that had been pierced in the middle. At the opening, the movement of people coming and going in the hall downstairs could be seen, he suddenly realized.

The clamor, it can indeed easily affect the quality of sleep.

Feng Xuan looked at him, “Senior brother, if you think that the hole is too big, how about using a table to block it?”

 After speaking, there was silence between the two of them.

Feng Xuan keenly sensed that he might have wrongly answered a question again.

Qi Zhuoyu’s mind is so difficult to guess, how can he know what he meant?

Sitting is so tiring. If you really want to ask questions, can you let this god lie on the bed and answer.

Qi Zhuoyu suddenly let go of his arm. He eats so much on weekdays, I don’t know where the meat has gone, but just squeezing a small section, it feels like it’ll break at a snap.

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He looked at Feng Xuan with an even more unpredictable expression, “I killed so many people, aren’t you afraid of me?”

Feng Xuan silently paralyzed on the bed, feeling that it would be much more convenient to answer this way.

He obediently said, “Those are not human beings, those are monsters. Senior brother, to support the righteous way in the world, it’s the correct thing to do. You know how to kill demons and eliminate them.”

Moreover, the character design of the big devil has long since collapsed in front of him.

And only now did he remember and ask him if he was afraid.

On second thought, perhaps it was Qi Zhuoyu who was afraid of talking nonsense everywhere.

After all, he is still a dignified gentleman in front of people, with a gentle and jade like appearance. What’s more, his white moonlight Su Qingyan was accompanying him all the way.

Feng Xuan thought for a while, then said empathetically, “Senior brother, rest assured. I will keep this secret for you.”

Keep a secret that you are psychotic.

He comforted, “It’s okay, even a minute of mental stability is great, senior brother.”

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t speak, but looked at Feng Xuan with a psychotic gaze.

Feng Xuan didn’t care, anyhow, they both felt that each other was insane.

After asking these questions, Qi Zhuoyu left his bed.

Walking to the middle of the room, he kicked the table in a bad temper, just enough to block the big hole. The noise downstairs was much quieter, and Feng Xuan immediately felt much more comfortable.

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Qi Zhuoyu returned to the imperial concubine couch where he had initially sat, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. (TL:  A portable couch made of rattan and bamboo with pillows.)

Cultivators in the Deity Transformation Stage didn’t need to sleep for a long time, thus he’s simply accompanying Feng Xuan’s daily schedule, and occasionally would take a nap.

He could sleep, but Feng Xuan couldn’t anymore.

 Being tossed about by Qi Zhuoyu like that, the drowsiness subsided by more than half.

Feng Xuan’s divine humanitarian condemning gaze fell on the instigator, unexpectedly, it landed on his arm.

The wound cut by the faceless female monster’s nails was still bleeding, he was taken aback for a moment. Didn’t Su Qingyan heal him?

Compared to receiving Su Qingyan’s cultivation, was it still not enough.

Feng Xuan believed more that Qi Zhuoyu was a perverted masochist. He just liked to mess himself into a dilapidated and broken state, didn’t he?

Lying on the bed for a while, Feng Xuan thought of Qi Zhuoyu’s goodness. Aside from the fact that he was a big devil who’d cause harm to the world, he bought clothes for himself recently, and just now, he held him while fighting monsters.  Although he would cause great harm to others in his later life, he was still quite good to himself at present.

Feng Xuan felt uneasy in his conscience, and after thinking about it, he sat up

He rummaged through his small pouch for a long time, and found several plasters the size of a palm.

This was a very common hemostatic plaster in the cultivation world. It was exquisite and small, and easy to carry.

Feng Xuan walked lightly and sat next to Qi Zhuoyu, looked at the old wound on his arm, and felt that one plaster might not be enough.

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 After hesitating for a moment, he put on all the plasters he brought out of his pouch this time. After doing all this, Feng Xuan heaved a sigh of relief, and rolled back to sleep on his bed without a sound.

This time, Feng Xuan quickly fell asleep.

In the quiet room, Qi Zhuoyu quietly opened his eyes.

On his handsome face, the brows were furrowed tightly. This person doesn’t really think that he’s asleep, right?

He glanced at the plaster on his right arm. There were pictures of various kittens and puppies printed on it, every piece, which were lumpy. At first glance, he’s not the type of person who often took care of other people.

He tore open a piece irritably, wanting to throw it away. Qi Zhuoyu had a special bloodline, his wound would heal automatically, thus not needing anything to stop the bleeding. Moreover, he was also accustomed to this almost self abusive process of recovery.

After tearing it off, he then changed his mind, it had repeated several times, and in the end, he still let them stay on his arm.

He silently stared at the sleeping Feng Xuan, thinking of the taste of that candy. It’s too sweet, but eating it once in a while would be okay.

Early the next morning, everyone who had rested for the night was ready to go.

Those refugees who were trapped in the base camp of the Faceless Monster had no place to settle for the time being. According to Su Qingyan’s intention, “let the refugees board the flying boat and make plans after arriving in Chang’an”.

Most of the cultivators have already practiced Bigu and did not need to eat.

But the refugees needed it. It was rare to see fire on the flying boat, and the breakfast was also prepared simple, one white flour steamed bun for each person, and a bowl of thick porridge.

Even such a simple meal, the refugees also devoured it hungrily.

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