I Need To (part 2)

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Feng Xuan was startled.

Not just him, but those souls attached to Qi Zhuoyu were also shocked by the scene in front of them and did not recover. In the next second, they would no longer have to come back to their senses anymore. It was unknown when Qi Zhuoyu opened his eyes, but he seemed to be very irritated. With a wave of his hand, myriads of dark thunder intertwined, directly blasting all the wronged souls in the courtyard to pieces, conveniently burning a handful, and their ashes scattered away.

The speed was too fast, those souls didn’t even have time to escape.

…..The big devil who promised to never kill them.

Just like the last time he killed the faceless monsters, under his terrifying cultivation, hundreds of fierce ghosts disappeared quickly. 

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t even catch his breath, after killing these ghosts, he stood up and walked towards the east wing.

Only then did Feng Xuan come back to his senses, and glanced at the untouched iced snow pears on the table.

Touching the tip of his nose, he trotted after Qi Zhuoyu and entered the east wing with him.


Feng Xuan saw it clearly just now, when the big devil, this scheming dog, killed the ghosts, he directly beat all thei remaining souls in the direction of the west wing. The ground was full of scattered ashes, how can he go to the west wing to sleep at night?!

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After Qi Zhuoyu entered the room, he laid down on the beauty couch, as if he didn’t want to talk to anyone. (TL:  A couch for women to rest in ancient times. Also known as “Grand Concubine’s Couch”)

Feng Xuan found that the big devil seemed to prefer sitting on the couch rather than sleeping on the bed? Anyway, since going out on a journey until now, he had always occupied a large bed for himself and slept comfortably.

But now, Feng Xuan was a little absent-minded while sitting on the bed.

Qi Zhuoyu was still lying down, if it wasn’t for the slight ups and downs of his chest, his pale face would be no different from a dead person. He didn’t understand, did this person really have any tendency towards self-abuse? Obviously formidable in strength, but was always tattered and worn-out.

For a while, inside the room, one was sitting while the other was lying down, and there was no other sound except the crackling of the candle.

Until Qi Zhuoyu suddenly said, “You don’t want to know, why I suddenly killed them all.”

Feng Xuan thought for a while, then shook his head.

After all, he had inexplicably raised these wronged souls with his primordial spirit for decades.

Strangely, because of a bad mood, he shattered them all, which looked very similar to what Qi Zhuoyu, the psychopath, would do.

Without waiting for an answer, Qi Zhuoyu spoke again, “Sixteen years ago, 400 people in Duan Palace died in a fire. I was the one who set the fire.”

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This time, Feng Xuan almost couldn’t sit still.

Is it really okay to talk to him about such an explosive topic all of a sudden?

How should he feel, usually when one hears such a big secret from others, he will be silenced in the next second.

He remained silent, Qi Zhuoyu then asked leisurely, “What are you thinking?”

Feng Xuan wasn’t paying attention, and blurted out, “Afraid of being silenced by the senior brother.”

After hearing this, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly laughed, the kind of laugh that caused his shoulders to tremble.

What a joke, he is seriously worried that he will kill him in advance ah.

Qi Zhuoyu laughed enough and said, “I won’t kill you.”

Feng Xuan: Oh. Then a year later, was it a ghost who will kill the wife and gain enlightenment? Rubbish!

After saying this, Qi Zhuoyu remained silent again.

He seemed to be very tired. He would usually sit and cultivate, but today he laid directly on the beauty couch. Even in sleep, Qi Zhuoyu frowned, as if enduring great pain. The primordial spirit carried the three souls and seven souls of a person, even if a supreme god was whipped, the primordial spirit would be in pain, not to mention that Qi Zhuoyu was just a mortal, the primordial spirit would be torn to pieces.

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(t/n: Three souls- soul of heaven, soul of earth, soul of life. Seven souls-heavenly, spiritual, qi, strength, center, essence, and the seventh is heroism.)

Feng Xuan remembered the words of the steward ghost, it said that the fire in Duan Palace was not set by Qi Zhuoyu.

But Qi Zhuoyu said just now that he set it himself. Compared with believing the words of a psychopath, Feng Xuan felt that the words of the ghost were more reliable.

If it wasn’t set by the big devil, why would he torture himself day after day.

Alas, it’s too hard to guess the mind of a psychopath.

Feng Xuan jumped off the Babu bed, and walked lightly to the beauty couch. (TL:An old-fashioned big bed)

Qi Zhuoyu didn’t sleep very peacefully, his handsome face was a little distorted because of the pain. Feng Xuan quietly put his hand on his forehead and felt that it was very hot.

He tried to input his own spiritual power into Qi Zhuoyu’s body, this cultivation was originally given to him by him, and now it seemed that there was nothing wrong with returning it to the original owner.

Although when his spiritual power entered Qi Zhuoyu’s body, it was like a drop of water being dropped into the sea, and without any splash, but unexpectedly, Qi Zhuoyu’s frown seemed to relax a little.

Feng Xuan held his wrist, continuously sending spiritual power.

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Then he found his primordial spirit that had been gnawed into a mess, and repaired it bit by bit. In the end, he let his spiritual power form a faint halo around Qi Zhuoyu’s primordial spirit, so that he could temporarily protect it.

Anyway, it’s better than nothing.jpg

After finishing all this, Qi Zhuoyu suddenly opened his eyes, glanced at him and then looked away.

He said calmly, “I don’t need it.”

With a wave of his hand, he was ready to disperse Feng Xuan’s pitiful spiritual power.

When suddenly, he heard the boy’s clean voice, “I need to.”

When Feng Xuan spoke, those almond eyes looked into his eyes without any fright, “Didn’t senior brother say that he will cover me?”

The tone carried a hint of youthful stubbornness, giving people the illusion that he was playing coquettish, “How can you protect me like this?”

The spiritual power of the ice attribute caressed his wounded primordial spirit, then Feng Xuan continued slowly, “So don’t always get hurt in the future, okay?”

Qi Zhuoyu stared at him for a while with an unclear expression.

After a long while, his hand stopped, but he never dissipated the spiritual power that protected his primordial spirit.

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