After leaving the Cafe, Lin Qingyan took a bus back to his apartment to pack his belongings. He didn’t have many things, and he finished packing in less than an hour. Apart from daily necessities and a few sets of clothes, what was left was a pile of books.

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There were several reference books and exercise books, all related to the college entrance examination. In his memory, even though he had dropped out of school two years ago, he never gave up on learning. Apart from working part-time to earn money, he always managed to find some time to study.

Although he didn’t have the opportunity to take the college entrance exam and become a university student.

Later on, this led to some anti-fans continuously criticizing his educational background. They claimed he had a low education level, lacked culture, and  that this kind of illiterate didn’t deserve to be an idol at all, saying he would lead astray young children.

Lin Qingyan stuffed all those books into his suitcase, and left the apartment without any nostalgia.

He had nowhere to go. Before, he used to rent a small room in a rundown building, which only had a bedroom and a toilet, and the monthly rent was a few hundred yuan.

The lease had expired a few days ago, and coincidentally, Li Heng offered him a place to stay, so he moved in with him.

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Lin Qingyan’s family was also in Nancheng, but in a relatively distant old district far from the city center. He couldn’t go back, nor did he want to. What happened in his previous life is still vivid in his memory.

During the period when he was sick and disappeared, his family didn’t contact him again, except for a few phone calls asking for money. They didn’t even show him any concern.

Until he died in that unfamiliar small county town, the one who was with him in the end turned out to be a strange man and did not even know his name or appearance.

He had already grown cold-hearted towards this family.

Thinking about this, he couldn’t help but recall one thing – if he could live his life again, would he be able to find the man who took care of him in his previous life? It was his last wish before he died in his past life, and  he never thought he would have a chance to realize it.

Thinking of this, a faint smile finally appeared on the young man’s calm face, there were slight ripples in his clear and moist peach blossom eyes. Even if he didn’t know the person’s name or appearance, he believed he would eventually find him in this lifetime.

but, the most important thing now was to find a place to stay. Lin Qingyan reached into his  trouser pocket and took out a few banknotes, counted them.

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36 yuan.

He opened WeChat again to check his account balance.

He had 25 yuan1

He had expected to be poor, but not this poor.

Thinking about it, it came to his mind that yesterday, his mother Zhou Yuelan called asking for money, his younger brother was about to start school and needed tuition and living expenses. Besides, there were debts that needed to be paid off every month. So, he ended up giving all the more than 4,000 yuan he earned last month.

Lin Qingyan: “…”

Looks like he’s going to be on the streets tonight.

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The sun set in the west, and night falls.

The summer heat didn’t disappear with the setting sun. Nevertheless, the night in Nancheng remained lively with bright lights and bustling.

A black Maybach was driving on the street with the air conditioner turned on in the car. The young man sitting in the co-pilot was lazy and leisurely. He looked at the night scene outside through the half-open car window, and then turned his head to look at the man in the driver’s seat next to him.

Gu Fei was still wearing the same shirt and trousers from earlier in the day, it was still clean and tidy. Instead of going home, he worked overtime until 8:30 p.m., then he went directly from the company to the airport and picked An Yu back.

“Fei…” Before the second “Fei” could be uttered, he received the man’s warning gaze, causing An Yu to forcefully swallow the rest of his words. “Brother Fei, did you hear any sounds just now?”

Gu Fei concentrated on driving without responding.

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“Listen carefully, did you hear my stomach growling gūlugūlu? Brother Fei, I want to eat Xiuzhenzhai’s salt and pepper crayfish, spicy rabbit heads, steamed in broth hairy crab, and…”

Gu Fei mercilessly interrupted his fantasy, “There are snacks in the car.”

The implication in his words was, want to eat a feast?

Dream on.

An Yu: “…”

How inhuman.

No wonder he’s still single.

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