
After getting a second chance, Lin Qingyan felt that he was still very new to the world. He followed Gu Fei into the villa, and couldn’t help but look at this huge house curiously.

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The overall design was in shades of gray and white, with a European style. Every detail of the decoration was exquisite and elegant, but it lacked the traces of daily life. While it was beautiful, it also seemed somewhat cold.

He glanced at the man walking ahead of him and felt that the house was just like its owner, exuding an air of aloofness that kept people at a distance.

Just then, footsteps could be heard coming from upstairs, and a man dressed in a black suit descended the spiral staircase. He appeared to be in his forties, mature and refined, tall and well-proportioned, and dressed neatly. He even wore white gloves.

He is a very attractive middle-aged uncle.

Just when Lin Qingyan was about to look away, the uncle seemed to notice that someone was looking at him, and suddenly looked at Lin Qingyan with a hint of scrutiny and inquiry.

Lin Qingyan smiled politely at him.

The middle-aged man calmly nodded at him and quickly averted his gaze. He didn’t seem too surprised by the sudden appearance of a stranger in the house. When Mr. Gu had asked him to prepare a guest room next to the master bedroom earlier, he had already suspected something.

Shen Yuting walked up to Gu Fei, lowered his head slightly, and spoke in a calm and respectful tone: “Master Gu, I have just tidied up the guest room as you ordered.”

“Well, thank you for your hard work.” After Gu Fei finished speaking he gestured to the young man standing behind him. Lin Qingyan obediently walked over to his side, “This is Uncle Shen1(Butler Shen), the housekeeper. If you have anything to do in the future, you can contact him.”

Lin Qingyan nodded and politely greeted Butler Shen. He hadn’t expected the butler here to be so distinguished, mature, and well-built, the kind who can make their debut on the spot.

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Some fans indeed liked handsome butlers like this.


Gu Fei then briefly introduced Lin Qingyan to Shen Yuting, only mentioning his name. ” Uncle Shen, he will be staying here from now on. Treat him the way you usually treat me.”

Lin Qingyan: “…”

Didn’t he say it was just for one night?

How did it suddenly turn into staying here from now on?

Lin Qingyan was thinking about these matter but didn’t see someone watching him quietly.

After a few seconds, Shen Yuting withdrew his gaze and hid the strange emotion that appeared in his eyes Mr. Gu rarely brought anyone home, and he had never shown such importance to anyone before.

This young man looks nice and well-behaved. However, the people around Gu Fei are usually beautiful and well-mannered, and no one has ever caught Mr. Gu’s attention.

Shen Yuting is a smart man. He can tell that this young man named Lin is different. Master Gu not only lets him stay in the room next to the master bedroom but also treats him with great respect.


Shen Yuting didn’t know what made this kid special.

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If there is anything special about him, it was his clean temperament, his clear gaze. Even if the clothes he is wearing are cheap and ordinary, they cannot hide this temperament.

After being in the Gu family for so many years, Shen Yuting knew very well that he could not interfere with his master’s private affairs. Since Master Gu ordered him to do so, he would naturally follow them.

He secretly put away his doubts and faced the delicate and beautiful young man in front of him with the same respectful attitude “Master Lin, just tell me if you need anything in the future.”

Lin Qingyan was flattered, he had never experienced such a scene before, “Uncle Shen, you don’t have to be so polite…”

Gu Fei said, “Uncle Shen, it’s getting late. You should go and rest first.”

“Yes, then Master Gu and Master Lin should get some rest too. Goodnight.”

After the housekeeper left,

Gu Fei held the suitcase in one hand and naturally took the young man’s wrist with his other hand. He guided him upstairs, stating matter-of-factly, “I’ll show you to your room.”

Lin Qingyan still couldn’t face it with a calm mind. If the man looked back at this moment, he could see the young man’s thin lips pursed nervously, and the tips of his fair ears were slightly red.


The villa had many rooms, but most of them are unoccupied, and the servants will clean them every once in a while, so they are still kept very clean.

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Especially the room next to Gu Fei’s bedroom, the room next to Gu Fei’s bedroom was especially well-maintained. The housekeeper had just finished cleaning it, making it cleaner and neater than a hotel guest room. It was quite spacious and included a private bathroom and walk-in closet.

Essential items like towels, toothbrushes, and other daily necessities were already prepared in the bathroom, while the walk-in closet eagerly awaited its new owner to fill it up.

Gu Fei led Lin Qingyan around inside.

It was already past eleven o’clock at night. Gu Fei looked at the time and didn’t say much. “It’s late. Freshen up and get some rest. If you need anything, you can come to the room next door.”

Lin Qingyan nodded obediently and bowed to the man awkwardly to thank him. His black, shiny eyes were brimming with sincerity as he said, “Mr. Gu, I appreciate your hospitality tonight. I was at a loss and didn’t know where to go.”

Facing the young man’s sincere and solemn thanks, Gu Fei was stunned. He didn’t know what to say for a moment. He paused for two seconds and then said: “It’s a little effort, you’re welcome.”

His tone was a bit stiff. After that, he turned to leave the room but had only taken a few steps when he stopped abruptly. He turned back to look at the young man behind him, seemingly casually saying, “You don’t have to call me Mr. Gu. Just call me Brother Fei.”

Before Lin Qingyan could react, the figure of the man had disappeared, and he also closed the door by the way.

“Brother Fei…” He whispered these two words softly, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly as he offered a sweet smile, reminiscent of a child who had just sneaked some candy.

Everything that had occurred today felt like a dream.

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Reborn five years ago, refused to sign with Platinum Entertainment, met the man who might have taken care of him in the previous life, and went home with the man…

It was as if God had really favored him.

On the other side, Gu Fei returned to his bedroom. He didn’t do anything but stood leaning against the door with his hands in his pockets for a few minutes. It was unclear what he was thinking, and his emotions were impossible to discern from his calm eyes.

After a moment, he raised a hand to casually run his fingers through his hair, unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt, revealing a hint of his sexy collarbone. It was as if he had shed his usual formal and serious demeanor, adding a touch of casual and lazy charm.


Gu Fei walked to the closet, bent down to open a drawer, and took out a digital camera. The camera looked a bit old but was well-maintained.

He turned on the camera and looked at the photos inside, with the two protagonists being a fifteen or sixteen-year-old youth and an eight or nine-year-old boy.

“Little liar.”

T/N – In the translation I have mentioned as Master/MR . Gu generally that’s what they call him even Mister soo let me know Okay! I will change it according to reader comfort!⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄

Happy Reading and sorry for the late update ! you can follow my latest updates in Kofi


1(Butler Shen)

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