A soothing and beautiful accompaniment resonated in the shopping mall as a young man stood at the centre of the stage, dressed in a gracefully hanging black silk shirt. He wore matching casual cropped pants of the same colour scheme. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing a simply designed silver necklace hanging around his neck, while his fair chest appeared faintly visible.

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The black attire accentuated his fair complexion, complementing his delicately powdered and exquisite facial features. It added a touch of allure to his clean and handsome appearance, constantly captivating the attention of onlookers. It seemed as if this person was born to stand in the spotlight, shining brightly on the stage.

However, just as Lin Qingyan, holding the microphone, began to sing the first line of the lyrics, a sharp and mean voice suddenly sounded from the audience below.

“You sing horribly, get out of here!”

“Lin Qingyan, how dare you have the audacity to stand here? Your thick skin truly amazes me!”

“What’s the use of looking good when your character is so rotten? You don’t deserve to be a celebrity!”

“That pregnant woman is still in the hospital. You can sing and dance here with peace of mind. You’re obsessed with making money, aren’t you? Have you no shame?”

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“Get off the stage! Get off!”

“Get lost!”

The disdainful, scornful, and angry voices overlapped like boiling water, drowning out the music playing from the speakers. More and more passersby stopped to watch the commotion, some even took out their phones to record videos.

Lin Qingyan, now the target of everyone’s arrows, stood stiffly on the stage. Even with the makeup, he couldn’t hide his pale face at this time. His reddened eyes reflected a mix of panic and helplessness as he gazed upon the crowd below. These people seemed more terrifying than ferocious beasts or raging floods.

At this time, his mind was blank, and there was a buzzing sound in his ears, as if everything had crashed.

“It’s not what you think… it’s not…” 

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Lin Qingyan murmured, and his explanation was covered up by more intense and higher curses. Even if his reaction was slow, he knew this was a premeditated event. An Nanyi’s tricks are still so despicable, it’s ridiculous.

“Lin Qingyan, I feel sick when I see your face!” With a harsh voice, an unopened bottle of canned drink was thrown up from under the stage and was about to hit the young man in the face.

Lin Qingyan, who had already fallen into a desperate situation, didn’t think about hiding. He lowered his eyes and held the microphone tightly. His thin body trembled constantly, standing motionless until a tall figure stood in front of him and blocked the attack for him.

Lin Qingyan didn’t see who that person was. Before he could lose consciousness completely, he seemed to have fallen into a warm and strong embrace. There was a faint smell of cedarwood lingering in his nasal cavity, which was inexplicably reassuring.

Late at night, Lin Qingyan woke up in the hospital ward. He fumbled and turned on the light. The sudden light made him squint uncomfortably. As he looked around, he realised he was alone in the room, and it was quiet.

A scene of what happened a few hours ago came to his mind, including the person who had stood in front of him before he lost consciousness, but he still didn’t know who it was…

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Lin Qingyan closed his eyes in pain, unwilling to think back on those memories, until the buzzing vibration of his phone on the bedside table interrupted his thoughts.

The screen displayed multiple missed calls, many of them from his mother, and a few from scarce friends, including Wenyan. 

Surprisingly, even An Nanyi  had called. Caring was out of the question.That person was only using the guise of concern to mock him and enjoy his misfortune.

Lin Qingyan pulled the corners of his pale lips and answered the phone.


Mom should still care about him, right?

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T/N – our Ml appears

sorry for the late updates~~~ was kind of busy
please do support me if you liked my translation !

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