Chapter 15 – Yu Xiheng: come here (1)

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Standing in front of her was a candidate with number tag 29, who was also a tall and sturdy man.

He looked at her with some disdain on his face: “Would you voluntarily withdraw, or shall I evict you by force?”

With so many bodyguards applying together, no one really took a weak and slender girl seriously.

This interview was a knockout competition, played in pairs, and finally five spots would be decided.

Number 29 found out that his opponent was only a girl. On one side he was happy and felt saved, on the other side he was feeling insulted.

If he couldn’t even win against a little girl, how could he muddle along in the Daxia Bodyguard Agency?

“Will you pay attention to me if I kicked your stool?” No. 29 became even more impatient and sneered, “Pick one quickly and make this battle quick.”

“That’s right.” Si Fuqing stood up. “Who told you to kick my stool?”

As her last word fell, she suddenly moved.

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Her slender fingers clenched into fists and smashed directly into No. 29’s abdomen.


There was a heavy thud, No. 29 did not even react and fell to the ground.


All the noise stopped instantly and the entire floor became silent.

Shen Xingyun’s jaw dropped in shock.

Yu Xiheng raised his eyebrows.

“Hey, why did you fall down?” Si Fuqing lowered her head, “Get up quickly, don’t you want to evict me?”

No. 29 only felt pain all over his body, and he couldn’t believe that he would be knocked down with one punch from Si Fuqing.

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No. 29 gritted his teeth and became furious, “I just want you to-“

However, his body had just lifted off the ground and had not yet stood up.


There was another heavy thud, and No. 29 fell to the ground again.

“Why did you fall down again?” Si Fuqing bent down, “Are you deliberately not playing with me?”

No. 29 got angry by this sentence, his veins were throbbing, and he was about to get up.

But the pain in his body made him unable to move at all, his eyes were staring blankly and his body was trembling.

“Then forget it.” Si Fuqing tilted her fox eyes and said slowly, “I don’t want to play with you either.”

No. 29’s heart relaxed inexplicably, just to see the girl waved her hands lazily, and then punched him in the abdomen for the last time.


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“I, I admit defea……t!” No. 29 couldn’t hold on in the end, and passed out directly.

Si Fuqing straightened up: “Anyone else want to play?”

The other reckless men1 took a step back, sweating profusely.

1reckless man / 莽汉 mǎnghàn: It is a person who has a tall body, a simple mind, no wisdom, and can only use force when things happen, and a reckless person.

Are you kidding, knocking people out with three punches, is this called playing?

Yu Xiheng propped his head up, and there was a bit of interest at the end of his eyes.

“Ninth Brother.” Feng San frowned, “If she wins…”

Yu Xiheng took a sip of tea and slowly said, “If she wins, she will be my personal bodyguard.”

Feng San frowned even more, staring closely at the big screen.

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After that, there was no one to fight with Si Fuqing, and she advanced all the way to the end.

After all the people were selected, Shen Xingyun felt as if awakened from a dream2 and immediately went downstairs.

2as if awaken from a dream/ 如梦初醒 rú mèng chū xǐng: have been confused in the past, but they have just come to understand when inspired by others or facts.

Four reckless men stood together, and Si Fuqing stood on the other side.

The contrast was striking.

“Unless something unexpected happens, it will be five of you.” Shen Xingyun nodded. “Next, I’ll talk to you about some precautions. Any other questions?”

Si Fuqing raised her hand, like a clever student asking a question: “I have a question.”

Shen Xingyun was quite surprised and said: “You can ask.”

“You want to hire five bodyguards, right?” Si Fuqing said confidently, “If I do all the work of five people, will my salary also be increased by five times?”

Hearing her words, the others: “……???”

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