Chapter 27 – Scum abuser (1)

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At this time, everyone in the Zuo family’s villa was fast asleep.

Zuo Zonghe also waited until this time specifically before starting to act.

His movements were very light, but Si Fuqing could hear them clearly.

She had been walking on the tip of the knife for so many years, and even the slightest movement would not escape her ears.

Si Fuqing knew very well that if she put down her guard, she would put her life in the hands of the enemy.

This was the creed she exchanged with her blood.

On the bed, the girl was curled up under the quilt, seemingly asleep and unguarded.

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When Si Fuqing was sleeping, she didn’t wear makeup on her face, a pure plain face.

Her eyelashes were thick and long, her skin was fair, and her lips were not even dyed, which reminded people of the beauties with rouge in ancient paintings.

Alcohol made Zuo Zonghe’s brain heat up, and his throat dried and he quickly stepped forward, stretching out his hand.

But Si Fuqing’s move was faster.

She opened her eyes suddenly, twisted Zuo Zonghe’s wrist with her backhand, and stabbed the shards of the beer bottle into his wrist.

When Zuo Zonghe’s screams were about to shatter the entire villa, Si Fuqing’s fingers moved like lightning, directly grabbing his throat.

She smiled coldly: “Shh, be quiet.”

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Zuo Zonghe’s voice was all stuck in his throat, his eyes widened at once, and his brain froze instantly.

He couldn’t understand what was happening in front of him, and his whole body was extremely stiff.

In Zuo Zonghe’s impression, Si Fuqing was a bastard whose parents were unknown, and she could be impressive only when old man Zuo was still around.

Once old man Zuo left, Si Fuqing could only let him have her.

If it wasn’t for the fact that she would rather cut her wrists than marry him that day, he wouldn’t have to enter her room so badly.

But now?

Zuo Zonghe’s ears were buzzing, and his limbs were numb.

“As for me, I prefer to return the favor, so this time it’ll be like this.” Si Fuqing made a gesture and chuckled very softly, “Next time, it’ll be here.”

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Zuo Zonghe only felt chills in his lower body. He wanted to speak, but she choked his throat and he couldn’t utter a single sound.

“Don’t worry.” Si Fuqing saw his fear and kindly comforted him. “I have calculated the amount of your bleeding, and I guarantee that your life will not be in danger within 24 hours, but after that……”

She smiled and spoke softly: “I can’t guarantee it anymore.”

This sentence made Zuo Zonghe finally unable to bear it and completely passed out.

Si Fuqing then jumped out of bed and casually kicked him out of the room, while also throwing out the shards of the wine bottle.

She closed the door and laid back on the bed, sleeping soundly in the second half of the night.

Until the morning when Mrs. Zuo let out a scream that startled everyone in the villa.

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Mrs. Zuo always got up for morning exercises at 6:30.

She remembered that Zuo Zonghe was obviously going to attack Si Fuqing yesterday, so she thought of going over there, in case Si Fuqing wanted to mess with the Zuo family again.

But Mrs. Zuo did not expect that what she saw was blood flowing on the ground, and the unconscious Zuo Zonghe.

“Zonghe!” Mrs. Zuo was shocked and immediately panicked, “Zonghe, wake up! Don’t scare mom, Zonghe! Tianfeng, Tianfeng!”

“What are you shouting in the morning?” Zuo Tianfeng, who was woken up, went downstairs irritatedly and very impatient.

“Tianfeng, come here quickly!” Mrs. Zuo cried out, “Zonghe is going to die!”

Zuo Tianfeng walked over and when he saw the scene in front of him, he was also stunned: “This, what’s going on here?”

“Quick, call the doctor!” Zuo Xianyu was the first to come back to her senses and immediately asked the housekeeper to bring over the family doctor.

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