Chapter 34 – Si Fuqing: Do you have an objection? (2)

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Mu Ye did not know how he left the evaluation room. He was in daze and had lost his previous arrogance.

The next evaluation was not much better. The trainees either danced and forgot their movements, or they simply forgot their lyrics.

Si Fuqing looked drowsy and did not make any further comments.

Until a slender and tall figure came to the stage.

The young man was wearing the purple uniform of Class A, his skin was extremely fair, and he also had a pair of attractive fox eyes.

Eyebrows were sharp, with distinct facial features.

His voice was casual and his introduction was simple: “Xie Yu, rookie trainee.”

Xie Yu was a rookie trainee, and he didn’t even have a manager, let alone backstage supporters.

However, his capability was too good. In the first popularity vote, although he was suppressed, he still ranked second.

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Si Fuqing was still in low spirits.

The sound of the music came, the prelude passed, and a male’s voice rang: “The dreams of this world, all for me……”

The voice was clear and the breath was adequate.

Si Fuqing opened her eyes and straightened up.

On stage, the young man knelt down, staggered in the air, and turned over…… For him, these highly difficult movements were easy and effortless.

“Boom, boom.”

Every step he took was in perfect harmony with the drumbeat.

Coupled with his voice, and smooth curves line of muscles.

It was a feast for the eyes and ears.

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Si Fuqing tilted her cheeks.

Well, this one was okay.


The last drum beat fell along with the music, and Xie Yu’s dance steps also stopped.

He raised his head and bowed slightly, still in a casual manner: “Thank you.”

“Your dancing is good, your singing is also pretty good.” Si Fuqing smiled lazily. “I gave an A, but you still need to continue working hard.”

The vocal mentor agreed: “Xie Yu’s timbre is really good, and I will also give an A.”

Xie Yu raised his eyebrows and stared at Si Fuqing with his sharp, pitch black eyes for a few seconds before speaking.

His casual tone was like from a dissolute handsome troublemaker: “Thank you, Teacher Si. Teacher Si is really kind.”

“Flirting with your tutor is forbidden.” Si Fuqing was unmoved, just waved her hand, “Continue.”

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Xie Yu shrugged and walked out with his hands in his pocket.

The next trainee soon came in and another round of performances began.

Lin Qingyan held her breath and was completely unable to intervene.

She squeezed the mineral water bottle, a shadow reflected under her eyelashes.


The morning’s evaluation soon ended, and the trainees went in groups of twos and threes to the cafeteria to line up for their meals.

It was undeniable that Xie Yu was the most outstanding one.

He had a tall posture, long legs, and a domineering aura all over him. He was extremely proud.

It didn’t look like he was here to work in the entertainment industry, but rather like some young master who came out to play.

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“Brother Xie, Si Fuqing is really strange today.” A young man followed behind Xie Yu and lowered his voice, “Do you think she is suddenly enlightened or something? She even knows the range of vocals?”

What happened in the morning had already spreaded in the training camp.

Mu Ye was usually very arrogant in the training camp, he was also backed by Tianle Media, and he had a good relationship with Lu Yan, the number one C candidate.

They had to avoid messing with him.

Today, Si Fuqing mercilessly criticized Mu Ye as useless, and he only felt resentment.

Xie Yu looked up: “What?”

“I just think she’s quite strange.” The young man was puzzled.” If she had this ability, why didn’t she show it before?”

Xie Yu looked at the phone and didn’t respond to this sentence.

“Speaking of which—” the young man suddenly spoke again, “Brother Xie, do you think that Si Fuqing looks a bit like you?”

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