Didn’t know if the driver was drunk or scared. The white car took a big turn and almost hit the sidewalk.

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But the driver’s skills were obviously not bad, and he avoided it in time when the car was about to hit it.

It seems like an ordinary accident had been prevented, and a few noble sons took a look as if it were a joke and then withdrew their gaze.

But Yu Yao’s expression became more grave.

He saw this car in Sijiucheng.

At that time, he was going to a banquet and while going out to get some fresh air, he accidentally saw Yu Xiheng getting out of the car.

Because it was inconvenient for him to travel, and Yu Xiheng had many cars.

Yu Yao raised his head and looked over again, just in time to see someone opening the window and poking out.

Obviously, it was a girl.

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He narrowed his eyes.

A woman in Yu Xiheng’s car?

This was even more impossible than the Yu family being able to enter the Free Continent*.

*Free Continent: The continent where black slaves were liberated under Lincoln’s rule. Established in the mid-19th century, slave states referred to states in the southern United States that could employ black slaves as labor after independence.

He must be mistaken.

It was also very common to have similar cars.

Besides, it was impossible for Yu Xiheng to come to Lincheng.

Yu Yao bit a cigarette and didn’t pay much attention: “Maybe it’s some upstart* who just bought a car.”

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*upstart: newly rich.

“That makes sense. I guess they wanted to show off on the street before they had time to list the license plate.” The noble son replied. “But their car is not very good. It’s only worth 900,000 yuan at most, and an upstart is an upstart. They are no match for us.”

Influential families looked down on aristocrats, aristocrats looked down on upstarts. The disdain chain in the celebrity circle had always been like this.

The noble son smiled again, and hooked Yu Yao’s shoulder: “Ah Yao, I forgot to ask that day. Are you coming to Lincheng this time to find medicine for Miss Ji?”

Mentioning this name, Yu Yao’s expression softened a bit and said: “Well, she’s not in good health and she’s also taking a lot of medication. There’s not much medicine left in Sijiucheng. I’ve already had someone prepare a few carts of herbs and send them back when the time comes.”

“Ah Yao, don’t worry.” The noble son said, “Miss Ji is a good person that will receive help from heaven. She will recover from her illness.”

Yu Yao responded with a smile. Then, as if remembering something, his expression became dull: “Is she going to attend the funeral of old man Zuo?”

“Oh, you said Si Fuqing, she is going to attend.” The noble son nodded, “but I heard that not only did she not pay her respects when she went to the funeral parlor, but also maliciously disturbed the coffin of Mr. Zuo.”

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“Tsk, in any case, she was raised by Master Zuo, right? She really is hopeless.”

Hearing this, Yu Yao’s expression turned a little cold: “Don’t let her come across me then.”

“Don’t worry, it will be arranged properly.” The noble son patted his chest and assured him, “After the funeral is over, she will have nothing to do with the Zuo family. With her status, it will be difficult for her to see you in the future.”

Not everyone could enter the circle of Sijiucheng.


At 11:30 noon.

Feng San parked the car in front of a local restaurant.

All three of them had put on masks and their clothes were ordinary, no different from passersby.

The owner of the local restaurant was very welcoming and the food was served very quickly.

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“You really are fragrant and meaty.” Si Fuqing said to a plate of roast duck, “My dream in life is to eat you every day, I’m going to start eating.”


-roast duck

Feng San: “……”

Was your dream in life to eat roast duck everyday?

Wasn’t this too random!

He was getting more and more confused about Si Fuqing’s thought process.

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