Chapter 74: This Belt Was a Gift From You

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“Fasten the belt yourself.” Du Jiuyuan was in a trance. She quickly fastened all the buttons and then took two steps back to maintain a certain distance from Ji Jingchen.

“You were the one who helped me with it in the past.” Ji Jingchen didn’t seem like he was going to do it himself. Instead, he acted like a child and was unreasonable.

Du Jiuyuan looked at the time. She had been delayed by Tang Yingxue just now. If she didn’t rush to Ji Corporation now, Ji Jingchen wouldn’t have enough time.

She understood his personality. If she didn’t do what he asked, the press conference would either be postponed indefinitely or canceled. To finish the work and leave earlier, Du Jiuyuan went forward and lowered her head to adjust the belt for him.

“This belt was a gift from you.” Ji Jingchen’s manly voice rang in Du Jiuyuan’s ears.

“Thanks for letting me know, but I’m not blind.” Du Jiuyuan answered without thinking.

At that time, Du Jiuyuan was influenced by an advertising slogan, saying that a belt would be able to tie this man down. She excitedly used her meager advertising money to buy it, spending a total of 25,000 yuan!

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At that time, Ji Yanchen had looked down on her and said that the belt was too low-quality for his brother’s liking. In the end, she had never seen Ji Jingchen use it. Now, it seemed that 25,000 yuan was not worth it. Even 250 yuan would have been a waste too.

“It’s not that I can’t do it myself. Actually, I’m…” Ji Jingchen suddenly said.

Du Jiuyuan saw the glint in Ji Jingchen’s eyes and realized what he wanted to say. She quickly interrupted him, “If you continue to be like this, I’ll sue you for sexual harassment.”

Ji Jingchen didn’t say anything else. Instead, he stood there obediently. Du Jiuyuan fastened her belt and pinned a brooch on his chest.

“What’s this?” Ji Jingchen was like a stubborn and curious baby.

“It’s a brooch.” Du Jiuyuan asked Ji Jingchen to do something and prepared to give him a styling.

Ji Jingchen didn’t need to put on makeup. He had a good skin foundation and his facial features were strong. He would be ready to be presented after simply tidying up his hair.

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“I know it’s a brooch. What does this design mean?” Ji Jingchen asked incessantly.

Because Lu Ziang had flaunted the meaning of his brooch to Ji Jingchen several times, Ji Jingchen was even more stubborn.

Du Jiuyuan didn’t respond. She focused on styling Ji Jingchen.

“Yuanyuan…” Ji Jingchen opened his mouth again but was interrupted by Du Jiuyuan.

“Shut up. Don’t you know how much time you have left? Isn’t it nice to be a peaceful and quiet gentleman?” Du Jiuyuan was so angry that her hands trembled, and she smacked Ji Jingchen twice.

Ji Jingchen seemed to have suffered a great grievance. He allowed Du Jiuyuan to style his hair, and Du Jiuyuan quickly fixed it.

“Okay, you can go now! Pay me my balance in seven working days.” Du Jiuyuan put away the things she brought and was ready to leave.

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Ji Jingchen grabbed her arm. “Aren’t you going with me?”

“Why would I go with you? You don’t need your makeup to be touched up.” Ji Jingchen’s looks were flawless, it was unnecessary to use makeup.

“You styled this look. If something happens to my look, shouldn’t you be there to fix it?” Ji Jingchen said seriously.


“Your price is not low. Shouldn’t you let your client feel that they’re getting their money’s worth?” Ji Jingchen interrupted Du Jiuyuan and continued.

This really echoed an old saying. One would not need to be afraid of a hooligan but a cultured hooligan would be more terrifying. Ji Jingchen was right. Du Jiuyuan had no way to refute him.

“Sigh, you win. Let’s go!” Du Jiuyuan sighed helplessly and picked up her bag.

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“Is that what you’re wearing?” Ji Jingchen didn’t move. His eyes sized her up and asked.

Du Jiuyuan had been paying attention to her clothes ever since the studio opened for business. She was wearing a black suit today, which made her look like a high-class white-collar worker.

“What else can I wear?” Du Jiuyuan didn’t think she would embarrass him. Besides, she could wear whatever she wanted.

“Change into a gown. There’s one in your closet,” Ji Jingchen said in an unquestionable tone.

“I’m not changing. It’s not my closet anymore.” Du Jiuyuan didn’t want to argue with him. She just wanted to finish it quickly so that she could leave this man.

“You’re my stylist. Naturally, you have to attend the press conference with me. There’s a banquet after the press conference.” Ji Jingchen went to open Du Jiuyuan’s closet, he picked out a lotus-colored gown and threw it on the bed.

“I don’t have to attend the press conference. I can wait for you in the car.” Du Jiuyuan didn’t compromise. She didn’t want to change.

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