Chapter 193: Subduing the Hypnotist

Wu Mei suppressed her anger and took out the hypnotherapy equipment she carried with her. She quickly guided the hypnotist into a dreamland.

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By the time the hypnotist felt that something was amiss, he could no longer get out of the trap that Wu Mei had set up. He could clearly hear Wu Mei’s voice in the outside world, but he could not open his eyes no matter what. A fear that rose from the bottom of his heart gradually spread, causing his palms to be covered in cold sweat.

“Right now, I’ll give you two choices. The first is to follow me back obediently…”

“The second is to reject me. I might be in a bad mood and wipe out all your memories regarding hypnosis.”

“When you wake up, you will be a normal, ordinary person. You probably won’t be able to continue running this hypnotherapy clinic!”

Wu Mei’s voice was cold, scaring the hypnotist so much that he struggled, yet his body couldn’t move at all.

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“If you have thought it through, bend your fingers and tell me your answer.”

Staring at the hypnotist’s fingers that bent at an extremely fast speed, Wu Mei removed the hypnosis she had placed him under.

The hypnotist gasped for breath in shock. Looking at Wu Mei in shock, he asked in a quavering voice, “You clearly have an extremely strong hypnosis ability as well. Why do you still want me to go over and remove the mind control on her?”

“Every hypnotist has a different hypnosis method. If I forcefully break it, it will easily destroy her other consciousness and memories.”

“Since I can find you, there’s no need for me to take the risk…”

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Wu Mei looked around at the banners and the thank-you notes that had been mounted on the wall of the clinic. She added, “Besides, I believe that a hypnotist is also a doctor. To be able to relieve the patient’s pain through psychological cues, one has to have medical ethics.”

“You altered a patient’s memories because of profit. Can your conscience be at ease?”

Wu Mei’s words pierced his heart. With a face flushed from shame, the hypnotist packed up the things he needed and left with her.

Outside the villa, Wu Mei stepped out of the car with the hypnotist. She then saw a figure dashing out from the dark and blocking her way.

K had been waiting for her here for a long time. His expression was cold as he gritted his teeth and questioned, “You tried to hypnotize me. What exactly did you want to know?”

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Wu Mei pushed his hand away and retorted impatiently, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Move aside.”

K took out the hairpin in his hand and said coldly, “I saw from the surveillance cameras in the bar that you were the one who led me away. Why is this hairpin with you? You need to give me an answer!”

Wu Mei knew that he had found many suspicious points and it was useless to hide. She lied with a straight face as usual, “That day when I went to the government building, the woman I was trailing dropped it. I picked it up and thought it looked good, so I kept it with me.”

“As for taking you to your room, it was out of goodwill because you drank too much.”

“Are you done asking?”

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Wu Mei was about to walk past him and bring the hypnotist back to the villa, when K grabbed her wrist and said with a frown, “I don’t believe you!”

“Let her go.”

Li Nanchen appeared out of nowhere and raised his hand to shove K’s shoulder, forcing K to stagger two steps backward. “This is the Li Family’s territory and Wu Mei is my personal bodyguard. You people from the Ministry of Defense have no right to come here to cause trouble for her.”

Li Nanchen used his status and brought Wu Mei away right before K’s eyes. At the same time, he slammed the door shut.


K lowered his head and looked at the hairpin in his hand. His brows furrowed as he fell into deep thought. Then, he stared at the window of the villa…

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